Tsuyokute New Saga (LN)

Book 7: Chapter 18

Having entered the tower, Kyle walked down the same sheer endless path as he had yesterday. The door at the very end had already turned into a large arena-like place with a tall ceiling, unlike yesterday’s reception room.

“Welcome, Kyle-chan. Thanks for coming.”

As she did yesterday, Mera greeted Kyle with a smile as she used Sakura’s body.

“Oh, are you wondering about this room? I set it up so that it can be used for the trial. What do you think?”

“Thank you for going out of your way to prepare this for me.”

“Oh, I can do this much…But, regarding the trial now. I’m going to have you fight this Angel here.”

A female knight appeared next to Mera. She wore armor and carried a lance, creating a divine appearance. However, her expression showed no emotion, making Kyle think of a moving doll more than an actual angel.

“As for the singular rule, I’ll be the one deciding victory and defeat. Most easily by knocking the other person out or leaving them unable to fight. And if you don’t see yourself being able to win, I’ll allow you to surrender. There’s no time limit, but I reserve the right to call it quits whenever I please. If you lose, the only penalty is that you can’t ever take the trial ever again.”

She explained as bluntly as a receptionist of an inn or guild. It almost gave a feeling like she was used to it, having explained it countless times over. Considering barely anybody knew of this Trial and Blessing business, paired with the fact that almost no Mera cult followers ever took this trial before, something definitely felt off.

“And those who passed the trial are allowed to take it as many times as they want. Although it’ll be harder each time.”

This comment sounded even weirder to Kyle, but he had no time to worry about this because the Angel swung her giant lance to ruffle up his hair. Realizing that any unnecessary thoughts could spell his death, Kyle prepared his mind.

“Good luck out there.”

The moment Mera finished those words, the Angel was the first one to act. She slowly walked toward Kyle, not showing much caution. However, with Kyle not having any experience of facing such an enemy, paired with the large lance in her hand, he couldn’t be more careful. He had to be ready for any possible attack thrown his way. Once the Angel reached Kyle’s zone, she attacked with a sharp thrust. It was fast enough you may very well call it a divine speed, but Kyle managed to avoid it. More and more jabs like that followed as Kyle continued to dodge each attack with ease. The attacks may have been fast, but they were all rather basic, revealing a lack of experience and skill of the Angel. Kyle had fought many different enemies so far, so when met with attacks that only boasted in speed was nothing scary for him.

“I guess this is enough of watching…”

There were no signs of the Angel hiding any secret arts or techniques. And since absolute defense would never be able to win him this battle, Kyle moved on to attacking back. After evading another thrust aimed at his face, Kyle crouched down and swung his sword at the Angel’s stomach. His strike connected, and he was met with an odd response like he struck a lump of slime. He definitely hurt the Angel with that, but she didn’t seem like she felt any pain, which only strengthened her impression of being a doll more than anything.

Everything after that was rather simple. The Angel continued attacking like nothing happened, with Kyle evading more attacks. He’d periodically fight back and injure the Angel, until they went back to normal. However, it became clear that with each injury the Angel suffered, her existence in this world grew weaker. Finally, the Angel stopped moving, with half of her disappearing when Kyle realized something. When he thought the battle was over, he realized that Mera’s gaze still looked a bit worried, but equally excited.

There’s something else…

She seemed to be looking forward to something. Kyle raised his tension because something didn’t feel right, watching every single move of the Angel. The next attack was aimed at his stomach. Kyle tried to evade it as he had before, but a shiver ran down his spine. This was his intuition speaking after countless battles. Abiding by it, he leaped to the side. Immediately after, the tip of the Angel’s spear lit up, as it mowed down the small area where Kyle previously stood. He looked down at his own stomach, seeing that a part of his armor had completely vanished. Not only was it not cut up or scraped, it was also completely removed from existence.

“I see…So that’s your secret technique.”

Met with an unblockable attack from the Angel, Kyle realized that one second delay would mean his untimely death. Or at the very least, he would have been unable to fight. The Angel continued attacking, but instead of just a regular thrust, she bowed down the area again, jumped up, and slammed the spear down at Kyle, even adding some fakes. It’s like the difficulty went up from 1 to 3.

