True Star

v3 Chapter 24 - freed

The result of this auction was no suspense. When the asking price was as high as 300 million U.S. dollars, Harvey was already pale. On several occasions, he couldn’t help but wanted someone nearby to call the Kino parents.

Brother Chino and his father meant to bring Chino back intact at any cost. Money can be made again, but there is only one loved one. But before that, they never thought that someone would keep raising prices with them. Just like Tang Feng, they don’t believe that Kino will do any bad things to catch these underworld members.

Harvey originally thought that the two hundred million should be a very high price, but now it has soared to three hundred million, and the other party did not mean to shrink back. He simply came prepared, which made him hesitate.

Could it be the request of the owner of the auction? In any case, if the auction price exceeds 300 million, it will be a great blow to the Kino family. This incident will let the Kino family ’s opponents know that the consequences will be unthinkable. I am afraid that the company ’s stock will also be affected.

After all, who has so much hatred with Kino, he is willing to ask these demons for help.

“Mr. Harvey, please come out.

“At a tense moment, a waiter suddenly came over and whispered beside Harvey.

“Don’t you see anything urgent here for me?” Harvey kept an eye on his opponent’s asking price, and it was inevitable that he would be disturbed when he was disturbed when he was very nervous.

“My host wants to see you. This is related to Mr. Kino. Please don’t worry about Mr. Kino’s safety.

The waiter stated the advice from Albert, and he emphasized again, “If you don’t want to go out, I won’t bother you again.

“The owner of the auction?” Harvey lowered his head for a moment, and hurriedly said, “No, I’ll go out with you.”

“This may be the only way out. Harvey nodded towards the bound Kino on the stage, signalling that the other party should not worry, and then went out with the waiter, and the bidding price naturally ended here.

Kino’s final transaction price was 325 million. The man who replaced Albert’s bid naturally went to the back office to pay the same amount as the previous few.

Harvey took his worries and anxieties, his face full of serious thoughts, and followed the waiter seriously and slightly nervously. He had already thought about it. If his departure caused Chino’s injury, then He has something to do no matter what.

But what can he do? “Here it is, please come in.

“The waiter stopped outside a room on the upper part of the yacht, reached out to Harvey to enter, and then turned and left.

Two bodyguards stood at the door. When Harvey pushed open the door, the two bodyguards didn’t look at the man.

The person inside was the owner behind the auction. A person he had only heard but did n’t expect to see. It was impossible to say not to be nervous, but when Harvey went in, he stayed in the original place. Ground.

“Tang … Mr. Tang?” I have to say that when I saw Tang Feng for the first time, Harvey was standing still as if he had been thundered. Can’t blame him, he just knew the room from the waiter’s mouth. The owner of the ship was waiting for him, and now there are only Tang Feng and several other bodyguards in the room.

In addition, Tang Feng also wore a Tang suit, with his hands on his backs and standing not far behind him. It really looked like some legendary mysterious man.

“Harvey, we meet again.

With a slightly bitter smile, Tang Feng guessed that Harvey might have misunderstood himself, but it was not the time to explain, and he reached out to signal Harvey to sit down, and they had to talk slowly about some things.

“You don’t have to worry about Kino. I’ll have someone send him to your boat tomorrow.

“This is what Tang Feng wants to talk to Harvey. It is a very simple sentence, but it is extremely precious to Harvey and Kino’s family.

“Mr. Tang, you …” Harvey seemed to be a little jealous. He looked at the bodyguards next to him timidly. The tall bodyguards seemed to be deaf to their conversations, standing beside them, one by one as if symbolizing the power Violent sculptures usually just silently exude invisible pressure.

“Harvey, the less you know, the better it is for you. I can only tell you that I am not the owner of this ship. Do n’t tell Kino after you go back that you have met me. This is true for anyone, please do n’t tell They have seen me here before.

“Albert can’t be seen by everyone. The man is too dangerous. Tang Feng chose to come out instead of Albert and tell Harvey about it.

And if he comes forward, Harvey should be more at ease.

Harvey looked at Tang Feng for a while. Although he did not understand why Tang Feng appeared here, the information revealed in the other party’s words had already told him that more things were not something he could contact and understand.

The man then sighed softly, with a laugher on his face: “I’m sorry for the rudeness, anyway, thank you very much today.

“I just do what I can.

Tang Feng had nothing else to tell Harvey. He stood up and said softly, “Go back to sleep well. When Kino returns home tomorrow morning, I think you should welcome him in good condition. A few days later, It’s the Venice Film Festival. Let Kino take a good rest. For the past few days, things will be forgotten and never happen again.

“Harvey nodded hard. In fact, he still had a lot of questions to ask this man, but he could only hold his stomach.

Sometimes, Tang Feng reminds him of another man, a man who is no longer in this world.

“Mr. Tang, will you go to the Venice Film Festival?” Harvey asked before leaving.

Tang Feng nodded, and smiled and said, “I will.

