True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 985 Young Hero

In the space of Zhuangyuan Hall.

The two seals blessed by Xu Yang and the Golden Jade Monk completely locked Zi Qiluo's body. The intense pain during the seal blessing process immediately disappeared from Zi Qiluo's body.

At this moment, Zi Qiluo's martial arts aura was completely restrained, and the third purple eye between her eyebrows slowly closed. In the end, only a faint line of reddish color was left, like an embellishment of flowers.

She no longer has the domineering aura of the demon clan's high priest, nor the demonic aura of the cat beast.

She looked just like a mortal, a beautiful woman in purple.

There was no panic on her face, only calm.

Her purple eyes are like the lake water set against the purple clouds after the rain and the sky clears up. It will not make people get lost, but will only make people fascinated.

She, Zi Qiluo.

Xu Yang handed the folding fan to Zi Qiluo with both hands, "I just happened to pick up this folding fan on the ground. Now it belongs to its original owner."

Zi Qiluo kept her eyes fixed on the folding fan, as if she was afraid that the folding fan would fly away if it grew wings. She took the folding fan with both hands, opened it and looked at it carefully.

Qiluo Qingyun, see you later.

The eight words were written neatly on both sides of the folding fan. The handwriting was beautiful and elegant, like blue clouds falling on the fan, floating in Zi Qiluo's heart.

Zi Qiluo looked at it carefully for a while, with a satisfied smile on her face. Then he held the folding fan in his arms and said happily: "It's my folding fan. Thank you, Xu Yang."

Xu Yang nodded.

At this moment, the purple starry sky suddenly shook, making a rumbling sound, and the world seemed to be spinning in an instant.

Suddenly, a purple beam of light was cast in the starry sky. Seal characters circulated in the beam, writing mysterious curses.

The purple beam of light completely covered Zi Qiluo's body.

Zi Qiluo didn't care at all, her eyes were on the folding fan in her arms.

Jade pendant sandalwood fan. Qiluo Qingyun, see you later.

The star formation in the Zhuangyuan Hall was spinning on its own, spitting out slender purple light threads along the purple light mask, wrapping Zi Qiluo's figure layer by layer until it turned into a huge purple light cocoon, and Zi Qiluo was invisible. Luo's body.

Immediately afterwards, the purple light cocoon wrapped in Zi Qiluo was pulled high into the sky by the star light belt. When it reached the highest point, it shone for a moment, and then melted into the purple stars of the day, as if the cat was deliberately hidden, quietly, making it easy for people to find her.

The devil is not a demon, and the demon is not a monster, but he is a human being.


Xu Yang looked up at the place where Zi Qiluo disappeared, and said regretfully: "Demon clan high priest, her name is Zi Qiluo, she is just an infatuated lover."

The little golden jade monk came to Xu Yang's side and clasped his hands together: "Amitabha, maybe this is the fate of Donor Zi Qiluo. Maybe one day, Donor Lu Qingyun will really come here to find her."

Xu Yang nodded slightly and said sincerely: "I hope so."

But he muttered in his heart: "As of today, I, Xu Yang, have seen four love-promoting folding fans given by Lu Qingyun. In fact, this great immortal Lu Qingyun has given out so many folding fans to so many women as words of love. I'm afraid even he himself doesn't remember it. Lu Qingyun is a powerful Confucian man who is respected by the entire Zhongyuan world. What kind of person is he? The essence of Confucianism is that he is upright and upright. Is that so?”

The golden jade monk gently patted Xu Yang's shoulder with his hand and joked: "My friend, there are many people or things in this world that I can't see clearly with my third golden eye. For example, this time Zi Qiluo, her inner weakness has been exposed You understand. What you said to Zi Qiluo just now must have been unscripted. Are you really Lu Qingyun’s younger brother?

Xu Yang smiled slightly, then pretended to be serious and said: "Look at me, I have a majestic aura, which can be described in four words: upright and upright."

