True Star

v4 Chapter 39 - Party plan

In any place where fame and fortune are concerned, there will always be various social occasions.

There are often various types of people here. Some people come with the purpose of looking for investment opportunities, some are to broaden their social circles and connections, and some are just to pass the time or to find the target for the night.

As long as someone wants to party, there is no shortage of reasons to start a line.

The most common one is usually XX’s birthday, but XX’s birthday is only once a year, and there are other people’s birthdays in the rest, including even puppies.

All in all, Tang Feng has been to all sorts of messy parties, but at first it was just to expand connections and understand the circle. Later, when people became famous, they were too lazy to go to these parties.

There is no Tang Feng’s filming work today, mainly some supporting actors, but he still received an invitation from the producer. There will be a party tonight. What party Tang Feng does not know, but it is estimated to be a producer Fang’s birthday is still somewhere.

The purpose of the party is not important, the important thing is to have a party.

Tang Feng still remembers what Charles and him said a few days ago. Although he would come in with Albert at today’s party, halfway through it Albert would find new love according to the original plan, and he was pathetic Old love can only drink in the corner silently, depressed and happy, to satisfy Lu Tianji’s illusion of a big fool.

It is estimated that Lu Tianji will be proud of saying to Lu Tianchen: Look, this is the man you fall in love with.

How pitiful, greedy for vanity, but was dumped by others, now nothing.

“So what should Lu Tianchen do?” In the car to the party, Tang Feng asked Charles sitting next to him curiously.

“Who knows, okay baby, don’t worry about that bastard, he has more bowels than his father,” Charles frowned, thinking, “this is where the blue is better than the blue?” Is it praise or derogation? Tang Feng sat by the window of the car and looked at the hotel that was getting closer. Today’s party was held in the hotel. Don’t ask him why Charles would follow. Albert didn’t have any opinion, and he certainly had no opinion.

Charles ran to where they lived a few days ago, which may be ridiculous to say, but the fact is that three big men almost fell asleep on a bed.

Fortunately, Tang Feng pushed Charles out of bed firmly, and Albert just turned around and left when he entered the room.

What is going on in this picture of harmony? The car slowly stopped at the door of the hotel. According to the original plan, Albert and Tang Feng got off the car successively.

There are traces of the show from the subtleties. In the past, Albert used to politely pull the car door when he went out to eat, but today Albert walked in directly, and Tang Feng was pulled by the waiter. I hurried to follow after opening the door.

He is now experiencing the plight of those poor people who were abandoned by Albert.

I heard that Albert didn’t care how much it cost to spoil a person. Although people were a bit boring, it is estimated that the value and generous shots will still make many people fall in love.

After all, Albert itself has a dangerous temperament, and some people prefer men with such temperament, not to mention that Alberts are also very good-looking.

Performance is performance, but meaning is just fine.

Albert didn’t walk too long alone, he deliberately slowed down, and walked side by side with Tang Feng before entering the party.

“It’s more boring to be with me. Go get a drink and chat with those people. Come to me if you have any questions.

Albert raised his mouth. “Have fun.

“Are you looking for prey?” Tang Feng added, “Just acting, you don’t really involve innocent people.

“Although Albert has never done anything harmful to him, neither the rumored metamorphosis nor the madman’s claims are groundless. Tang Feng is really afraid that Albert will involve innocent people.

He is a human being, and everyone else is a human being. He is no more noble than other people, and his life is not so valuable.

Albert just smiled, Tang Feng said uneasily: “Agree with me, Albert?” “I like your kindness.

“Is this a promise or not? Albert smiled slightly and then turned away. Instead, Tang Feng kept looking at the other person, so it looked like Tang Feng was trying to retain Albert.

Invisibly, a good show was performed.

………… After being separated from Albert, Tang Feng took a wine glass and stood drinking in the corner next to him. Most of the time he watched Albert’s every move. Some of them were part of the acting, and of course they monitored the other party. intention of.

