True Star

v4 Chapter 41 - Film festival (on)

I was happy at the party. Although a friendly Jonas appeared in the beginning, Tang Feng was relieved. When it was time to endure, it was unnecessary.

Too many times of patience, fueled the flame of the other party, and extinguished his prestige. In the end, he even became accustomed to forbearance, so that he did not even believe him.

Kino was also busy lately, and everyone separated from each other after the party.

Now the situation is quite good. Each is busy with his own affairs. When he has time, he comes out to gather and chat. Kino is not a person who can’t let go. Even if he can’t become a couple, he can be a good friend.

“Baby, I just saw the guy who took advantage of you in the movie.

When Tang Feng returned to the car, he found that Charles was already seated in it. I don’t know if he was always in the car or just went out.

“Do you think he thinks he looks better than me?” Tang Feng slapped his palm on Charles’s shoulder.

Charles smiled and patted his chest: “Of course you look good, but this is the truth that no one in the world can question!” The fallacy is almost the same.

After getting in the car, they went directly back to the hotel. Albert estimated that he had left. There was no trace of any relationship with Albert in the room, no clothes left, and no hair left.

Tang Feng was astonished when she walked cleanly.

“It makes me feel like a crime scene. After the criminal left, the room was cleaned, no fingerprints, no traces, nothing.

“Entering the room, Tang Feng first looked into the bedroom, opened the closet, and only his own clothes remained.

Later, he went to the comfort that Albert liked to stay, and there was still nothing. All the notes made by the books that Albert had read disappeared.

“A disgusting character like him can live to this day. You have to believe that in addition to establishing a name of prestige and danger to be respected, there is also his careful character that does not leave a trace and weakness.

“Charles circled up and down beside Tang Feng.

“Hahaha, that **** metamorphosis is finally gone. I really hope he sees someone else quickly, and never bother us again.

“Unfortunately, Charles hadn’t been happy for a while, and Tang Feng poured cold water on him.

“Don’t enter my room at night, or I’ll kick you out immediately.

Tang Feng said coldly.

“Baby …” “You can’t be coquettish, you look like a sissy and it makes me feel bad.

“By the way, Charles,” “You are getting weaker and more handsome in my mind, Charles.”

“Tang Feng shook his head and said it was true.

“I’ll sleep in another room tonight, dear.

Immediately put away the expression of aggrieved and coquettish, the mighty Charles reappeared.

Tang Feng has some other things to talk to Charles.

“Doesn’t it matter if you come here now? Lu Tianji doesn’t always stare at us.

“Tang Feng asked.

“Rest assured baby, I guess Lu Tianji doesn’t have the heart to care about other people now.

“Charles said with a smile.

The struggle between Lu Tianchen and his father is estimated to be fierce. Tang Feng thought of Lu Tianchen and could not say that he had no feelings for the man who knew him best.

He was actually a little worried about Lu Tianchen, just a little bit, but what he can do now is just not to make himself the weakness of the other party.

No one likes to make themselves the weakness and drag of the other party, and there is no one who owes them.

Perhaps on a night one year ago, Lu Tianchen’s rare romantic gesture, the sky’s fireworks always reflected Tang Feng’s heart.

After all, Lu Tianchen knew him best.

………… After leaving, there was no news as usual. It seemed that he really abandoned him and didn’t want him. Recently, Tang Feng heard that Jonas bought a villa again.

It is estimated that it was Albert’s big hand. That guy can actually use the word “drowsy” to describe it, but Tang Feng did not forget Charles. Charles said that if Jonas was too stupid and greedy, he finally estimated Will be killed by Albert.

“Albert is a profit chaser. How much he can give you can get more returns from you.

“Charles said so.

Tang Feng will inevitably think of himself. He didn’t ask for any items from Albert. Is this why Albert did not perform abnormal magic to him? No matter what the reason was, Albert left, Lu Tianji suddenly didn’t move, and his filming was extremely smooth and calm.

In the meantime, Tang Feng sometimes felt that he had returned to the time when he was still Faines, and went to the studio on time every day to start work, and then went home to read a book, make a cup of hot coffee or milk tea, and have a snack Watching movies and taking a walk, it’s amazing.

Fortunately, almost every time he returns home, he will see Charles. The existence of that big bear reminds Tang Feng all the time. Oh, his life after rebirth is always full of excitement and danger.

Time has passed, and the nomination list for the Oscar Film Festival has been successfully released. It is gratifying that Tang Feng has nominated the best actor for his excellent performance in “Slayer” and has become a follower of Feins. Later, another Chinese star was nominated for an Oscar.

It was false to be unhappy, but Tang Feng didn’t dare to expect too much.

Expectations are too high, and sometimes there will be more losses, but the unmotivated actor is not a good actor.

For each actor, winning a prize may not be the most important, but it is indeed important, at least it is affirmed.

For Tang Feng, Oscar was a regret for him. Although he also won the Oscar’s best actor, it was during his frequent illnesses.

At that time, the participating films were not the best, but they unexpectedly defeated the opponents who were most likely to receive awards. It is self-evident that the judges’ sympathy and impression scores are high.

Until now, he is more willing to use his best strength and real strength to get the public and the judges’ affirmation.

………… The film festival opened as scheduled. As a star who suddenly broke into the public’s horizon, Tang Feng did not get everyone’s approval, but at least people still remember the young actor who dared to report in the news.

At that time, the crew members who had experienced life and death together met again. When they stepped onto the red carpet, they all held hands with each other. Like a united family, they embarked on their Oscar road with a smile.

Compared to the red and salty red carpet in Venice last time, Tang Feng clearly felt that the audience’s voice was louder this time. When he came to the audience, many people took his photo and poster and asked him to sign.

Being affirmed by so many people is also a kind of generous treatment as a star.

After walking across the red carpet, Tang Feng followed the guide into the venue. Before a two-step walk, a man chased him up, and took a malicious shot on Tang Feng’s waist.

“Big star, I want to sign too.

“Charles’ suit appeared straight next to Tang Feng.

Prior to this, Charles did not say that he would come to the opening ceremony of the film festival, but Tang Feng didn’t think there was anything to be surprised at. He also remembered that when he first came to Hollywood, Charles took him to attend some of his advances. Party not going to make friends.

“Where do you want to sign?” Tang Feng looked around. At this time, the reporter was basically outside, and he pulled Charles aside.

“Of course … um, you know.

“Zhang Daxiong smiled with his eyes narrowed, and Tang Feng put a fist on his waist.” Be serious.

“Be gentle to me, please.

“Charles always has a peculiar function that makes people angry. This time seems to be back to the time when they lived in harmony and gradually eroded Tang Feng’s resentment against Charles.

As of last night, Charles finally pushed Tang Feng under a condition of dead skin and slight brute force, so you can see that he is full of light today, and he deliberately got up in the apron in the morning to pretend to have a delicious breakfast, but in fact They all called the chef for breakfast early.

These deliberately brought some playful behaviors, and sometimes made Tang Feng cry and laugh.

At the film festival, the filming of the film “Heavenly Son” is almost half completed, and there has been no news of Lu Tianchen for a long time.

Charles didn’t seem to want to mention it, Tang Feng didn’t know how to ask, and occasionally asked Xiaoyu about the company. He just said that Lu Tianji was basically not in the company recently, and the company’s affairs were also managed by other senior executives.

Fortunately, there were not many people in Tianchen Entertainment Company originally, otherwise the battle like that of Lu Tianchen and his son was estimated. The company had to fall down before the battle was concluded.

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