Tsuyokute New Saga (LN)

Book 6: Chapter 14

Early the next morning, Minister Korodes was organizing some documents in his office. Now that Benedix had fallen back asleep and Eldorand passed, it was Korodes duty to keep order within the Empire. Even with a civil war brewing, that fact didn’t change. And while he was busy to the point he might forget to breathe, a certain report reached him.

“Princess Milena did?” Korodes couldn’t help but tilt his head in confusion. “A farewell ritual for His Majesty Eldorand…”

A farewell ritual was based on the idea that the ones still alive are allowed one final farewell for the deceased. Normally, something like this was only held amongst the closest family or comrades, but the connection between the two countries couldn’t be ignored.

“I have…no reason to decline, it seems.”

Currently, Milena was a visitor of Galgan, under the pretense of wanting to guarantee her absolute safety…for now. Wanting to honor Eldorand was more than the polite thing to do, and declining this request would be an insult to her kindness.

“That said, I never saw Princess Milena as someone so laudable…” Korodes knew that Milena was a bit of a schemer, so he couldn’t help but think there was some hidden intention behind that.

“There must be something…Very well, I will give her permission…No, actually, I’m going to see her myself, so prepare a few soldiers,” Korodes said, deciding he should be confronting her directly and leaving his work behind.

“Oh my, if it isn’t Minister Korodes. What brings you here?”

Milena was about to step into the horse carriage prepared for her in front of her residence when she spotted Korodes. She wore a black dress that created a pleasant atmosphere, paired with a faint veil. Raising that veil, Milena showed a calm greeting. Seeing that it was Milena herself, Korodes was relieved and returned a greeting.

“Originally, the nobles of our country would have come to greet you, but we’re in a bit of a predicament.”

“Of course, I am fully aware of how busy you are.”

Both of them exchanged words to probe each other.

“Leave the security within the country to us. There is no need for your assistants from Zilgus to accompany us,” Korodes said and had his soldiers surround the horse carriage.

Alongside his idea of protection was also a measure to keep watch over her. The guards from Zilgus evidently didn’t appreciate these means, but Milena silenced them and only took two guards with her. After watching the horse carriage take off, both Ninos and Kirlen looked at each other and began their preparations. Oddly enough, Milena had not taken both of them with her on this ride.

The horse carriage safely reached the imperial palace, stopping in front of the luxurious cathedral. Getting off the carriage, the two royal guards stayed at the entrance of the cathedral. Watching that, Korodos tilted his head, wondering why nothing was happening.

“Even if she wished to offer her prayers to His Majesty Eldorand, I find it hard to believe this to be her only intention…Is she plotting something?”

During the farewell ritual, nobody other than the person themselves and the priest were allowed inside. For that reason, Korodes ordered the priest to ask about what was going on inside. To that, the priest responded that she simply kneeled in front of the altar and offered a prayer.

“I cannot say that she was just pretending.”

Hearing that, Korodes couldn’t hide his confusion. However, hearing a sudden report come in made things click.


Hearing that soldiers were mobilizing at Zilgus, he immediately ordered his servants to put Milena under close surveillance. Once that was done, he looked at the cathedral with Princess Milena inside.

Did she know of that? But, that doesn’t explain her actions. Maybe she wants to show that she isn’t an enemy of ours…

Nobody other than the priest could get inside the cathedral, and no matter the reason, they couldn’t cause a ruckus in front of Eldorand’s body. Since Korodes could not read her at all, he simply had to wait for her to move.

And then, half a day passed.

“No, this definitely isn’t right.” Korodes raised his voice.

The farewell ritual was often held longer than half a day, but that was the case for close relatives and loved ones of the deceased, yet Milena had never even met Eldorand in person. That said, entering the cathedral was not an option, either, so Korodes and his men were utterly on edge.

“This is weird…Is she trying to buy time or something…?!”

The moment Korodes connected the dots, a woman with black clothes appeared from the cathedral. At that moment, all soldiers moved instantly and surrounded her to not allow any escape. The two royal guards present were about to move and protect their princess, but the difference in numbers made it impossible for them. Breaking through the row of soldiers, Korodes appeared.

“Apologies…But do you mind showing us your face?” He wished that his premonition wasn’t hitting the mark, as he pressured the woman to unveil herself.

“Show us your face, damnit!” One of the soldiers, met with panic and rage roared.

