True and False Daughters Joined Forces [Metaphysics]

Chapter 132

Chapter 131: Golden Python

In this regard, Su Yunshao, who did not know anything at all, was still singing “Little Star”.

This children’s song seems to have a different meaning to the silver python.

After Su Yunshao finished singing, he stopped. The python looked at her with pleading eyes, and put the tip of his tail into her palm, as if to say: touch my tail for you, will you sing it for me again?

The most difficult thing for Su Tianshi to refuse is the honest demon. Following the python’s request, he touched its tail and sang it again from the beginning.

After singing twice, the silver python no longer asked, and clung to Su Yunshao’s side obediently, resting his head lightly on her shoulder.

Such a big person should be very heavy, but Su Yunshao could feel that the giant python just touched her head and did not exert any force on her.

Such a sweet and sweet python should be a girl, right?

Su Yunshao touched the python’s head with his backhand, “Can you show me the pattern on your body?”

The python raised his head and tilted his head to look at her, expressing his doubts.

Su Yunshao picked up the phone, turned up the brightness of the screen, enlarged the auspicious cloud pattern cut out from the photo, pointed to it and said, “This, this on you, can you show me?”

If it wasn’t for the python coiling itself up, some places couldn’t be seen, and there was no need to explain it like this.

The python saw it and understood it, and sent the tip of its tail to the palm of her hand. The upper part of the tail really had a cloud word composed of auspicious clouds.

Su Yunshao reached out and touched it, the piece was very smooth, and there was no trace of damage to the scales, which means that the pattern was not carved with external force.

Rather, it looks like those snake scales, which were originally like this.

Could it be the same as human birthmarks?

“You know, what’s going on with this?” Su Yunshao tried to express her meaning in simple and easy-to-understand language. She pointed to the pattern on the python’s tail, “This thing and me…”

He pointed to himself again, “It has something to do with the cloud in my name Su Yunshao. I want to know if there is some karma between us. Do you know how this came about?”

The python kept tilting his head to look at her movements, as if he didn’t quite understand what she meant, and seemed to be in a daze?

“Forget it.” Su Yunshao let go of the python’s tail, “I won’t embarrass you anymore.”

If you want to know if there is any causal relationship between her and this giant python, you can also use the seal of the king of **** to see.

Su Yunshao planned to speak to the King of Hell before using it. After typing the words, he realized that the network here is very poor, and he couldn’t send it out at all.

After all, it is something of the King of Hell, and it is not easy to use it without the consent of the owner of the artifact. It’s not an emergency, there is no other option.

Su Yunshao gathered the vitality of half of his body and opened the Buddha’s eyes, but did not see a cause and effect line between her and the python.

Although she lost half of her vitality by using the Buddha’s Eye, she let go of the breath in her heart – fortunately, this giant python had nothing to do with her previous life.

She was really scared by the innumerable causal lines on Taoyao and Yan Wang, and when a monster suddenly appeared, she felt that she owed something in her previous life, and someone else came to collect the debt.

However, the Buddha’s eyes did not see cause and effect, but saw the merits of the giant python.

Su Yunshao didn’t know what the silver giant python had done to save the dozen or so golden dots, but the existence of merit really made her look at the giant python differently.

“You are amazing!” Su Yunshao praised, “Did you save people?”

With such a huge head to save people, the rescued people may think that the python is going to eat them, and they don’t know if the python has been injured by those people in the process of saving people.

The python knew that he was being praised, and the stout snake twisted uncomfortably, burying its head in embarrassment.

However, Su Yunshao saw the tip of its exposed tail swaying slightly, indicating that it was in a good mood.

It’s so cute!

In the past, she loved the honest and cute giant panda cubs the most, but today she suddenly felt that the python is actually quite cute.

Therefore, cuteness is not in the size of the head and the furry appearance, but also in the interesting heart.

Su Tianshi, who had no idea how much he was thinking in his heart, smiled and patted the python’s head: “You are so cute, do you have a name?”

Since it was raised by someone, it should have a name. It would be nice if the python could express its name by some means. If it couldn’t, it could only be called by you.

The python shook his head.

Su Yunshao: ?

No, sweetie, you’ve been raised to such an age, didn’t that person give you a name?

“I ask again, don’t you have a name?”

The python nodded.

Su Yunshao’s fists are hardened, and it’s too much to not take a name after raising it for so long!

“Then…let me give you a name, okay?”

“so cute…”

“Take a name…”


Su Yunshao’s voice was transmitted through various caves, one by one to the underground.

The behemoth in the ground opened his eyes, revealing a pair of blood-colored snake pupils, and a trace of malice flashed in his eyes quickly.

name? Oh, he wants to see who has the courage to name a demon!

The huge shadow zigzagged through the karst cave quickly, escaping from the very deep underground. His body was wide and long, his head reached another karst cave, and his body was still in the previous karst cave.

In the process of fast forward, he heard the female voice say: “You agree, let me think about it, what name should I give you?”

Take a fart!

“Hiss—” Snake spit out impatiently.

Su Yunshao turned her ear to the side, she seemed to hear something, but after listening carefully, it disappeared.

The giant python was still waiting for her to give herself a name, and pushed her with its head to urge her. The snake’s tail lifted up and landed on her shoulders again and again, beating her shoulders flatteringly.

“Pfft—” Su Yunshao stroked the python’s tail, “You really look like a cute little girl, so I will name you for that.”

The python froze.

The flying shadow also froze.