After saying goodbye to Harvey, Tang Feng came to his room with Albert when he went out to sea and pushed open the door to enter. Tang Feng saw Kino tied to the wooden stand beside the bed at a glance. Blocked, even blindfolded.

Kino’s body trembled slightly in the air, from small to large, this man who grew up with a golden spoon may not have experienced such terrible things.

Albert seemed to be mixed with the air. He was sitting at the little table near the window with his legs crossed, drinking some coffee at will, and beckoning at Tang Feng with a smile.

When Tang Feng approached Albert, the man pointed to the chair again.

Kino may hear their conversation. Tang Feng didn’t dare to speak out. He knew that the young man was actually proud and proud. Now this troubled look would let Kino know that he was seen by him. Nuo will certainly suffer a lot.

What is Albert doing? “Sit here.

The man spit out the four words to Tang Feng gently, then stood up holding the coffee cup, and walked towards Kino step by step. Albert made a slight footstep every time he took a step. It’s no doubt that Kino is a psychological attack.

“Superstar Michael Kino, haha.

“Albert glanced up and down at Kino casually, and his sight Tang Feng had taught, always giving a strong sense of crisis.

Kino naturally felt it, and his hair was erected.

“You are a lucky man.

When Albert said these words, he looked back and said, according to him, Tang Feng, who was sitting in a chair honestly.

“But at the same time you are also a stupid person. Remember all of you today, next time … maybe not so much luck.

“Raising the coffee cup, Albert slowly poured the remaining brown liquid on the naked Kino, and then dropped the cup on the ground.

Kino has long been unable to withstand continuous blows. It is not easy for a man who has not experienced too many setbacks to support it now. It is not a shame to shake his whole body at this time.

Albert didn’t look at Kino again, he walked over to Tang Feng and bent down and fell a kiss on the man’s cheek: “Wait for half an hour.

“And then left the room.

Tang Feng got up and walked over, bullyingly found out the towels, washed them, and wrung them out. When he was in front of Kino, he wiped off the coffee for the young man. Trembled.

Frowning slightly, Tang Feng wiped off all the coffee on Ticino without saying anything.

After cleaning, he took a few steps back, and the bodyguards on the side came over and lifted Kino from the wooden stand to the bed. Kino started struggling a few times, and then gradually calmed down, as if waiting for the coming. Torture.

Tang Feng winked at the bodyguards on the side, and soon someone went up and unbuttoned Kino’s mask, and said, “Sleep well on the boat and I will take you back tomorrow. You are really a lucky guy.

Before the bodyguard unbuttoned Kino’s blindfold, Tang Feng left the room.

Albert was already waiting for the man in the helicopter on the top of the ship, Tang Feng walked over and boarded the helicopter in the flying sea breeze.

“He’ll be fine tonight, right?” Tang Feng looked at the man beside him.

“of course.

“Abbott stretched his arms around the man, leaned over and kissed Tang Feng’s lips,” You are tired too, go back and rest early.

“Superstar Vol.3-Torrent Undercurrent Chapter 25. He was really tired the next day, and didn’t even bother to push away Albert who kissed him.”

On the helicopter, Albert half-embraced Tang Feng and squeezed the person between the door and his chest. The cold but soft lips fell on the other person’s forehead and cheek, and he gave intermittent kisses.

The night sky outside the window is dazzling, countless stars and dots glitter with jewel-like light on the dark blue canvas at night, and the cool sea breeze occasionally brushes your cheek to bring a soft touch, urging you to close your eyes to enjoy the shaving peaceful.

Albert’s kiss was very gentle, without even the taste of lust. He just kissed him, and his lips fell slightly on his cheeks, as if someone had taken a pure white soft feather and twitched his apex. child.

“Itchy …” Tang Feng tilted his head slightly.

“Tang Feng.

Albert shouted the man’s name, and the warmth accompanied his words caressed Tang Feng’s cheek.

The man looked at Albert, who reached out and brushed Tang Feng’s hair: ‘Does Esmerida know that the bell-ringer Asimodo is obsessed with her deep inside? “She has no love for him.

Albert opened his mouth slightly and seemed to want to say something, but Tang Feng didn’t have a chance to hear it in the end, because the man finally chose to swallow everything into his stomach.

“I’m not Esther Merida, and you’re not humble Asimomod.

In the eyes of others, Tang Feng was so bold, he dared to hold Albert’s cheek with both hands, and said to each other word by word, “But I know that you are a principled person, and it is not because you think I am People like me like Esther Merida.

“”I like you? Albert asked with a smile, instead of pulling Tang Feng’s hand on his face.

“Yes, you like me.

“Tightening the distance between each other, Tang Feng took the initiative to drop a gentle kiss on the other’s forehead, then released Albert, and held the other’s hand over Albert’s own left chest. You see, I just kissed you, and now your heart beats faster.

“Slightly faster heartbeats are beating on the palms like drums, and the body is the most honest response.

