True and False Daughters Joined Forces [Metaphysics]

Chapter 298

Chapter 295: Finals Begin

The life of the goblin was difficult. Su Yunshao’s principle was always to help if he could.

God special account dictionary, do you still want to upgrade to Hukou Cihai?

Su Yunshao repeatedly recalled the many troubles and complicated workload brought to Gao Ran so far, and resisted the urge to swear.

“There are too many fairies in the account, even if I am a Taoist for the sky, I can’t do this, right?”

Her true identity could not be revealed casually, so she had to use it as a guise for being a Taoist for Heaven. Anyway, it has been recognized by everyone, no matter how she denied it, no one would believe it.

Gao Ran: “Where are you going to distribute those fairies?”

Su Yunshao: “Can’t your special department open a window by yourself? It turned out that there were few goblins, and I felt it was unnecessary. Now the number of goblins is enough for a dictionary. If you don’t have a branch department or a window that deals with goblin-related affairs, you can’t justify it. Right.”

It’s not that Gao Ran doesn’t know the importance of branch departments and windows, but the main reason why he still hasn’t opened them is… “It’s not that you don’t know the embarrassment of the status of our special department, and we all rely on ourselves to pull the staff. With such a small number of people, we can divide people into different people. If you go out, no one will do other business.”

Su Yunshao pondered for a moment: “Then hire ghosts and sign a few ghosts to come and work.”

With the experience of three Xueba ghosts in the past, the special department will hire a few ghosts with no special abilities to come back to do clerical work, no problem at all.

After a little thought, Gao Ran felt that this idea was feasible, and hit Su Yunshao with the idea.

“Recently, the International Mysterious Gate Competition is being held. You know how busy our department is. You don’t have to think about finding members. Can you second a few to me? It just so happens that you have many ghosts who don’t participate in the battle. ”

Players, relatives, and friends from 130 countries poured into China together. Special departments must assume the responsibility of security and guarding. Although a large part of them are in charge of the major sects, the burdens and tasks on them will not be few.

Su Yunshao knew Gao Ran’s difficulties, otherwise, with Gao Ran’s serious and responsible attitude towards work, he would not have put all the goblins under her account to solve it at one time.

“Let me ask, if I really want to be seconded to you, it can only be Yunxi, Ruan Mei, and Ma Jinghui.”

Yin Zizhen doesn’t need to think about it. It’s not the problem of hiring child labor, but he is outside urging the author to code words all day long. He also takes care of the author’s three meals a day and home hygiene. He doesn’t have time to sit in the office from 9 to 5 at all.

“There are not many things about fairies. It’s okay to wait for a while, just come.” Gao Ran wanted to be lazy and skip the job of finding and ignoring the quality of ghosts, so he wouldn’t care too much about how many ghosts could come.

“After I’ve been busy for a while, I’ll apply with the above to see if I can recruit more people to enrich the staff and configuration of our department.”

The fact that the department has been established for a short period of time is not good, and it is not perfect in all aspects.

Fortunately, Gao Ran has a good relationship with Su Yunshao now, and the above takes into account the ability of the Taoist for the sky, as long as his request is not too unreasonable, and it will not be too embarrassing.

On a larger scale, this matter is to open a small department under the special department. On a small scale, it means assigning a person from the special department to deal with goblins. Unlikely.

“Are you sure about tomorrow’s final?”

Su Yunshao: “Why do you ask this all of a sudden?”

In the semi-final, Gao Ran didn’t ask because he believed in Su Yunshao’s strength. When he waited for the final… I don’t know why, he was a little flustered.

Most of the people in Xuanmen’s hunch were accurate, and he couldn’t help but worry.

“Shota Abe doesn’t feel good to me, maybe it’s because he messed with Gu Changze, or maybe it’s because knowing you first has high requirements for the Taoist for the sky, I always think he’s a man with a fake face. Becoming a Taoist for the heavens is like casting lots on the wrong people.”

