True Star

v4 Chapter 78 (END) - -The ending of the movie (1)

The unhappiness in his emotional life did not defeat Feins, and even if Harvey left, his life would continue.

After leaving the hospital, Feins and Linda went on vacation together. The number of days they could live was countless. Day by day, he wanted to make his final life more perfect and comfortable.

They took out a lot of the money they earned, lived in the best hotels, tasted the most delicious food, and admired the beauty of the world given by nature. Some small wines, with Linda in there, Feins wanted nothing more than a few sips.

They personally went to some barren and poor places in South Africa and Asia, they kissed every child who lacked food and education, and did not forget to help others as much as possible while enjoying themselves.

“Everyone knows the famous theory of the butterfly effect. A butterfly **** its wings gently, and a whirlwind will blow across the ocean. Maybe a book or a bread we give today, even a simple kiss and a word, will bring these children Future changes.

The 37-year-old Feins, with his magnificent performance, was at the peak of his career. He stood on the podium alone, dressed brightly, and the lights hit him. The stars around him set him off. It seems like a unique superstar in this world.

But he was unique.

After sweeping the film awards of major film festivals, Feins stood on the podium again, but the difference is that this man who is famous for his acting skills and personal charm, this time is not an award for acting. , But the World Charity Ambassador.

Feyns has done a lot of good things. Just after he became famous and had his own funds at his disposal, he began to fund people who need care and love everywhere.

But if it was n’t for the World Charity Ambassador ’s award this time, most people would n’t even know that this Hollywood superstar ’s donation of charity funds alone is almost $ 200 million.

Without any publicity or publicity, Feins just wanted to do something good, but never wanted to get some benefits from it.

Perhaps the candlelight of life is about to run out, and fame and money and money always seem extraordinarily indifferent.

“I still remember when I was a kid, a folk charity came to the orphanage to perform shows for us, taught us singing and dancing, and performed drama. If they have never been to the orphanage, I have not been selected to act In the drama, maybe I won’t stand here now.

“I hope that the special presence here and you in front of the TV will give others a chance to change the future, and I think our world will become more beautiful, thank you.

In a speech, the man’s face was filled with a soft smile. Three years ago, he was pulled into the hospital by an ambulance because of a sudden heart attack when he was out. People now know that this Hollywood superstar has a heart. disease.

But no one knows what the condition is, and Feins never refuses to reveal the slightest.

When news about heart disease gradually diminished and almost disappeared, most people forgot about Feins’ illness.

Looking at the man standing on the stage, he is so handsome and charming. He always smiles and makes people feel an indescribable warmth. Who would think of it, in less than a year.

The superstar has fallen.

Feyns’s life and feelings were not so good, and it can be said that it was a bumpy road, but on the contrary, his career has been steadily rising.

Perhaps it was God’s mercy. After he knew that he would not live for a few years, his film career advanced by leaps and bounds, rising from an ordinary front-line star to one of Hollywood’s best stars.

He did too, so that both the audience and the producers forgot his skin color, and completely regarded him as a star.

At the moment when Fains was the most magnificent and the most brilliant in his career, his life came to an abrupt halt at this time, turning all the goodness into the regrets that people lingered.

This regret is destined to make Feins a legend in history.

… The movie “Superstar”-the ending was a very ordinary day. Fiennes got up alone as usual, took a regular bath, brushed his teeth, and dressed.

He has not been filming recently. Although he has watched several scripts, there has been no suitable script for him.

The movie camera slowly moved forward, no narration, no backside music, only pure long camera shooting. From the moment the man got up to the time he went downstairs to enjoy the breakfast made by the clockworker.

In the shot, Faynes drank some juice and turned on the TV at will. The TV happened to be about his news. The TV picture was the superstar Fiennes who was being sought after by countless people. This is now sitting quietly at the table and watching TV’s Feins contrasted sharply.

The janitor packs the tableware and cleans it in the kitchen. Fiennes sits by the window and opens a newspaper, but without a few lines he suddenly feels a strong chest pain, which is like an invisible hand. He stopped his throat and couldn’t shout.

In the final scene of the movie, the camera doesn’t move at all, and the audience can only see Fiennes, who is sinking into his chest, until the man disappears into view.

In the sunny early morning, the movie ended in the hurry of footwork by the clockworker.

-He lives forever, in our hearts-this is the last word at the end of the movie.

… After the premiere of “Superstar”, comments from all walks of life: I must apologize for what I said before. An actor named Tang Feng recreated Feince’s life-XX News Agency’s life is as bright as a shooting star. For a short time, but his spirit will be the star of the East-OO newspaper “Superstar” is worthy of its title, Tang Feng and Feins, I can no longer distinguish them, who can tell me, Tang Feng is Not Feins? ——XX00 Magazine … Critic reviews like this one came to an end after the premiere of the movie “Superstar”. Rarely, as a celebrity biography, as a celebrity movie who has died more than three years ago, Tang Feng used his superb acting skills to make The masses convinced film critics.

As some people have said, when they watch a movie, they completely consider Tang Feng as Feins. Whether it is a smile or a move, the expression of expression is as small as the way of performing. It is the copy of Feins, but on the basis of Feins, there are some more unique charms.

It’s not just Fayns, he’s Tang Feng, and he won’t lose his personal qualities just because he left Superstar.

[Oh, this is news about a very, very hot recent movie, I do n’t know what happened, but since last week, every day I can hear someone say “Hey,” Superstar, you see Is it true that Tang Feng is acting great? “It is not strange to say so by one person. It is strange that everyone said so. Perhaps this good word of mouth drove the movie’s box office. As a biographical film,” “Superstar” successfully refreshed the box office records of biographical films. The 70 million box office results in the first week should be enough for the producers to recover the losses of “Heavenly Son 2”.] On TV, the news anchor said that the movie is currently being released. In the movie “Superstar”, I still don’t forget to tease the production company of “Superstar”. It seems that many people know that when “Tianzi 2”, the producer changed Tang Feng to a big loss. It is estimated that it will be a big loss in the future. For a long time, this matter will be a reference for many film companies when selecting actors in the sequel. Of course, it will also be a classic ridicule on TV shows.

But it’s nothing to the producers. Really, they make money.

For Tang Feng, this is no harm.

“Hahaha, the host said yes, the producer is so stupid, oh, well, they may not be so stupid, and finally made a clever move after a terrible bad decision.

“Charles looked at the TV and laughed heartily.

Three people sat around a table for breakfast. Tang Feng poured fruit juice for himself and filled Charles. Lu Tianchen over there cut a dessert for Tang Feng.

“I agree with you.

Said the man with a smile.

The film had been filmed a few months ago. He still remembered that he was not affected when shooting the final scene of the death scene. However, after the filming, Charles and Lu Tianchen both looked at him with a look that could not bear him. he.