A black fire flashed on Xu Yang's shoulder, and a small black dragon appeared, which was the body of the demon dragon Ming Lin.

"If this demon dragon were at its peak,

One person can defeat this Zi Qiluo. "Ming Lin never blushes when he brags, because his face is too dark, so dark.

"Amitabha," the golden monk nodded, clasping his hands together, "If a lie can save a person or a few people, then it is the true knowledge of the Buddha's words."

Xu Yang's verbal escape solved everyone's crisis and saved Zi Qiluo from exploding, which was the best result.

At this time, Liu Haiyu, Zhan Yunfei, Xia Yu, Gui Gu Zan, Murong Yu and Yao Jun also surrounded them.

"Zi Qiluo has been sealed in the purple starry sky again." Zhan Yunfei said.

"Our mission is completed. I don't know how many years Zi Qiluo will be sealed in the future." Liu Haiyu said.

Qing Xiaoyu's message came from the sword box behind Liu Haiyu: "In order to seal the Demon Saint, I used all my physical strength to summon a Spirit Sword Mountain and suppressed the Demon Saint for a thousand years. A thousand years seems like a very long time. It only takes a blink of an eye. Those who cultivate the truth must fight day and night to achieve the path to immortality."

Liu Haiyu nodded and whispered: "Fight day and night to achieve great success."

"Sometimes, force alone cannot completely determine the outcome. Justice will always defeat evil. This time, we won." Hongpao Xiayu said righteously.

"This Demon Race High Priest, her name is Zi Qiluo. Her fighting power is really strong. She is a bit evil, but she shouldn't be evil. She just has a different stance from us. If we were in her position , we will also become the evil demons people call us." Guigu Zan, who always talks little, said a lot this time.

The human soul skeleton clone, which was already asleep on Guigu Zan's back, did not forget to give his master a thumbs up in his sleep.

"We all tried our best all the way into the palace space trial. Unexpectedly, it was a fan that allowed us to win the final victory. This is thanks to the great wisdom of Boss Xu Yang." Murong Yu looked at Xu Yang. , almost a little in awe.

"I hope everyone is safe." Yao Jun said seriously, and a pair of beautiful eyes fell on Xu Yang.

This time, if Xu Yang hadn't turned the tide at the critical moment, everyone might have fallen to the sharp cat's claws.

In the palace space, Xu Yang and other eight young heroes have gone through many dangers and defeated powerful enemies in the four palace spaces.

In Chuanlu Hall, the two men in black robe and white robe had forgotten their names, but they could not forget the brotherhood between them.

In the Tanhua Hall, the story of mutual destruction between the monk Jiulong of the Golden Buddha Temple and the demon general of the Western Regions has been repeated after thousands of years, which makes people lament the relationship between the demon and the Buddha.

In the No. 2 Hall, there is Qingyue Lord of Yu Dao, and the three stars shine on the seven peaks. That is a person's famous name, and it is also a person's obsession with success.

In the Zhuangyuan Hall, Zi Qiluo, who has the prominent position of the demon clan's high priest, is actually just a little woman who longs for true love.

Next, the eight people exchanged greetings, and the joy of victory was written on everyone's face.

Half an hour later, starlight suddenly appeared in the void opposite the eight people, and a purple light curtain fell. Strings of silver seal characters circulated continuously in the light curtain, just like the transmission exit of the Zhuangyuan Hall space.

The eight young heroes walked side by side towards the exit. Their story is still going on and it must be extremely exciting.


At night, the stars hang down.

Yudaomen, the third floor of Shuxiangmen's altar, the seven peak masters of Yudaomen are standing on the square in front of the entrance to the palace space.

As the head of the seven peaks and the temporary head of the Yu Dao Sect, Lan Xingjun has been staring at a star soul stone tablet in the square.

Inscribed on the Star Soul Stone Tablet is a diagram of the star array in the palace space. From top to bottom, they correspond to the Number One Scholar Hall, the Second Rank Hall, the Tanhua Hall and the Chuanlu Hall.