Su Yunshao laughed, and had to say that Gao Ran’s description of Abe Shota and Tian Dao was quite accurate.

“There hasn’t been much interaction so far. I’ll keep an eye on him. I forgot to tell you one thing. Shota Abe came to China this time to get something. Have you heard from Deng Han?”

“I heard, the heads and I have been thinking about it for a long time, and we don’t know what he wants to get.” Gao Ran said in a low voice, “What’s going on with the black dragon? Now everyone is too busy to find you. By the end you will definitely be asked by everyone to talk.”

We must unite when we are external, and when we are internally, everyone will look after their own interests first.

The sudden appearance of a creature like the dragon that only exists in legends will greatly break the balance between the various sects of the mysterious sect, and it is clear at a glance what each sect will do next.

Either do everything possible to learn about the whereabouts of the black dragon from Su Yunshao’s mouth, and use all means to subdue him, or take Su Yunshao under the door.

– Xuanmen is going to be in chaos again!

Gao Ran has heard a lot of voices in the past two days, including questioning what Su Yunshao wanted to do by quietly concealing the news of Heilong, and whether Su Yunshao accepted Heilong.

There was even a feeling of suffocation, even though Su Yunshao was the leader of the team and was not in the hotel, she had to rush back to ask about it.

What Gao Ran heard was also heard by Hui Xin and others who had been staying in the hotel.

Su Yunshao heard from them when they discussed the strategy for the final in the daytime. She was mentally prepared, and it was good that she could hide the existence of the black dragon for so long.

“The black dragon is real. It has stayed by the King of Hell and has become the guardian dragon of the underworld. If they have the courage to fight for the dragon with the King of Hell, then go ahead and bear the consequences.”



Gao Ran on the other end of the phone and Su Yiyi on the other end burst into laughter, and their tacit understanding was within a second.

The most extreme is the little sea otter, who grinned and clapped his hands constantly. After a few pats, the sea otter group on the lake and the otter group by the lake clapped their hands, cute and funny.

Su Yiyi hurriedly took out her mobile phone to record the scene, and sent it to the family crowd and the group of friends on the supernatural adventure, which made everyone laugh and quickly made several emojis.

Gao Ran and Su Yunshao didn’t miss the WeChat message when they called and said with a smile, “Then I’ll reply to them like this.”

Guaranteed that the faces of those who were quietly fighting Su Yunshao and Heilong’s ideas were as black as the bottom of a pot.

Su Yunshao gave an “um”, and then heard Gao Ran hesitantly ask: “If they still refuse to give up, can I reveal your relationship with the King of Hell?”

Such a big backer, it is a waste to put it there and not use it.

Su Yunshao: “Yes.”

When he got a reply, Gao Ran happily ran to the group of people who had different hearts.

The only remaining dragon in the world dares to make up their minds, and if they don’t scare them to death, they are really wasting such a good backer as the King of Hell!

At the moment when Gao Ran was arguing, Su Yunshao called all the ghosts and told the results that she and Gao Ran had negotiated, and let Yunxi, Ruan Mei, and Ma Jinghui make their own decisions.

“A temporary transition is equivalent to helping you first. After you have been busy for a while, if you want to stay in the special department and be a well-organized ghost, you can cancel the contract with me or keep it all the time.”

Yunxi and Ruan Mei could only accept temporary help in the past. Ma Jinghui wanted to prepare but did not want to cancel the contract. Su Yunshao recommended Ma Jinghui to Gao Ran.

At seven in the morning, before dawn, players from all over the world gathered one after another, and spectators from all over the world waited early in front of the screen.

Su Yiyi and the others were supposed to go to class. They all took a day off and gathered in the courtyard of Su’s house. Dad Su didn’t go to work.

One is to know the latest progress of Su Yunshao’s competition, and the other is to not want to be caught alone and become Su Yunshao’s weakness, especially under the premise that Abe Shota is not good.

Compared with the possible impact of the latter, the cost of taking a day off is far less.

