True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 958 Under the Stars

In the different space of Tanhua Palace, under the golden and purple starry sky.

The weirdo wearing a large soap coat and capable of "face-changing" started talking to himself, or it could be said that it was a strange dialogue between the two masks on his face.

The golden mask asked: "Is today a double day? How do I remember that it is an odd day?"

The purple mask said angrily: "Don't be a scumbag. Yesterday was an odd day, and today is of course a double day."

The golden mask was silent for a while, stretched out a few fingers, and tugged at it while saying: "Something seems to be wrong, let me check it out. From the day you and I arrived in this different space, we agreed that on a single day You tell a story, and I tell a story every day. How do I remember that it was me who told the story the last time?”

"Hehe." The purple mask smiled contemptuously, then put his hands behind his back and said: "Does your mind only remember what happened in the last day? On the third and second days before, your voice became hoarse because I spoke continuously. Two days. Yesterday was the day you paid me to tell the story for you, and today is a double day, so it’s up to you to tell the story.”

"Really? When you say that, it seems like that's the case." The golden mask looked up at the purple and gold starry sky, "I don't know how long you and I have been here. There is no sunrise or sunset here, only one day of stars. "

The purple mask said: "Is this important? I will tell you a story on odd days, and you will tell me a story on even days. Is there anything more interesting than this? There are only two days in our world, odd days and double days. There are only two people, you and me."

The golden mask nodded and said firmly: "Yes! Single days and double days, you and me, this is enough."

In fact, in the star space of Tanhua Palace, there are only stars that never set, and there is no alternation between day and night. Unless you use tools such as an hourglass to measure time, you cannot tell the difference between one day and two days, or single days and double days.

"Huh?" The purple mask let out a light sigh, turned around and looked in a certain direction, and said excitedly: "There are people over there? Two of them. How about we change the game this time."

"What kind of gameplay?" Golden Mask said.

"Kill!" the purple mask said decisively.

The figure of the face-changing monster couldn't wait to fly away in one direction, wearing a soap coat and the cold stars of the day.

"What do you say?" said the golden mask as he ran.

"You and I have told the stories of our respective lives countless times. We should have new stories." Purple Mask said.

"Killing these two people is a whole new story." The golden mask continued.

"Hey hey hey."

"Hey hey hey."

Two proud laughs floated in the wilderness, rising to the starry sky, as if recording a somewhat contentious story.


At this moment, Xu Yang and the Jinyu young monk had entered the depths of the Tanhua Hall.

One day purple and gold stars.

The two of them searched forward side by side. Under their feet was a large area of ​​gravel, scattered with a number of low shrubs only as high as their knees.

Those scattered shrubs are like little beasts huddled motionless under the stars. Maybe they will really bite if they move.

The demon dragon Ming Lin, who was originally squatting on Xu Yang's shoulder, returned to Xu Yang's Zifu space to wait for the time being. Because the demonic aura emanating from Demonic Dragon Minglin is difficult to restrain when in an excited state, and it is easy to scare off the enemy.

Xu Yang probed for his spiritual consciousness as he walked, but what he returned from his spiritual consciousness was empty.

Xu Yang said seriously: "The alien space in Tanhua Palace is indeed a bit mysterious. Divine consciousness and pathfinding techniques will be limited to a certain range by the space restrictions here. If you want to find the evil cultivator hidden here, it is really not possible. An easy thing.”

However, the golden monk picked up the small leaves on the low shrubs intentionally or unintentionally, and then threw them on the ground without looking at them.

On the surface.

Xu Yang did not ask the little monk Jinyu why he did this, but he joked: "Friend Jinyu, you have picked so many little leaves while picking flowers with your fingers, have you gained anything?"

The golden young monk smiled and said nothing.

I don't know how long the two of them walked, but they found nothing in the end. There was no trace of evil cultivators, only purple and gold stars and boundless wilderness.

The stars are cold.

The wilderness is cool.

At this time, Xu Yang lowered his head and saw a leaf on the ground, and reminded: "Friend Jinyu, we have been here before. Look, there is a leaf on the ground that you dropped before."

"We are lost." The young monk Jinyu gave the answer decisively.

"..." Xu Yang was speechless.

The two had no choice but to stand still for the time being.

Xu Yang tightened his collar with his hands, while the golden monk put his hands together in a solemn gesture.

The starlight above them was a bit cold, but the two of them were already sweating slightly at this moment. When the two of them stopped, their pores opened, as if cold starlight had invaded them, and they felt really chilly.

Even if they are not measured by their rankings in the previous True Lotus Glorious World Conference, the spiritual consciousness, soul power, and true combat power displayed by Xu Yang and Jinyu Xiaoseng are the top among all the young heroes in the entire Northern Territory.

But at this moment, the two of them were really lost.

Only now did Xu Yang and Jinyu Xiaoseng understand why Tanhua Palace could imprison powerful evil cultivators. The stars here are like a sea, and it is impossible to distinguish between east, west and north. In other words, it is simply a mysterious star prison with no direction.

The golden monk clasped his hands together, looked up at the purple and gold starry sky, the third golden eye between his eyebrows flickered, and then said: "At this moment, the evil cultivator we are looking for is probably looking at the stars of this day. I saw one of the stars blinking, and it seemed to be telling a secret, but it was too far away and I couldn’t hear the story.”

