Trinity of Magic [Progression Fantasy]

B2 – Chapter 35: The Tournament VI

Zeke and Viola ventured into the public area of the arena complex, where the elimination round of the tournament was set to take place. The boy was in high spirits, as his final opponent had surrendered without a fight as well, after witnessing his display against Samuel. He had managed to secure first place in his group, advancing him to the main event.

The second victor from his group was a surprising one. It turned out to be the girl whom he had intimidated with his intense gaze. She was forced to face Lilly in a battle for second place but managed to eke out a narrow victory. Zeke couldn't help but be impressed by her tenacity and strength, despite his initial impression of her.

Zeke and Viola stepped into the magnificent public area of the arena complex. The grandeur of the stage left Zeke stunned. The Arena was an open-air Colosseum. Instead of a raised platform for fighting, the battles took place in a pit in the center. This unique design lent an air of authenticity to the fights, as the environment was mimicked to resemble a natural setting. The area contained rocky hills, rivers, ponds, and even patches of forest. The ensemble of different landscapes created a spectacular arena for the contestants.

The spectators sat several meters above the fighting area. This ensured them a clear view of the contestants while also placing themselves out of harm's way. This attention to detail was a testament to the prestige and reverence of the tournament. Upon witnessing this sight, Zeke was getting excited to be a part of such a storied event. He took in the sights and sounds of the Colosseum.

Viola didn't share Zeke's awe of the grandeur of the arena. She had seen it all before and wasn't moved by its splendor. She had walked ahead of Zeke, looking back to see where he had gone. When she saw him gawking around like a bumpkin, she doubled back and took his hand.

"You can admire this place later, Zeke," she said, pulling him along. "I promised Sophia that I would bring you over after the group stage. We need to hurry, or she'll be grumpy!"

Zeke had never seen Sophia "grumpy" and wasn't entirely convinced by Viola's claims. He followed her nonetheless. The main competition was about to begin in an hour, and he wanted to meet up with Sophia before then.

Zeke's attention was caught by the sight of Leo in the crowd. He was about to call out to him, but the words died on his lips as he took a closer look. To his surprise, Leo was speaking with two middle-aged men. One of them was none other than Richard Feuerkranz, the patriarch of the Feuerkranz family.

Zeke stood in shock. He watched as Richard Feuerkranz spoke amiably with Leo, even patting him on the shoulder from time to time. He couldn't help but wonder what was going on. Leo was not part of any noble family, and Zeke had no knowledge of any connection the boy might have with the Feuerkranz family.

Zeke's gaze shifted to the second man in the group, who stood next to Richard Feuerkranz. The man was tall, with brown hair and a serious expression, but what caught Zeke's attention was his muscular build. Zeke felt a sense of familiarity, as if he had seen the man before. After a moment of contemplation, Zeke finally realized where he knew the man from. He looked like an older version of Theodore. If Zeke's guess was correct, he was the patriarch of the Steiner Family.

Zeke couldn't help but wonder what these two powerful patriarchs of the four great families could be discussing with Leo. However, as he considered this, it didn't seem so strange after all. Leo was a prodigy in their grade, with exceptional Earth and Fire affinities. Despite not having the support of a noble family, he was still considered one of the top ten fighters in their grade.

Zeke was deep in thought as he considered the possible implications of Leo's meeting. Without Maximilian's aid, he knew that he wouldn't have been able to achieve the same level of success as Leo. It was no surprise that the two families were eager to adopt such a talented fighter.

However, Zeke couldn't shake the fear that Leo might end up joining the Feuerkranz family. He held a deep-seated grudge against them and didn't want to see his friendship with Leo suffer because of it. Leo was the only male friend he had in the academy. He saw the other boy as a rival, constantly pushing himself to improve and catch up. Their friendly competition had only served to make them both better. Zeke didn't want to see that end because of political maneuvering or family drama.

His attention was abruptly torn away from Leo by a fierce tug on his arm. He looked down to see Viola glaring up at him. Her expression was clearly indicating her frustration. She was fed up with his constant stopping to gawk at the various sights around them.

Zeke gave her a sheepish grin and fell into step beside her, obediently keeping pace this time. They soon arrived in a more upscale area. It seemed to be restricted to only the most privileged students. Zeke stepped through the various checkpoints unhindered. With Viola by his side, nobody seemed to take notice or object to their presence. They finally ended up inside a lounge with a bar. This seemed to be the chosen hang-out spot for the more important noble students.

The gathered students quickly took notice of the two newcomers. Zeke immediately recognized many of them as members of the four families. There were also some descendants of many of the other more prominent families. He felt a pang of hostility as his gaze locked with Alexander's. The Feuerkranz heir seemed to have returned to his former haughty demeanor. Alexander strode towards them, crossing his arms and blocking their path with a sneer on his face.

"Well, well, well, look who's here," Alexander said in a mocking tone. "It's the resident cockroach. What brings you to this esteemed gathering?"

"Fuck off, Alexander," Viola replied in Zeke's stead. "Compared to you, Zeke has an actual reason to be here. This is the first-year tournament, after all. But what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be packing your bags? I hear the western front is cold this time of year."

"Stay out of this, Windtänzer!" Alexander snarled.

Zeke put a comforting hand on Viola's shoulder as he stepped up beside her. He would not let her fight this battle for him. He had also expected Alexander to confront him.

Zeke narrowed his eyes and looked at Alexander as if he were trying to place him. After a moment, he feigned surprise and exclaimed out loud.

"Wow! Is that really you, Alexander? I almost didn't recognize you without your father to hide behind and piss stains on your pants."

The crowd broke out into hushed whispers and quiet chuckles. The atmosphere soon grew tense again as Alexander cast his gaze around the room. He was one of the strongest fourth-year students. He commanded respect not only due to his family name, but also his personal strength.

