True and False Daughters Joined Forces [Metaphysics]

Chapter 155

Chapter 154: Break Bigger

An author who dared to take the pseudonym of Pigeon Jing, actually cried so miserably on Weibo, it was sad for those who heard it, and tears for those who saw it.

Underneath the comments, however, was a very different carnival.

“Sahua, I will change my name from now on. I am a codewriter!”

“Great, I think you can fight another 150,000!”

“Madam, 150,000 is definitely not your upper limit, so challenge yourself again?”

“Why are most of the daily interruptions coming back these days? Has something happened? There won’t be any readers crawling along the Internet cable to their homes to urge updates?”

Seeing the last comment, Xu Mian felt a chill crawling up from the soles of his feet.

“No, it doesn’t matter if the author of the pigeon essence who breaks the watch is urged by the readers. Why should the contestant of my daily watch be urged?”

Everyone: “Because you change three thousand a day!”

Xu Mian: “…” Is the author of 3,000 Daily Updates so unpopular?

“It is normal to leave a message in the comments to urge updates. The author can see and reply. There is no need to kill a few people with the killing method in my plot, right?”

I don’t know what happened to this resentment, everything is still to be determined.

Qin Shuo decided to pursue a two-pronged approach. On the one hand, he investigated and arrested these traffickers, and on the other hand, he went to these authors who had gone from breaking a change to a breaking change and asked them what happened.

Most of the traffickers’ information is in the system. As long as they find their current destination, the police stations in various places will organize their personnel to arrest them.

To find the author, you need to contact the website first, and the website and the editor will relay it, and then the police will come to the door to inquire. A few more steps will take a lot of time.

None of the three authors of the update were from City B, and they had to wait for the police in other places to complete the investigation before reporting the results, which took a day.

When they were first approached by the police, these authors were also very confused.

Write a novel, without color, without **** violence, can you still be asked to drink tea by the police uncle? Immediately afterwards, they knew that they were thinking too much, and the police wanted to ask them why they had broken out these days.

Authors: ? ? ?

Have the police started chasing changes by virtue of their positions these days?

No matter how many doubts they hold in their hearts, the problems they face in reality still force them to tell the bizarre events they have experienced.

I just wanted to hug the policeman’s thigh and cry twice: “I really didn’t think that I almost wrote a novel that my life was in danger!”

According to him, he woke up one morning and suddenly found that there was an invisible person at home.

“Do you know that feeling? Come together in the morning and find that the water in the mouthwash cup has been placed, the toothpaste has been squeezed, and the water in the washbasin has been connected, and then look outside, breakfast is ready, but I’m living alone! It’s not like I wake up in the middle of the night and prepare for myself, right?”

At that time, the police officer who asked felt panicked when he touched the badge.

The story of Tianluo girl sounds very beautiful. It seems that someone has prepared everything for you, and will not disturb your life. You can be a happy salted fish, but that is because you are in the middle of listening to the story. From the perspective of God, I know that the snail girl will not hurt anyone.

When I actually meet in real life, I just feel scared.

The next thing that broke him even more was that the computer was turned on, the background of the novel was turned on, and the codeword software that had not been used for several months was also turned on. He also helped to make an upgrade by the way, and there was a coffee and a codeword to refresh him next to him. Prepared spicy strips.

It’s just using all the actions to urge him to code words.

Seeing such a strange situation in a house where a person lives, I just chose to calm down after being afraid, because he couldn’t see the other party and knew that it was useless to be afraid, and it was useless to run away.

So, he calmly brushed his teeth, washed his face, had breakfast, sat in front of the computer, brushed off the novel background and coding software, and played a game.

He took advantage of the snail girl who suddenly appeared for no reason, and did not intend to give back: code words.

The above behavior, referred to as: white prostitution.

That’s the beginning of my lemonade nightmare.

He played games all day, ate three meals in the morning, noon and evening prepared by the snail girl, plus afternoon tea and supper, and then prepared to sleep.

Before going to bed, he was still thinking: Miss Tianluo should leave tomorrow, right? Who is willing to give without expecting anything in return?

I just lay on the bed with lemon for an hour and two hours, and I didn’t fall asleep for three hours, so I had to get up and play games.

After waiting for a long time, I couldn’t enter the game interface. When I woke up, I found that the router was unplugged.

He plugged in the router, the front foot just left, and the rear foot router was unplugged again.

Back and forth a dozen times, I just lemon impatient.

“Are you bothered? I don’t want to code! Games are my daily routine, and diligent coding is a miracle once a year!”

