True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 990 One Sword Lingfeng

High in the air.

Qiong Huajun's ultimate kendo move "Dayu Chasing Snow" collided with the violent move "Demon Tiger Sword Slash" prompted by the giant demon scorpion beast.

After a long while, the power of both sides' moves were exhausted in the sky, leaving only a trembling void after the torment of heat and cold.

Qiong Huajun snorted softly, and the figure in white fell from the air. She kneaded with one hand, and a curl of flying snow formed on the sole of her foot to stabilize her figure. When he landed on the ground, his body still swayed a bit, and he kept himself from falling by holding on to the tip of the Xuexue Sword in his hand.

Qiong Huajun's chest felt tight, her throat felt sweet, and the bright red mouthful that came to her mouth was suppressed by her in one breath.

The more critical this life and death situation is, the harder it is for the peak leader to show cowardice or retreat. After all, there are still more than a hundred Baiyu Peak disciples' lives behind him.

This is Qionghuajun’s belief at this time, and it is also her responsibility.

Qionghua Jun leaned on the formation and used his ultimate move to fight against the giant scorpion beast. Most of the counter-shock force of the powerful spell was borne by the formation. The one hundred and eight Bai Yufeng disciples who controlled the "Great Jade Seal Mountain" formation had also reached their limit. They were swaying and swaying one after another, but they refused to lose their position easily.

"What level is this monster? It's really powerful. I can't fight it with my own strength. The attack just now, if it weren't for the formation of "Dayu Seal Mountain" behind me, would have borne most of the burden for me. , Now I have been defeated miserably. Only by relying on the power of the great formation can I continue to fight against this monster. "

Qiong Huajun stood firm, straightened his body, raised his Xuexue Sword in the air, and shouted: "Bai Yufeng disciples listen to the order, quickly take the White Yu Pill, stick to their positions in the formation, and follow me to kill the monsters on the opposite side. "

The one hundred and eight disciples behind her received the order and took out a white elixir with three golden lines on the surface from their arms and took it directly into their mouths. Even Qionghua Jun himself took one.

The effect of Bai Yu Dan took effect quickly, and a gurgling cold air overflowed from everyone's body, and their shortcomings in energy were instantly made up for.

White Feather Pill is Baiyu Peak's unique elixir. It is refined with thirteen kinds of mountain snow spirits and can replenish mana in a very short time. But taking too much will freeze the meridians of the user.

Next, with Lord Qionghua as the formation eye, a group of disciples activated their skills again. Wind and snow began to rise in the surrounding space. The Great Jade Sealing Mountain Formation barely fell into position, but it would take some time to fully activate it. of.

Qionghua Jun pointed the tip of his sword at the monster opposite him and said sternly: "You evil beast, if you strike with another sword, your life will be taken. I, a disciple of Bai Yufeng, will not allow you to run wild here."

At this moment, the giant scorpion beast's huge body was forced back more than a hundred feet, and the surface of a pair of huge claws was covered with deep sword marks.

One of the six star points on its forehead dimmed, leaving only five that lit up, and its physical aura also dimmed.

The giant scorpion beast looked at the deep sword marks on its pair of chelicerae, then flexibly scissored it a few times, making a clicking sound.

He said with lingering fear: "Fortunately, this monster activated the six-star power in time, otherwise this girl named Qionghua Jun would have broken my defense with a sword. The interface level of this Zhongyuan Realm is lower than that of the Yuan Demon Realm. After reaching half a grid, if I activate the six-star ultimate power, I will be suppressed by the power of the Zhongyuan Realm interface. At the moment, it seems that the people on the opposite side have reached their limit. Their formation cannot be activated for a while, and it is just a bluff. Even with the power of the five-star beasts, I can kill them."

The monster scorpion monster raised its pair of scissor front pincers and shouted: "Little girls from Yudaomen, Qionghua Jun, it depends on your mouth or the pair of claws of this monster. Wait until I put you and you I will cut the disciples behind me into two pieces and swallow your blood souls to see who dares to stop me."