Xu Yang looked at the golden monk and said with some suspicion: "Friend, there are so many stars today that I can't count them. You can see one of them blinking and talking. The third golden eye on your eyebrow is really enviable. . But will it be a little tiring to see too many things?”

The golden jade young monk turned to look at Xu Yang, with a natural, charming but not charming look in his eyes. He smiled slightly and said, "Thank you for your concern. The young monk will never get tired of seeing the people or things he likes. For example, now so."

Xu Yang covered his face with one hand and said, "Don't look at me, I've been seen through by your third golden eye."

There are many secrets in Xu Yang, but the golden monk really saw through a lot of them. Jinyu Xiaoseng was the first person to see that Xu Yang had the blood of the Yuan Demon, but this was the secret that Xu Yang didn't want anyone to know, and he didn't want to have it.

Xu Yang peeked at the golden jade monk opposite him through the fingers covering his face, and saw a white jade face with eyes narrowed to a slit, looking at him with a smile.

"Hehe." The golden monk smiled proudly, "Friend, you are shy."

Xu Yang suddenly felt his ears heat up and muttered in his heart: "I'll go, why was this little fairy being molested by a little monk for no reason?"

Xu Yang couldn't help but thought to himself: "I don't like men, I don't like men..."

Somehow, Xu Yang always felt that there was a natural attraction, or a sense of closeness, to the golden monk. He couldn't explain it clearly.

It's no wonder that the bald little monk opposite has a face as white as jade, fine eyebrows, and all the facial features are very delicate. The extra third golden eye between the eyebrows has a warm attribute, giving people the feeling of spring breeze.

If the golden monk was a woman, there would probably be no man in the world who wouldn't like him.

If the little golden monk wasn't a monk, there would probably be no woman in the world who wouldn't like him.

The golden monk looked up at the starry sky. The third golden eye between his eyebrows was like a golden sun. "It's moving. That star is moving. My friend, come over and take a look."

The golden monk pointed to a place among the stars in the sky.

Xu Yang approached him with hesitation, and looked up in the direction of the golden monk's finger.

There were countless purple and gold stars that day.

Xu Yang searched hard, his face almost resting on the golden monk's shoulder.

At this moment, the two people were so close that they could even hear each other's breathing and feel the warmth radiating from each other's cheeks.

The stars have no fragrance, but they seem to have fragrance.

Xu Yang really saw it, a star was blinking, blinking, popping, popping, like his heartbeat at this time.

"I saw it." Xu Yang said excitedly.

"Shh--" The little golden monk made a gesture to silence him.

Then, the golden monk quickly transmitted the message: "I walked all the way and picked a total of 698 leaves and scattered them in this ten-mile radius. But now, directly under the blinking star, I There is a person standing on the 368th blade. This person has used a secret method to hide his energy. I bet he is here to kill us. Calculating the distance, that person will attack us in three breaths. Let’s take action.”

When Xu Yang heard this, he immediately became vigilant and shouted in his heart: "The "Tathagata's flower finger" that the little golden monk came all the way turned out to be useful for this. He is not the little monk chanting sutras in the Tathagata Hall of the Golden Buddha Temple at all, but a man with thousands of years of Taoism. The male vixen is so beautiful and cunning!”!

Xu Yang and the golden jade monk suddenly jumped away.


A loud bang!

Where Xu Yang and the Jinyu monk had just stood, it seemed as if a giant hammer as big as a mountain fell down.

Suddenly, the earth and rocks flew ten feet high, exploding into arc-shaped golden spots that cut through the void like a golden sickle and made a creaking sound.

More than ten feet away, the figures of Xu Yang and the golden jade monk appeared.

At this moment, Xu Yang hugged the golden monk's shoulders tightly with his arms, looking like a "good" person.

"I was really shocked. Why didn't you tell me earlier that there was an ambush here? You asked me to look at the stars even though the knife was on my neck." Xu Yang complained.

"Ahem," the little monk Jinyu gently tugged Xu Yang's arm around his shoulders, "You're nervous."

Only then did Xu Yang notice that his hands happened to be grasping the young monk's chest.

The lines are strong, slightly elastic, and the tentacles are warm.

Xu Yang's expression was slightly embarrassed, and he quickly let go, saying in his heart: "You beautiful monk, I don't want to take advantage of you."

The place where the two stood before was filled with smoke and dust one day.


With a slight cough, a tall figure walked out of the smoke.

The man was wearing a wide soap coat and a golden mask on his face. There were no patterns on the mask, only two long and narrow holes, making it difficult to see his eyes clearly.

The masked man's body was spotless. There were golden mountain patterns flowing on the surface of his exposed arms and fists, and there was a faint golden brilliance emanating from his body.

Seeing this, the young monk Jinyu and Xu Yang couldn't help but said in unison: "It's the Golden Buddha Holy Body Sutra from the Golden Buddha Temple."

As the two of them saw, the punch that the masked man just struck came from the Golden Buddha Holy Body Sutra, a non-traditional Buddhist body art method from the Golden Buddha Temple.

The golden mask said: "Two little guys, I guess you are lucky. Not many people in this world can escape the pursuit of my "Star Hidden Light" technique. But from now on, there is only one ending to your story... ..."

"Huh!" The golden monk snorted coldly.

"Bah!" Xu Yang was disdainful.

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