Truth Of The Forgotten Age

2-04: Truth & Combat Training I

Cassidy drained Veronica's reserves for the next two and half hours, and Veronica, unlike Cassidy, was exhausted. But they indeed did finish, and for once, the whole team, Tisha included, was in the dorm.

So, Cassidy gave Veronica some time to recover as she went around and gathered everyone. Due to the nature of the next challenge for Commander's Body, it only seemed right to tell her team the truth.

Veronica got up, slightly wobbly from Cassidy's fun, and left the room, making sure she was somewhat presentable. Cassidy was right outside the door as Veronica opened it, making Veronica jump slightly.

"Everyone's in the living room. Should I go and grab Liafi?" The ravenette asked, pointing towards the group.

"No, she already knows, I think. But, we should get this done. No point in delaying this any longer."

Cassidy nodded in agreement as the two made their way to the living room, where Aviris, Eleanora and Tisha were sitting on the sofa.

"What's up?" Aviris asked, leaning forwards.

"Hohkay...I have something very important to say, and I think everyone should know. Tisha and Cass already knows. So it's just you two. How do I say this...? Um, so, everyone knows that my class challenges are a little... off."

"Indeed. I wouldn't expect a kiss to be considered a normal challenge." Eleanora interjected.

"My class also gave me a... sort of addition to my body a while ago. And, because of this next challenge, I felt is was only right to tell you before hand. I have um... I have a penis. More specifically, I have both parts."

Aviris and Eleanora stared blankly. Aviris in surprise, and Eleanora in intrigue. But, they collected themselves soon.

"I see. Thank you for telling us. I, for one, am fine with this. If you hadn't told me before, I may have stormed out. So, thank you for telling us the truth." Eleanora stated calmly, keeping her royal posture in check, and closing her eyes to think.

"And I'm just simply surprised. I wouldn't storm out like Elly said she would, but I would still be a bit uncomfortable. Thanks for the information." Aviris said as she relaxed into the sofa.

Veronica released a sigh that she's been holding in for too long. And, seeing as they accepted it, it was a sigh of relief.

"Now that everyone knows Ver's little secret, let's play with her!" Cassidy excitingly said.

But, instead of the response she was expecting, Veronica smacked her upside the head.

"No. Just... no. I have nothing left right now. Also, now that I think of it, you were supposed to inform us of what we're doing tomorrow."

"Oh yeah. Combat training tomorrow morning. You know, practicing to make sure we're combat ready for dungeon delving and adventuring."

Tisha pinched the briged of her nose and gave a silent sigh, almost as if she were thinking 'why did I choose this moron?'

After some chatting, the five split up into their rooms, and got to sleep. Sleep that Veronica desperately needed.

And, in the morning, she woke up refreshed. After a shower and a quick breakfast, Veronica got ready for combat training, meeting everyone else in the living room.

"You won't need to bring your weapons. You'll be using training weapons. Armor is required in a sense. You can bring your own, but it can't be too powerful. If you don't have armor, or approved armor, you can get training armor. Except for you, Cassidy. You'll be practicing combat magic. So make sure you remember all your chants."

"I got it, I got it."

"Then, everyone out and follow me."

The four left, behind Tisha. And they arrived at the training grounds. As early in the morning it was, there wasn't a single person here. So, it was just them for now.

"One on one, you're going up against me. Who wants to go first?" Tisha quickly explained.

In an instant, Eleanora raised her hand.

"Get a weapon and get up here."

Eleanora nodded her head, and grabbed a training sword that was roughly the same style of sword her personal weapon was, a rapier. Quickly making her way into the arena, she dusted herself off and got into a combat stance.

"Before we start, I'm going to say this. You don't need to win. I am just simply assessing you combat capabilities. Eleanora, are you ready?"

"Yes ma'am!"

"Then here I come!"

As quick as lightning, Tisha rushed the princess with a killing intent. The group realized that this was going to be more than just simple training.

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