Qiong Huajun said loudly: "If this monster of yours persists in your stubbornness, we will both lose. You

If you retreat, we will not hunt you down again. "

The giant scorpion beast looked at the formation on the opposite side, rolled its eyes, and cursed: "Retreat? I haven't had enough fun with this monster yet. I won't argue with you bitch, wait until you launch a big formation together, and hide it in the wind." In the snow, and then secretly attack, this monster will suffer a loss. The six boundary stars on my forehead are all tempered by a layer of wisdom. I also have great wisdom. I will kill the leader Qiong Hua first. Little girls, this formation will be destroyed by itself. When the time comes, a lot of human blood souls will be my great help.”

The giant scorpion beast held up a pair of large pincers and took a few steps forward seemingly unhurriedly. Its body is huge and its steps are naturally large. Every step it takes is a few feet away.

Suddenly, the giant scorpion beast jumped forward, its huge body covering the sky and the sun. It swung its pincers to target Qiong Huajun and slashed at it. Its powerful brute force set off a purple storm.



Every move of the giant scorpion beast opposite was seen by Qiong Huajun.

"Do you want to take the initiative to attack me?" She tapped her toes on the ground and jumped back like a crane. At the same time, she swept out the snow-chasing sword in her hand, rolling up a swath of flying snow.


The purple light exploded, the flying snow rolled back, and the strong wind struck back.

In mid-air, Qiong Huajun's figure was spinning rapidly like a top, flying backwards, barely able to relieve half of the opponent's strength.

The huge body of the giant scorpion beast fell to the ground, and its giant claws struck the ground with a bang. The edge of the claw knife sank into the soil, stirring up rolling sand and stones.

"Want to run? It's not that easy."

Immediately afterwards, the huge hooked tail of the giant demon scorpion beast was raised, and above the tip of the tail, a ball of purple light of the elemental demon swirled and quickly condensed.

The Yuan Demon Bullet creaked like a rotating sickle, and the surrounding void was overwhelmed, with dark cuts appearing one after another.

Seeing that the magic bullet is about to be thrown.

If this elemental magic bullet is thrown out, Qiong Huajun, who is still in mid-air, will have almost no chance of dodge and will either die or be injured.

At this moment, Qionghua Jun's body surface was swirling with flying snow in mid-air. His posture was as nimble as a white crane in the wind, and he quickly stabilized his figure. She stared at the monster opposite her with a sharp look, then raised her left hand to make a move in the air.

"Here comes the sword!"

The void fluctuated, and a strange white feather suddenly appeared out of thin air and quietly fell from the sky above the head of the giant scorpion beast.

With a pop, the white feather suddenly exploded and turned into a long and thin sword intent, which was immediately slashed out.

"Ling Feng!"

A very thin line of sword intent suddenly erupted, and the wind-attribute spiritual power contained in it was compressed to the point of shining like metal. It is a kind of existence that is like the power of law, and it is the purest condensation of sword intention.

Fairy Yu Dao Bai cuts Feixue with his jade sword.

It’s Qionghuajun’s name.

She is a swordsman.

But most people who have seen Qiong Huajun use a sword have only seen her Xuexue Sword. In fact, Qionghua Jun uses the dual swords of Zhuixue and Lingfeng. When Xu Yang participated in the Qingyun Pavilion trial before, Xu Yang forced Qiong Huajun to use another Lingfeng sword.

Chasing Xue Lingfeng was originally a pair of swords. Among them, Ling Feng Sword is Qiong Huajun’s trump card.

This time, in a life and death crisis, Qiong Huajun took action decisively.

"The Way of the Sword - One Sword Lifts the Wind!"

The power of this sword is the result of Qionghua Jun's daily sword practice on the top of the Snow Mountain of Baiyu Peak, using the power of the sword domain of Lingfeng Sword to attract the power of the wind spirit of the day. It has been accumulated for ten years, all of which are sacrificed with secret techniques. Refined and compressed on this sword.

This sword used Qionghua Jun's ten years of cultivation.


But I saw a straight silver line flashing through the void.