At this time, the light of the stars at the position of the Number One Scholar Hall on the star formation map suddenly dimmed.

Nuo Da's stone tablet trembled slightly. On the map of the star formation, the stars rolled and all reappeared.

Light up and shine like a world-famous treasure.


The entire Shuxiangmendi altar shook for several breaths, and the light curtain around the altar became brighter, and the silver seal characters in it jumped, as if writing a chapter of victory.

The formation space becomes more stable.

When the vibration disappeared, Lan Xingjun's expressionless face suddenly showed joy. He breathed a long sigh of relief and said loudly: "They succeeded. The star map on the stone tablet all lit up again. This means that the Demon Race High Priest has been captured." Re-seal."

Speaking of excitement, Lan Xingjun took two steps forward, spread his hands, and said loudly: The star formations in the four halls have been restarted, and there will be no more problems with the Shuxiangmen Dharma Altar in five hundred years. In the next five hundred years, our Yudao Sect will shine like the stars on this day. "

"The world of Yudao, the light of the stars, the eternity of the seven peaks!" Several peak masters on the opposite side shouted in unison.

Seven people stood together, looking upright.


Qiong Huajun on the side couldn't hold it any longer. He took a step forward and asked, "Brother, why haven't those eight young heroes been teleported out yet? They are all fine."

Lan Xingjun turned one hand over, and eight more blue feathers appeared in his palm.

The surface of the eight feathers shone with light, and they were engraved with the names of Xu Yang, Jinyu Xiaoseng, Liu Haiyu, Zhan Yunfei, Guigu Zan, Xia Yu, Murong Yu and Yaojun.

Lan Xingjun checked carefully and then said: "The spiritual feathers attached to the souls of the eight people are all intact, which means that all eight people are safe."

Qionghua Jun directly took a blue feather with Yao Jun's name engraved on it, and his spiritual consciousness penetrated it, with a look of joy on his face, "My disciple Yao Jun."

Lan Xingjun said: "The eight young heroes successfully completed the task of the palace realm space trial. They are the rising stars in the entire northern cultivation world. The space formation in the entire Shuxiang Mendi altar has just been restarted. Half of them have been restarted. After a while, they can come back here.”

"It only took seven days to complete the task of all four halls. It was not easy for them."

"Congratulations to these eight people. I think even when we were young, it would be difficult to complete this mission in the palace realm."

"These eight young heroes can be called the proud sons of the Northern Territory."

"They represent the future of the cultivation world in the Northern Territory."

"These people are all good, thanks to the great elder Blue Star Lord's strategizing."

"Next, we can announce to the entire Northern Territory that this scholarly family trial has ended perfectly. These eight people have achieved the top eight results, and their names will be remembered and praised."

Several peak masters as powerful as the Yu Dao Sect also praised him one after another.


At this moment, something strange happened.

There are light arrays activated at the same time on the tops of the seven peaks of Yu Dao Sect, Blue Feather Peak, White Feather Peak, Red Feather Peak, Black Feather Peak, Yellow Feather Peak, Green Feather Peak, and Purple Feather Peak.

Powerful light rushed to the sky, quickly connected into a piece, and a huge defensive light shield was lowered to cover the entire Yudao Gate.

"It's the sect formation that has been activated."

"What was supposed to come has come."

"I didn't expect them to come so quickly."

"Now that you're here, don't even think about leaving."

"Who gave them the courage to attack Hadomen head-on?"

"I don't know how many people they have come. Next, it's time for us to go to war."

Lan Xingjun, the great elder, smiled slightly and said confidently: "The high priest of the demon tribe has been suppressed again, and no one can open the palace space again. This time, there will not be many people from the demon tribe in the Western Region. At most, they will only make some noise. That’s it, let’s go meet them.”

The seven people turned into streams of light and disappeared in place.


In the square of the Shuxiang Mendi altar, a colorful light curtain rolled, and eight young heroes walked out of it.

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