From the occasional interest at the beginning of the meeting, to the intense attention during a certain conversation, until this time I have a deeper feeling after some simple physical contact.

When Albert understood Tang Feng, did the latter also understand the former? “I like the urge.

“The corners of his lips moved and Albert smiled.

The next morning of the auction, on a yacht in the sea.

An American man in his thirties was sitting on a sofa looking out at the sea. The sea was calm and the sun was shining on it.

“To this day I still can’t believe what happened this week.

“The man turned back, his eyes were blue and blue, and it looked like he hadn’t slept overnight.

“John, the Chinos have returned, and I just checked him out. He was not harmed in any way. He was just a little scared. He was not in good spirits and needed a good rest.

Sitting at the opposite side of the man, Harvey stood up and walked over, patted each other’s shoulders hard, trying to cheer up his good friend.

“It’s all right, John.

With a deep sigh, Kino ’s brother raised his head with a bitter smile: “Harvey, thank you so much this time. I did n’t have time to ask you just now, how could Kino be sent over, we even got one. No money was spent.

“John was already ready for bankruptcy. Because of this, they commissioned Harvey to go to the auction. They were afraid that they would not be able to bear the pressure and shake at the scene.

As a result, last night, they were waiting for the result, but they learned that Kino would be sent back this morning, and they would not charge them a penny.

Originally, I was worried whether Kino would be abused, but such worries disappeared with the results of the inspection after Kino was sent back. Now when I look back, I find that things are very strange.

Kino suddenly disappeared more than a week ago. Immediately afterwards, they received an invitation letter. They did not dare to joke about Kino’s life, and the Kino family did not dare to call the police.

They are all people who have mixed heads and high-level clubs. Some things are well known. Even if the police report, there will not be any good results. It will only make Kino disappear forever.

“I don’t know about it either. A person at the auction asked me to go there and told me that someone had redeemed Kino for us.

“Havi remembered that Tang Feng had remembered that he had already prepared the answer in his heart and he told John directly.

“Really?” John looked surprised, then lowered his head and said with a smile, “Maybe it was a friend of my father’s. We didn’t know how many people had asked for help before. Although no one had promised us positively at that time, maybe someone was angry. It helped us, after all, people who have relationships with such organizations must not easily reveal their identities.

After hearing it, Harvey only smiled bitterly. Most probably no one would think that the person who saved Kino was Tang Feng. Although he did not know why Tang Feng knew the owner of the auction, the fact is that Kino now Lie safely in bed.

“It will be the Venice Film Festival in a few days. I hope that the film will get a good award, so that Chino will feel better and make a shadow earlier.

Harvey said with a smile, “Well, John, be happy, this won’t happen again.

“This sentence was what Tang Feng told him that night. I don’t know why. He believed what the man said.

“hope so.

“John nodded in agreement, but seemed to think of something else, and was a little worried.” At that time, the guy named Tang Feng will also go. Now many little stars like to seduce big stars, trying to use this method to make He quickly became famous. Kino is so famous internationally.

John frowned, reluctant to mention the man who made that kind of movie with Kino not long ago.

The man stood up and said to Harvey with anxiety, “Harvey, I am very worried about Kino. At this time, he has experienced such terrible things, and it is also the most vulnerable time. I am very worried that those foreign stars are trying to squeeze When he entered Hollywood, he deliberately started with Kino. Since Tang Feng dared to make such a frightening movie, he had the courage to seduce people.

“Tang Feng is not like that.

“Harvey couldn’t help but say.

“Harvey, you’re talking good for him?” John looked a little surprised.

“I’ve seen him. He feels polite and at the same time has a sense of distance, unlike the type of person who climbs up by any means.

“It was impossible for Tang Feng to save Kino, and Harvey knew that John was still in the dark, but he didn’t want to hear John say that man.

However, Yu Yu only shook his head, annoying and said scornfully: “Since the actors are actors, they know how to act to deceive others. Harvey, you have been carefully deceived by them. You must know that many people now come to America.

“No, John, I don’t think Tang Feng is like that.

“Harvey, what happened that made you defend that man so?” “John shook his head and was puzzled.

Harvey sighed: “I just don’t think you should judge easily when you don’t really know a person, let alone Tang Feng is still an actor with Kino.

“Well, well, I’m just worried about my younger brother. I want to follow him this time to Venice, but I don’t think he will like it because of his personality.

John stopped talking about Tang Feng, he said, “Harvey, can you do me a favor?” “Say, my old friend, is I still so polite? “I want you to follow Kino this time in Venice. One is to trouble you to take care of him, and the other is to hope that you can guard him a little when he is fragile, and don’t cause anything else.

John said earnestly, reached out and held Harvey’s shoulder, and sighed. “I’m worried that my brother will come out of this terrible experience. Although he didn’t say anything, he looked at him as a Brother who grew up, I know this incident has dealt him a great deal.

“”I’ll try my best.

