Trinity of Magic [Progression Fantasy]

B2 – Chapter 39: Battle Royale IV

The members of Erik's group responded quickly and effectively to Leo's sudden attack. The two Fire Mages unleashed a bombardment of spells at their assailant. The Earth Mage strengthened his defenses with a layer of [Earthen Armour], before taking his position at the front of the party. The Wind Mage, meanwhile, primed a [Pressure Bolt] to prevent Leo from advancing any further.

Martina, the group's Water Mage and leader, was the only one to take a more tactical approach. She instantly understood that Leo was likely not acting alone. She started erecting a [Water Shield] to protect the group's flanks and rear. She hoped to guard against any potential ambushes.

Her efforts were in vain, though, as Zeke broke through her still-forming barrier with ease. He had taken advantage of the distraction caused by Leo's initial charge to approach.

Zeke had snuck up on the Wind Mage and attacked with his reinforced staff. The blow was relentless and targeted the boy's center mass with deadly precision.

The Mage was completely caught off guard by the sudden attack. He had fallen victim to Zeke's [Mind Fog] spell a moment before. In a last-ditch effort, he tried to slip away. But he didn't manage to avoid the blow completely. Zeke's staff, adorned with a dragon skull, crashed into his shoulder with a bone-shattering crack. The mage let out a pained scream, drawing the attention of the rest of the group to the ambush.

Zeke was relentless, not giving his enemies a chance to intervene. He swiftly followed up his first strike with a sweeping blow to the wounded mage's head. He rendered him unconscious and therefore unable to continue the fight. With the Wind Mage out of commission, Erik's group was down a member - making the two groups equal in number.

Zeke took a moment to assess the situation. Leo was putting on quite the show, dodging and weaving as he traded spells with the two enemy Fire Mages. The surrounding area was dotted with tall [Earth Pillars], erected by Leo himself. He darted in and out of cover from the enemy's attacks to not get overwhelmed.

Farther back, Lena had joined the fray as well. She was locked in combat with Martina, the enemy team leader. The two were known for their fierce rivalry. It was likely that the reason Martina had even agreed to bring Erik along was because of this fact. Zeke was almost certain that she had been hoping for a chance to finally settle the score with her longtime adversary.

His gaze shifted to Edmund just as he clashed with the opposing Earth Mage. The two of them had become wrapped in earthen armor and immediately began exchanging blows. At first glance, the fight appeared to be a contest of raw strength, but Zeke could see the intricacies at play. The ground underneath and around the two combatants was constantly changing. Each combatant was trying to unbalance the other. Every so often, a chasm would open up, or a pillar would rise from the ground. This was a battle not just of brute force, but of mastery over the earth element as well.

Zeke was momentarily captivated by the spectacular display of magic and strength that surrounded him. Each combatant was showcasing their mastery of their respective elemental magic. However, he quickly refocused, recognizing the urgency of the situation. Leo was in a tough spot, fighting two mages on his own. He was already covered in burns, but didn't slow down despite his wounds.

Zeke had to repay Leo's trust. His friend had followed his plan and drawn the enemy's attention. This allowed Zeke to execute a sneak attack on one of their opponents. Now, it was Zeke's turn to help Leo in his quest for a one-on-one showdown with Erik. He surveyed the area, searching for the best way to join the fight. His gaze was drawn to the earth pillars that Leo had erected as cover.

With a crafty glint in his eyes, Zeke launched himself into action. He charged straight toward the two Fire Mages who were standing side by side. They were ready to cover each other's backs. With a clear strategy in mind, Zeke prepared himself to turn the tide of the battle.

Zeke's approaching form was immediately spotted. The Fire Mages started redirecting some of their spells in his direction to ward him off. But Zeke was not deterred. With all his might, he leaped over the incoming spells, gliding forward with purpose.

The two boys sneered at this move. An airborne enemy without flight capability was an easy target. The second Fire Mage aimed at Zeke and was just about to release a spell, when he suddenly froze mid-cast. He had lost track of Zeke.

Zeke was aware of the danger he was putting himself in by jumping. The moment his feet left the ground, he started to create a [Blood Whip] wrapping the band around a nearby pillar. With a strong tug, he changed direction abruptly. This caused him to disappear from the sight of the two Mages in an instant.

He emerged from behind the pillar with newfound speed, having harnessed the momentum of the swing. Zeke's shoulder strained under the pressure. He could feel that he was approaching the limit of what his body could handle. He was panicking a little upon realizing how much speed he had picked up with a single swing.