The router was not unplugged again, he returned to the room with satisfaction, and then saw that the computer was turned on, the novel background was turned on, the codeword software was turned on, and the room was filled with the scent of coffee, all waiting for him there.

Everything in front of me seems to be saying: Come on, pretend, code words!

Two days later, I just compromised with Lemon.

Because he is over 30 years old, his body is no longer a young man in his teens and twenties. After one night, he can’t get up the next morning, and when he wakes up after sleeping until noon, he feels tired all over.

Two days without sleep has reached the limit, and I can’t go on like this anymore.

I just had to dig out the novels that were discontinued half a year ago, as well as the outlines that I didn’t know where they were stuffed, to reorganize the story lines and start coding.

It’s hard to immerse yourself in it if you don’t code for a long time. I just went into a daze for a while, and I ate and swiped Weibo for a while. I was very distracted, and I didn’t write a few words for an hour.

This inefficiency is annoying.

I was just distracted by Lemon, and I took out my phone to play games again.

It may be that his mood has affected his performance, or it may be that his luck is not very good.

The next moment, the phone fluttered up from the bed and returned to the desk.

I just can’t see the snail girl, I always think she should be a wronged little daughter-in-law.

Girls, there are too few good games.

Thinking of this, I just crossed Erlang’s legs and started digging a hole: “If you can help me become the king, I will make up all the updates that I owe for the past six months!”

Speaking of which, Qin Shuo and Su Yunshao both knew what happened next, otherwise I wouldn’t have really changed 100,000 lemons in three days.

It’s just… Qin Shuo’s brows wrinkled with three stripes: “In these years of grievances, you have to be able to cook, do housework, and play games? It’s too curly!”

“How is that possible?” Su Yunshao laughed, “There is no wisdom in resentment, so it is impossible to do those things.”

Qin Shuo: “Then what happened to me is a ghost?”

Su Yunshao: “The possibility is very high.”

The next thing I want to talk about is that the clear sky who won the five million lottery and retired.

In the past, the clear sky was a little transparent, and the writing level was average.

One day, when I was out foraging for food, I won 5 million in a lottery ticket. I immediately posted a withdrawal statement on Weibo. I bought a house and a car, raised a cat, and found a decent job.

With so much money, what can’t you do wrong? Why do you have to sit in front of a computer all day typing?

If you code at home full-time, there is no need to go out. If you don’t buy clothes, shoes, bags, make up, don’t take care of it, don’t buy a lipstick, you will be unkempt all day.

That’s fine, no social activities are the worst.

When friends ask her to go shopping, and male friends ask her to eat and watch movies, she must be notified in advance, otherwise she will not be able to go out without a manuscript.

Break more? sure.

It’s a good time to break the update, and you can benefit from the crematorium. Let’s eat soil next month!

There are no good female friends, no boyfriends who can kiss and touch, such a clear sky will never last, so I took advantage of the opportunity to win the lottery to leave the author circle completely.

From then on, the sky is clear and the water is blue. Every day, like other readers, I scold those authors who have broken the watch for going to the toilet without straw paper.

When I came back from get off work one day, Clear Sky found that the cats at home had been fed cat food and water, the cat hair on the sofa and the floor had been cleaned, the flowers and plants on the balcony had been watered, weeding, weeding and catching insects had been completed, and the roses on the dining table had been replaced. After passing the water, the corners of the bedroom, kitchen and bathroom are all clean.

The kennel-like room was cleaned like a new home, and the refrigerator was neatly tidy, and there were extra sweet and sour radishes she liked to eat, and the sweet and sour taste was just right.

Clear sky eats people’s mouth softly and hands softly, and sees the post-it note on the refrigerator: [Clear sky is big, we want to read your article, please come back and update it. 】


Immediately burst into tears.

Unexpectedly, she hasn’t written for several years, and there are still people who are thinking about her little transparency, writing! Must write!

When I woke up in the morning, I had a hot breakfast prepared in the clear sky, as well as a lunch packaged in a bento box that could be reheated in the company’s microwave oven. When I came back in the evening, I had a pot of soup that was boiled earlier, and I felt that I had more cooking skills at home. Great home cook.

She hasn’t written for a long time, she can’t find that feeling, and she often writes typos and uses the wrong way. The home cook will help her correct typos and adjust the word order, which is simply the best writing assistant.

Clear sky was full of blood, and he wrote more than half of that eunuch’s novel for several years at one time.