It felt like he was a man made of glass, and it would shatter if he touched it.

One thing that Tang Feng often used to make fun of Charles up to now is that the big bear hugged himself asleep at night. He started to go crazy and kept shouting: “Dear baby, you must not die, Ca n’t go wrong, my god, I know it ’s acting, it ’s fake, but then I almost went crazy! I ’m going crazy, going crazy! If you really leave me, I do n’t know if I will What to do! In order not to make me a demon, don’t leave me … “Tang Feng was happy to be an animal trainer, although he thought Charles’ words were a little goosebumps, this guy is getting more and more dramatic Now, I hope not to go into trouble.

… As an actor in the rising period, there is no shortage of publicity to attend. Fortunately, the final result of the movie is quite good. Tang Feng has also worked hard and has his due return.

The people who should be most grateful are probably Charles who has recently become a drama, and Lu Tianchen, who is increasingly moving towards the “sister of conscience”. Without Lu Tianchen and Charles, Tang Feng would not know that he should go from Fains Coming out of life, especially the last scene of death, the performance of the day was exceptionally smooth, and there was no gloom or dullness caused by the performance.

Why? Probably the reason Lu Tianchen and Charles were present that day.

It is the person who loves him, letting him know the meaning of his existence … well, part of the meaning.

After the film achieved a eye-catching box office result of 70 million US dollars in the first week in North America, the producer immediately held a private celebration party. As the well-deserved protagonist of the celebration party, Tang Feng naturally must attend.

It is a very happy thing to enjoy the fruits of success with the staff who have been working together for several months.

“Oh my god, I have to say that when I watched the movie, I almost thought you were Fiennes, and I hope you can forgive me for saying that, but I have also watched Fiennes’ movies, and even I have also cooperated several times, “Robert looked at Tang Feng with a surprised look.” You and him are very, very similar, the way of speaking, character, person, and performance in the movie, which is why I insist on you It’s the best choice to star in Feins.

Robert said with a sigh: “You are simply the reincarnation of Feins. I’m sorry, I didn’t deny you, but you are really like, very much like.

“No, I’m glad to hear such an evaluation. Feins is a legend in the film industry, and he is also the goal of my efforts. You say that, I think it is my honor.

“Tang Feng raised his wine glass and laughed, but he didn’t mind complimenting Fains.

When people die, they are easy to be deified. When Faines is alive, he is also an actor, a Hollywood superstar, and occasionally he is occasionally teased by some magazines and newspapers for fun and attention.

But when Fains died, Tang Feng only heard about Fains’s greatness, talent, and legend.

It’s nothing like him.

There is no doubt that the influence brought by “Superstar” is beyond Tang Feng’s imagination. When Robert felt that he and Feins were very similar, many others would think so.

For example, Faines used to be a lover and family doctor.

Superstar Volume 4-Legend of the Peak Chapter 79-An overwhelming train stopped at the door of a coffee shop. A man wearing a simple T-shirt and casual pants came into the store with a pair of sunglasses. A glance and soon saw the person he was looking for.

“I’m sorry there’s a little traffic on the road, I’m late.

“Walking straight ahead, taking off the sunglasses is a handsome face with a little apology. If you follow the movie or entertainment news recently, you will know who this gentle man is.

“It’s okay. I’m very happy you can come. I need something to drink. I’ll call it for you.

The first step came to a man who was about forty years old. After seeing Tang Feng, he passed the menu in a hurry.

“A glass of orange juice.

“Tang Feng is currently reducing his coffee intake to a maximum of one cup per day.

Harvey quickly raised his hand and called the waiter, and helped Tang Feng order a glass of orange juice and a piece of lava chocolate cake.

“Harvey, Linda told me that you have been very upset recently, and the past is over, so don’t think about it.

“Oh my God, why did he have to be the liberator?”

A few days ago, Linda suddenly called him and said that after watching the movie, Harvey fell into deep self-blame. Her mood and body were not very good, and she refused to speak. the reason.

Harvey’s wife was very worried, so she had to ask Linda for help. Of course, Linda knew why Harvey suddenly fell into a trough, but the woman was unwilling to enlighten Harvey and refused to reject Harvey’s wife. Tang Feng pushed it out.

God knew that Tang Feng didn’t want to be a good person at all.

The waiter quickly brought orange juice and cake. This was a young man in his early twenties. He was a bit thin and quiet. At first glance, he was a college student who likes to read. When he gave Tang Feng a meal, the young man seemed to stop talking. In the end, he quietly opened his mouth.

“Excuse me … are you Tang Feng?” The boy asked cautiously and with joy, and you could see from his eyes how excited he was at this moment.

“Yes, I’m chatting with friends about something.

“Ao, sorry, I didn’t bother you, but I have watched all your movies, it’s great, especially the recent” Superstar “, you are simply a copy of Fiennes, please forgive me Say, I just want to say that it is my pleasure to see you in person, and I wish you a happy meal.

After expressing his feelings of raising the curtain, the little fan left quickly, without disturbing the conversation between Tang Feng and Harvey.

It is estimated that the owner of the restaurant over there is already staring at the waiter lad, otherwise the lad is expected to come over for a signature or something.

“You are now a superstar.

Harvey sighed.

“Thank you.

Tang Feng didn’t know what he should teach Harvey. The other party was already forty years old. If it was for Fiennes, it was really unnecessary.

The conversation soon fell into silence. Tang Feng didn’t speak, and Harvey slowly said, “I’m sorry to disturb you, I know you’ve been busy lately … But I have watched” Superstar ” It’s very uncomfortable. The only people I can talk to are you and Linda, but I know that Linda has never forgiven me.

“At this point, Harvey lowered her head and sighed, covering her forehead with one hand in pain.

He continued: “I never knew that when I broke up with Fiennes that day, it turned out that he had just known that he couldn’t live. God, I don’t know, I really don’t know …” Repeating, Harvey shook his head.

“Harvey, do you know if it matters? You are a family doctor of Fiennes. You should know that he can’t live long, no matter whether you broke up with him on the day he knew he was going to die, or afterwards, the essence Doesn’t it make any difference? “Tang Feng couldn’t do anything to comfort Harvey. He didn’t like Harvey’s current state, and while he was repenting, he also had some self-excusement.

“You must think I’m personal scum?” Harvey grinned bitterly. “This movie made me see a lot of things that Feins hadn’t shown me before, and it made me see my selfishness and stupidity.

“” Everyone’s pursuit is different.

“Even if Harvey didn’t leave Fains at that time, sooner or later, the same thing would happen.

“If you let me go back, I won’t leave him, I will stay with him until the end.

“Harvey looked quite pained.