But then, a pleasant and calm voice responded.

“Are you sure I should be showing my face right here?”

The moment the soldiers heard this voice, they were all visibly shaken.

“…I knew it.”

“Oh my, Korodes. You don’t seem all too surprised.”

Removing the veil, the face that appeared—belonged to the Empire’s Princess Angela.

“My dear soldiers…Do you even understand who you are pointing your blades at?!”

All the soldiers froze up in shock at Angela’s dignified voice. They reflexively pulled away their blades. They had gathered here to apprehend the princess that may have become their enemy, but their blades weren’t supposed to be directed at their own princess.

“Angela-sama…What exactly is this about?” Korodes was so baffled, he could merely utter these few words.

“We’ve all been busy, right? I just wanted to offer my final goodbye to Brother Eldorand, and I’m glad that I did.” She turned around to face the cathedral, showing a saddened expression.

“That is quite true. However, you should know exactly what I’m trying to ask here…Have you been inside the horse carriage from the start and then switched places?”

“I’m glad you asked me to show her face when she got on the carriage. Because that way, you didn’t doubt her or me one bit,” Angela smiled.

Because everyone was so focused on the cathedral, nobody pointed attention to the horse carriage, which had vanished without a trace. Milena must be on there, on her way to Zilgus now.

“Assisting the enemy…This will be a problem for you later.”

Korodes would have preferred to call it a rebellious act against her own country, but as the minister, he could not bring justice to a noble. That is something only another noble could.

“I believe I acted for the Empire more than anybody else…But after this is done, I will gladly attend your lecture. Or, I would prefer if it was my father lecturing me…” Angela glanced at the imperial palace with Benedix in the distance, speaking with a hurt tone.

Korodes could sympathize with that pain, looking the same way.

“So, who do you think will win? Brother Konrad or Brother Maizer?”

“Well…my lack of talent and wisdom proves it difficult to give an estimate,” so said Korodes, acting like this wasn’t any of his business.

“This attitude is why none of us siblings ever particularly liked you. And just to let you know, I won’t let you lay a finger on the Zilgus’ soldiers left behind. I ordered them to not cause any trouble, after all.”

“I’m well aware. It would only hurt us in the long run.”

Those soldiers could be used as pieces in future discussions between the two countries.

“And it pains me to say this, but I will have to return to my duties. Having wasted half a day here, a lot of work has piled up for me, after all.”

“That…I am truly sorry for.” Knowing how vital Korodes was to supporting the country, Angela apologized from the bottom of her heart.

“Please, don’t mind. It’ll just be several all-nighters in a row,” He said with a bit of a grumble and quickly returned to his office.

Watching him off, Angela sighed in relief as she was approached by the two royal guards.

“Thank you so much, Angela-sama.”

“Thanks a bunch.”

The two royal guards thanking her revealed themselves to be Kyle and Seran. They stuck with her in the event things went south during this whole ordeal.

“What about Milena-sama?”

“I believe she made it out of the capital safely.”

Kyle relayed the information he received thanks to Shildonia’s clone, allowing Angela to sigh in relief.

“That is very reassuring to know. It means there was worth in me pretending like this. That said, imagine my surprise when you asked me to act as Princess Milena’s body double. What a fascinating idea.” Angela remembered the fact that Lieze came to ask her directly, letting out a cute laugh.

“You can say that again.” Kyle showed a wry smile.

He would have never been able to think of such an idea.

“She said that, since we had to consider the risk of the double being killed, it had to be someone who would be spared…and that could only be you, after all.”

Kyle remembered Lieze saying something along those lines. It was a thought very much what you would expect from her. And this plan worked out especially because Lieze manages to get along with anybody she meets. She could think of this plan because she saw Angela as a friend, as an ally she had traveled together with.

“That said, I still can’t help but wonder why you agreed to assist us, Angela-sama.”

Knowing how dangerous this situation was, it was a bet to see if the princess herself would agree.

“We cannot allow the Empire to wage war with Zilgus right now. Father should agree with this…And it is Seran-sama’s request, too…”

“I didn’t ask for shit…” Seran stepped backward as Angela relentlessly approached him.

“Not to mention…I wouldn’t have had a chance to talk to her if not for this chance.” Angela referenced the brief time she and Milena were able to talk inside the horse carriage. “It was…a very valuable time, indeed.” Angela knew that the princess was probably rushing back to her country right about now.

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