“It will be the Venice Film Festival in a few days. Harvey thought of another man. Tang Feng should also go to the film festival.

It turned out that they didn’t know the man named Tang Feng. If he hadn’t met Tang Feng on the boat, now Harvey would probably be the same as John thought, thinking that Tang Feng was just a little star just starting his journey.

Without really knowing a person, you really can’t easily make judgments. How can a man who knows the owner of an auction house rely on Kino to make a scandal? Tang Feng … Tang Feng … Fynes-Don … What two people look like, unfortunately, he has lost him forever.

The appearance is bright and beautiful, and inside, only he knows that it is already empty.

Superstar Volume III-Torrent Undercurrent Chapter 26 The Fruits of Victory (Part 1) The film festival will begin two days later on the island of Lido, Venice. This afternoon, many people participating in the film festival have arrived on the water one after another. In the city, Director Li Wei has already arrived in Venice the day before yesterday. Tang Feng and the other party greeted each other after talking to each other. They learned that Kino would come over tomorrow.

Everyone has their own busy things. If there is a party, there will be a party after the opening ceremony of the film festival on the first day. There is no need to rush to hold it in advance. When calling, Tang Feng learned from the director of Li Wei that the film festival judges Praise for their performance, although as a newcomer to the movie, Tang Feng probably has nothing to win, but being able to be selected as the best newcomer and best actor at the same time is already a great thing.

Director Li Wei congratulated Tang Feng on the phone, and at this time Tang Feng knew that he had been shortlisted for the best newcomer and best actor at the same time.

Previously, he had been traveling between Lu Tianchen, Charles and Albert, so that Tang Feng had forgotten that the film festival would announce the nomination list in advance.

In any case, being able to get two nominations is a huge success for him now.

Need to call Lu Tianchen or Charles to report safety? After Tang Feng hung up the phone and didn’t dial any other numbers, he looked forward to seeing him as if he was Albert. Even if the man likes him now, it doesn’t mean he can challenge Albert’s authority.

Who can love alone for a lifetime? Perhaps at the time of the marriage proposal, the person who vowed to love you for a lifetime would suddenly say love to another person after three or five years, not to mention an elusive man like Albert.

Tang Feng didn’t think he was attractive enough to make Albert obsessed with his life. Now the obsession is only fresh and curious for a while. After waiting for this rare and curious curiosity and freshness to pass, there are more than a few who can still be attached to it.

“I said that it would make you arrive in Venice in advance?” Albert smiled softly as usual, the man stood up and walked to Tang Feng’s side and looked down at the phone that had been hung up. “And the director also called by phone, now you You can rest assured, oh, you almost forgot one thing. On the opening day, you have to go to the red carpet with the crew. Although it is always a place where female stars are fighting for beauty, my Tang Feng must not be too shabby.

“I don’t know when, Albert’s title to Tang Feng has changed.

Different people call him differently. Lu Tianchen likes to call his name directly. Charles always sips a baby, while Albert adds an exclusive “my” in front of his name, as if No one else can steal the same.

Being trapped in three different men, I really think more and more emotionally, when my charm became so great.

Albert wanted to make clothes for him, and he did it. Now he is his own except for him, and everything belongs to him. Most of his luggage fell to Lu Tianchen.

After careful calculation, more than half a month has passed since he was escorted by Charles to the boat and again to Albert’s boat.

Since arriving at Albert, Tang Feng has never heard of any news from Charles and Lu Tianchen, neither of them knew where they went and what they did.

Ready to give up on him? Even so, Tang Feng will not feel sad or disappointed. He is not a sorrowful man. He has not yet caused a fight between several big men because he is alone, let alone the men who write history always like the sin of changing dynasties. Place on a woman who cannot protect herself.

For the sake of a woman or a man, there are too few people who anger and give up everything.

They were in Venice by seaplane at noon. After talking with Director Li Wei, Albert took Tang Feng to sit in the hotel. Later, a few tailors came to give Tang Feng a measure. The day after tomorrow will be the opening. It ’s impossible to hurry up temporarily, so you can only modify the height.

But Tang Feng’s body type is relatively good, it is estimated that there will be few changes.

Tang Feng was sitting by the hotel window drinking coffee and occasionally eating some snacks. Most of the time he read his book quietly, while Albert was doing the same thing next to him.

After spending a few days with Albert, Tang Feng found that the man’s life was really boring.

Although Lu Tianchen didn’t like talking too much, but in the case of being unfamiliar with him, Lu Tianchen was too lazy to show a smiley face and say a word to unfamiliar people. Once familiar, Lu Tianchen would chat with you, as long as The topic you want to talk to is almost always a man who can talk to you.

As for Charles, Charles, the big bear, really knows how to be flattering. With Charles, he can always laugh without hesitation.

Compared with Lu Tianchen and Charles, Albert is very boring.

Tang Feng found that Albert’s favorite thing to do was to read books. In addition to reading books, he also read books, but that person did not like to discuss and only liked reading books quietly by himself.