It doesn’t make sense to regret it now, it’s already happening, it won’t happen again because of a regret.

“Harvey, don’t do this. You’re so ugly. Don’t say this after you’re married, you have a wife and children, and three years after Feins died.

Tang Feng was obviously a little dissatisfied with Harvey saying this.

If you really regret it, what have you done in the past years? Remorse, this is how angry Tang Feng is, and he would rather Harvey simply forget Fiennes.

“Yes, you’re right. Sometimes I hate myself, why I can’t take that step. Even if I get married, I can’t forget Fiennes.

Harvey also simply spoke of the depression that he has been suppressing over the years: “I have never told anyone. People I do n’t know or people around me think I’ve been lucky to have a kind and gentle wife.” , There is a cute child, but these are all illusions! Tang Feng was a little surprised, and Harvey actually said such a thing.

Harvey continued: “I’m not happy, I’m not happy at all. Even if I have a family, the place on my chest is empty. When I lie at home, I even think about where I am, my life. What do you live for? Satisfy your parents’ expectations, not let your friends down, or get false happiness that others will envy.

“I know my wife is very virtuous, but I can’t love her, and I don’t feel anything with her …” Covering her cheeks with her hands, Harvey choked, “I’m so shameless-shameful and selfish, I always hope that Fains loves me, and hope that there will be no one around him after I leave … “Tang Feng found that he really didn’t feel any sense to Harvey, and he could even listen to Harbin quietly. Dimension words without any mood swings.

Tang Feng drank the orange juice, Tang Feng said slowly, “So what’s the point of saying these things to me now? Harvey, you are many years older than me. You should know what you need, I Nothing can comfort you.

“I love him …” “But you leave him, don’t you? Harvey looked up at Tang Feng, with a skeptical and expectant look: “One person told me before that Fiennes is alive and well, but he is not dead, right? You are Faines, right? “With only a second of surprise, Tang Feng quickly returned to his usual appearance.

“Harvey, I know you’re not in a good mood right now, but it’s better not to say this. Fiennes’s funeral is hosted by him. Is he dead or alive? Isn’t it clear to you?” The words immediately made doubt look in Harvey’s eyes. Feins was indeed dead. At the funeral, they all saw the man lying in a velvet mahogany coffin and falling asleep quietly.

“Oh my god, I don’t know what’s wrong …” Harvey held his head tightly and whispered, “You are so much like him, sorry, I’m really confused, confused …” Tang Feng was silent He didn’t speak. The road was chosen by Harvey himself. He couldn’t help Harvey, and there was nothing he could do to help.

The waiter not far took a photo with his mobile phone while the boss was not secretly. After Tang Feng and Harvey left, he continued his work day, and when he was about to get off work, a young China with black-frame glasses The man came to the store.

The waiter walked over to help order: “Under the table.

“Li stuffed something to eat, and lightly touched it under the table, and got a miniature recorder.

One morning, Tang Feng was woken up by Linda’s phone, and the other party asked him to turn on the television to watch the news as soon as the phone was picked up.

Tang Feng knew that there must be some big news again, but he did not expect that it would be news related to Harvey.

“Oh, my god, dear, I got up so early in the morning, don’t you sleep a bit longer?” Charles, who was already up, heard the sound of the TV in the bedroom outside, and saw Tang Feng sitting when he pushed in the door Watching the news on the bed.

Charles heard the TV anchor say something like this: As the story of legendary film actress Fiennes was brought to the big screen, Fiennes’s unknown life has always caused people to speculate, especially in the movie. He once had a **** man, who is he? According to reliable news recently, Faines’s lover in the movie “Superstar” is most likely his family doctor and good friend … “Ha, isn’t this guy the person you went to meet that morning?” Charles left. In the past, I kissed Tang Feng on his forehead and sat next to the man to watch the news with each other.

In fact, Tang Feng was not traffic jam on the road that day, but was tangled by Charles for a while, because the latter knew Tang Feng was going to meet a man named Harvey.

Although Tang Feng and Harvey are nothing, men are jealous.

With some gloating tone, Charles said: “There is such a word on the road and it will be returned sooner or later. If Feince’s lover was really this guy, I can only say that there is a cause and a result.

“You have recently become civilized.

Tang Feng tilted his head and looked at Charles, who was talking about reason.

Does Linda call him in such an anxiety that none of them thought that Harvey’s relationship with Fiennes would be exposed. Now the movie is still being released, and Harvey is married and has a family. The truth is inevitable after the truth is revealed Will affect Harvey’s life.

Who leaked it? In fact, Linda is not the only one who knows the relationship between Feins and Harvey. If Linda wanted to break the news, she wouldn’t wait until now.

Who did it do not know.

The news only mentioned that the person who broke the news was Harvey’s side, but no one would tell who it was.

Because there is no evidence at this time, it is estimated that most of the people are also holding a play-seeking mentality, and Harvey’s family also stood up and said that Harvey and Feins were just normal friends, but Harvey himself did not express his stand.

This incident didn’t pass by. One afternoon, a restaurant waiter stood in the camera and told reporters that he saw Tang Feng and Harvey having dinner one day, and inadvertently heard that Harvey confided to Tang Feng that he had left Fains. Regret and pain, in order to convince reporters what he said, the waiter also took out the photos in the phone.

At this moment, although the media as a public figure did not understand it clearly, many fans of Fiennes and the people who have watched “Superstar” scolded Harvey’s heartlessness and hypocrisy on the Internet. He left when he needed most help, and now he’s back to regret what he’s doing.

The development of the matter far exceeded Tang Feng’s imagination. I didn’t know that the restaurant waiter had listened to his conversation with Harvey that day.

Although this matter had nothing to do with him, Tang Feng still called Linda and asked Linda to tell Harvey that it is better to leave the United States for vacation sometime recently, and it is better to bring his wife and children.

In fact, as long as the filming ends and time passes, people will gradually forget about it.

On the second day of the news, I heard that Harvey left the United States with his family temporarily. Tang Feng thought that this was just a powerful news mining ability of paparazzi, and did not expect that it would be a well-designed play.

But since then, he has never seen Harvey again, listening to Linda saying that Harvey has settled in the UK, and only occasionally returns during the holidays.

Superstar Volume 4-Legend of the Peak Chapter 80-Seven Years Qian Ning has just graduated from the police academy this year. He has spent less than three months in the army since his assignment. These three months are basically in progress. training.

Like other freshmen, he hopes that he can do something after graduation. Although before that, they have to train for a whole year, he still thinks these are worth it.

Because they are Interpol, they are affiliated with the China branch.

This day appears to Qian Ning to be a very ordinary day. I get up in the morning and start running and various physical training. In the afternoon, I ’m fighting skills and weapon knowledge. Today is Friday and there are movies to watch at night. Favorite activity.

