Truth Of The Forgotten Age

3-14: Comforting Cassidy

'Cass wanted to have children...?'

Veronica put down the note and walked to Cassidy's room, putting an ear to the door. Quiet weeping.

"Seems as though pregnancy was quite important to her. Go, comfort her. She needs it."

Veronica nodded and tried to open the door silently. Luckily, the door was unlocked. So, she entered Casidy's room quietly, gently. 

Cassidy was face down in her bed, curled up, sniffling.

"Cass... I read the note."

Cassidy's sniffling stooped momentarily. A light, forced chuckle escaped from her mouth.

"T-Took to reading other people's mail now?" She tried to joke.

Veronica stayed quiet and simply walked over to Cassidy, sitting down next to her, and embracing her.

"V-Ver, I-I'm fine."

"You're not. You're shaking, your eyes are red, and you can barely breathe from that stuffed nose of yours."

"Hmph..." Cassidy pouted slightly, but gave in to Veronica's embrace.

"So, who was the guy?"

"There... isn't one."

"I know."

"Then why ask?"

"To see how you'd react. I also know..." Veronica started, but she wondered if she should really admit it.

"Know what?"

"Nothing, nevermind."

The girls stayed in silence for a while in a tight, warm embrace. Unbroken, unmoving, still.

"I... I wanted your child..."

"And why is that?"

"...I'm scared. Always have been, since you haven't gotten sick." Casidy said, holding on tighter. "I'm scared that it will come back. I'm scared that you'll leave me. I'm scared that I'll have nothing left from you. I wanted something personal from you, a-and I thought that... if I got pregnant with your child..."

Veronica held her closer. Learning of Cassidy's fear was a mix of both surprising and unsurprising at the same time.

"I only decided to test myself because... well, I haven't had my period lately."

"When did you last have it?"

"...Two years ago. I knew I wasn't pregnant, as I haven't ever had sex then, so, I didn't worry much. But, recently, I decided to test myself. I think... I might've hit menopause forty years early."

"Why didn't you tell anyone? Your parents, the local healer, anyone?"

"I was... I was scared. I feared that they would've thought that I was lying about not having sex."

"I see. Well, I'm sure we can figure something out. I'll make sure of it."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I have been hiding something from everyone. And I plan to keep it, or rather, her, hidden for now. But, I'll make an exception, just this once. For a while now, I've had this voice in my head. Claims to be my Spirit. Very knowledgeable on Haka- Ahem, Succubi and Incubi."

"Are you sure you're not going schizophrenic?"

"Mhm. She was... a reward of sort for leveling a skill. But, matter of fact, she might know something."

"Like what? I was planning to see if I could find witches that could age me backwards a few years or something."

"Well, she did explain to me that, since I know share the same... biology with a Succubus, I'm hyper-fertile. So, I was thinking, if we can even get you to produce one egg, then we'd have an extremely large chance."

"Even if we have the slightest chance... I want it. But, I guess it wouldn't be smart to have a child while we're living at a school." Cassidy chuckled lightly. "Guess we'll have to wait a few years first then, right?"

"Yeah, I guess so. But, that doesn't mean we have to stop fucking each other. Let alone, try to figure out how to get you pregnant."

"We could always try raw sex."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Plus, I looked around. Surprisingly, the school doesn't supply condoms that would hold your huge load."

"Then it seems like I'll need to get them costume made. But, we can go raw. Not likely there's much risk anyways."

"That was low!" She lightly punched Veronica.

"Well, there's always something we could do. So, what do you want to do?"

Cassidy thought for a bit. What did she want? Perhaps one thing, perhaps another.

"Want to do that succubus magic challenge that you have?"

'Succubus magic challenge...? Oh, that!'

"We absolutely could. When do you want to start?"

"Now. I'm tired, so I get some nice sleep, and you get some fun, and we both get to have mind blowing sex. It's a win-win-win."

Veronica smiled and chuckled slightly.

"Alright, fine. Right now then. Let's see if I know how to cast it." 

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