Truth Of The Forgotten Age

3-07: A Lesson In Succubus Biology

The sun had barely started to rise as Veronica awoke. The night prior was most certainly new, and something she would be willing to accept more of.

However, she started to get curious about what she has become, or perhaps what she may become later.

'Hey, Lilith, got a moment?'

"Yeah, what's up?"

'I was curious on my, or our, biology. I've read a lot of books, but none of them really explained the biology of Succubi or Incubi. Can you teach me anything?'

"How long do we have?"

'About... three or four hours before we should be in class. Unless Tisha has something in mind.'

"Alright, that's more than enough time. Let me go ahead and teach you a little."

And so, the voice of the experienced succubus in her head began to teach her everything about their biology.

"To begin with, the most obvious difference is our sexual organs. Both Incubi and Succubi have vaginas and penises. Sticking with sexual organs, similar to human males, Incubi have external testicles, while Succubi have internal testicles. Oh, I should also mention that our penises are also extremely flexible. We can literally fuck ourselves if we wanted." She began with the more perverted part, but also the one that was closest to Veronica.

"But, in all practicality, Succubi and Incubi are pretty much the same, with the only difference being that Incubi look more masculine and Succubi look more feminine. Though, there is the rare occasion an Incubus looking more feminine. In our language, we would call them 'Akos'. Closest in your language would probably be... 'girly boy'."

That was certain informational.

'What about Succubi?'

"Well, when I was alive, the most masculine looking Succubus was still very feminine in appearance. Kind of like a... bulkier Tisha, to put it to imagination."

'I see... So, what about the whole... pregnancy thing?' Veronica asked, her cheeks going red.

"Oh my, thinking of children already~? Anyways, us Sex Demons, or Hakano, if you prefer, can get pregnant by anything that has sperm, and can impregnate anything that can intake semen to get pregnant. Hakano also are extremely fertile and virile. We can pretty much bypass all natural infertility. So, unless you use contraception, or your partner is completely devoid of eggs, pregnancy is guaranteed."

'So... we were really lucky then.'

"Yup. And you'll be shooting more than that later. So you should make sure to plan for that. Anyways, when I said anything can impregnate us, or we can get it pregnant, I mean it. That's where your beloved Beastkin came from."

'That's a joke, right? Please tell me that's a joke.'

"Nope. Saw it happen myself. Freaky. And then a new race appeared. And that fucking ourselves thing I mentioned, yeah, that was pretty popular back when I was in my sixties."

'How popular...?'

"The next two generations of our kind were mainly from it."

'I have no words...'

"Hey, it was neat. Guess that's next on the list. We suffer no incest issues."

'WHAT!? Why did you bring that up!?'

"We fucked ourselves since and eventually got ourselves pregnant. And our sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers, etc... In short, we don't suffer any issues from incestuous sex."

'I'm not going to try or test that...'

"That's alright. And lastly... I think anyways, for important things, children of Hakano are born much quicker than normal. Let's take humans for example. The gestation period is about nine months, but with a Hakano parent, that's all the way down to just under three months."

'I... I can't tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing...'

"Depends on the creature. But, that's pretty much all the important things for now, I believe. Any questions?"

'A couple. Though, it is pretty personal.'

"That's fine, what is it?"

'Do you have any children?'

"Yes! Or, well, had. I don't know of they're still alive, on account of being betrayed and slaughtered by the Angels. But, that's not the point. I had seven children. Five daughters and two sons. All are Hakano. Two of my daughters are twins too. And they were from when I uh... did myself."

'I... huh. What were their names?'

"From oldest to youngest, Dahlia, Lilith, Zandt, Hekna, Nefa, Alya, and Zeonica. Nefa and Alya were twins. And your other question?"

'So, say two succubi have a child, would the child still say father and mother?'

"Yep! Though, for us, those terms aren't based on male of female, considering we're all practically the same. So 'mother' just refers to the parent who carried the child, and 'father' just refers to the one who provided the sperm. So, it is somewhat similar to humans, or other races."

'Interesting. Well, that is all of my questions. For now.'

"And I'm ready to answer your questions at any time!"

A very informational discussion. And it allowed Veronica to try and think on how to prepare for future... "dates".

'Oh, actually, I just got another one.'

"Go ahead."

'So, you mentioned that Beastkin were created by Succu- ahem, Hakano, mating with animals... Does that mean that children with only one Hakano parent aren't full Hakano?'

"Good question. So, it is a bit confusing here, but I'll try and make it as simple as possible. Basically, the over something is to Hakano in genetics, the high the chance it is for the child to be Hakano."

'So, it's not necessarily just a 'they are or aren't', but rather a 'they have a chance to be' thing, right?'

"Exactly! However, there are ways for us to create more Hakano than the simple surefire way have having sex with one another."

'And that is?'

"A very specific ritual. It can turn anyone into a pureblood Hakano."

'That sounds very interesting.'

"I'll tell you more about that later. For now, it looks like a certain needy girl wants attention."

Veronica turned her head to see Cassidy, half asleep, trying to pull Veronica back into bed.

"Silly girl. It's almost time to get up. Don't want to be late, do you?"

"Mmm... school can fuck itself... want more cuddles..."

Veronica gave a slight smile as she lightly rubbed Cassidy's head. And then she had a sudden moment of surprise.

'Wait! My charm skill! Did that activate in Cass? Did I... Oh Goddess... what have I done...?'

"Calm down. Charm doesn't affect anyone who's already infatuated with you."

'I see. Wait what? Infatuated? Cass? Do you mean to tell me...?'

"Oops, let the cat out of the bag. I mean, for all the books you read, you are pretty dense."

'I... guess I am...? I need to think...'

Cassidy is infatuated with Veronica? So, in love with her right? But she never showed that she did... She was just excited for everything, and wanting a lot of attention and...

'Okay, yeah, I'm seeing it now...'

"Cool. So where are you going to tell her?"

'I'm not...! Or... am I? I don't know! I don't know if I have the same feelings for her. I... really need to think now.'

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