“What movie is today? Does anyone know?” After training in the afternoon, a group of people talked in the bath while showering.

“Heavenly Son 3”, an American blockbuster, starring, do you know who it is? “A man asked loudly while scrubbing his hair.

Qian Ning grinned and replied: “Of course I know, Tang Feng! I have watched the first two movies of this movie, unlike those American-style individual heroism, Tang Feng played beautifully, and the second one has no taste at all “A few people chatted, and after bathing and getting dressed, they waited for a movie at night after dinner.

Qian Ning and a few friends went to the cinema early to grab the best seats. By the way, they also talked about the protagonist of the movie to be watched today. In other words, Tang Feng suddenly became popular a few years ago.

In fact, there are a lot of stars that suddenly become red, but it is estimated that there are no more red ones like Tang Feng. Although they usually train hard, they do not know anything about the entertainment industry. At least “Tang Feng These two words can be said to be thundering.

Currently the only Chinese star who can get his name in Hollywood and is a frontline.

In addition to the Oscar, the youngest actor who has won the honor of the world heavyweight film festival.

The first Chinese movie star whose total pay was more than 50 million U.S. dollars … I do n’t know how many times the media came out and said, sometimes Qian Ning would be sighed when he saw the news about Tang Feng ’s pay. Tens of millions of dollars, this is enough for how many lifetimes he has delicious.

But at this time, the news and newspapers were known as the big stars of the new century acting genre, and Tang Feng, who was so beautiful on the big screen, was nothing but a chance to chat with Qian Ning as they were other stars. It is a Hollywood superstar, a person they cannot reach, a person of two worlds without any connection at all.

This situation was broken halfway through the movie.

Qian Ning was staring at Tang Feng’s face on the big screen of the movie. Looking at the magazine cover alone, he felt that people looked good. This moved on the screen, and it felt like it was at any moment. They are all exuding charm. They just think that this person looks good and attractive, but he doesn’t know where they look good.

Maybe this is the so-called superstar.

When he was looking happy, Qian Ning suddenly stood in front of him. Qian Ning, who was blocked by the picture, was about to let the other side make concessions. When he saw the other person bent down, he whispered to him and said, “The chief has something to find You, go.

“”what? “No, at this time? The movie is entering the climax stage. Isn’t it annoying to suddenly let him watch it? Qian Ning muttered in his heart, can’t you just call the film after it’s finished?” Go! The sir is waiting! The other side urged again and again, Qian Ning had no choice, although he wanted to finish watching the movie, but if it was the order of the chief, he would not dare to violate it.

Helplessly stood up from the seat, and the man who came to call Qian Ning immediately sat on his seat. There was no anger in his heart, and Qian Ning left the dim movie theater in a sullen mood.

After coming out, he suddenly thought of a question. Why did the sergeant find him suddenly? Did he turn over the cigarette that he hid under the bed? Qian Ning, who was thinking about being scolded, came to the chief’s office. After knocking at the door, Qian Ning went in.

“Good sir …” Before he had finished, the sir waved at him, pointed to the chair and motioned for Qian Ning to sit down.

“Qian Ning, you have been here with me for almost three months. I have seen your progress very quickly in these three months. You are also one of the best students in the art of learning! We are very optimistic about you!” The opening was continuous praise, Qian Ning was sitting in a hurry, what he was most afraid of hearing was a sudden turn, such as … “But …” The chief executive spoke sharply, “You are still young and need some discipline, so the organization decides Let you try a task, are you willing to accept it? “At least one has to know how to die when he is dead. If no task is said, let him accept it. Qian Ning asked quietly,” Sir, what task is it? You see, I have only learned it for less than three months. What if an important task is messed up … “” It is indeed a very important task.

“The chief commander made Qian Ning almost vomit blood three liters. Since the task is so important, why not let the seniors do it? Qian Ning is not stingy, he dare not.

“Do you know this person?” The chief moved the laptop in front of Qian Ning, who glanced at his head, hey, the chief was watching “Heavenly Son 3”.

The movie was paused, and Qian Ning said immediately: “Of course I know, superstar Tang Feng.

“Who still doesn’t know Tang Feng these days? After all, he is an excellent student. Qian Ning knew that the chief would not show him Tang Feng’s movie for no reason, and immediately asked:” Sir, is the mission related to this movie? ” “Like Hollywood money laundering or something … The chief shook his head to deny Qian Ning’s idea, looked at the picture of Tang Feng just paused on the screen, and said slowly:” There is an important person on top of a big gang in Europe Abducted, according to reliable information, Tang Feng is likely to know the senior level of the gang organization. All you have to do is to approach Tang Feng silently, and try to convince Tang Feng to help you rescue the hostages.

“Wait, wait! Qian Ning looked at the gentle and superstar on the computer screen in surprise. Tang Feng was actually connected with the European gangs? No, no, no, this is not the point.

The point is, he is going to approach Tang Feng, see Tang Feng himself, and even get the signature and photo of the other party! “But sir, how can I approach him?” A superstar, guarded by bodyguards at all times, could not jump out abruptly.

The sergeant said, “the silent approach.”

“We have arranged it for you.

“From” Tianzi 1 “to” Tianzi 3 “, these two films span almost seven years, which also means that Tang Feng has entered the performing arts circle for more than seven years.

Time really flies fast. Once the little star, now the big star, in a blink of an eye, he and their relationship also maintained for seven years.

Many people are talking about the “seven years of itching”, no matter how sweet and sweet, looking at each other face to face will have a tedious day, and seven years is like a hurdle, a ditch, just go across .

Even when Charles and Lu Tianchen promised to stay with him, love him for a lifetime, and maintain peace with each other, in fact, Tang Feng still left some room for himself at that time, not to trust and believe , Just because he is a man who has gone through vicissitudes.

However, seven years later, Charles and Lu Tianchen remained with him, without any dispute or fight.

As for the so-called seven-year itch … “Oh … Charles, don’t bother.

“In the morning, before I opened my eyes, Tang Feng knew who was kissing his back, and that claw, whether he could rub his waist and the area below it.

“Baby, let’s do exercise, and doing exercise every morning is good for physical and mental health.

“Charles!” “Please, I did n’t do it last night, but I have n’t seen each other for half a month. Do you want to be so lingering or living so extravagantly-you really want to spend three days with him in bed? In short, Tang Feng didn’t find any so-called seven-year itch on them now, Charles was sticking to people as usual, and Lu Tianchen hadn’t changed a little tenderness and intimateness.

Seven years has just begun for them.

Seven years have passed, and the first number at the beginning of their age has also changed from two to three. Time will always change people. The temperament in Charles gradually converges, but the temperament of a gang boss has become stronger. The whole person stood there for a while, and the aura of his body was enough to let the people around him retreat.