Qin Shuo: “…”

Su Yunshao: “…”

Two completely different methods, making it difficult to distinguish whether it is one ghost or two ghosts.

I would like to listen to another story about me being a pigeon who wrote 150,000 words without sleep for three days and three nights.

According to the client, she had never met any snail girl’s family cook, but only a small whip and a blood book.

The blood book is written in bright red characters: [We are the resentment generated by the readers who were cut off by you and the eunuch, and came back to seek revenge for you, so are you renewed or dead? Pick one! 】

I am a pigeon, how can I believe in such a mystical thing? I thought it was a prank by someone, I didn’t care at all, I threw away the whip and the piece of paper and went to take a bath and sleep.

That night, as a dove in her dream, she experienced 108 ways of doing things, and after waking up, she honestly began to code words.

Dare to take the pseudonym I am Dovejing, she is naturally a late-stage lazy cancer patient, coupled with late-stage procrastination, the king of typos, writing an article is really dying.

At a critical moment, the little whip she had thrown away reappeared, and the thorns were usually hanging above the computer screen. As long as she deserted, the little whip would be eager to try.

I, the pigeon spirit, pushed the keyboard away angrily, and there was a spatula beside the whip. At the same time, the sound of chopping chicken nuggets sounded in the kitchen.

Before long, the smell of chicken soup wafted out.

For a second, I remembered the pigeon practice in my dream last night.

嘤嘤嘤 is not cowardly or not, she doesn’t want to be made into pigeon soup.

Qin Shuo and Su Yunshao couldn’t help laughing after listening to the tragic and humorous stories of the authors of the three eunuchs who broke the greater king.

Qin Shuo: “It didn’t hurt anyone, and it didn’t hurt anyone, but if it was just a reminder, it should be a good ghost, right?”

At least for those readers who were forced to stay at the bottom of the pit and cry because the author broke off the watch and the eunuch, that’s a good ghost.

According to the information so far, it is true. Su Yunshao is not sure whether there will be other changes in the future.

“I have to see.”

Qin Shuo: “Connect a video with them, or go there in person?”

“Let’s start a group video.” The three authors are in three cities, and they are still far apart. If each author goes there, Su Yunshao’s plan to accompany Panxixi and Pan Beibei to Yuncun will have to be postponed.

Qin Shuo contacted the police in the area where the three authors were located. After the police helped convey the message, the three authors were very happy. They also wanted to know what the real body of the snail girl, the family cook, and the little whip was like.

Qin Shuo pulled them into a group and started the group video.

“Let me introduce you first. The person beside me is Master Su, the kind of master Xuanmen who can draw talismans and make formations. Based on what you have encountered so far, the master has already judged that you may have encountered a ghost.”

The three authors roughly guessed one point and quickly accepted this statement.

Su Yunshao: “Let’s come one by one, let’s start with me, Cha Lemon. You take your mobile phone and go around the house. I’ll see if there is any yin in your house. That ghost who likes to urge more is not with you now…”

Before the last word “home” was finished, her words stopped because three identical faces appeared behind the three authors.

It was a seven or eight-year-old boy. I was playing games with a mobile phone on the side of Lemon, a pot of sweet and sour radishes on the side of the clear sky, and a pigeon on the side where I was a pigeon, and three pigeons. Guidu looked at Su Yunshao with the same curious eyes.

Su Yunshao was silent for two seconds and asked, “Are you three triplets?”

The three authors turned their heads sharply and saw the mobile phones, sweet and sour radishes, and pigeons floating in the air, and immediately understood that the master was talking to the snail girl, the family cook, and the little whip at home.

Hey, can I finally see the true face of Mount Lu?

Three ghosts: “No, we are one person, oh no, it’s a ghost.”

Su Yunshao raised his eyebrows: “How did you manage to appear in three places so far away at the same time?”

The boy raised his chin proudly, folded his hands together, and made strange gestures: “I can do shadow clone skills! Ninjutsu, isn’t it amazing?”

Su Yunshao: “…”

“Can you tell me why you are going to the three of them’s house?”

I am just Lemon: “Wait, there is only one? Is it the beautiful and gentle snail girl?”

Clear Sky: “Is it a family cook?”

I’m a pigeon: “I think it’s a hot little pepper beauty!”

Su Yunshao told them regretfully: “No, it’s a boy of seven or eight years old.”

At that moment, the writer, eunuch, writer, and **** who broke the bigger king’s withdrawal from the circle almost cried out. How did this ghost avoid the cuteness of the three of them perfectly? So aggrieved woo woo woo!

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