True Star

v2 Chapter 1 - -Demon Trail

Crossing his legs on the sofa, Tang Feng opened the script, and the first line of text—SatansAlley, the name of the film directed by Li Wei this time, was translated in Chinese as “Devil’s Trail”.

“When a man falls in love with a man, will he question himself, am I born like that? Then, maybe, I will shake my head slightly, only by accident, falling in love with one” he “, in this case, also Is it a sin? “Although he had read the original script when he was still Faynes, he would still be deeply moved by the scenery, characters and words described in the script.

This is a movie with religious colors and sensitive words. It is vilified that in the early nineteenth century, more and more missionaries began to enter the declining Eastern land. The old priest adopted one while preaching. Chinese orphan, he named him “Tang.”

“A simple yet Chinese name.

Perhaps in the heart of the old priest, I also hope that this helpless child will eventually be as powerful as the Tang Dynasty.

In this age of turmoil and change, only powerful people can come to the end.

But the place where the story happened is not this mysterious eastern land. Tang grew up day by day, and then one day the old priest died. Tang took the old priest’s ashes and embarked on the road to the west. In the rural church, Tang brought the old priest back to his homeland, Shi Bin, and met a light monk in the church this year.

“His hair is like the noon sun, Jin Chanchan is more beautiful than gold, and his blue eyes are more beautiful than any gem he has ever seen, even though Tang hasn’t seen any particularly precious gems since he grew up to now. , But he thinks that the eyes and hair of the monk this year are really beautiful … “Tang Feng slowly read a description on the script.

He read the script carefully and read it carefully. This reading turned out to be a day, and some were unexpectedly attracted to it.

The earthworm asked the desk lamp of the Jade Study Room to reflect the slightly open windows in the night breeze with orange warmth. Tang Feng looked down and read the script, the last page.

“Woo–” Take a deep breath, and close the last page of the script a bit.

The endings in movies are always sighing, and there are still very few happy endings in gay-themed movies, let alone literary films with religious colors and the collision of Eastern and Western cultures. In an instant, this calm and gentle man had an irresistible urge. No matter what happened, no matter what kind of obstacle he encountered, he wanted to use his own methods and his own ideas to interpret the movie. Roles.

Once this idea appeared, it roared in every vein of the man like the blue water, almost making Tang Feng could not help but jump up and ran to the studio immediately.

In the early nineteenth century, Fuzhou was not completely embarrassed from the dark rule of religion. In the past generation, it was not easy to show that he was different.

Because she is different, she often leads to death.

Don and Chris could have spent their lives in the monastery as two ordinary monks. They were far from the hustle and bustle of the world, and war and change were too far away from them.

Next to the small monastery is the beautiful sea. The days of ascetic practice are not difficult, and when everything becomes a habit, what really tests them is the devil from the heart who seduces them.

Would a stranger who sent an old priest to his homeland but left his homeland really be quiet when he chanted and prayed all day long? I ca n’t go back to my hometown.

Can an empty and lonely soul be comforted by the Lord God? Or will he be seduced by the young and handsome monk, step by step with him towards the taboo abyss forbidden by God? As the story progressed step by step, Tang’s long-hidden secret finally appeared like the dappled paint on the wall. He did not open his homeland to send the ashes of the old priest to his hometown.

It comes from his crime, which is not forgiven by others.

Forced to leave his homeland, forced to endure panic, and forced to become a monk to block his throat for fifty years.

The movie explores this question: in God and love, in self-belief and inner desire, how should the two special people of this year choose.

………… With the end of the superstar training class jointly organized by the two major entertainment companies, a number of new actors and singers have also entered the audience’s field of vision.

Some students signed Tianchen Entertainment, others signed Su’s Entertainment. In the news, you can often see the new director and the director who met for dinner, and what big-name producers did the newcomer help to record the album, everyone They worked hard at entertainment at their own pace.

Someone soon discovered that Tang Feng, who had been so hot before, disappeared? After the TV’s blind date show “Lover in Dream” was broadcast, Tang Feng almost never appeared on TV news again, and disappeared like a transparent person.

Some people are wondering if this man is going to love each other with Charles. After all, with a rich partner like Charles, do they still need to work hard to make money? What’s more, what kind of movie works does Tang Feng have, not even a second-tier star, it is better to be a warmer.

These remarks naturally caused Tang Feng’s fans to be very dissatisfied. The talent that Tang Feng showed in the final performance of the training course was obvious to all, but many times as ordinary people did not like a star because of this.

And just when people other than Tang Feng’s fans began to forget about this man who was suddenly full of topicality and disappeared suddenly, one day, the Central Six Film Channel program reported that the major director Li Wei who had won the International Best Director Award. .

“Famous director Li Wei will be at the launch of the new film in the United States tomorrow, and the creators who have been keeping secrets for a long time will also be there. This time, the new film directed by Li Wei involves religion and sensitive topics. As soon as it was reported, it caused a lot of parties Attention, and also made great contributions to confidentiality in the cast, even until a genius.

“One after another, some TV stations and websites began to appear with director Li Wei’s new movie-related consultations.