Lu Tianchen, who was cold in the past, has become milder now, but in the words of Tang Feng, Lu Tianchen is like a pot of warm water, which looks harmless, but will slowly boil you in it. When you find it, Maybe it’s the next thing.

They are all changing. What remains unchanged is the heart for each other.


“When Charles and Tang Feng came downstairs together, Lu Tianchen was already sitting at the dining table.

Don’t want to make life too fast. In addition to making more movies each year for the hard work of the first few years, since “Superstar” has achieved unparalleled success, Tang Feng, which officially became a first-line star in Hollywood, has gradually reduced the number of films he receives each year. The number is currently maintained at one movie a year.

It won’t be too tiring or interrupt your career.

Tang Feng didn’t actually want to make “Tianzi 3”, but he couldn’t bear Robert’s repeated requests, and he also had a special feeling for the movie. After reading the script and the detailed contract, Tang Feng In the end, he shot “Heavenly Son” again after seven years.

But it will also be the last “Heavenly Son” series he starred in.

“I want to go out for a turn next month. Who of you has time?” Tang Feng sat down and said with a smile, “I treat you.

“” Do you include meals, board, and entertainment? “Charles asked.

“Of course.

“Ao, my dear Tang Feng star, please support me! “Charles patted his sturdy chest and flirted with Tang Feng.” I can warm the bed and do special massages for you, and yes. ”

“Tang Feng glanced at Charles, nothing more than a special massage.”

“Aren’t you going back to Europe next month?” Lu Tianchen picked up a piece of bread and buttered it and handed it to Tang Feng’s plate.

Charles grinned: “Can’t you just say this?” “Dangerous?” Although Tang Feng didn’t interfere with his lover’s work, he always felt that Charles’s work was too dangerous.

“No, no, it’s not dangerous at all, dear, but there are a few people who are not at ease. I’ll talk to them, huh, it’s all a small matter of interest.

“Charles looked relaxed.

But … forget it, there is nothing trivial about the interests.

Tang Feng stretched his legs and gave Charles a kick: “Be careful.

Charles quickly looked at Lu Tianchen again. “Next month is your father’s birthday. Don’t you plan to go back?” “Lu Tianji? Tang Feng almost forgot this dangerous person.

It is said that the producer gave up Tang Feng to appear in “Tianzi 2”, in part because Lu Tianji was a stalker. The guy was more than forty. I do n’t know how Lu Tianchen got along with Lu Tianji. Silence never saddened Tang Feng again. Similarly, they never even met.

Lu Tianchen never started Lu Tianji before him.

But the fact is that Lu Tianji is Lu Tianchen’s father after all, and the blood relationship between the two people cannot be broken.

“I don’t want to be a mess, so you better go back.

“Even if Lu Tianchen intends to stay, Tang Feng will politely push him away.

“Who is with you?” Lu Tianchen asked.

“Isn’t there still Chen Mingxu?” Superstar Volume 4-Legend of the Peak Chapter 81-What are they doing? Tang Feng intends to relax in Europe for a few days, and places of interest are not much attractive to him, he prefers Drink a cup of milk tea in the morning and sit on the balcony to take a sun and look at the local newspaper.

In the afternoon, I was traveling with friends in different local streets of the town, trying to find some more special shops, buying something casually, and sitting down in a small coffee shop by the street when tired.

Lu Tianchen and Charles have their own affairs. Although there is no way to accompany Tang Feng to this small town near the sea in Europe, it is also said that they will come when they are done.

Tang Feng doesn’t mind staying in the town for a while. He prefers to stay in one place and spend time to savor the history and local customs.

When Tang Feng and Chen Mingxu were walking around the shop and chatting about what to eat later, what were Charles and Lu Tianchen doing? At the same time, it was also in Europe, but in Britain.

In the extremely spacious and high-rise house, they pulled up the curtains even during the day. The room was well-lit and all the lights were turned on.

Under the light was an oval-shaped table, and the hair was combed to the back of his head to reveal a deep facial feature. The man always liked to have a smile on the corner of his mouth, which seemed to get along well.

But with the exception of him, everyone was stern.

“Charles, this is a monopoly, you are swallowing it!” Sitting opposite Charles, at the other end of the long table was a white-haired European old man with a hooked nose and a slightly downward angle of his mouth, making him look very unpleasant. .

“Master Grey, calm down, calm down, I don’t want to see anyone at the negotiating table strangled to death because he speaks too fast. Oh, it’s so obscene, hahaha.

“Charles opened his mouth nonsense, and was not afraid that he would be upset if he brought a curse.

In fact, the other party is already unhappy, so it doesn’t matter if you are not happy again? Master Gray sneered twice, hiding his anger in the bottom of his eyes, and said with a quizzical tone: “Charles, we are all doing business in one place. You can’t take all business away. Then What about all of us here? Charles, do you want us to die? “” Relax, don’t speak so terribly, I will be scared.

With a smile, Charles covered his chest as he said, as if he was really scared.

Coupled with his cynical smile and an aggressive aura, how can there be a smile.

If Tang Feng was beside him at this time, he would surely kick over to make Charles normal again. Unfortunately, no one here would dare to stand up and give Charles a kick.

Boring, really boring.

With a few silent emotions in his heart, Charles set his gaze on the wrinkled white-haired old man on the opposite side, his heart full of resentment.

If it wasn’t for this insatiable old guy, he should now sit opposite Tang Feng and have a meal with his dear star, instead of sitting in this stuffy room and facing a nasty old guy.

“Master Grey, what exactly do you want? The business is for everyone. I have given you a lot of share. Come, say directly, don’t be shy.

“Looking around at everyone, with a smile, Charles reached out and raised his glass to take a sip of champagne.” I will consider your request.

“Everyone else wasn’t suffocating. Master Gray gave those guys a glance, and they said in private one by one, but he dared not speak one by one before Charles.

“Sanqi!” Master Gray said in a sigh.

“I’m seven you three you can consider.

“Charles nodded.

“No, it’s us seven and you three.

“Master Gray corrected Charles.

Wait, did he hear it right? Before, it has always been 80% of his other people’s share of 20%, but now 70% of him? Charles looked up and laughed: “Ha ha ha! Master Grey, you really can tell jokes!” Although people laughed, they did not feel a little joyous, but made many people present creepy. Everyone knows that Charles Charles, the smiling tiger, the more happy he is, the more angry he is.

“Master Gray, I mean Master Gray …” Lie on the table with both hands, Charles stared at each other for a while, the focused sight was slightly uncomfortable, but after all, the old man, Master Gray still sat upright without any fear Meaning, it seems that his life is only supported by a backbone.

“I have never understood what you want so much money to do. You should lie in the coffin for a maximum of two years, and you will not be able to bring in a dime.