This way of getting along is actually good, not disturbing each other, but a bit weird over time.

Tang Feng yawned secretly. He has read several world-famous books in the past few days, and now he wants to sleep when he sees the text.

I have n’t practiced boxing for a long time, I really want to move.

“It’s boring to be with me, right?” Albert looked at the man. Tang Feng had just yawned secretly. He didn’t know when he was seen by Albert. Tang Feng was a little embarrassed: ” I disturbed you to read a book. It is better that you read a book here. I go to the gym and move around.

“Doing their own things doesn’t have to be sticking together every day.

“I can’t run and I can’t run away.

“Seeing that Albert had been looking at himself, Tang Feng added.

“It makes me feel guilty if you say that. I know you like kung fu. Have you discussed it with others before?” Albert said, leaving the book in hand, a philosophy about Hegel. book.

“I had a discussion with Lu Tianchen.

“But it still paid a small price. Tang Feng felt that it was a loss to think about it. It was really abominable. Sometimes he felt that he was always bullied by Lu Tianchen and Charles.

This is really a contradiction. On the one hand, Tang Feng felt that it had been unfair to stay below, but he really let him go to Charles or Lu Tianchen, and he was not interested in it himself.

“He was stunned.

Albert actually gave the answer directly instead of Tang Feng.


Tang Feng nodded, indeed.

Albert stood up, and then slowly took off his jacket. He left the jacket aside and said to Tang Feng, “I’ll teach you.

“… Serious people are serious in every aspect, and those who really consider you a man will never let water out during discussions.

“Oh!” His body was severely dropped on the ground. Tang Feng took a deep breath while rubbing his painful side waist. He was abused by Lu Tianchen once, and it was fine. Now he was once again dropped by Albert.

“Can you still get up?” Albert smiled slightly.


Tang Feng gritted his teeth and stood up.

Albert is less prone to release water than Lu Tianchen. Just two strokes directly brought Tang Feng down. He slightly moved his finger: “It was just you who attacked me first, and now it is my turn to attack first, remember How did I deal with you just now.

“”it is good.

“Tang Feng took a deep breath, and his concentration was quickly and highly concentrated. Thinking back to how Albert had just avoided when he attacked the past, and at the same time arrested him and threw him, he may not fall. Special, but at least can avoid the attack of the opponent.

Albert wouldn’t say “I’m here” in advance and attack again. The man suddenly came to his house. Unexpectedly, when the man came with cold, dangerous flavors of punches, Tang Feng quickly After learning to avoid it like Albert, he successfully avoided Albert’s first punch, and Tang Feng was almost hit when the second punch came.

One turned and pulled away from each other, Tang Feng’s heart was still beating fiercely.

This is the difference between drills and actual combat. Opponents will not stop to give you a chance to breathe, and they will not show mercy.

The third time Albert Feng’s attack failed to hide, Albert made a false move and directly pressed Tang Feng underneath.

Just after smashing Tang Feng down, Albert took off his tie and tied his hands behind him. This action quickly made Tang Feng feel a little confused.

“Albert, what are you doing?” Lie face down on the soft carpeted floor, and Tang Feng soon felt that Albert’s hands spared his chest to unbutton his shirt.

“I won. As a winner, I have the right to enjoy my victory.

“Once there is a reason, Albert has the support of action.

For the superiors in this category, what they want to do is just support.

“You can’t do this!” How did things suddenly turn out like this, Tang Feng was turned to the front before shaking her body, and Albert pressed him to tear his shirt apart.

“The most wrong thing that the bell-ringer Asimodo did was inferiority, so that he didn’t dare to confess to the goddess he admired, but I wouldn’t.

Albert leaned down next to Tang Feng, and smiled at the corners of his mouth. “The duel between the knights, the one who finally became the winner, can rightfully own the person he loves.

“Superstar Vol.3-Torrent Undercurrents Chapter 27 Fruits of Victory (Part 2) The unique masculinity of men exudes the original flavor. The remaining bathing fragrance and sweat mixed in the morning are smeared in the air, Ai Burt’s cold palm fell on the hot body and brought extraordinary irritation. The open shirt revealed a strong chest, and the undulating chest was a little bit of uneasiness reflected by the man’s body.

No matter how hard the hands bound by the tie can’t be separated, there is no other way than to make the wrist uncomfortable.

Considering that Albert’s bodyguard was outside the door, now this man who slowly touched his chest like touching a piece of art put him down in one stroke. Tang Feng is now in a terrible state of conflict between heaven and man.

He was really fed up with Albert, saying that change would change. He was still reading quietly just like a gentleman. The next time he could expose the devil’s fangs and throw him down.

“You are a foul. I have not promised such a thing.

“The hands are tied up, there are legs, and elbows stick to the ground. Tang Feng straightens his upper body and raises his legs while trying to carry Albert down from him, but he regrets it as soon as he gets out.