What a nasty personality she’s flashing…

It was a lot more painful than showing the initial gap in skill, only being a nuisance. Because to Kyle right now, the Angel was not even an enemy—She was just a roadblock. He fought humans, demons, and even dragons before. Some fights he barely managed to stay alive, others he thoroughly enjoyed. He had prepared himself to meet death many times over, and he was still shocked he was alive now. Compared to that, these attacks from a soulless lump weren’t anything to be afraid of. Gauging the range of the spear and the red light, he quickly composed himself again. Meanwhile, the Angel had continued to suffer grave wounds to the level any regular human would have been unable to continue fighting. The Angel may not be able to feel pain, but the damage was stacking up. Even so, Kyle continued his fierce attacks, mainly aiming at the Angel’s arms and legs. He felt no pity whatsoever.

And when he saw that the Angel’s movement had gotten completely dull, Kyle decided to go for the decisive victory. After a kick to the legs that sent the Angel to the ground, Kyle finished her off with a stab to the chest. The Angel showed no pain or terror, as her existence grew weaker until she vanished into particles of light.

With no dramatic revelation or climatic resolution, the battle came to an end, and Kyle emerged victorious. Yet, Kyle felt no joy at that. He simply got rid of the roadblock in his way. This battle was merely a means for him, and the real battle was about to start.


“Congratulations, you did it,” Mere was clapping in happiness, as she greeted Kyle. “I knew you’d win, but you really went all out there.” Mera nodded to herself, but Kyle simply bowed his head. “With this, I can support you without the need of any remorse. Now, would you like your reward? I would grant you a strong weapon, but I feel like you’re already equipped with one. If it’s raw strength like Leyla-chan, I can do that, too…Or maybe I could stand on the public stage for you?”

“The public stage?”

“Yes. You humans would call it a [Descent], I believe.”

If Goddess Mera were to appear in front of humanity, it would create an unprecedented uproar.

“Do you mean…like Cairys-sama did all those years ago?”

Kyle was scared to bring up her name, but Mera didn’t seem too bothered and was still in a great mood.

“Exactly. Back then, it was my foolish younger sister who saved the world, but now it’s my time.”

“Thank you very much…You’re absolutely right. If you were to take center stage, we would be able to save even more people.” Kyle lowered his head once again, to which Mera nodded happily. “However, that will only force other humans to move. We may make it past the [Great Invasion], but it won’t be forever until another person like Cordi appears, and another race war ensues…Or rather, an attack of suppression.”

If Mera managed to bring humans together, they would remain at the top. And then, it would create a rift between them and other races.

“…This gap between races is much wider than you think. So, wouldn’t it be better to immediately decide on a hierarchy? It would make things move a lot more quickly.”

She must be speaking from experience.

“Maybe you’re still hung up on that elf girl who was with you?”

“Yes. I have to look after her…and without her around, I may have clung to your idea.”

If not for her, Kyle would have chosen any other method so that the same calamity wouldn’t happen again.

“Why not give her special treatment? I won’t complain at all even if you did that.”

“No, I can’t. She wouldn’t accept being the only one who’s different.”

That’s why she tried to leave without anybody knowing. Kyle would never force her through something like that again.

“But who cares about one single elf girl?” Mera was getting tired of Kyle’s obstinance, but he didn’t let that slide.

Like a miracle from the gods themselves, Mera actually managed to pick up on this fury building up inside of him.

“Are you going to throw away your chance at saving all humans for the sake of a single elf girl?!”

“Absolutely,” Kyle said without hesitation, leaving Mera bewildered.

He understood how greedy he was. He wanted to save the world. That was undoubtedly his biggest wish. However, that didn’t mean he could prioritize others. This was his main driving force, and grounds for his unwavering determination. He had done whatever it takes to accomplish that, and he was going to continue this way, too.

“I had it all wrong. I thought I helped my precious friends because I wanted to save the world…but in reality, I worked to save the world before I wanted to keep my beloved friends safe.”

Despite aiming to be a hero, his intentions were all backward. But he realized that this was what made him who he was.

“That’s why I only have one thing to wish…for you to shut up and watch.”

Only to say this, Kyle accepted the [Trial and Blessing]. All so that he could tell Mera to keep her hands out of this.

