Truth Of The Forgotten Age

1-09: Physical Fitness Test & An Unexpected Guest

The day began as normal, or as normal as it could get nowadays, with a wake-up smooch from both Cassidy and Aviris.

"Ver, don't forget, your next girl wants to meet up today. After the test, of course." Cassidy opened the conversation with a quiet tone.

"Do you even onow who she is?"

"Nope, but she's cute, and is willing to help. Didn't care much for getting her details."

"Cass are you.... Are serious? What's next? Kidnapping a random girl off the street?"

"I have thought about it." She answered with a smile.

"I... I can't tell if you're joking any more." Veronica said, placing her head in her hands, trying to understand what's going on in Cassidy's head.

"Does she usually act this way?" Aviris asked, trying to figure out if this was even normal in the first place.

"No... She was clingy before. But predictable. Not... not whatever this is." She motioned towards the human shaped form of chaos named Cassidy.

"Hey! I'm just trying to help my extremely cute best friend! It's not my fault that your Spirit is a lecherous perv." Cassidy retorted, leaving Veronica's mouth agape.

"Is kissing perverted? Since when?" Aviris questioned, not really knowing what's going on.

"Oops, said too much. Uh... bye! Gonna go try to get the next one! Have fun!" Cassidy quickly said before nearly sprinting out of the cafeteria at full speed.

'What does she know? And how?'

"If you need me, I'll be in the library." Veronica stated as she got up and left, trying to get everything through her mind.

Her mind was a mess as she walked the halls towards the library. She wasn't even going there for any specific reason. But, she needed to clear her head from Cassidy's unpredictable madness. At least, until more madness came across her in the form of Tisha.

"We need to speak." This was not a request. It was an order.

And so, Veronica followed, where Tisha took her to an isolated place where none of the other applicants or staff would come across them.

"S-So what do you want? Am I in trouble?" Veronica asked, trying to see why she was pulled away.

"Depends on your answer. Why did you lie? Is this going to be some sort of blackmail situation?"

"Are you talking about... No! I wouldn't! It's... complicated."

"Spit it out girl. I was barely able to pull myself out of that trance. And the fact that you have that. What are you trying to do?"

"I-I can explain! It's an ability from my Spirit. I don't think I can control it either... Two of the abilities actually. Commander's Body gave me the uh... penis, I think. And the other, Charm, is what happened. I didn't know that would happen! And, well, I guess it's uncontrollable... for now..."

"What do you mean 'for now'?"

"I can upgrade it... by uh... having an intimate night... with someone older than me..." Veronica's face turned bright red as she tried to avoid Tisha's intimidating gaze.

"Uh huh. And I'm supposed to just believe that? A lucky one night stand with an older woman? And that you just so happen to accidentally use your Charm ability on just such a person?"

"I'm telling the truth! I didn't mean for that to happen!"

"Ugh. I should report this. Give me a reason why I shouldn't." She bluffed, but Veronica was too oblivious to catch it.

"Please don't! I-I'll do anything! Anything you want! If I can prove that I didn't mean to use Charm, I can stay, right?"



Tisha gave an odd smile, and something terrible seemed to swirl in her brain.

"Then, until I say otherwise, you do anything and everything I tell you to do until I say otherwise. Okay?"

"Yes! Of course! Absolutely!" Veronica agreed immediately, without thinking of the consequences.

"Then we have a deal. For now, leave, and don't tell a single soul about this."

Without question, Veronica nodded and left, worried about what she just agreed to.

'Why did I not think!? Stupid Veronica! I didn't know Tisha was so terrible! There's no record of her acting like this! Why me...?'

She wandered her way to the library, her initial destination, and sat down, pondering everything that transpired in the past hour.

Aviris seemed to be the only normal person. Veronica herself was practically cursed to be a sexual deviant. Cassidy became a corrupted individual seemingly overnight. And even the famous hero Mercury "Mercy" Tisha happened to be a terrible person when given enough information to blackmail a potential student.

But, perhaps, what if Veronica embraced her Spirit?

