Truth Of The Forgotten Age

4-01: Signing Up For The Tournament

Veronica woke up, but didn't want to wake up. She was surprisingly comfortable with her arms wrapped around Cassidy. However, the Cassidy's shifting indicated that she just woke up as well.

"Mmm... what time... is it?" Cassidy asked, yawning in the middle of her sentence.

"Dunno... too tired..." Veronica responded, cuddling more into Cassidy.

"And the cuddles are too good to pass up." Cassidy gave a tired chuckle, trying to move around to face Veronica.

Veeonica nuzzle into Cassidy's ample busom, trying to go back to sleep. Cassidy smiled and gently rubbed Veronica's head.

"Well aren't you needy?" She said quietly.

Suddenly, a knock came at the door.

"Cassidy, is Veronica in there with you?" Eleanora questioned, being slightly muffled from the door.

"Yeah, she is. What's up?" Cassidy responded.

"Well, it's time to get her up, otherwise we'll be late to sign up for the tournament."

"What time is it?"

"Seven in the morning."

"The sign up isn't until noon. We'll be fine."

"Unless everyone else is already there. The earlier we sign up, the better chances we'll have at competing."

"Ugh... fine..." Cassidy sighed, giving up on staying in bed longer. She gave Veronica some light nudges to try and wake her. "C'mon Ver, the princess requests our presence."

"She can... suck my cock for all I care..." Veronica said, still half asleep.

Cassidy was just barely able to hold in her laughter at sleepy Veronica's aggressiveness.

"Sorry hun, but she's also quite needy."

Veronica just groaned in response before letting Cassidy go. Even though Cassidy got up just fine, Veronica lazily tried to get out of bed, and nearly slipped.

"You're not usually like this when you're tired..."

"Having a penis is tiring..." Veronica responded, yawning and stretching her arms, trying to wake herself up.

The two didn't make too much effort to get dressed. Just enough to cover the essentials. When they finally left the dorm room, they were met with Eleanora cooking breakfast, Aviris on the couch, drinking coffee, and Tisha eating a slice of toast.

"Morning..." Veronica greeted, dragging her feet.

"This is the first I've seen Ver like that." Aviris said, handing the two a hot cup of coffee.

"Apparently sex is tiring." Cassidy explained.

"Isn't she supposed to have demon-like stamina or something?" Eleanora asked.

"Don't think so... I'll probably get that... later..." Veronica answered between sips of coffee. "Ick... where did we put the cream and sugar?"

Cassidy sat down, to drink her coffee while Veronica got up to flavor hers. 

"I've got some news about the dungeon, girls." Tisha started. All the girls, even as sleepy as Veronica was, listened carefully. "The dungeon is being put on a form of lockdown. For now, only trained researchers can go in. It's possible that sometime later, they'll allow students to go back in, but only third and fourth years. If first or second years want to go in, they'll need to partner up with the upperclassmen."

"Then that gives us another reason to compete in the tournament, right?" Aviris asked.

"You're right. So, if you want to go into the dungeon early, you need to enter the tournament and catch the attention of either a third year team, or a fourth year team."

"Alright. That's... not going to be easy." Cassidy said.

"Not at all. After all, most of the groups and people signing up have more experience than you girls. So, you'll have to be more than just careful."

"Got it. Anything else?" Veronica asked, taking a sip of her coffee.

"We're the one's signing you all up. So you get to sit your pretty butts here as I get to do all the fun paperwork. However, to sign you girls up for the tournament, you need to settle on a team name." Tisha answered.

"A team name?" Eleanora questioned.

"Mhm. Make sure it's something catchy and that you won't regret. It's gonna stick with you for the rest of your time here."

The four girls huddled together to try and discuss it. But what could they come up with?

"Well, we're all kinda kinky, so how about 'The Freaks'?" Cassidy suggested.

The other three just stared at her, trying to figure out how that's supposed to be a serious answer.

"No... Cass, no..." Veronica said coldly.

"Well, how about 'Les Saints Malhonnêtes'?" Eleanora asked.

"Well, it sounds better than what Cass mentioned, but..." Aviris was hesitant to agree.

"We don't even know what that means." Cassidy finished Aviris' sentence.

"Hm... well, there was an all female group in my clan's history. They would be called the... Ethereal Guards, if I'm translating it correctly." Aviris threw her name into the hat.

"That's not bad. Let's keep that one on our minds, just in case there's a better one..." Veronica said.

"How about a name based off our leader?" Cassidy asked.

"Leader? Who would that be?" Veronica asked.

The rest looked at her.

"You. I thought it was pretty clear." Eleanora stated.

"Huh... So... then how would you name it after me?"

"Sapphire Demons. Or something like that." Cassidy gave another suggestion.

"That's still a bit..." Eleanora hesitated.

"Ugh... why is this so hard?" Aviris was starting to get aggravated.

"Well... I'm thinking on the 'Ethereal Guards' idea you had, Avi, and it's good. Maybe we should swap the 'Guards' part with something else, but what?" Veronica suggested.

A few minutes passed as they sat in silence, think of what goes good with "Ethereal". 

"How about 'Ethereal Ravens'? It sounds neat. And it's not exactly something one would laugh at." Veronica said.

"That works. Can't think of anything else." Cassidy said, sitting back down.

Eleanora nodded. "Yes, that'll do. Though, why ravens?"

"I like birds, and the raven is the first thing that came to mind." Veronica responded.

"Ravens work. They signify death, don't they? It'll help here and there if opponents get a bit startled on that." Aviris said.

"I... didn't think of that. It may help in the future, but I doubt anyone will run away from us during the tournament for name alone."

"So, I guess that means you settled on that name?" Tisha questioned, getting up from her seat.

"Yup. We will be know as the 'Ethereal Ravens'. What next?" Veronica wondered.

"Next, I fill out paperwork. And then you girls get to laze around for a couple days. So, I have one thing to say. Veronica, don't get anyone pregnant. Anyways, I'm off." Tisha waved as she left the apartment.

"Hey wait-!" Veronica was too late to talk back out Tisha's comment.

Silence overtook the room for a short time. Cassidy decided to break it with a joke.

"So... orgy time?"

"Seriously Cass?" Veroninca chuckled. "Well, all we can do is wait. Maybe we have some skills that we can level without needing to go to the dungeon for."

With that thought, Veronica remembered that earlier challenge for her succubus magic, so she quickly upgraded that. And was shook at the new challenge.

Succubus Spellcraft, Gain access to magic that only Succubi can use [2/4]: Current Upgrade; You can use magic to increase production of sexual fluids and induce a euphoric state, as well as spells from previous upgrades.

Upgradeable! Challenge: Impregnate a creature or get pregnant from a creature.

Next Upgrade: Knowledge of a minor ritual to delve into the subconscious of others.

'I have no words...' Veronica thought to herself, trying to figure out why she got stuck with this mess.

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