True Star

Chapter 10 - -Lu Tianchen (1)

Tianchen Group has a restaurant dedicated to employees. The restaurant is huge and covers two floors. One floor is where the employees usually eat, and the other is the company’s dedicated floor for parties and events.

The time is just after noon work in the morning. Many employees of Tianchen Group choose to dine at the company. There is no fixed recipe. The restaurant is divided into two parts. One part is a buffet area where employees can access the food. There is a wide variety, ranging from Western to Oriental cuisines, but the company does not provide alcohol but drinks and coffee.

The other part is the ordering area. If you want more refined food and more hidden dining places, then the ordering area is your best choice, but you have to pay for dining here.

As an executive of Chenchen Entertainment, Charles does not have to pay any fees in the ordering area.

Coming out with Charles from the exclusive high-rise elevator, Tang Feng can feel that many people are watching them. Most of the employees in Tianchen are dressed up in fashion. He can’t tell who is working for Tianchen Entertainment.

Charles took Tang Feng directly to the ordering area. At this time, the ordering area was only their pair. The restaurant staff handed the order menu.

“Let me guess what you like to eat.

“Charles flipped through a few pages of the menu at will, and he tapped his finger on the table with a slightly game-like smile in the corner of his mouth, which made him look cunning and charming.

Tang Feng took a sip of lemonade and laughed, “Okay.

“You don’t eat animal offal.

“”how do you know? “Tang Feng was quite surprised. Charles was right. He really didn’t eat animal gut.

“Because I have a pair of eyes that can see through my heart, haha.

“Charles quickly ordered, and the waiter turned away with the menu.

“Then what else can you see from me?” The glass was dropped, and the man put his fingers on the table with his fingers crossed. The light of noon was only a warm color after being exposed by the curtains, and it was gently struck on the side of Tang Feng’s face. There was a gentle silence in the man.

Charles’s upper body tilted slightly, his eyes fell on the man’s cheek, his voice gave a sense of stasis, and the corner of his mouth smiled: “You are charming now.

“I also have a pair of eyes that can see through people’s hearts. You certainly will not only say this to me now, Charles, you must have had more women than men.

Tang Feng politely exposed the opponent’s trick, and Charles didn’t anger but smiled.

“Hahaha, Tang Feng, then I bet the men and women you’ve met must be no less than me …” Charles laughed loudly, and his hearty laughter caught the attention of others.

“Charles, what makes you so happy?” If Charles’s voice was opera-likely low-magnetism, now the man’s voice is as cold as night but with deceptive charm.

Tang Feng looked back at the voice, and it was nothing special when he met Lu Tianchen in the Tianchen Group. When he saw Lu Tianchen’s first glance, Tang Feng deeply lamented why the original owner of the body was so obsessed with this. Man, Lu Tianchen is more handsome and charming than the photos in the magazine, a kind of cold charm, and the mysterious taste often attracts many men and women.

Fortunately, this certainly does not include Tang Feng himself.

“It’s not the time for you to come to heaven, I’m having lunch with my dear Tang, but I thank you so much. I wouldn’t have had the chance to meet such a charming gentleman without your introduction.

“Charles and Lu Tianchen say hello, the two seem to have a relationship like a dead party.

“Oh, is it?” Until then, Lu Tianchen gave Tang Feng half a glance, bringing a cold and scrutiny taste. Tang Feng smiled politely at him. Lu Tianchen seemed a little surprised, but His inherent indifference was soon restored.

“Then you should invite me to dinner.

Lu Tianchen came over, and the service staff on the side quickly moved a chair.

Very good, now it is three people having lunch together, Tang Feng sips in silence.

Volume superstar – superstar rebirth Chapter XI – Lu Tianchen (b) of section Word Count: 1110 Updated: 12-03-2419: 16

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