“Charles said something harsh, and the other’s face suddenly became ugly.

Charles continued: “Are all the dying people bold, or do they like to take other people for funeral?” He glanced at the people next to him, and everyone was a little nervous.

“Charles, you don’t agree with that?” Charles suddenly jumped up and shouted loudly with his hands on the table: “Dead old man, do you think I’m stupid—good? Even stupid-good won’t promise you There is a lot of nonsense, you really should pee and look at yourself like you, do you think you are the old master Gray? You are now just an old man who can’t keep up with the times, a downcast aristocrat, you have nothing, Do n’t think that when I call you Master Gray, you really are a master. This is just a sign of my respect for the old and the young! ”It ’s still something his baby told him to treat the old man gently.

“Charles, who do you think you are, you wild-dog!” Master Gray’s mouth turned red and trembled.

Very good, very good, just scolded.

What Charles hated most was talking a bunch of nonsense on the negotiating table. Anyway, in the end, what worked was his own strength.

The atmosphere froze all of a sudden, and suddenly a group of people pulled out their guns and aimed at Charles, and the bodyguards around Charles aimed their guns at others at the same time.

“Is this a grand feast?” Charles glanced at the man with the gun next to him.

Grandpa Gray sneered sneerly: “Charles, sign the contract and promise us that we can not hurt you. You are a smart person and you should know how to choose.

“Charles didn’t say anything. The bodyguards next to him suddenly pulled their clothes one by one. Master Gray and the others ‘faces suddenly became unsightly. Charles’ bodyguards were all bound with bombs.

Including Charles himself.

Pulling the clothes away at will, Charles pointed to the bomb on his body: “As long as I’m dead, you don’t want to go out alive.

“What do the rich people fear most, fear of death? The rich old man fears most, death.

“Charles, you’re crazy! Are you going to die?” Gray’s gaze touched the bomb on Charles’ body and he couldn’t sit still.

Charles glanced at the people around him and laughed, “No, I’m just protecting myself. In fact, I love my life very much.

“Two choices, everyone died here, or …” Charles’ eyes fell on Gray’s body, and the smile on his face grew stronger. “Let those who should die close their eyes and you, Can still be divided into 20%.

“Five minutes later” Oh, take these **** things away from me, they are really dead.

“Leaving the room where he had just met, Charles frowned and asked someone nearby to help him unwind the bombs. At this moment, the phone in his pocket rang.

Seeing the caller ID, Charles smiled like a flower.

“Hi, dear, do you miss me?” “Charles, have your dispute over your interests been resolved?” Tired of shopping, drinking the juice while basking in the sun, Tang Feng chatting with Chen Mingxu took time to fly Charles phone.

“Ang, it’s going very well. I can go to you in two days.

“As soon as Charles had finished speaking, there was a gunshot in the room. He grinned, which **** did he know to use a silencer?” Is that what you said smoothly? “Tang Feng’s tone doesn’t sound very good.

“I’m at the shooting range now, haha.

“Hurry up and make up a lie, Charles immediately switched the subject away.” Alright darling, I still have something to do, I will call you back and kiss one! “The best way is to hang up the phone first, or it will be easy for Tang Feng to put it out in a few words.

“How many times have I told you to use a silencer!” Charles cursed loudly as he turned around.

So what was Lu Tianchen doing at this time? Lu Tianji ’s xxth birthday, in fact, did not hold a party or other celebrations as Tang Feng thought.

“Another year old.

Lu Tianchen put the box with the cake on the table of someone who was working with his head down, and said, “Don’t think that you are still thirty years old, and you are busy with work every day.

“Do you know if you come back, huh, huh.

“He sneered twice, Lu Tianji didn’t even look at the cake on the table, and bowed his head to continue his business.

“You are my father.

“Do you know that I am your father?” “Lu Tianji said.

He opened the chair and sat down. Lu Tianchen looked at his father. The two of them got along strangely. Sometimes they were tense, sometimes full of tension and defense, but they lacked the warmth of the father and son of other families.

“happy Birthday.

“Blandly, said four words.


“I got the two words sent by Lu Tianji.

By his early thirties, Lu Tianchen would no longer have any anger, and he was not a person with great emotional fluctuations.

“I am leaving.

“Anyway, there is nothing to say. He has returned, given a gift, and said happy birthday.

“Busy to go back and see that guy?” Lu Tianji finally looked up. He didn’t like Tang Feng. This is something that can be seen by people with good eyes.

But why not like it? Because Tang Feng was a man or an actor, or did he steal his son and gain the trust and love of his son? “Correct.

Lu Tianchen didn’t mean to cover up.

I knew it would be this answer. Lu Tianji looked at Lu Tianchen for a while and suddenly felt helpless. For so many years, no matter if he introduced other men or women to Lu Tianchen, or even forced his way, Lu Tianchen still called that Tang Feng’s despair fell to the ground.

He originally thought that Lu Tianchen would get tired of that star after a few years, but now it is.

The fact is in front of him, Lu Tianji had to admit that Tang Feng did eat Lu Tianchen.

why? Because the other person gave him the warmth, care and love that Lu Tianchen could not give, and the feeling of real home, is that so? Looking at the son who was obviously different from before, Lu Tianji lowered his head and continued to deal with his work, and said, “Get off now, don’t stay in the eyes.

“” Don’t be stubborn when you are old. If you are too tired to work, you can give it to me.

“Slightly left a sentence that made Lu Tianji want to get angry, Lu Tianchen turned away and left this” home “that he no longer misses too much.

“More and more rude.

Scolded, Lu Tianji looked down at the text on the paper, but couldn’t see a word for a long time.

Annoyed, he simply put away all his work, and finally his eyes fell on the cake box brought by Lu Tianchen.

“Childish!” Reached to open the box, filled with a tiramisu cake, and also wrote four words: Happy Birthday.

what is this? Lu Tianji suddenly found that there were two things in the cake box, and then he picked it up and saw that it was two movie tickets for “Tianzi 3”! “Okay, I’ll see what exactly attracts you to my son!” But who is the other movie ticket for? Thinking of the meaning of Lu Tianchen’s release of two movie tickets, Lu Tianjing suddenly felt ugly.

Superstar Volume 4-Legend of the Peak Chapter 82-Help Tang Feng, in fact, Qian Ning’s impression of this person is only two words-superstar.

It seems that this man suddenly became famous in high school. The girls in the class always opened their mouths and closed their mouths. How can Tang Feng be good, and he will find such a man in the future.

At that time, Qian Ning didn’t understand, wasn’t it just a little star, why so many people liked it.

At that time, Tang Feng had just begun to make an appearance. Later, when Qian Ning went to the military academy, the man became more and more famous. Every year, Tang Feng was shown at major awards. Well, the words “Tang Feng” gradually formed a golden signboard, which became a symbol of good movies.