The live broadcast room opened on time at 7:10, and everyone got up early. Qin Jianbai and the stars stayed here last night without going home at all. Shi Lian brought people here early, and the mermaid king was Xiao Heiyu and went directly to him. Picked up from home.

All the ghosts and ghosts are ready, and the judges on the live broadcast screen are also here.

Standing in the middle, Hengping made his opening remarks to the many players sitting below.

After briefly saying a few words, I went to the main topic: “In the west of the original underground palace, the ruins of the ancient cloud country are sleeping. This final is to explore the truth that the ancient cloud country destroyed the country and disappeared completely from history.”

“Gu Yunguo?”

“There is no such country in the history of China, right?”

“Why didn’t their own archaeological team study the country that only emerged from history three days ago?”

“Isn’t there another hole in here?”

Players from all over the world whispered and whispered.

After all, they will not be stupid enough to openly question the content of the finals that have been agreed by the judges from all over the world. Not only will it not help the finals in any way, but it will lower their impression score in the minds of the judges, which is detrimental to the final result.

In the semi-finals, because the underground tombs were investigated in advance, some staff were waiting at the entrance in advance. The finals did not even know the exact location, so the contestants could only let the contestants exert their own initiative, and the question of whether they could find the ancient Yunguo ruins was also included. among the final scoring items.

Due to the lack of information, Hengping’s explanation of the rules is relatively brief, and the practice of the semi-finals is followed: the evaluation is based on the team’s contribution.

There are a total of six teams entering the finals. They are ranked according to the results of the semi-finals. They are Huaxia, Country F, Country D, Country Y, Country T, Country R. At this time, 30 contestants have received their cameras and cameras. Microphone, don’t take good care of the equipment and get on the bus one after another.

It is worth mentioning that the female captain of R country walked behind Abe Shota.

The number of captains has not been replaced on the surface, and Shota Abe has become a well-known substantive R country captain.

There are four teams between Huaxia and R country, but Abe Shota deliberately leaned out, raised his hand and waved to Su Yunshao across the four captains in the middle: “Miss Yunshao, I still need to ask you to be merciful in today’s game.”

Su Yunshao: “Does Abe-kun believe that China can take the first place lightly, or does he decide to sit on the sixth throne without losing the battle?”

Said to be the sixth, in fact, it is the last one, plus the wording of the throne, it can be said to be very damaging.

If it weren’t for the live broadcast of the International Mysterious Gate Competition, Su Yiyi and others would all want to post a barrage of “Snatch the bamboo shoots!”

Su Yunshao generally doesn’t hate people, but when he does, he is not a person.

Shota Abe was stunned to the point of doubting his life. His Chinese was only able to achieve the level of everyday language, not good enough to fully understand the sentence, but judging from the parts he could understand, the atmosphere at the scene and the expressions of other people, Knowing is definitely not a good thing to say.

The young man frowned, his brows were lightly worried, and he looked very sad.

“Miss Yunshao is so gentle to others, why is she so rude to me…?” He listened to the translation, and added, “Don’t lie? Don’t you have a saying in China, ‘A fair lady, a gentleman is a good man’ ‘?”

The good song “Guan Ju” was recited by him flat and confused, and the third sound of the good word became the fourth sound, and Su Yunshao, a senior in high school, sighed when he heard it.

“Friendly advice, don’t use it if you don’t understand poetry.” That will only expose your ignorance.

Thinking of the friendship between the two countries, she swallowed the second half of the sentence, and did not step on Abe Shota’s face too much in front of players and audiences from all over the world.

“Isn’t this just for wooing girls?” Shota Abe asked the translator with a confused look, “Am I wrong?”

The translator is from Huaxia. He knows what Su Yunshao is talking about, and he has already made up the words she didn’t say.

Shota Abe doesn’t care about the problem of accurate pronunciation. “Chinese is the most difficult language to learn in the world. There is no one. I have only learned it for less than a year. It is normal to be uncertain. I will study it more seriously in the future.”