“A kind, caring and coquettish little girl, how about Jiaojiao?” Su Tianshi, who took the name Abandoned, admitted that the name was very good, and it perfectly explained the temperament of the giant python.

With such a cute name, others should no longer be afraid of its excessive size.

The giant python stared at Su Yunshao blankly, the big snake eyes were covered with a layer of water mist, and with a click, the water droplets fell to the ground.

Su Yunshao: ?

She just gave her a name Jiaojiao, why is she still crying?

“Don’t cry, if you don’t like the name, I’ll give you another one.”

The python shook his head and nodded again. Su Yunshao couldn’t guess what it was expressing for a while, so he could only touch its head like a child, and wait until it calmed down.

“Hiss…” The giant python spit out snake letters, dangling its head, looking very anxious.

“Don’t worry, take your time.” Su Yunshao reassured.

The python was stunned for a moment, as if remembering something, and lowered his head.

With the light emitted by the flashlight function of the mobile phone, Su Yunshao saw that the scales on the eyebrows of the python’s head lit up, and a diamond pattern consisting of four red tiny diamonds appeared.

The python slowly lowered its head and pressed the diamond pattern against Su Yunshao’s forehead.

At that moment, a soft and waxy child’s voice crossed her hearing and entered her mind directly: “Mom, mom…”

Su Yunshao: ?

Like being a mother, is it alright?

Soon, she knew that the python’s “mother” was not calling her, because the so-called mother appeared in her mind.

She was a very beautiful and gentle woman, sometimes a little naughty. She had a hip-length hemp braid, which would sway when she walked and ran, like a flexible snake tail.

Mom would come over with the tail of the marijuana plait and scratch the python, and when the python was scratched to the side, Mom put her arms on her hips and laughed, “You say you, with such a cute temperament, how can you be a boy? Woolen cloth?”

Su Yunshao: ?

Mom would sit at the entrance of the cave, with her back to the giant python, raise her fist, and tap her shoulder, “Son, mom’s shoulder is sore, give mom a pound.”

How can a giant python have hands and feet?

Su Yunshao could feel how flustered the python was when he heard this request, his vision kept shaking, looking at branches and rocks at a moment, as if he was thinking about what to use to beat his shoulders.

“Stupid son!” Mom turned around, bent her index finger and gently flicked the python’s head, pretending to be angry, “If you don’t have hands and feet, you should transform earlier, you can’t transform now, you Don’t you have a tail?”

The python understood, raised its tail and landed on mother’s shoulder, and her mother fell to the ground with an “ah” sound.

The python panicked, he rushed over, licked his mother’s face with a snake letter, and gently pushed his mother’s body with his head. He knew that he was strong and did not dare to push too hard.

His body was so anxious that it exploded, and he couldn’t even shout out the words that he had thought about countless times in his heart.

“I lied to you, stupid son!” Mom suddenly woke up and made a slight grimace at the giant python.

Giant Python: “…!”

He got angry and twisted himself up, ignoring the bad mother who was always pranking the snake.

“Ah, are you angry?”

“Let me see, who made my stupid son angry?”

“It’s definitely not mom!”

My mother circled around the python, talking to herself, as if she didn’t realize that the python was even more angry when he heard the words, his snake tail swept off a pile of rocks and branches and fell into the creek.

“Oh, stupid son, don’t lose your temper.” Mom took off her shoes and jumped off the creek to pick up wet branches, “Mom is human, unlike stupid son, you need firewood to spend the night in this cold cave. Yes, it must be dry, otherwise it will smoke when a fire is started, which is very choking, and also choking on snakes.”

In order to prove that she was not lying to the snake, my mother picked up the branches and piled them up and lit them together.

Mom and the python fled in embarrassment and smiled at each other.

Since then, the python will go outside to pick up the dry firewood when the weather is good.

He has no hands or feet, and can only use his tail to roll up a little, carry it again and again, and pile it up little by little in the cave.

Occasionally, if you use too much strength, you will knock down the piled branches, and you have to roll them up one by one with the tips of their tails.

This process will take him a lot of time and physical strength, but every time his mother will touch his head and praise him “You are great!”, he feels that it is worth it no matter how tired he is.

Su Yunshao recalled his actions and words to the python, and knew that he had accidentally overlapped with some of his mother’s actions.

Perhaps it is because of this that the python has some affection for her.

If nothing else, just because the giant python is a boy, he can no longer use a name like Jiaojiao.

Personally, she didn’t think there was anything wrong with the boy calling this, but if she said it, she would be laughed at by others, and it was the giant python who was hurt.

“Then let’s change the name.” Su Yunshao touched the python’s head. At this time, the red diamond could no longer be seen. She didn’t know whether the python’s ability was empathy or shared memory, and it could replace verbal communication. is a good thing.

“I don’t know what’s going on with the auspicious cloud on your tail. In that case, you should take Yun as your surname.”

If you have a surname, what’s your name?

The shadow in the dark crawls faster, but no matter how fast he crawls, it is not as fast as what Su Yunshao said.

She said, “You can call it Yunxiao.”

As soon as the voice fell, the layer of fog that covered the silver python’s consciousness seemed to have been pushed away by a slender hand, and it suddenly became brighter.


“Shut up!” The behemoth finally arrived.

Su Yunshao followed the voice and saw a golden python that was more than twice the size of the silver python. Thinking of the male voice he just heard, it should be… “Yun Xiao, is this your dad?”

Golden Python: “…”

The silver python shook his head, speaking slowly but clearly: “Brother.”

Su Yunshao: ? ? ?

Do you call this giant python several laps older than you a brother? ?

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