Albert seized Tang Feng’s legs, and squeezed tightly between the men’s legs. The whole process quickly made Tang Feng have no time to react. When he reacted, Albert had quickly Put his hand on a man’s most vulnerable place.

With a seemingly unassuming smile all over his mouth, Albert lowered his head and blocked everything Tang Feng wanted to say.

The sound of the pants zipper being pulled apart was crisp and smooth. The cold temperature instantly enveloped his weakness. As a man, if he did not respond, it was not a man. Tang Feng took a breath of cold air, and the other party took advantage of it. As he opened his mouth to breathe, he broke in gently.

Tang Feng thinks that he is no longer a young boy, but when he touched his lips with Albert and took a real kiss, he still missed his heart slightly.

The posture with his hands tied behind him made him choose to bear most of the time. The slight pressure seemed to provoke one of his nerves. The blood under the temple was agitated agitated, and Albert may not be an indulged in primitive The man in impulse, but definitely a master who knows how to peach others.

Good people are so amazing in many ways, as well as here.

But this is not something that Tang Feng praises, especially when Albert’s hand is always teased by a layer of black thin and breathable cloth, Tang Feng just wants to come up to Albert’s face. foot.

“You’re thinking about things, why can’t you concentrate on it at this time?” Released the man’s lips, and when he was able to catch his breath, Albert kissed Tang Feng’s cheek and neck gently, “You are A man who likes to think.

“You haven’t answered my question just now.

Breathing slightly, Tang Feng occasionally twitched at the corners due to several movements of Albert, dragging his shirt with his hands behind him.

“What did you ask me?” Albert didn’t stop moving while he spoke. He looked up and smiled at the man, then lowered his head and began to kiss Tang Feng’s chest and lower abdomen.

“No … you can’t do this. What’s the difference between them and Lu Tianchen?” Should you worry about having a relationship with Albert or worry about what will happen after the relationship, Tang Feng has no time to think about it? He instinctively refused to have further complicated relationships with this overly dangerous man in front of him.

The brain behaves as if it has short-circuited in the body’s instincts and in intense conflicts.

Albert slightly moved his lips: “You accepted them, why can’t you accept me? Tang Feng, is this your answer, I don’t understand or understand, but this is wrong, because I really care your people.

“Yes, I like you now, but how about you? Don’t you feel anything to me? What you have is just that you are afraid to step into my world. Although it looks dark here, the dark world also has warmth and light.

“Abbott bent over and picked up the man.

They originally tried to compare and experiment in the spacious living room. In fact, they were not far from the bedroom, but Albert didn’t go to the bedroom, just put Tang Feng on the sofa.

“Do you really want to go on?” Tang Feng looked up at a man who was taking off his pants when he touched the soft sofa.

This is so different from what he imagined. Tang Feng had never thought that Albert would have some original rise to him. He originally thought that Albert should be the kind of spiritual love with a clean fetish. , Unwilling or like to have some physical close contact.

He really took it for granted.

This time Tang Feng was wrong, and it was very wrong.

From now until now, no matter what he said, Albert did not show any sign of retreating or stopping.

Albert responded to Tang Feng’s question with action, so that the blond man bowed his head and kissed Tang Feng’s eyes and eyelashes gently. What was inconsistent with his gentle behavior was the action in his hand, which was too rude and direct. Touching almost made Tang Feng scream.

“Tap!” It was terrible.

“I was a little impulsive.

“It was said on the mouth, but Albert didn’t put a little light on his hand. Under the man’s teasing, Tang Feng began to get hot, and a thin layer of redness appeared on his cheeks. The whole portrait was immersed. It was the same as being picked up in the bright red peach water, and the indescribable temptation was tempting.

There seemed to be a scent of sweetness in the air, the sweetness permeating the taste buds from the tip of a man’s tongue until he hit his apex.

“You … hey!” The fingers of the hands tied behind him trembled open and violently folded into a fist. When the **** was triggered at a certain point, the intermittent sound made Tang Feng close. Eyes lifted his head, and the neck pulled out the arc of a black swan’s long neck in the air.

“Ah …” The man shivering and groaning intermittently, and the man covered with a thin layer of sweat **** was a bit exhausted and slumped, and it took so long to let it go. As a man, he was really ashamed.

Half of it stems from a highly nervous life that has been stubborn for several days, and half of it comes from the person who made him a dangerous s-class Albert.

Such a stimulus is so.

Now is not the time for Tang Feng to hurt his man’s self-esteem, then his man’s self-esteem immediately fell into the bottomless abyss.

For Albert, never expect to know this dangerous man.

“Haha” A short sharp sound overflowed from the throat, Tang Feng took a deep breath and said, frowning, “” My hands are untied and numb.

“Albert was not gentle at all! As expected, Tang Feng’s twins were released by Albert, and the man’s focused and chaotic attack followed.

How long haven’t you experienced such wild X love? Even though Charles is a guy who likes Hu Lai, although Lu Tianchen is also a beast with an outfit, he doesn’t have the original wildness like Albert. Every attack and retreat seems to burn all his life.