Treated with such a resemblance of honesty and bluntness, Mera’s eyes were open in shock, with her mouth opening and closing like a fish waiting to be fed. And then, a voice spoke up from behind Kyle.

“And your wish shall be granted.”

Kyle’s body froze up. He was assaulted by a similar sensation like when he met Mera for the first time yesterday, but much stronger. He turned around, already having a feeling as to who this new arrival could be—and it was the same Holy Ruler he had met the previous day in the garden. However, his appearance seemed a lot more hazy and clear, like there was something else hiding.

“Wh-Why are you here…?”

Bewilderment, confusion, rage, frustration—all these emotions formed into one messy expression on Mera’s face, as Kyle figured out who he was really dealing with. It may look like the Holy Ruler, but the person currently controlling his body was one of the greatest goddesses of the world and Mera’s younger sister, the Goddess of Earth Cairys. Kyle was utterly dumbfounded at this arrival, but this shock only grew when he heard another familiar voice.

“I can’t believe that worked out…”

The one who appeared behind Cairys was Shildonia.

“What the hell are you doing here?!”

“They said that people were allowed to enter the tower under certain circumstances. And I bet on this chance by consulting in Cairys.”

Only a god could hold down another god, and Shildonia asked the very goddess who brought ruin to her whole country for help. And this very Cairys answered that request.

“It seems my older sister caused you some trouble.”

Her voice was gentle, sinking right into Kyle’s soul. She felt like an existence that didn’t belong here. Even just the sight of her was enough to shake Kyle to the core.

“This is…a true goddess…It’s completely different.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?!” Mera complained, but there was no changing this anymore.

They were the same being, yet couldn’t be more different.

“Dear sister, I say we leave it at this now.”

“Cai! What do you want now?!” Mera roared, but Cairys remained calm.

“This human asked to keep your hands off his business. And if we are…No, because we are gods, we must abide by this request. You should know that.”

“Of course I do…But why do you always have to be the one in the right?!” Mera stomped on the ground like a little child, but she knew there was no arguing with Cairys.

Meanwhile, Kyle looked at Cairys in disbelief, still not able to grasp that he was really in the presence of the Goddess he would pray to. The Goddess seemingly felt his gaze and turned to face him.

“Kyle, I understand what you’re saying to say. You probably resent us gods for not having intervened when humanfolk was at the brink of ruin, no?”


As a worshiper of her faith, he most likely should have denied her words, but he couldn’t bring himself to. In fact, he couldn’t even respond at all.

“So in return, I will tell you the reason why we gods won’t lend you any strength, or why we won’t save you.”

“Hey?! Are you serious about this?!” Mera tried to stop her, but alas—

“It is my duty to clean up after my older sister’s misdeeds.”


Mera had no words to use for her rebuttal.

“This is a secret only the gods themselves know about. Not even the royal family or the Magic King have heard about this. In that sense, you will be the only person in this world to have learned the truth.”


A secret that not even the demons or dragons knew of. Just learning about this filled Kyle with pressure, so much so he was thinking of declining this offer.

“We are simply too powerful. If we aren’t careful with how much we intervene…we might repeat the same mistake again.”

Cairys began telling her story, so Kyle could only grit his teeth and accept this secret.

“Repeat what same mistake?”

“We have already failed once…when we created the previous world.”

“So this is…the second world?”

“Yes. A long time ago, before the passage of time as a concept even existed, we created a world. As we have this world.”

The legends spoke of the gods creating this world, but none ever mentioned that this was their second attempt, so to speak.

“There is but one crucial difference. With the first world, we tried to make it better by participating in the world even after the creation. Just as my older sister has been attempting to, except…even more assertively.” Cairys must have been reminded of that, as she showed a self-deprecating expression. “We allowed the [Trial and Blessing] to occur much more frequently. And each time, it blessed the people with joy, growing their faith in us.”

It sounded like a wonderful world.

“We tried to create a world without poverty, without sickness, discrimination, war, the old, or deaths…A world where everybody could be happy…until the world fell to ruin. Or more accurately, the world disappeared without a trace.”

Kyle couldn’t even imagine what that would mean.

