True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1042 Cut it out with one knife

In the late night sky, the God of Darkness blocks the world with its dark wings.

A hundred miles north of Fang City, there is an unknown barren mountain.

Under the night, a hole of light secretly emitted from a corner of the barren mountain, which was originally a dark mass.

It was an abandoned aura stone mine, and the light was emitted from the remaining aura veins in the mine.

There are lights and shadows flickering in the mine.

Not long after, a figure quietly walked out of the mine.

With the light spilling out of the hole, you can see that there is an obvious spider web mark on the left face of this man. He is Ye Hu, one of the villains of the Spider Ghost Sect.

Yehu looked back and forth silently at first, looking at the mine behind him, and murmured in his heart: "The Shadow Organization is really powerful. I didn't expect that a secret small teleportation array was set up in this abandoned mine. A few days ago I have never been to this place before to pick up goods, and it has never been so complicated. It seems that the goods this time are not trivial. "

After that, he took out a crystal ball from his arms.

He held the crystal ball in his palm, and with a push of magic power, the surface of the crystal ball lit up, reflecting the many spider webs scattered here.

There are hundreds of them among the branches of trees, among rocks, and beside rivers. These spider webs look just like ordinary spider webs, except that there is a bright red line on the back of the spider entangled in the middle of the web.

After a while, Ye Hu put away the spell, put away the crystal ball, nodded and said: "Using my spider-worm technique, there is no one around for ten miles."

"Second brother, come out. Everything is going well." Yehu shouted towards the mine.

The sound collided back and forth on the walls of the mine, and soon spread to the depths of the mine.

Squeak, squeak.

There was a sound in the mine, and the muscular Black Hand Wolf pulled a two-wheeled cart filled with cowhide boxes with his strong right hand and walked out of the mine.

Blackhand Wolf wiped the sweat from his forehead with his left hand, "Fourth, you think I'm an animal and you don't come to help me pull it. You don't know how heavy the goods in this car are."

Yehu glanced at it, and then said: "Second brother, don't complain. This is all for our plan to go smoothly. Every plan requires people who are dedicated to using their brains and people who are dedicated to doing it. In the past, everyone was the boss Use your brain, let's do it. This time, we are the only ones on the mission. You think I should use my brain more, but my head is pounding now."

As he spoke, Yehu pinched the temples on both sides of his head with his fingers and let out a long breath.

"Okay, okay. I won't complain. Where did you tie the two mules and horses you prepared in advance? You can't let me pull this cart of goods to the southern region by myself." Black Hand Wolf said.

"You are different from mules and horses." Yehu said.

"That's how I can compare to a beast." Black Hand Wolf said.

"For safety reasons, I tied the two mules and horses used to pull the cart ten miles away. Therefore, you still need to pull the cart ten miles away, and I will lead the way." Yehu explained.

"Shili? Why don't you tie them closer? You're going to tire me out." Blackhand Wolf complained.

"This batch of goods must be taken away before dawn. Otherwise, if Lord Shadow blames you, your life and mine will be at stake." Yehu said, raising his thumb, "Second brother, to be honest, in terms of strength, In every aspect, the beast is inferior to you."

"Animals eat grass, I want to eat meat." Black Hand Wolf curled his lips.

"When the goods are delivered to the place, you can eat meat every day." Ye Hu said.


The Golden Sun God will rise from the east wearing golden armor and drive away the Dark God with his bright sword.

The black-handed wolf led the way, and the night tiger drove two mules to pull a cart full of goods.


The two mules and horses pulling the cart are tall and have black tiger stripes on their bodies, making them look like special spiritual beasts. Although they are called mules and horses, they are ten times stronger than ordinary mules and horses. The two animals lowered their heads and swung their tendons, their hair wet with sweat, and their broad hooves left heavy semicircular marks on the road.

The Black Hand Wolf leads the way.

He is tall, has long steps, and has enough cultivation in the Yuanhun realm. Even with his huge right arm, he walks like a gust of wind.

"We are already fifty miles away from Fang City, and if we go further we will enter the Ten Thousand Domains Forest. In three days, we will reach Feixia Mountain in the Southern Territory." Ye Hu, who was sitting in the car, said while looking into the distance.

"Feixia Mountain, we have been there not once or twice. I am familiar with the roads, so there should be no problems."

"There are often bandits on this road. Recently, due to the frequent private trade between the Southern Territory and the Northern Territory, more and more people are becoming bandits."

"Bandit? I was a bandit before I joined the Spider Ghost Sect. Otherwise, the two of us could have robbed someone along the way. Get some spirit stones, and I'll still owe you the fifty high-grade spirit stones. Returned to you."

"It doesn't matter if you kill a few people along the way, but it doesn't work this time. Without the boss and the third child, the strength of the two of us is much different. We must not make mistakes. If the mission this time is not successful, if Lord Shadow does not give The antidote to our cursed tarsal poison will make you and I worse than dead."

When it came to the curse of tarsal poison, the two of them fell silent in unison.

"I, the Black Hand Wolf, don't like to owe other people spiritual stones. Fourth, you think it's strange. I have owed others spiritual stones three times in my life, and all three of them died."

"I can't die."