It’s crazy. Every time Albert hits, he knocks out the rationality in his head. Nothing is left until the end. He doesn’t think about how to deal with Albert. He doesn’t think about what might happen after they have a relationship. Situation, and what he would do separately.

All that was left was the constant impact and intermittent moaning in the sunlight refracted by the glass windows, and the reaction from the body’s instincts.

Albert was a devil, dragging him down in the dark.

The sea outside Venice Water City is whizzing and blowing waves, hitting the rocks on the coast frantically, and finally the tide recedes, leaving only the sweat and the aftertaste of lingering taste buds.

This is inappropriate and this should not be the case.

Tang Feng gasped with her eyes closed, her arms covering her face.

He is not a conservative person, but it does not mean that he is a casual person. It’s crazy enough that he really had a relationship with Albert, another dangerous man after Charles and Lu Tianchen.

“Is this your urge?” The throat was a little dry, and it was about to smoke as if on fire.

Tang Feng raised his eyes slightly and looked at the man leaning over him, glancing at it casually. It was all his messy clothes on the ground. Albert didn’t say anything, but he stretched out and stroked the man’s cheek gently, then he was naked. He turned over and sat beside him.

He didn’t feel any shame. Albert quickly made people come in and mess up the floor. He wrapped a white towel casually and asked the man lying on the sofa and covered with a towel, “Can you get up?” “Of course, I just made an overly intense love, and I was not cut.


“Tang Feng nodded.

“Go wash and the tailor has arrived.

“There doesn’t seem to be any special change, Albert said in his usual tone.

Albert and Tang Feng have never bathed together, nor do they entangle men like Charles. They bathe in their bathrooms, which gives Tang Feng a chance to calm down.

Sitting in warm water and scrubbing my body, my eyes inevitably paused when I touched some bruises on my body.

Sigh, sigh again.

Superstar Volume III-Torrent Undercurrent Chapter 28 The killer little devil can do whatever he wants, one step at a time.

After taking a bath refreshing, Tang Feng, who changed his home clothes casually, came out of the bathroom when Albert was already sitting in the living room. He involuntarily glanced toward the sofa, clean and without any mess. Or there should be no special traces.

The cleaning was really clean, Tang Feng smiled secretly.

Seeing Tang Feng come out, Albert sitting in a bathrobe and drinking Mantning coffee by the window just looked up and smiled at the man: “Go to the size and you can get your clothes tomorrow.

“There is still no special concern or indifference, and the attitude towards people is always in the cloud and mist.

OK, measure the size first.

If you can’t help yourself through the experience, experience, and ingenuity of your two lifetimes, that’s a fate.

“Sir, please, can you please open your arms and parallel your shoulders first, and we will measure the shoulder width and hand length for you.

“An old tailor, about fifty, said to Tang Feng.

A total of two people came, one of which was an old tailor with a soft ruler in his hand, and a little assistant standing next to him with a book and a pen in his hand.

The old tailor was kind and polite to people, but maybe he was like this to every guest, while the little assistant seemed a little dumb and restrained, holding the pen tightly to prepare the data.

Tang Feng walked over and opened his hands as the old tailor said. The other side began to measure his shoulder width and arm length. One end of the soft ruler was on his right shoulder. The other end was supposed to be on the left, but that The old tailor suddenly tightened his neck with a soft ruler.

“Oh!” Almost at the same time, Tang Feng immediately struck the back with an elbow. The elbow struck a snoring hum on the opponent’s chest. Of course, the snoring would not be from Tang Feng, but a fifty or sixty An old tailor should not have a strong chest.

In such a moment of doubt, the old tailor had twisted his hands behind him.

The neck was painful and even a little breathless. Tang Feng couldn’t help but cough twice. What happened? The old tailor suddenly became a killer to assassinate Albert? In terms of Albert’s methods of action, even if he saw a killer agent coming to attack this man Tang Feng, he would not be surprised, but only if he could not be a cannon fodder, and it happened only a few minutes before with Albert After the relationship.

The bodyguards in the room responded quickly. Although they all took out guns to point at the old tailor and the little assistant, who knew if the gun holes would be misaligned and hit Tang Feng himself.

“Don’t move!” The dull little assistant turned into a little devil killer for a second, and a thin blade like a willow leaf was placed on Tang Feng’s neck.

“I didn’t move.

“Tang Feng stopped struggling. The meat fist couldn’t beat the blade, and the eggs would only break when they hit the stone.

Albert was still sitting at the small table leisurely and drinking coffee. He took a sip of coffee and slowly put the cup on the table. He smiled and looked at the little assistant: “The third highest in the world The killer little devil is here to kill me? “It was really a little devil, Tang Feng murmured secretly, his name was a good match for this short young man.

“I can’t afford your life, I just took someone else’s money for his life.