Still, his reputation had suffered as of late. A large audience had witnessed Maximilian storming the Feuerkranz estate. Therefore, many had also seen Alexander's embarrassing performance. He had tried to paint himself as morally just and denounce Maximilian's actions. Alexander was ultimately humiliated and tossed aside. Zeke intended to remind Alexander of his past mistakes at every opportunity.

Alexander turned back towards Zeke, his gaze intense and challenging.

"You should watch the matched from the stands, farm boy!" he declared. "There is no reason for why the true nobles of the empire should have to suffer your presence."

Before Zeke could respond, a voice spoke up from the depths of the room. Its source was obscured by a section that was even more exclusive than the rest of the VIP lounge.

"He is here by my invitation," the voice stated coolly. "Or do I need to get your permission for something like this now, Alexander?"

Alexander spun around, his tolerance already pushed to its limits by Zeke's disrespect. But when he saw where the voice was coming from, he hesitated.

Zeke immediately recognized the voice as belonging to Sophia. As a member of the emperor's family, Alexander was not about to pick a fight with her over something so minor. He stepped aside, allowing Zeke and Viola to pass.

As they walked by, Alexander couldn't resist a final remark, loud enough for all to hear.

"Just pray that there is always someone around to save you," he said.

Zeke paused, giving Alexander a meaningful smile. Then continued on his way without another backward glance.

"You better enjoy your remaining time in the capital," Zeke countered while walking. His voice was just as loud as Alexander's. "After all, this is going to be the last time in this life that you get to spend time here."

The room was filled with murmurs as Zeke's words echoed in the air. The crowd was reminded of the new rumor. The rumor claimed that Ezekiel and Alexander would meet in a duel to the death in ten years' time. It was said that Alexander would spend the interim at the war front, striving to bring honor to his family name. Their conversation right now only further strengthened the credibility of the gossip. If Zeke won this fateful duel, it would really mean that this tournament would be Alexander's last time in the capital before his death.

Unfazed by the whispers, Zeke made his way toward the exclusive section of the VIP lounge where he had heard Sophia's voice. Viola trailed behind him, casting venomous glares at Alexander.

The private area was shielded from view by billowing curtains of silk. As Zeke pushed through the fabric, he was surprised to find a small, comfortable lounge. It opened up to a much larger balcony with a prime vantage point.

He had expected to see a room filled with people. Instead, he found himself staring at a sight that was far from what he had imagined. There was only a single figure lounging on a plush sofa, overlooking the arena below. Sophia was back in her place, after having gotten up to reprimand Alexander.

Zeke paused for a moment, his mouth falling open. The girl was not wearing her school uniform for a change. The stuffy robes had been replaced with a satin dress. The tight fabric highlighted and even accentuate her womanly curves. Her beauty was striking as she stretched lazily while lying on an exotic sofa that it made.

The peace of the moment was disrupted when a sudden gust of wind sent Sophia tumbling to the floor. Viola descended to the sofa, giving the fallen girl a disdainful look.

"Don't think that Zeke or I can be fooled by your act," she said. "Your attempts at seduction are obvious and pitiful, right, Zeke?"

Zeke felt a bit embarrassed, as he had fallen under Sophia's spell just moments earlier. But he quickly regained his composure, answering Viola with a nod.

"You're right," he said. "We can see right through what you're doing."

Sophia got up from the floor with a mischievous grin. She was fully aware of the effect she had on Zeke. Obviously, she wouldn't believe a word of what he was saying.

Zeke sank into the plush armchair, feeling as though he was melting into its comfort. He had never felt so relaxed in his life, and the girls giggled at his obvious joy. The three of them sat in comfortable silence for a moment, until Sophia spoke up.

"What do you think of my little paradise?"

No wonder there was no one else here, if this truly was Sophia's personal area. He mustered the willpower to raise his head from the comfort of the backrest, taking in the decor of the room. It was decorated with tasteful but luxurious furniture. There were paintings and sculptures along the walls. But Zeke didn't have an appreciation for art. Letting out a sigh of relief and letting his head fall back again.

He spoke truthfully, "It's wonderful. But even if the room were empty, save for this armchair, I would still feel the same way."

Sophia's tone was filled with mirth as she replied, "But that's not all. This space is directly connected to the contestant's area. That means you can relax up here between rounds. We can even strategize during the other matches."

Zeke's eyes blinked open. He was thrilled to hear this. He liked the thought of being able to rest and discuss tactics with the two women during the tournament. This was truly excellent news.

Zeke's smile reached his eyes as he expressed his gratitude to Sophia.

"Thank you, Sophia! You really know how to make someone feel welcome," he said, and Sophia returned his smile with one of her own.

Just as Sophia was about to reply, a powerful voice boomed from the arena. It drew the attention of Zeke and the two girls. They stepped out onto the balcony to see a man floating on a platform in the center of the Coliseum. The man spoke into a device that amplified his voice.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," the man declared, "allow me to introduce myself. I am Jorgel, your announcer and host for this tournament. With half an hour to go until the start of the fights, let's go over the specifics of this year's tournament."

His tone was cheerful and enthusiastic, commanding the attention of the crowd.

Most of the spectators seemed to have largely settled down into their seats. They were clearly excited to learn what the man had to say about the changes to the tournament. The announcer began his explanation with a nod of approval.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, honored guests and students! For the first time in history, the imperial family has seen fit to bestow prizes upon the victors of this tournament!"

Zeke turned to Sophia. Did she know about this? by the look on the girl's face, he was certain that this news was unexpected to them both.

Zeke eagerly awaited further information on these prizes. His resolve to give his all in the tournament was only strengthened by the possibility of rewards.

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