Foreigners who can speak Chinese so fluently in one year, have a very high language talent, and must have put in a lot of hard work.

Su Yiyi and others knew that Abe Shota probably had other motives in learning Chinese, and they still had a good impression.

This guy’s juvenile face and his pure temperament are really a plus!

“I heard that many people who learn Chinese are looking for the opposite **** as friends, and they will learn it slowly in daily communication, is that true?” Shota Abe raised his eyes and looked at Su Yunshao sincerely, meaning.

“If it’s just to learn a foreign language well, I suggest you spend money to find a foreign language teacher, not to save money to deceive girls’ feelings.” Su Yunshao smiled and used a certain treasure’s customer service tone.

Everyone in the know laughed.

Abe Shota’s translation didn’t hold back either.

The most amazing thing is: Shota Abe said that to imply that he was interested in Su Yunshao and wanted to associate with her, but Su Yunshao directly attributed Shota Abe to having a bad idea to save money.

You have taken all the bamboo shoots!

Abe Sho understood too much, but pretended not to understand.

“I thought you would carry forward Huaxia’s virtue of helpfulness and would be happy to teach me.”

“I’m sorry, I can only express my support for you in spirit.” Su Yunshao said with a smile, “My boyfriend who is very jealous and cautious is also watching the live broadcast.”

The king of **** who was suddenly cued: “…” The old tool man.

Shota Abe is not surprised, it can be seen that he knew that Su Yunshao had a boyfriend, and maybe he knew about the existence of Hades.

“Is your boyfriend so stingy?”

“More than that, he’s very possessive and doesn’t like me being so close to other people of the opposite sex.” Su Yunshao nodded his watch, “It’s time to go.”

At 7:30, all 30 players set off by car.

In order to reach the destination as soon as possible and start the search for the ruins earlier, the players put wind symbols and acceleration symbols on the cars they used, and hurried over them all the way.

In the car, Guo Wanqing wanted to ask Shota Abe what he wanted to do several times.

In the courtyard of Su’s house, all the demons and ghosts were on their way while the players were busy, and there was no story that should not be missed, and they were also discussing.

Dad Su: “I swear by a man’s intuition that Shota Abe is interested in Yunyun, but it’s more like a reaction to seeing an interesting object, wanting to explore, or deliberately teasing, rather than a man’s joy for a woman. ”

Su Xuyang: “I have no experience in chasing girls. After reading more, I know that chasing girls is not like that. Abe Shota’s words and deeds seem to be digging a hole for Yunyun.”

Su Ma: “This person has a good-looking face, why doesn’t he do anything that matches his appearance? It’s so annoying!”

Su Yiyi: “He is so much worse than the King of Hell!”

The goblins and ghost envoys reacted more directly and rudely. They all tilted their heads and pinched their fists, wanting to rush into the screen immediately and beat Abe Shota.

More than half an hour later, the contestants arrived at the place where the semi-finals were held before, and the entrance to the catacombs was still open.

Everyone stopped in unison and got out of the car to check.

The organizers have reminded that the ancient Yunguo site is in the west. They can clearly distinguish east, west, north and south. However, the west is also divided into three major directions: southwest, due west, and northwest. They need to find clues to the next direction here.

Captain F: “Captain Su, this is your country and your history, haven’t you heard anything?”

Captain D: “At this stage, I think everyone should cooperate with each other. It is better to find the location of the ruins earlier.”

Captain Y: “No matter what the clues are, it’s good to have a little bit.”

Captain T: “You can find the ruins first, and then you can use your skills when you get there.”

To put it euphemistically, he was actually doubting whether Su Yunshao had secretly obtained the clues given by the organizer.

After what they said, even if Su Yunshao found clues and directions with his ability, the audience would feel that there was something tricky in it.

If Su Yunshao didn’t say it, it would be even more tricky.

Su Ma’s teeth itch with anger: “Why are these people targeting my family Yunyun one by one? It’s because of her strength. Do you want to unite to squeeze out the most threatening her first? It’s too dirty!”