Instead, Aviris is a simple girl who perfers romance. Cassidy is actually trying to help Veronica as quick as possible, and is willing to do anything. And Tisha... what if she wasn't terrible, but rather, it's a side effect of Charm.

'That's it! But then, I would have to... I would have to embrace being a... a deviant. Is that really worth it?'

Even after figuring it out, she was still left with the question of "should". Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, being able to have many people, even perhaps those with a high influence at her beck and call.

And so, with those thoughts, she went to begin her physical fitness test. It was strenuous, and, even though she did quite well for herself, that doesn't necessarily mean she passed. She just needs to cross her fingers and hope.

Veronica didn't forget that Cassidy said that the next girl was waiting for her, and without skipping a beat, Cassidy appeared, and without saying a word, grabbed her and took Veronica the other girl.

This girl was... too familiar. Just like Tisha, but this time, familiar in a bad way.

She was at an average height and had fair skin. Bright and shining green eyes. Red hair that went all the way down to her butt. And surprisingly, not a single blemish. She had perfect skin.

"See? Isn't she cute?"

Well, she wasn't wrong. This girl was cute.

"Greetings. I am Eleanora Kaleigh dey Montague. It's a pleasure to meet you, Veronica."

That explains why she's scarily familiar. And, because of so, Veronica was furious at Cassidy.

"Cassandra Elaine Bright! What in the Seven Hells were you thinking!? Do you even know who this is?"

"N-Not in the slightest?"

Veronica blinked in surprise.

"Your Highness, I apologize for her rudeness. Cass! This is the second princess of our kingdom! You know, second-in-line to the throne? How reckless can you be?"

Cassidy was, for once, visibly sad and worried. After all, she realized how much of a mistake she made.

"Please, go easy on your companion. I was surprised at how easily she approached me, but her not knowing who I was makes more sense. But it's fine."

"Your Highness, thank you for you kindness." Cassidy straightened herself out, bowing to royalty.

"Ahem. Now that introductions are out of the way, please, tell me what you needed help with. I'm willing to help in any way I can."

"Cass... You didn't even tell her what it was... ugh..."

"I'm sorry?"



"I am very disappointed in you. Leave. I'll... ugh... I'll try to fix this."

"O-Okay... bye... I guess." Cassidy nearly muttered as she depressingly walked away, her head hanging low.

When Cassidy disappeared from sight, Veronica continued to try and fix everything, and hopefully not get executed.

"I'll be honest with you, Your Highness-"

"Eleanora is fine. Merit based school, my standing is nothing here."

"Very well. I'll be honest, Eleanora. What I need help with, that Cass didn't mention, is a challenge for one of my abilities, which requires five different people. I've already gotten three. This challenge requires me to share a kiss with someone. Not a quick, friendly one. But a romantic one." Veronica tried to state as calmly as possible.

"Are you joking?" The princess asked, her expression not changing. Not like it changed at all during the course of these events.

"No. I'm not. Please, don't punish that dunce. Forget all this if possible."

"What are you talking about? As the second princess, my duty is to help the citizens of my country. I wouldn't be able to do that if I'm too embarrassed to help with a kiss."

"I... I couldn't ask you to do that!" Veronica tried to back away, but Eleanora quickly closed the distance, and held Veronica close.

"It's fine. Kiss me." She demanded, locking eyes with the short blonde.

"You won't punish me?"

"Not at all. It's my duty to help."


Veronica cupped Eleanora's face and slowly moved in. She was nervous due to obvious reasons. But, she steeled herself for the inevitable.

And so, she entertained her tongue with the princess' own tongue. It was sweet and savory, like dark chocolate. And, needless to say, she was kind of excited that she was able to kiss a princess.

"That was good. I hope that fulfills the challenge requirement. I'll see you later. And, if you pass, perhaps we'll be on the same team." Eleanora casually said as she walked off, leaving Veronica in her red-faced state.

'Okay... this Spirit might actually be really good.'

Veronica cracked a slight smile, growing more open to her lecherous Spirit. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise. 

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