The two Fire Mages were shocked by his move. They were now redirected most of their spells toward him in a desperate attempt to keep him at bay. Suddenly, Leo burst out from the dust cloud and seized the opportunity to attack. He had been overlooked for a moment too long. He brandished his saber and lunged toward Erik. The Fire Mage reacted quickly but was unable to cast a defensive spell in time.

As Leo's saber neared its target, Erik frantically redirected his spell. The [Flame Cannon] that had been intended for Zeke was now turned on Leo. The clash of fire and steel between Leo and Erik resulted in both of them being blown back. Both of them were covered in flames. Thankfully, the innate fire resistance of Fire Mages protected them from serious injury. The shockwave of the explosion was strong to knock them off balance. Though, both mages quickly regained their footing. The two of them started their own cast of [Fire Lance], continuing the battle.

Meanwhile, Zeke had his sights set on the last remaining Fire Mage. He was using his [Blood Whip] to maneuver around the battlefield with increasing familiarity. He had learned from his first attempt at using his whips to swing around. Zeke was now quickly gaining proficiency with this way of moving.

The lone Fire Mage was on edge. He struggled to keep up with Zeke. The fast maneuvering made it difficult for the enemy to predict his path. Zeke's strategic use of the occasional [Air Step] to change direction, only added to the confusion.

After avoiding an ill-timed [Flame Lance], Zeke decided to take a risk. He redirected the trajectory of his swing. He flew straight toward the enemy. The boy was now between spells. He started to act in a hurry when he saw Zeke's new course. But before he could finish a new spell, Zeke's second whip was already upon him.

The Moment he managed to snare one of his opponent's legs, Zeke knew that the fight was over. With a strong pull on the sanguine rope, Zeke dragged the screaming mage towards him. The fear on the boy's face was palpable as he was dragged across the floor. His eyes opened wide in horror as he looked up at the rapidly approaching Blood Mage. Zeke delivered a single, powerful kick to his head, rendering the other boy unconscious.

Now, Zeke was once again without an opponent, he had been lucky with his choice. He had taken note of the Fire Mage's many mistakes during the battle. He realized that he was the weakest member of the opposing team. Zeke couldn't help but think that the Wind Mage he had taken out earlier would have put up a much better fight. It was a blessing then, that he was not given the opportunity to showcase his true skills.

Zeke leaned on his staff, taking a moment to catch his breath as he observed his teammates fighting. Three ongoing fights surrounded him. He took the time to get comfortable and watched the ongoing duels with a sense of admiration.

He had no intention of interfering. He was certain that neither Leo nor Lena would appreciate his involvement. Edmund, on the other hand, was already sure to emerge victorious in his battle. The opposing Earth Mage appeared tired and defensive. The layers of earth that had once protected the mage were slowly fading. This was a clear indication that the fight was drawing to a close.

Zeke was pretty sure that the boy was only continuing to fight in order to not add any further burden to his team. With a small nod of understanding, Zeke redirected his attention to the battle of the Water Mages.

He watched intently as the two girls engaged in a fluid dance of spells and counters. The fight was an exhibition of grace and power. Each spellcasting sent shimmering waves through the air. They caused the very fabric of the swampy arena to ripple and bend. He marveled at their control over the elements, bending water to their will in a way that he had only rarely ever seen.

His eyes were fixed on the application of Martina's [Water Whip]. The sight of the spell brought back a feeling of nostalgia in him. He was reminded of the time when he had used the same spell as the basis for his own [Blood Whips]. Zeke considered himself an expert in the intricacies of the spell. He could tell with a single glance that Martina was highly skilled in its usage.

Despite the relentless assault of the whips, Lena remained standing still. She was positioned across from Martina and appeared to get slowly overwhelmed by the barrage. Their fight had turned into a repetitive cycle. Before the whips could hit Lena, she would always manage to neutralize them. The water returned to its composing element and natural state. Only for new whips to spring up from another direction and strike at her once more.

Zeke was just about to step in when he noticed a slight grin appearing on Lena's face. It dawned on him that she might have a plan, and he decided to wait, not wanting to spoil her moment of triumph. He would only intervene if it appeared that she was actually in danger of losing the fight.

Zeke turned his head to nod at the approaching Edmund, who was coming to a stop beside him. The other boy had started walking over wordlessly after winning his fight. Edmund returned Zeke's nod, and they both turned their attention to the battles in front of them.