“Director Li Wei was originally chosen to be the world-renowned superstar Feinstang, but it is regrettable that Feins died suddenly due to illness, and the movie was also left for a long time. Then Director Li Wei passed through a whole After years of selection, he finally found a replacement for Feins. However, what surprised us is that the actors who replaced Feins are not any superstars we already know, but they have not had any movie works before this. Newcomer Tang Feng.

“Tang Feng just won the highest award in a superstar training class organized by two major entertainment companies. He was also called by a teacher and internationally renowned performer Larry Reilly as ‘a new generation of superstars’. Another performing genius. ‘…’ “This is the first Chinese starring a Hollywood movie star this year, and it is one of the first Chinese newcomers to act as a movie’s leading actor.

The discussions in China because Tang Feng appeared in the cast of Li Wei’s new movie (The Demon Trail) were popular. Some people are happy for him and hope that he can successfully break into Hollywood. Some people doubt that Tang Feng’s previous shows have participated in It’s for the hype.

Most viewers are still looking forward to Tang Feng’s new movie. Even before the movie was opened, some media regarded Tang Feng as a quasi-frontline niche in China.

Anyway, at the beginning of discussions for films in China, Tang Feng, who was in the United States, finally officially began his acting career after his rebirth, the first film, the first protagonist.

………… The day before the film was filmed was a press conference. Director Li Wei and several producers clearly introduced the basic content of the film to the media and expressed some views and expressions of the new film.

Then came the media access time.

The two starring actors sat on the left side of the director. Since Tang Feng was a newcomer, they were arranged to sit next to Kino, separated from the director.

After the media began to ask questions, most of the reporters still aimed the microphone at the big star Michael Kino. Compared to a little-known star, Kino with a film price of 15 million is their real news point.

“Kino, can you tell us why you picked up Li Wei’s new movie? You know, you haven’t played any literary films before.

A reporter asked.

Kino is wearing a black suit today, and his blond hair is still a charming man. He smiled at the reporter who asked the question: “Well, then you must know that I have not nominated any acting skills before. Regarding the awards, I am very grateful to Director Li Wei for giving me a chance to prove myself, or a chance to nominate or even win a prize.

The reporter below laughed.

“I heard that in the movie you will have some passionate pictures, Kino, will you feel uncomfortable because of such a film with a man?” “Of course not!” Kino yelled exaggeratedly, then Put Tang Feng’s fan upstairs next to him, pointing at the man, “Look at him, what a handsome and beautiful man!” Tang Feng rolled his eyes in a timely manner, and there was a sudden laughter underneath.

There are also reporters, especially some reporters from China who asked Tang Feng, but most of the questions are normal. Generally speaking, “I work with the most famous director and actor for the first time in a movie. What do you think will be very difficult? Nervous? “Or” This movie’s origins are very sensitive, do you have any scruples? “

It may be difficult for newcomers to answer, but Tang Feng, the pseudo-newcomer ’s answer is easy and smooth, and it really makes people miss a little handle. Today, after this scene was passed back to China, someone discovered it immediately. The superfluous Tang Feng has the official tone and slyness, the emotional quotient is high enough, no wonder he can capture Charles’ heart.

Facing the media is a course, Lu Tianchen had previously found someone to teach Tang Feng, but then the teacher who taught the class left in shame.

The reason is actually very simple. The teacher who taught the class has been in the industry for more than five years at the age of 28.

Tang Feng looks young, but she has been in the industry for more than 20 years. She has nearly 20 years of experience. Who is her teacher … The evening of the movie launch conference is a private party of the film crew. In addition to all the film crew members, the party attendees also had some friends from the film industry, some friends directed by Li Wei, and of course some famous Hollywood celebrity clubs. The guests who attended were all the crew members in a good relationship friend.

The party is similar to Tang Feng’s impression, that is, the film’s creator and starring stage speech, Tang Feng was also cleared up to speak a few words at random, and then everyone gathered together to eat and drink Liu Liutian.

Compared to standing up and introducing yourself with a glance, a relaxed and comfortable party is very helpful for people who cooperate with each other for the first time to understand each other, as well as the mutual understanding between the starring and film staff, often avoiding a lot of embarrassment.

It is the purpose of the party to enhance relationships and expand communication.

Director Li Wei took Tang Feng to chat with a group of editors. It turned out that Larry praised Tang Feng’s final performance in the domestic superstar training class a few days ago, and the director circle also noticed the actor from the East. Director Li Wei even joked that his vision has always been good. Before Tang Feng was discovered by Larry, he pulled this future superstar into his own movie in advance.

“Larry’s old guy has a very weird personality. I heard that he promised Lu Tianchen to go to the superstar training class just to earn some extra money. It’s really an old thing that the power talks about money!” An editor who worked with Larry had a big mouth Drinking Shou Beer, laughing and cursing, “He just ran away some bluffs on the first day, right?” “Do you guess where he went?” The editor asked Tang Feng.

“Antarctic feeds the penguins.

Director Li Wei looked surprised: “Tang Feng, how do you know?” He really went to feed the penguins in Antarctica! “Of course I know. In these months of each year Larry has the habit of running to Antarctica.