Up to now, as long as the movie starring in Tang Feng, most people will be willing to buy tickets in advance to enter the cinema because they have a good impression of the actor first, instead of waiting, watching and watching the movie.

It is rare that it has always maintained a good selection standard, and even more rare is that the news related to Tang Feng is basically a movie, and you will rarely see lace news related to this man in any news media.

No hype, low-key, serious work-this is what most people think of Tang Feng, including Qian Ning.

Qian Ning thinks that such talents are superstars, enough fans, but I never expected that Tang Feng would have something to do with the underworld boss.

The entertainment industry in Hong Kong in the past few years has always been under the control of underworld. This is something everyone who pays close attention to Hong Kong movies knows. Qian Ning was thinking now. Is there a gang of underworld in Hollywood? Alas, it’s not easy to be a star.

However, this Tang Feng is really hard to get close to. Qian Ning muttered secretly for a while. If it wasn’t for the task to approach Tang Feng, he wouldn’t know how difficult it was for the man to get closer.

Tang Feng and Chen Mingxu rented a small two-story building in the town by themselves. The daily meals are basically at home if they are not outside. Although they call the locals for take-away, Qian Ning found them when they checked. People are specially hired by others.

Whenever Tang Feng and Chen Mingxu go out, there are several local bodyguards to follow at any time. Anyone who is too close to Tang Feng will be caught by the bodyguard, and there will always be a way to keep others away from Tang Feng, such as deliberately walking over to the other side It doesn’t matter if you start a dispute.

Fortunately, there are arrangements in the organization. Qian Ning dressed up as a Chinese college student traveling to a small town and carrying a camera around to take pictures. Of course, his purpose is to be close to Tang Feng.

Finally let him wait for Tang Feng. Through the camera lens, Qian Ning noticed Tang Feng at once. Even though the man was very simple, the star was a star after all, plus a black-haired Chinese, gathered together in a foreigner. The place is very conspicuous.

Everyone is of the same origin. Qian Ning pondered that in the past, Tang Feng could help him take a picture. One is to take a chance to get closer. The other is to take a photo with a superstar. What a good thing.

When Qian Ning was preparing to pass, a tall European stepped forward to Tang Feng. I didn’t know what to say, but his friend Chen Mingxu was obviously a little unhappy.

Approaching, Qian Ning heard Chen Mingxu saying to Tang Feng in Chinese: “Can I beat this guy, is he a deaf man, he has let him off and blocked him.

“You look good. He doesn’t deserve you at all. How about walking with me?” The Europeans smiled at Tang Feng in English, apparently treating Chen Mingxu as Tang Feng’s companion.

Not worth it at all? Chen Mingxu’s face is ugly. Although he is not as superstar as Tang Feng, anyway, he is also a handsome host! Even if he is in his thirties, it is still handsome! With his sleeves rolled up, he was preparing to teach this gangster—when the rogue, a Chinese guy with a camera next to him ran over, and he was blocked in front of Tang Feng and Chen Mingxu, yelling at the foreigner: “” And helpers? This is not China, my friends, be careful.

Seeing that the other party accounted for a large number, the foreigner let go of two harsh words and walked away.

It is estimated that he never dared to return.

“Still you are terrific, you scared him away.

“Chen Mingxu sighed, is it because he is too weak.

“Are you okay? These foreigners are foreigners and middlemen. If you scare him, he will have no confidence.

Qian Ning touched his head and couldn’t help looking at Tang Feng. Oh, hey, real people are more beautiful than on the big screen. It doesn’t mean that they look good, but real people are always more attractive.

Make your eyes clear and do n’t want to move away from the other person. This is probably what other people often say. After years of maturity and stability, it is indeed very attractive.

“thank you.

“Thanks to the other’s gaze, Tang Feng came forward with a smile and thanked him.

Europe is an open place, especially Northern Europe is even more open. Sometimes they will also encounter same-sex courtship when they come out, but basically it ’s okay, just like the kind of entanglement that just happened. Actually not much.

Probably the reason why I saw my fellow villagers in a different country. Chen Mingxu asked Qian Ning a bunch of questions. Are you a Chinese student, do you come here for tourism, what is your name, where is your hometown, know him and Tang Maple? “I … I’m not an international student, or I’m walking out on my summer vacation now. My name is Qian Ning. My hometown is Fujian. Of course I know you!” When talking about Qian Ning, I was a little excited. “I usually have Watching TV! “Hulah, Chen Mingxu talked with Qian Ning. In the end, the host, Chan Chan Lotus, and the stranger who met for the first time can chat wildly.

Tang Feng couldn’t stand by, and said busyly: “Stand on the street and talk, and sit there in the past.

“I, I, I …” Qian Ning stuttered suddenly.

“What’s wrong with you, rest assured, I know your students don’t have any income, and our big star will treat you later!” Chen Mingxu was very polite and left the invitation task to Tang Feng.

Tang Feng also readily agreed: “This is all right.

“I … can I take a picture with you?” “Qian Ning really wanted to punch himself, Dumbled Interpol, and actually stuttered!” Hahaha, I’m nervous about this, “Chen Mingxu was amused, and took the camera of Qian Ning to push people Around Tang Feng, “Come here, let me take a picture for you, don’t the big stars mind? “Don’t talk to me, big host.”

“I approached Qian Ning on his own initiative, and Tang Feng struck Qian Ning’s shoulder like an elder.

With the shutter button pressed down, Tang Feng smiled kindly, and Qian Ning was slightly nervous and full of excitement.

A chic little restaurant opened on a huge white rock facing the sea. Tang Feng, Qian Ning, and others were sitting under parasols and drinking iced fruit juices. The tables were delicious and delicious, all local. Seafood.

Qian Ning began to drool when he saw the seafood. It was the first time he had seen such a big lobster! “It’s almost time for dinner. I want to eat here.

“I feel a little embarrassed to see Qian Ning. Tang Feng suddenly feels that the child has a good character. He is willing to” see each other for help “, and he is somewhat shy and reserved. It is very cute, so the big star cut a piece for Qian Ning himself. Big lobster meat.

“Then, I’m welcome, thank you!” Swallowing, Qian Ning immediately picked up the knife and fork and enjoyed the food.

“Sufficiently say, but don’t let others think that I am not full enough to treat guests.

Tang Feng said with a smile.

“Eun, good!” Qian Ning nodded again and again.

“I’ll get some ice cubes.

“Chen Mingxu got up and left temporarily.

Qian Ning, who was chewing on the lobster, didn’t forget his purpose this time, knowing that those bodyguards in the secret would basically not appear in front of Tang Feng. Qian Ning kept a relaxed smile on his face and tried not to cause those guys in the secret to overdo it. alert.