“We still don’t know if this was caused by our arrogance. But we realized that we may have been too helpful. That we took too great care in our creation. Because at the end of it all, our children may have become unable to do anything on their own.”

Relying too much on others will only come back to haunt you. They may have known that it would spell their end, but this sweet temptation was too great to withstand. Hearing that story, Kyle realized why Leyla had been so desperate to stop him. She must have known the danger of what would happen if you relied too much on the gods. That anything waiting for you would be nothing but destruction.

“Even gods make mistakes, cause problems, and learn from the past. We tried to find ways for us to exist with you.”

And now, Kyle caught on to Cairys’ view. She saw herself as an equal to the humans she created with the other gods. Since they’re not an existence that needs protection in her eyes, she won’t look down on them, and instead, she grows with them.

“And I’ve grown tired of you just cowering in fear of making another mistake!” Mera roared.

She must be getting emotional with all this talk.

“Why…why can’t I help them when they’re suffering? How could I just watch and abandon them?” Her voice broke apart, as the pain she felt became very clear.

“You really are kind, Sister…However, you can’t treat this world like it is your training ground, only to have the final result be the same.”

“I’ll make it work this time!” Mera protested, but it rang hollow without any proof.

“Dear Sister…Let us put our faith in humans. In humanfolk. I know that they can overcome this obstacle with their own strength,” Cairys said and looked over at Kyle.



“Out of all the gods, Sister was the one who regretted the previous outcome the most. That’s why I couldn’t blame her for her current actions, but we must draw the line.”

Mera had no bad or evil intentions. She was simply grief-ridden, swearing that she would do better this time.

“However, what she is doing right now shouldn’t be blamed. Please don’t think badly of her.”


Whatever the reason may be, Mera tried to do good. She wanted to save people, and Kyle was thankful for that. Of course, with Mera’s current look of anger and frustration, there was nothing resembling any divinity left, but Kyle still came to like her a lot more now.

“And then, one more thing…I can tell you a bit about what you’ve been dying to know. The Demon Lord to start the [Great Invasion].”

“What? But I thought not even Mera-sama knew?”

“Of course she wouldn’t know, since she decided to isolate herself,” Cairys said with a harsh tone.

“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?!”

“Also, dear Sister always brags about being good friends with Moona, but that very goddess can get along with just about anybody, so there is nothing special about her…”

“Nooo! Don’t say another wooord!” Mera covered both her ears with her hands and crouched down.

Is this the nasty personality trait of Cairys that Mera spoke about?

“Kyle, are you listening?”


Kyle shrieked back, thinking his thoughts were being read, but Cairys continued like nothing happened.

“That one…is not a demon.”

The Demon Lord…was not a demon, apparently. Kyle couldn’t follow in the slightest.

“That can’t be…I saw the mark of a horn on them!”

When Kyle moved in closer to finish his enemy, it was something only he could see for a brief moment.

“If they’re not a demon, then what are they?!” Kyle closed in on Cairys in a desperate manner, but she shook her head.

“That is all I can tell you. I’m sure it will only confuse you more for now, but one day…you will understand.”

“Is that…because you saw it in the future?”

“Nay. I would call it more…like a woman’s intuition.”

Her words sounded like she was making fun of Kyle, but he knew best not to underestimate a goddess.

“I cannot tell you more than that, but I ask you not to forget. We will never abandon you.”

“…Of course.”

“Thank you… I believe we’ve reached our limit,” Cairys’ body began glowing. “You should leave too, dear sister. And no more helping in this world’s affairs, okay?”

“I know that!” Mera reluctantly agreed, as she seemingly couldn’t go against her younger sister.


She seemingly had something she wanted to say to Kyle, so she half-glared at him before she disappeared.


In shock, Kyle straightened his back. Many emotions mixed together on her face, but she smiled at the very end.

“…Good luck, yeah?” She said and disappeared.

“Yes, I will. Please watch over me.” Kyle responded with a genuine smile and saw her off.

Cairys had also disappeared during that time, so Kyle was surrounded by the Holy Ruler and his daughter, passed out on the ground. He then looked over at Shildonia.

“…Guess we’re getting out of here.”

They left the other two in their slumber and left the room.

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