He and Albert came early, and it didn’t take long for Tang Feng to see the film director and other important staff members, such as producers and editors.

Everyone came over to say hello to each other, a director who was very kind to young and dedicated actors like Tang Feng, and specially brought Tang Feng and some people from the Hollywood movie circle to greet each other, although several of them were Tang Feng I knew it before.

Probably because I have known these people before. In the subsequent conversation, everyone was happy. Tang Feng forgot about Albert when he was happy. When he returned to God, he went to find Albert, the latter. Fortunately, just talking to a group of guys who seem to be rich but expensive.

Albert stood in the center, while everyone else was around him, like the stars and the moon.

Even though Albert rarely attends various social occasions, in the eyes of some specific groups of people, this guy should always be worthy of their deep friendship. The problem is whether Albert is willing to ignore you.

“Tang Feng!” The familiar voice, with a taste of enthusiasm and surprise.

When Tang Feng heard someone calling his name, he immediately turned back. The big star Michael Kino walked towards him with a smile, as if he didn’t walk fast enough and almost ran over.

Kino has been in the limelight recently, and the filming has been completed. These days, I have been busy running around to promote the program. Rarely I will meet each other here. Tang Feng also walked towards Kino happily.

“Why are you here?” Tang Feng felt silly just after asking, and said with a smile, “I have forgotten that you, Michael Kino, is also a prince-like figure on social occasions.

“When he was Fiennes, he knew that there was a young actor named Michael Chino who especially liked to participate in various parties, known as the party prince.

Now that the movie promotion period is in place, Kino will definitely not miss any opportunity to promote the movie, such as attending a party to gain exposure.

“Hey, it doesn’t have to hurt me like this at the beginning. I’m pretty safe now, and I’m busy with work all day,” annoyingly stroked his forehead, Kino complained, “I feel like I’m about to die.

“But from the excited look of Kino, this guy should be very looking forward to the release of this movie.

“Are you alone?” Kino looked around and didn’t see those familiar people, such as Lu Tianchen, the boss who always followed Tang Feng, and Charles, who looked fierce.

“Uh …” Tang Feng had not spoken yet, and there were several other young movie stars coming by.

Every year in Hollywood, stars suddenly pop up, and if they are accidentally replaced by others, the competition is sometimes fierce than outsiders imagine.

The young actor who came over had a very good physique. Tang Feng remembered this person. He had seen it in some movies before and always played a supporting role.

But the actor suddenly became popular last year for a simple reason. The young actor has a relationship with a well-known actress in Hollywood. Since then, the exposure has soared. Last year, he was also rated as the sexiest by a magazine. Man.

Coincidentally, this male star also starred in a manga-based sci-fi hero movie, and the new movie starred by Kino is a rival of the same period.

Although Tang Feng rarely attends these parties who go for news, he has his own way to get the news. For example, he recently learned that although this male star’s movie has a large investment, some in the industry are not optimistic.

This industry can say that after the film, Landa, or Tang Feng himself.

A hero without a acting figure is the one in front of him. Tang Feng doesn’t like this person, not only because this person deliberately engages with a female star to make a scandal, but more importantly, this person’s utilitarian heart is too strong The wind comment is not very good.

“Hey, isn’t this an Asian star who has suddenly become very popular recently?” The actor looked at Tang Feng up and down with a disdainful look, which was very rude in itself.

“Wow, you look much worse than in the movie. Poor technicians must have spent a lot of time to make you look okay.” Treating an actor from a foreign country, the male star seems to care nothing, he is frivolous Laughing, “I heard that you only came to power by sleeping with a man. How many men have you slept with at the same time?” “Shut up, Jonas! You bastard!” Kino would get angry and yell at each other .

Tang Feng quickly caught Kino. This Jonas apparently made them angry, but before Tang Feng countered, a waiter came over and handed a glass of champagne to Jonas.

“The gentleman gave it to you.

“The waiter glanced a short distance away and stared at their Albert.

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