Truth Of The Forgotten Age

1-06: Physical Training I

"Up! Down! Up!" Tisha commanded the group, doing push-ups. Veronica was struggling, but she wanted to push herself as much as she could. And to take her mind off of what Charm's new challenge is, since she recently upgraded it.

What was this new challenge? Why did she want to take her mind off of it?

Charm, Using seduction on others is easier [1/5]: Current upgrade; You are more likely to influence someone by showing off your breasts. Upgradeable! Challenge: Lay with someone relatively older than you.

Next Upgrade: You can control the amount of influence exerted onto charmed targets.

Amaranth surely is mocking her at this point. Seriously, who thinks of these? This is why Veronica was pushing herself. To take her mind off of the perverted Goddess' joke.

'I knew I shouldn't have upgraded it! What's next? "Knock up a bunch of girls"?  Am I just Amaranth's toy or something? Why the hell is it all perverted...'

Exhausted, she took a slight break, sweat rolling down her face, which she wiped away with a towel, and sat on a bench, resting her eyes. Cassidy came by and sat down next to her, as she was taking her own break as well.

"You sure you can do this? There's no harm in slowing down."

"I'm sure. I appreciate your care, Cass. I do. But I need to get stronger. Perhaps... yeah, that makes sense..." Veronica started racking it through her brain. "Perhaps it's Lady Amaranth guiding me along a path to strengthen myself, physically and mentally."

Cassidy giggled, giving Veronica a hug.

"Maybe. Or perhaps she wants you to be a dominating commander on the battlefield~" Cassidy said with a sultry tone, leaning into the perverted meaning of dominant.

"No! Cass, no! That's not! Well... ugh... you actually might be right..." She tried to argue, but slumped over in defeat.

"Relax Ver, it was just a joke." Cassidy rubbed Veronica's back gently.

"Right. I kinda hate my Spirit... hehe..." Veronica weakly laughed. "Anyways... Yesterday you said somethin about having two other candidates?"

"Oh my, I never thought you would actually be interested!" She feigned shock.

"I-I'm not interested. It's just... if they're willing, then I shouldn't say no, since it'll help upgrade that ability." Veronica quickly thought of that ability, and it suddenly came to mind.

'Right. I get bigger by upgrading that. How easy would that be to explain to... well everyone?'

"So, when do you want me to introduce you to them?" Cassidy asked.

"Sometime later, I guess. Maybe after I take a shower."

"Alrighty! There's that plan set. Oh, also, it seems like Avi wants another make out session."

"Sure. Wait, what? Did you say..."

"Yup. She wants another kiss."

"But, it.. I'm.... very confused."

"Uh... something about it just simply being good. And, I have to admit, I also want another kiss as well. You have a very kissable set of lips."

"I... Then... As long as you ask first, then I may be willing to..." Veronica said as she blushed, her heart racing.

"Then, may I kiss you once again?" Cassidy softly whispered as she leaned in slowly.

"S-Sure." She answered, closing her eyes as Cassidy took the lead, just like the first time.

Unlike last time, Veronica felt different. There was something tugging at her heart. Kisses were meant to be special, and she's kissing her best friend. Yet, she also needs to kiss other women.

Needless to say, Veronica was confused about her feelings. She did take a small note that this feels different than her session with Aviris, not necessarily better or worse, but almost like there was a different meaning.

'It's fine. We're just friends. Right?'

"No fair, I wanted one too." A voice said, slowly approaching them.

The split for just a second, seeing that it was Aviris. And here, she looked... amazing. She was toned, her tan skin making her muscles a bit more noticeable.

"I plan on sharing her. Come on. I'm sure she'll have no problems~" Cassidy responded, motioning for Aviris to come closer. "It's fine if she joins in, right Ver?"

"Yeah. It's fine." Veronica stated absent-mindedly.

And, surprising Cassidy, Veronica initiated the kiss with Aviris, their tongues dancing around joyfully. When they split, Veronica went back to Cassidy, and this time, she was leading it.

Cassidy was surprised at first, but gladly melted into it. After all, her cute, innocent best friend was finally starting become dominant. All that was really left was to build her up physically.

As their kiss ended, both of them were winded, and all three of them cuddled next to each other on the bench.

"Yeah, that was... that was good. Great even. You should do that more often." Cassidy stated.

"Definitely. I would not complain if this was daily." Aviris stated seductively.

"Just... Just come to me and tell me. We can find a... secluded spot and... you know..." Veronica tried to say, her face red, not from her previous exercise, but from the embarrassment that came from keeping these two happy. After all, she also liked it.

'This must be some kind of side effect from my Spirit. Fine. At least it feels good.'

Veronica got up, somewhat refreshed from her break, with the other two girls giving a groan of mild disappointment.

"I wanted moooore..." Cassidy begged with a smile.

"I've gotta get stronger, Cass. And... you both get to... to kiss me practically whenever you want. Anyways, I'm going back to training. I'll talk to you two later!" Veronica responded as she walked away, almost hesitantly.

And so, she trained. She kept pushing herself to her limits over and over. Stopping just short of going too far, while under strict supervision of Tisha.

Tisha would probably be the best person for coaching Veronica, considering Tisha is a nationwide hero. Even after the Elf-Human War, she was offered a place in the royal family as a retainer. She would've been treated just as nicely as the Princesses and Queen. She refused, as she wouldn't fit in with the royals. Tisha's too blunt, too barbaric in a sense.

But, in her newfound early retirement, she chose to be a teacher at a prestigious academy. A retired hero, is coaching a frail girl. How interesting is that?

Exhausted and sweaty, Veronica had decided to take a shower. She walked around for a bit first, to make sure she can be alone in the showers, so no one would find out about her secret.

Veronica stripped herself and was about to step into the showers when she heard the door open. When she looked, she was surprised to see who it was. It was Tisha, and her eyes were glued to Veronica. Luckily, Veronica was positioned in a way where her cute girlcock would be exposed, but something was off. Tisha seemed to be in some sort of trance.

"H-Hello Miss Tisha. May I help you?"

Tisha closed the gap and used her overwhelming strength to pin Veronica to the shower wall, inside of one of the shower cubicles, Veronica's hands above her head.

Veronica knew, that at this moment, something was wrong.

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