Dad Su didn’t dare to say that when a weak team faces a strong team, it is very easy to group together and boycott it, because he is not happy that the captains are targeting his daughter together.

When it comes to others, you can look at it rationally, and when it comes to your daughter, he is already good quality without rolling up his sleeves and swearing a few swear words.

Qin Jianbai and Xingchen looked at the screen with worried eyes.

Under the gazes of so many people, Su Yunshao looked at them calmly: “The country of Yun has never appeared in our history of China, and the content of this final was also temporarily adjusted because of the appearance of the country of Yun. I stand with you. On the same starting line, at most there is a little linguistic advantage.”

“If you have to doubt what the organizer has given me in private, will the country that holds the International Xuanmen Competition be unable to send players to participate in the competition? No matter how well they perform, it is all because the judges are in high school. Drain the water.”

This pot is too big, and the players dare not take it.

Captain F: “How come?”

Captain of Country D: “The judges are of course fair.”

Captain T: “We just ask casually.”

Captain Y: “Everyone is a little irritable because they haven’t heard of Gu Yunguo. Captain Su, don’t care.”

Abe Xiang raised his hand like a baby and asked, “Miss Yunshao, I have a question, since the country of Yun never appeared in history, how do you know the ruins are in the west?”

And this is also the main reason why the captains of various countries think that Su Yunshao may have obtained some clues.

The word “you” made Su Yunshao look at him more, this fellow didn’t know from any source that the location of the final was decided by her?

“To be honest, I am more curious about Emperor Yun, so I asked my boyfriend, who is the king of **** in this world.”

Players from all over the world and the audience in front of the screen gasped: FUCK! Is that jealous, stingy, stingy, possessive boyfriend actually the King of Hell?

Many people have come to see Abe Shota’s face and grab a woman with the King of Hell, you are too good!

Su Yunshao: “He investigated Emperor Yun through some means that only the King of Hell could do, and finally got only a few clues. Compared with others, of course, this ancient Yun Kingdom site, which has no information at all, is more exploratory and The value of the game.”

Speaking of which, the captains and players of various countries feel that it is almost the same. They can’t ask clearly: Has your boyfriend opened a small stove for you in private?

After thinking about it, no one is so stubborn, but Shota Abe asked with an extra stubbornness, attracting the admiration of “You are so brave!”

“He’s your boyfriend, so he didn’t tell you anything else?”

Su Yunshao narrowed his eyes: “For example?”

Abe Shota hesitated for a moment, and said bluntly: “For example, how did Emperor Yun die, the kings of all countries have a book of life and death in their hands, which records the life and death of all living beings in the world. If there is such a person as Emperor Yun in history, it should not be There will be exceptions.”

These words sounded to doubt the authenticity of Yundi, but Su Yunshao felt that Abe Shota was asking her about the book of life and death in Lou Jing’s hand.

Not sure if my intuition was right, did I bring personal prejudice, and asked the captains of several countries: “This is the first time I heard that the kings of all countries have life and death books in their hands, how about you?”

Captain T: “The book of life and death is an artifact, isn’t there only one?”

Captain of Country D: “All the underworlds are autonomous, maybe they are?”

Captain Y: “So, there are more than 100 artifact life and death books?”

Captain F: “It is also possible that there is only one real life and death book, and the life and death books in the hands of other countries are just replicas of the original, similar to inferior products with certain abilities but not all abilities?”


Su Yunshao remembered what Lou Jing told her in her previous life, and she even knew that the authentic life and death book was in Lou Jing’s hands, but she couldn’t say it, and instead told Abe Shota’s army: “Abe-kun’s tone is so determined, could it be that he has already learned from you guys. What clues did the king of the country learn from his mouth?”

Not long ago, the captain of the four countries asked Su Yunshao for clues, but now the feng shui turns, and it is she who leads the captain of the four countries to question Abe Shota, so that he can taste the taste of being confronted by tit-for-tat and hard to guard against.

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