Grin grinned a little white teeth, and the little devil pulled one of Tang Feng’s hand and fastened it, and then the blade in his hand slid to the man’s wrist, and he made a light stroke, and there was a thin piece on the white wrist Blood stains on red lines.

It’s really sharp, and it is estimated that he can cut his hand with a single stroke.

Tang Feng didn’t dare to move. For him, it would be better to give him a knife directly. As for the little devil saying that he was going to kill him, Tang Feng didn’t believe it.

Since it is the third-ranked killer in the world, how can killing individuals expose themselves? The little devil is only intimidating Albert, but can that man be intimidated? Tang Feng looked at Albert. Instead of looking at him, Albert looked at the little devil.

“Then why didn’t you kill him?” Albert asked seemingly casually, and he waved at the bodyguards in the room at the same time. “Everyone put the gun down, shouldn’t we treat the guests like this.

“” It’s no fun to get his life so soon. I like to torture people slowly, especially men who are not pleasing to me.

“The little devil raised his jaw and glanced at Tang Feng with a pointed finger, in a bad tone.” Do you mean it, man? “” My name is Tang Feng, Xiaodou Dinger.

“When he tried to provoke anyone, he felt a slight pain on the wrist as soon as he finished speaking, the blade was cut a little deeper, and the red blood dripped down his finger like a continuously stretched red line.

“I’ll cut off your tongue and give you a bunch of stinky men to play with, you man.

“The little devil added,” And shave your face, so you don’t seduce people everywhere.

“I don’t.

Tang Feng sighed secretly, when did he seduce someone, how could he inexplicably provoke someone.

However, this time Tang Feng has learned well, he will not talk back with the guy with the blade in his hand, otherwise the injured person will still be him.

“Do you think you can get out of here, little devil?” Albert’s gaze remained slightly on the man’s bleeding child’s wrist for a second.

This time the little devil’s blade waved in front of Tang Feng, and it was a few millimeters away to cut the man’s face: “Do you think this man can bleed and bleed? Mr. Albert, let us leave, or I will Cut him? “” Do you think I care? “Tang Feng blinked slightly when Albert said this, knowing that the other party was unpredictable is one thing, but when you just got in touch with a man In the future, I will hear such words that I do not know whether they are true or not. Regardless of whether the words are true or false, I will always feel uncomfortable.

The man smiled secretly.

“If you don’t care, I should lie on the ground now and become a sore body, instead of standing here ready to destroy this man.

“The little devil smiled and shook his knife.

Albert moved and smiled and stood up: “Yes, I care about this man, so please don’t insult him any more, and don’t leave any scars on him, because I will be angry, little devil.

“Admitted it so frankly? Tang Feng glanced at Albert, who then met his sight.

“Are you surprised to hear my confession? My Tang Feng, I am very sad that you still don’t think I will not hurt you, or that I am just an indifferent obsession with you,” Albert Reaching for them, his fingers lightly tapped in the air, his gaze moved towards the little devil, “Little devil, there is no constant ranking in this world.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and Albert spoke slowly and slowly, neither cold nor hot, but always with a strong sense of danger.

“Are you threatening me?” The little devil removed the knife from Tang Feng’s face.

“Now you are threatening me.

“Thin lips froze slightly, and Albert pointed to the door of the hotel room.” Go.

“Will you shoot us when we turn around?” The little devil sneered, and began to hold Tang Feng back slowly towards the door, and said to Tang Feng, “Did you guy just go to bed with him? It’s not easy to see him so precious.”

“Can’t this guy’s mouth be closed for a while? Tang Feng stepped back.

Albert always stood on the spot, smiling and looking at Tang Feng.

“My Tang Feng, you will be a star at the Venice Film Festival, but your road is still a long way, just like the road between you and me is still long, and it will not end here because of a combination. I Looking forward to the day you really become a superstar.

“Gorgeous bass was slowly exuding, and Albert signaled to his way to make way.

Tang Feng, the old tailor, and the little devil gradually left Albert’s eyes, and the man with a gentle smile on his corner of his mouth gradually became cold.

“Clean the room.

Albert glanced at a few drops of blood on the ground, which fell from Tang Feng’s wrist.

“Master, do you need to chase it?” A bodyguard asked.

“No, let them go. The most beautiful flowers are grown in the wild, not in the greenhouse.

“Return to the chair and sit down, Albert’s eyes fell on the sofa in the living room, said casually,” My Tang Feng will eventually leave my world and return to his world, but all this is only temporary That’s it.

“I know he’s leaving in Venice, but …” The man’s eyes grew cold, “Not in this way.

“” A mouse living in a dirty and shady ditch, even dare to extend its paw to my treasure, is really unpleasant.

“Albert raised the index finger of his right hand,” told No. 1 that he could start to move, and I don’t want more ditch rats to harass me in the future.


“One of his men led.

“Master, do you need to spy on Mr. Tang in secret?” “After Operation One was finished, let him approach Tang Feng.

“Superstar Vol.3 Surging Undercurrent

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