Zeke's gaze settled on Leo, who was once again charging at Erik. Both Fire Mages were significantly more wounded than before. But Erik looked slightly worse, with bleeding cuts covering his body. Zeke realized that there was something odd about this. If Leo had been able to get close enough to slice his opponent with his saber, he would have also been able to end the fight. It seemed as if the young man was merely playing with his opponent now.

This assumption was proven correct as Leo deftly dodged another incoming spell. He capitalized on the mistake by slicing a new wound into Erik's left arm before falling back again.

Zeke's focus shifted back to the battle between Lena and Martina. The final moments were proving to be the most intriguing. He watched with growing intrigue as Lena's plan slowly revealed itself. Lena had sustained several deep wounds. However, the sacrifice had been necessary to bring her plan to fruition.

Zeke's gaze was drawn to the sky above Martina. There, a massive water bubble made from the surrounding mist hung suspended. In the next moment, the bubble burst, unleashing a torrent of water onto Martina. The girl was already basking in her imminent victory when she was suddenly thrown to the ground. She was immediately overwhelmed by the immense pressure of the descending waterfall.

Zeke watched in awe as Lena unleashed her full mastery of Water Magic upon Martina. The rush of water had been relentless. A cascade of liquid power that left the defeated Mage shackled to the ground.

Zeke stepped closer, seeking to capture the intricate details of Lena's spellwork. He found himself fascinated by the way she had utilized the torrents of water. She had molded it to her will and used it to bind her opponent after pushing her to the ground.

Of all the elemental affinities, Zeke had always held a special appreciation for Water Magic. It was the closest to his own blood magic, after all. He watched Lena effortlessly wield the power of the swamp. He felt his understanding of magic deepening and expanding.

He made a mental note to speak with Lena after the fight. He wanted to learn more about her techniques in creating solid constructs out of a liquid substance. In Zeke's mind, there was always room for growth and improvement. The opportunity to learn from a talent like Lena was not one he would pass up lightly.

Zeke approached the defenseless Water Mage. She was lying on the ground, shackled by Lena's water magic. The fear in her eyes was palpable as she looked up at Zeke, realizing her fate was in his hands. He knew that this moment could easily turn into a trauma for Martina. Therefore, he had no intention of making it any worse than it had to be.

With a swift kick to the head, Zeke rendered her unconscious. He wanted to spare her any further suffering. Lena soon released Martina from her shackles and slumped to the ground. She had exhausted herself in the fight and was unable to stand any longer. Zeke could tell that it was a hard-fought victory for her, but her cunning plan had paid off in the end.

As the bout drew to a close, Zeke's attention shifted to Leo and Erik. The Fire Mage's resistance was waning as he lost more and more blood, driven on only by his stubborn pride. Leo, too, was showing the toll of the battle.

Thanks to his valiant efforts as a decoy, he was covered in burn wounds. His left arm appeared to have been used to smother a campfire. Zeke could see that Leo's Earthen Armor had been shattered in many places. The young Mage had taken a considerable beating.

Despite his injuries, Leo still radiated energy and vitality, while Erik looked like a walking corpse. Zeke called out to the two fighters, his voice ringing clear.

"It's time to end this," he said. "Leo, we need to regroup and plan our next move."

Zeke's voice jolted Leo and Erik from their focused states. They had been so consumed by the battle that they had failed to take in their surroundings.

When Erik caught a glimpse of his defeated team, his expression soured. The sight of Martina lying unconscious was enough to sap what little remained of his strength and willpower. He collapsed onto the ground, surrendering the fight.

Leo's mood only improved after Erik's surrender. He strode over to Zeke with his hand held high, ready for a celebratory high five. Zeke didn't hesitate to oblige his friend, slapping his hand with a loud clap and offering a hearty "Good job!"

With the conclusion of the battle, Zeke turned his attention to the two Wind Mage girls. They had yet to move from their positions. He exchanged a glance with his companions, looking for ideas on how to deal with this situation.

Lena and Leo were both avoiding his gaze, leaving the situation for him to deal with. Edmund turned and walked away, clearly uninterested in dealing with the girls.

Zeke let out a sigh as he approached them. The task of handling the aftermath of the battle was his responsibility, it seemed. He had to find a way to deal with the situation, despite the exhaustion he felt. He had to ensure that the girls were not going to become a problem later on.


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