Very thin, yet extremely sharp.


There was a harsh cutting sound.

That silver lining

The color was cut on the swinging hook tail of the giant scorpion beast. A deep sword wound appeared on the surface of the swinging hook tail of the giant scorpion beast, and the direction of the attack was forced to deflect.


The elemental magic bullet on the tail hook of the giant scorpion beast bombarded out, but the direction was diagonally stabbed into the sky. Rushing to the highest point, it turned into a ball of purple thunder and exploded, scattering a violent purple demonic energy for a day.

Qiong Huajun took the opportunity to land on the ground, chasing Xue Lingfeng with both swords in his hands. White snow curls up on the surface of the Xuexue Sword, and the Lingfeng Sword is translucent, with hot spiritual energy rising from the surface.

Qiong Huajun frowned and said in his heart: "Although this sword Ling Feng is not my most majestic move, it is my sharpest sword intention. But even the hooking tail of this demon scorpion cannot be cut off, no Thinking that this beast's body is so hard, hey, if the formation was fully activated, with the power of the formation, this sword should have cut off this guy's tail..."

In this round, the giant scorpion beast not only failed to succeed, but also had a cracked sword mark on its hooked tail, which was almost severed.

The strange thing is that there is no purple blood flowing out of its wound, only balls of purple demonic energy coming out of it.

"Little Qionghuajun, I didn't expect you to hide a sword, you are so insidious." The giant scorpion beast roared loudly, but carefully backed away a few feet.

"Justice and fairness." Qionghua Jun raised his chest and raised his head, responded loudly, and revealed a pair of sword blades in his hands.

Fairy Yu Dao Bai cuts Feixue with his jade sword.

The giant scorpion beast opposite started to "dance" angrily, and the four pairs of feet under its belly stepped on the ground rhythmically, making a thump, thump, thump sound.

The animal blood in its body boiled, and the sixth star on its forehead flickered, then ignited a purple fire. Although it is not as fully lit as the previous one, it is still at a five-and-a-half-star level.


There are snake-shaped purple magic lines on the surface of the giant beast. The countless purple scales covering its body are shaking and making a rattling sound. The aura bursts out, emitting a powerful evil field.

The sword wound on the hooked tail of the giant scorpion beast healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Even if I burn the life star and lose the life force, I will kill you idiots. Anyone who hurts this monster must pay the price." The giant scorpion beast said fiercely.

"Woah woah woah, woah woah woah." The giant scorpion monster screamed and kept accumulating power, "Everyone here is going to die."

At this moment, a cry came from high in the sky.

"Master, my disciple Yaojun is here to help us."

Before he finished speaking, a flying sword came through the air, followed by a trail of flying snow. On top of the flying sword, there were two people, a woman and a man, standing in front and behind.

The girl, with thin eyebrows, dignified appearance, slender body, and elegant temperament, dressed in white, is none other than Yao Jun.

The boy is dressed in green and handsome, with a domineering little black dragon squatting on his shoulders, and one hand gently supporting the slim waist of the girl in front of him. It was Xu Yang.

The two figures are as elegant as flying on the white feather sword.

In the blink of an eye, the flying sword fell in front of Qionghua Jun. Xu Yang and Yao Jun jumped off the flying sword and stood beside Qionghua Jun.

Yao Jun made a move with one hand, and the white feather sword became three feet in size and was held in her hand.

"Master, are you okay?" Yao Jun said with concern.

"Disciple Xu Yang, I have met Mr. Qionghua Jun." Xu Yang said respectfully.

"No need to be polite, congratulations to you two for completing the trial task of the palace realm space." Qionghua Jun nodded, "Master just suffered some internal injuries, nothing serious. My disciple came at the right time, come with me to bless the Dayu Fengshan Mountain The formation's eye is used to deal with the monsters on the opposite side."

Yao Jun said: "I obey!"

Xu Yang said: "And me."

Ming Lin, who was squatting on Xu Yang's shoulder, waved his dragon claw and said, "Just do it and it's done."

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