Time is tight, Qian Ning has no time to explain to the other party or to give an opening remark, he said directly: “Mr. Tang, don’t be angry. In fact, I have graduated from university and I am a military school. I am now Interpol Members of the China branch, I ’m here to help you.

“After speaking, Qian Ning’s heart all mentioned his throat, for fear that Tang Feng’s face would suddenly change or he might get angry to let him roll off. In fact, they were not sure whether Tang Feng would cooperate with them this time.

“That was just graduated. It looks like you are childish. It turned out to be a criminal policeman. No wonder the momentum was so strong when you were facing that foreigner.

Tang Feng smiled easily, without the slightest confusion or doubt in Qian Ning’s imagination.

Too natural, too calm, too incomprehensible.

“Mr. Tang, aren’t you surprised why I came to you?” Instead, Qian Ning was a little surprised.

He had thought that Tang Feng would be angry, surprised, angry or confused, but never imagined that the other party would talk to him naturally without reaction.

“It’s better to talk about why you came to me.

“Tang Fengchao was looking at Chen Mingxu, who was walking towards them, and said again,” I’ll talk about these things later, I don’t want to involve Mingxu in.

Qian Ning looked at Tang Feng with a little more admiration. No wonder he is a superstar. He really has the style of a general.

After having dinner, Tang Feng invited Qian Ning to take a walk with them. After that, he went to the local small coffee shop to sit and chat. During this period, Chen Mingxu ran out because he had to call the family at night. Feng knew something long ago, and Chen Mingxu talked on the phone every night.

At this time, only Tang Feng and Qian Ning were left.

“Well, now you can say what you came for.

“Tang Feng glanced at Chen Mingxu, who was sitting on a wooden chair outside, and this guy must have a high monthly phone bill.”

“First I have to apologize to you …” “Wait.

“Tang Feng immediately stopped and said with a smile,” You don’t need to say anything politely, Qian Ning, you just say what’s going on.

Scratching his head, Qian Ning felt that it was a pity. He was ready for an opening remark, and now there was no place to play.

“We have an important person’s son taken away by a European gang. Now people don’t know where. We know … you have some relationship with that gang, so I would like to ask for your help.

Suddenly I felt that I was clearly seen in the eyes of the other party, and Qian Ning told the matter directly.

Obviously he is a criminal policeman, but why is he not so confident in the other’s eyes? “Better tell me the name of that organization?” Tang Feng couldn’t help thinking, was it Charles? “Their leader is called Albert.

When Qian Ning said, he paid attention to Tang Feng’s reaction, and the latter froze a little. Obviously, the person mentioned by Qian Ning was no stranger.

It seems the organization is right, Tang Feng really knows the big change.

It is impossible for Channing to not know Albert, and to be precise, it is impossible to have not heard of it.

This man who has a certain influence in Europe and even the world has always caused a lot of headaches for people. We can’t just say that he is a gangster or white gangster, but Albert is definitely the best one.

Although most people know that Albert is a lunatic, a metamorphosis, a weird character, and not easily accessible, a character that many people know but hardly expose to the public.

Until it was known exactly that the boss of the so-called gang organization was Albert, Qian Ning actually doubted whether Tang Feng really knew Albert, even if they knew each other, what was their relationship? I heard that Albert likes men … Qian Ning looked at Tang Feng in front of him and suddenly felt a little weird. If it was Tang Feng, how much would Albert be tempted? But it’s not right. He checked the information before. Although there are stars around Albert, he will basically be kicked away after a month, let alone can affect Albert’s own judgment.

Qian Ning became more confused. Can Tang Feng really affect Albert? Superstar Volume 4-Legend of the Peak Chapter 83-Albert Channing looks forward to Tang Feng’s answer, but the latter just silently silent.

There is Nordic music flowing in the hut, and a mellow, low-pitched male voice lingers around his ears, accompanied by a burst of strong coffee aroma and night.

“Mr. Tang …” Qian Ning shouted uncontrollably. Is this a promise or is he still thinking about it? He tried to convince Tang Feng: “If Mr. Tang is really able to rescue a person, I very much hope that Mr. Tang can help you, it may be a life, and there is a family behind that life, Mr. Tang …” “Seriously, I don’t like being disturbed in my life. It is the duty of your police to rescue the hostages. I don’t know when my ordinary people will also play the role of police.

Without answering whether to respond to the party’s request, Tang Feng pulled the topic to another aspect. He said, “Did you ever think about it when you asked me for help, would it be dangerous if I approached the gangster, and if I would help to rescue him?” What price does the hostage pay? If I promise you once, will there be a second or even third? “I …” Qian Ning was speechless for a moment, and he really hadn’t thought about it that much.

“I believe in organizations!” Qian Ning can only say, “I also hope that Mr. Tang can believe that we are capable enough to protect you.

“If you have enough power to protect me, why don’t you have enough power to rescue the hostages from a gangster?” Compared with your huge organization, Tang Feng is just a small star. He has no super equipment, no capable subordinates, and no think tank behind him. What can I help you with? Tang Feng shook his head and got up and said, “No matter what reason you approach us, I still appreciate your rescue today. I know you are a police officer with a sense of justice, but as an ordinary citizen, I am even more I hope that you, as a criminal policeman, can solve things yourself, instead of embarrassing my little people.

“Looking at Chen Mingxu who had just hung up the phone outside the window, Tang Feng turned to Qian Ning and said,” Let’s go back first, bye.

“Mr. Tang …” Qian Ning was blocked by a few words from Tang Feng and he didn’t know how to answer. He could only watch Tang Feng and Chen Mingxu leave.

With a sigh, Qian Ning sat down helplessly. He knew that he should obey the order of the organization, but why he thought Tang Feng was right again.

Is it impossible for a large organization like them to rescue a hostage from the gangsters? Can I really only rely on Tang Feng? Tang Feng is also right. As an ordinary person, Tang Feng has no obligation to risk a hostage, to sacrifice one person to rescue another person, what is the exchange? All people are equal and no one should be sacrificed.

Either the sergeant’s son or the ordinary people, they are the ones they are protecting.

But leaving like this was not what Qian Ning wanted, but it is estimated that there is no hope today, and he can’t always disturb others. Tang Feng is not polite to take him away.

After making up his mind, Qian Ning got up and went back to his residence, intending to inquire some more details about the abduction from the organization, and why he decided to ask Tang Feng for help.

On the high seas, on a large yacht, “Dear ladies and gentlemen, the next sale is a precious diamond necklace from the Roman Empire period, starting at two million dollars …” The host stood on the stage to the guests Displaying auction items, exquisite diamond necklaces shine beautifully under the light, even if the price starts only for the rich

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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