Tang Feng smiled slightly.

Although he is weird, but I think this is a common problem of genius. They are all spoiled by the masses, and the masses are willing to spoil him. There are not many people who can be recognized by him, and there is only one before you. Feins.

Everyone talked for a while about Larry ’s words, and chatted and talked about Feynstang. As Feng Ling, who is Feince, was the first time he heard the Hollywood staff. He was evaluated, but it was probably more than half a year after he died, and everyone spoke more politely. Most of them were just comments.

“Why don’t you see Kino?” After chatting for about half an hour, Tang Fengfalong, the star of Michael Kino, has never been here. The guy just told him to chat and drink together. Half a person. Nothing.

“Here there!” A film crew found Kino first, and a blonde and angry Hollywood star was standing by the window behind Tang Feng. Tang Feng quickly turned around and found him in the crowd. Kino is particularly conspicuous. Standing next to Si Nuo is a beautiful woman in a red bandage dress. The woman looks extraordinarily sexual in the dim light-she is charming.

Tang Feng knew the girl. He didn’t chat with her, but he was known as Lilith. She belongs to one of Hollywood’s new-generation actresses. Lilith looks **** and is a beautiful actress. The audience ’s love seems to have been ranked as the 16th most beautiful woman in the United States.

The handsome Kino, the beautiful Lilith, and the young man and woman standing together are always seductive.

“Lilith is Kino’s girlfriend, Tang Feng, and their relationship has not been announced, so it’s best not to disclose it.

“The editor who just chatted with Tang Feng said while drinking,” Well, you know, young idol stars always pay more attention to love.

“A Hollywood male star never lacks a girlfriend, just like a female star never lacks a handsome guy. In fact, every person who is newly entertained is no different from an ordinary person walking on the street. Drinking and going to sleep, but entertainment is full of all kinds of people, more people contact, often more opportunities to be tempted.

There are not many people who are clean and good like Feynstang, although Tang Feng thinks this may be because everyone knows that he is ill, for fear of getting sick in the bed accidentally, in order to avoid trouble, stay away from him emotionally. Far.

They were talking about Kino and Lilith, and the two people who were talking happened to come over, and naturally they introduced each other.

“Lilith, he is Tang Feng I mentioned, a very powerful oriental man, and soon we will fall in love, so you must not be jealous.

“Kino is always cheerful and full of joy.

“Hello, I’m glad to see you. I really like your performance in the movie” Where. “

“As an opening remark among strangers, Tang Feng’s choice is conservative, but even conservative ones will encounter closed door treatment.

Lilith snorted, her tone was not very good: “You like that movie? That thing is a rubbish, I hate that movie!” The movie she was talking about was her famous work, and the only movie now famous .

Tang Feng just smiled. It’s not uncommon for female stars like Lilith to be entertained. The common problems of young people are rebellious and immature.


Kino shouted his girlfriend’s name.

“Well, I’ve met your friend, now I’m going to drink.

“Kino is thrown away, Lilith pulls her hair from the fan and turns on the heels of twelve-point heels, and goes to the stage, just like every wayward woman in love.

Kino sighed: “Hold the number, Tang Feng.

“” It’s okay, I think you better go and see.

“He was previously said by some juniors to be an” old-fashioned old man “, although he has always been famous since then, and those bad boys who are not polite have changed to work as salesmen.

You can reach a lot of people in this industry. Not everyone is gentle and gentle. If he casually angered and died early, I do n’t know how many times.

“I would love to chat and drink with you.

“Kino’s eyes looked like a puppy.

“No, you should take care of your girlfriend, this is what a gentleman should do.

Bai Bo patted Si Nuo’s shoulder, Tang Feng opened the man, and the latter gave him a reluctant glance. He vowed to invite Tang Feng for dinner before leaving to find Lilith.

After Tang Feng sat down, the staff of Tongjia smiled and encouraged him: “There are some stars in the new generation who think that they can continue to be popular in a popular movie. They have bad expectations and like to play big names. There will be many such people, leave them alone and be yourself.

“If Lilith was Kino’s girlfriend, he thought he would talk about Lilith when Kino invited him to dinner.

………… The next day the film crew of the Club held a power-up ceremony in Chinatown in Philadelphia. Although Director Li Wei graduated from the director department of the Beijing Film Academy despite mixing with Hollywood, the power-up ceremony has always followed the Chinese tradition. The incense worship service attracted many foreign workers to take pictures.

On the first day of booting, Kino didn’t come by accident. Today, there is no Kino’s role. Kino has a reason to avoid it, but Tang Feng still feels that there are some small accidents. He thought Kino would come.

“I didn’t expect to have roasted suckling pigs on the first day of filming, hahaha, it’s a good start!” As Tang Feng’s assistant concurrent agent, Xiaoyu also arrived on the set.

“Eat less, and then you should lose weight.

Tang Feng did not forget to tease Xiaoyu.

The first day of the boot, which I thought I would spend smoothly, was not as good as Xiaoyu said. It was like Tang Feng who was very confident in his acting skills. He did not expect to be on the first day of the camera. Not a small obstacle.

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