"Don't worry, as long as you don't die, I will return the spirit stone to you."


Tick, tick.

The originally sunny sky suddenly started to rain.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, as if someone was deliberately splashing water. The road that was not a serious road became increasingly difficult to follow.

"Damn it, why is it raining on such a beautiful day?" Blackhand Wolf complained.

"There are unpredictable weather conditions." Yehu grabbed the two mules and horses, stopped the car, jumped on the roof of the car and took a look, "Is it strange? There is rain in the large circle where we are, but it is still sunny in other places. Is it possible? It couldn't be that Master Jiaolong is sneezing on top of our heads."

"There are more clouds in the sky. Let's catch up with the rain. At worst, we can just keep moving forward." Black Hand Wolf said.

Ye Hu jumped off the ground and stood side by side with Black Hand Wolf, "There seems to be something wrong. There is a strange smell in the rain."

"Fourth brother, look at the other side. What's that?"

"It seems like someone is coming."

The two of them focused their attention, and on the opposite side, a person was walking towards them through the rain.

The rain all over the sky was swirling around the man's body, like a dragon protecting the Lord.

Getting closer.

The person who came was dressed in gray clothes, with a face as sharp as a knife, blue-gray eyes like the endless Dead Sea, skin as gray as a demon, and an eye-catching long sheathed sword on his waist.

The surface of the scabbard is inlaid with many gray cat's eye gems, and a faint gray mist is emitted from time to time, like pairs of vicious beast eyes hiding in the dark, waiting for prey.

The exposed handle of the knife was covered with gray scales that were squirming slightly.

The strange scabbard.

Weird knife.

Monster people.

If Xu Yang were here, he would definitely recognize that it was his friend Gui Gu Changyang who was also from the Tiangui Sect.

At this time, Guigu Changyang’s body was not stained by a drop of rain.

Water, as if the rain this day was simply a cloak around him.

"I can't see his cultivation level."

"Guys who can't see their cultivation are often more terrifying."

"This guy has a knife hanging from his waist."

"It's a knife that hasn't been drawn out of its sheath."

"He has a demonic aura about him."

"Most of the monks in the Southern Region have demonic aura about them."

"He still has a ghostly aura about him."

"We have more ghost energy."

"He is coming towards us. This person is responsible for the rain this day."

"It's not good."

"It was probably a bandit blocking the road. We killed him before he even drew his sword."

"Leave the blood from his heart. After walking all the way, the soul-eating spider I was carrying was also hungry."


Black Hand Wolf and Ye Hu secretly communicated with each other, with fierce looks on their faces.

Black Hand Wolf activated his mana, black runes flowed on the surface of his right arm, and the bones creaked. His already thick right arm instantly swelled in size.

Yehu's right hand was shaped like a tiger's claw, and spider silk that was tougher than fine iron wire and sharper than a knife edge spouted out from the five fingertips.

"I attack from the left and smash his legs with my tarantula fist."

"I attacked from the right side and slit his neck with the spider silk blade."

The next moment, Blackhand Wolf and Yehu tapped their toes on the ground, braved the rain, and rushed towards the opposite side.

No words, no name, decisive killing, this is evil cultivation.

At this moment, Guigu Changyang's pace not only did not stop, but also became faster and faster. He held the handle of the knife with one hand.

"Master Changyang, are you going to kill these two reckless guys?" The voice of the sword spirit gray-scale Jiao Yuye came from the scabbard on his waist.

"No, leave them alive for now."

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.

Five feet, four feet, three feet...

The black-handed wolf aimed at Gui Gu Changyang's lower body, waved his huge right arm, and clenched his fingers as tightly as a hammer.

"Tarantula hammer kill!"

A huge fist shadow was thrown out, and the fist wind transformed into the shadow of a huge wolf spider. The black wind rolled back and made a creaking sound, like the teeth of a monster rubbing together.

At the same time, Yehu on the right also launched an attack.

Ye Hu activated all his magic power, and the spider web pattern on his left cheek suddenly became brighter. The soul-eating spider parasitic in his body became extremely violent and swam crazily under the skin of his face. The soul-eating spider spits out the power of its blood soul and feeds it back to Yehu's body.

Yehu's energy aura increased sharply, and his skin turned blood red.

"Spider Silk Harvest!"

He flicked his arms, and the spider silk spun out from his fingertips suddenly became longer, and the five-strand spider silk was sharper than the blade. The spider threads cut through the void, making a squeaking sound, like the sound of death in a ghost cave.

Guigu Changyang shook his wrist as he grasped the handle of the knife.


There was a crisp sound of the blade being unsheathed.

The demon sword in Gui Gu Changyang's scabbard was half pulled out, but only half. His body was seen spinning in the forward momentum.


The shadow of a gray scaly dragon flew up, stirring up the rain all day long. The raindrops splashed like a waterfall, making it difficult to see his figure.

when! when!

puff! puff!

The rain has stopped! The sunlight cast the shadows of three people on the ground.

One of the people's shadows is missing an arm, and the other person's shadow is missing a pair of hands.

But in the shadow of a person opposite, the sword was returned to its sheath, and the shirt was unwinding automatically.

Cut it out with one knife!

The outcome is decided!

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