True Star

Chapter 115 - -Abduction (1)

With the planned “breaking news” of Tianchen, Tang Feng’s topicality is also getting stronger and stronger, but these superficial topics are not enough for Lu Tianchen. An overexposure of a star in the short term is often accompanied by certain dangers. It is even easy to leave a impression of topic speculation. Before the superstar training class is about to reach the exam, the public relations department of Tianchen Group consciously revealed ambiguous information to some media. Tang Feng will appear in a Hollywood movie, not a supporting role. But the real protagonist.

Reminiscent of the intimate attitude of former Hollywood star Michael Kino to Tang Feng, the truth of this statement is futile.

Before the work came out, it took the lead to become popular. These are all thanks to Lu Tianchen’s strong public relations operation team or think tank. Tang Feng suddenly felt a little pressure. If he didn’t work well, he would be too sorry for President Lu’s favor. Already.

A quiet coffee room with pictures of movie stars from every age that have a huge influence on the movie scene. Several people are scattered in the small coffee house filled with fragrance, or they go online or read a book. , Or whispered to each other on a small wooden chair in the corner.

“I remember you didn’t like coffee before.

Chen Mingxu looked at Tang Feng’s black coffee with only milk.

Coincidentally, the seat on which they sat was actually a portrait of the deceased superstar Fiennes Tang. Tang Feng felt kind and felt as if he was looking at his own photos.

“Everyone likes to drink bitter stuff.

“Take the joke halfway, the man gently stirred the black liquid in the glass,” I’m going to the United States next month.

“” The news is true? “Chen Mingxu’s eyes widened suddenly, unexpectedly Tang Feng said it directly.

The man nodded: “The movie has been planned for several months, and I will go directly to the crew next month. It will take about three months to return.

“Tang Feng, who is familiar with the Hollywood movie shooting process, can easily calculate the shooting cycle. Actually, it doesn’t take much time to shoot a movie, especially in the United States. You have a fixed shooting time every day, and you have weekends off.

The average movie can’t take too long, otherwise the labor cost is too high. Investors should shout.

That’s why people who make movies basically don’t go to TV shows anymore. The first-line TV series stars can get 4 million to 500 thousand dollars for each episode, like the little production youth idol TV series on the CW station also have tens of thousands of dollars each episode. A TV series can be filmed for several years, and a TV star has accumulated a lot of remuneration over the year.

But compared to movies, a first-line movie superstar can earn at least 30 million in compensation for shooting a commercial blockbuster and various types of dividends. If you participate in production or the like, you can even reach hundreds of millions in the end, and the time spent is no more than three Four months.

TV series actors are more tiring, and it is likely that there will be only one TV series in a few years due to the influence of TV series production.

Because you don’t have much time to make TV shows on other themes, even if there is a movie, it is often difficult to become the protagonist.

And a person who loves performing, always hopes to cooperate with different major directors to star in movies with different themes, and it will be easier to play in movies.

Oh, by the way, I can still win prizes.

The first few of Forbes’ income charts are often singers, but they are too tired. There are very few singers who have lived close to selling records. Concerts are the real source of income for singers.

To Tang Feng, it’s too tiring.

He can spend three or four months to make a movie, sometimes even just a month, and the rest of the time can follow the crew ’s global promotion by the way. You can walk around the red carpet and meet filmmakers from different countries. You can do it. More things you like.

This is why stars who have acted in movies rarely sing or act in TV series.

“that’s nice.

“Chen Mingxu nodded, holding the coffee cup in both hands, and laughed.” When you become an international star in the future, don’t forget our old friends.

“Tang Feng deliberately poses as a superstar:” Don’t worry, wait until I become famous and let you have an exclusive interview.

“Smelly fart! “Volume superstar – superstar rebirth of one hundred and sixteenth chapter – kidnapping (b) of section Word Count: 1365 Updated: 12-05-2709: 56

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