Tsuyokute New Saga (LN)

Book 8: Chapter 11

After the shocking arrival of the dragons, the participants of the meeting had finally calmed down, as the real meeting began. However, not everybody present at the fort would also participate in the meeting. For example, Miranda wasn’t, as she was already being represented by Zilgus and Milena. Of course, she wasn’t just fooling around either, but instead formed connections with the other representatives and had their own smaller meetings. Because of all the relationships between the countries, only twenty people were participating in meetings as representatives, and even Kyle was just watching the situation unfold. He had no real right to speak.

Even so, this meeting will decide the direction that humanfolk as a whole will take in the future. This World Meeting was held over the course of seven days, with two days of respite in the middle to allow each participant to gather their thoughts and rest. The first day’s main discussions revolved around the biggest problem solely concerning humanfolk—war. It was happening all across humanfolk, and although the majority of them were minor bouts, they could eventually explode into a major war, so the future was uncertain.

“We from Galgan intend to put a cease-fire on every current quarrel and fighting going on right now.”

As Emperor Benedix was still bedridden because of his sickness, it was up to Minister Korodes to speak on behalf of the Empire. Most of the fighting within humanfolk’s borders happened either directly or indirectly because the Empire was involved. His earlier words meant no less as that all war between humans would be put on hold. Naturally, the participants of the meeting were bewildered. Especially the countries that were in direct conflict with the Empire.

“Do you truly mean that, Minister Korodes?”

Representative Sharidan couldn’t contain his question. His voice was riddled with doubt, obvious from his tone alone.

“Naturally. I’m sure that, as you all know, we have suffered certain…misfortune lately. Hence, we will focus all our efforts on first regaining stability.” Korodes explained with an overplayed tone.

Around ten months ago, the first prince of the Empire, Eldorand, suffered a sudden death, which led to a civil war. After this incident, all of humanfolk carefully watched how the Empire would act, and they were cautious that it might result in an all-engulfing war. That said, this was all far too convenient, so the participants weren’t fully convinced, as they all sent him dubious looks.

As for Kyle, he had asked for the Empire’s true intentions before the actual meeting.

“Of course, this might be related to national affairs, so I understand if you can’t tell me…”

“No, no, as our hero who saved us during our peril, you deserve to know,” Korodes exclaimed and then explained. “In fact, his Majesty Maizer had come up with the idea of cease-fires on all fronts, and his Majesty Benedix agreed.”

Korodes must have guessed Kyle’s inner turmoil, as he tried to reassure him first thing.

“Granted, the early stage has passed, but His Majesty Maizer agreed with using our forces and resources to stabilize the country, and I agree. And for that, we decided on our direction during this meeting.”

Maizer seemed to think that pointless fighting would only harm them more than offer something, so he couldn’t point the knives to all the countries around them. Granted, the civil war ended much quicker and efficiently than in the original timeline, but the damages weren’t small. Considering this was about the Empire, who had made enemies all across the continent, some may be aiming to use this chance to launch a counterattack.

“Not to mention that you yourself seem to be wishing for the Empire to lay low for now…So, we have to answer your desires.”

It was thanks to Kyle’s deeds behind the scenes that the civil war ended so quickly, so they had a debt to repay. And with their current agenda of stopping any ongoing war, they were doing just that, so they were basically catching two, maybe even three birds with one stone. That said, this was only a temporary solution. In another five years, once they had recovered their strength, they would most likely aim to unify all of humanfolk again. But Kyle needed this time more than anything else. Since the Demon Lord promised to hold the forces back, it was even questionable that an all-out attack by the demons would really take place, but if push came to shove, he needed the Empire to be at full strength. That said, the current situation seemed to move in the direction of what he wished for, so he was relieved. However, there were also some things mismatched.

One of those differences was the fact that Benedix was still alive, most likely because of this peculiar situation. In Kyle’s original future, he should have died around three months ago.

I don’t know what’s keeping him alive, but it must be because I was involved with the Empire. How do I use this?

The Empire was an essential force to fend off the potential attack of the demons, so Kyle couldn’t be careless for even a moment when it came to them.

“If your offer is true and genuine, then we are willing to discuss the terms,” Prince Sharidan carefully suggested, agreeing with Minister Korodes.

In reality, he was forced to agree either way. Only a small number of countries could stand their ground against the force of the Empire, and even then, their chances of victory were slim. No country wished to fight a losing battle. Even if he knew this was just a periodic cease-fire until they’d bare their fangs at them again, Sheridan could only pray for a strong change of direction in the Empire until then.

“As a prerequisite for the cease-fire, I would like to discuss the current borders between our countries, as they remain yet non-defined.”

Naturally, the Empire wouldn’t just pull back without any gain. Thus, Korodes began asking for reparations or distribution of land.

“As our border to the north, we would like to have Mafmark become ours.”

These words generated an outburst from Sharidan.

“Prepostorious! Mafmark is a crucial place within our country!”

Mafmark was a crucial location for traffic and trade, and the taxes were a vital asset for Taihon. This condition was hard to accept from their side. And yet, Korodes continued to state further conditions to the other countries, all of them asking for money, resources, or even land. All of them seemed like the Empire didn’t truly seek a cease-fire after all.

“We cannot possibly accept this.”

“Have you finally gone mad?!”

Many others raised their voices of discontent as Sharidan did, but Korodes remained calm.

“I believe that we are entitled to these demands. For example, two hundred years ago, Mafmark was still called Galdou, governed by a branch family back when Galgan was still its own kingdom. Considering its historical background, it deserves to be under the Empire’s governance. Next, regarding the reparations between us and the country of Niccisa, many of the refugees actually came into our great Empire, so we had to care for them…”

He continued explaining his reasoning, which often came close to utter lunacy, but the many other countries didn’t have the strength to go against the Empire’s demands, so they reluctantly agreed. Watching this, Kyle couldn’t help but wonder. All these demands made it seem like, instead of wanting to avoid war, the Empire looked for reasons to start new wars. Amidst Galgan, the common goal was to unite all of humanfolk. That said, the methods varied. Some wished to wage war to aggressively assimilate the countries, whereas others wished to raise their political influence outside the country to have them join for the greater cause and with less harm done. The next Emperor Maizer was part of the latter group. He only considered war and fighting as a last resort if everything else failed.

However, Minister Korodes was known to belong to the former group. He wanted to use their overwhelming military strength to not give the other countries any other options. During his earlier conversation with Kyle, he agreed with the direction that Maizer wanted to take the Empire, but on the inside, he might be opposing it, even. Kyle’s evaluation of Korodes supported this: The man could not be trusted, even if his talent spoke for itself. This doubt only continued to grow, but Kyle had no right to speak, so he could only watch.

“Aren’t you being a bit too greedy now?”

The one to speak up was Milena. Granted, Zilgus and the Empire were not at war with each other, but many of the countries that Zilgus had positive relations with were currently being grilled by Korodes, so she had to intervene at some point.

“Oh, Milena-sama? I don’t think this is directly related to Zilgus…”

“Of course. But we’re not completely unrelated. I cannot sit idly by and let this happen.”

“That is quite troublesome. The Empire wishes to remain in an amicable relationship with Zilgus, after all…Oh yeah, you did leave in such a hurry last time that some of your allies are still receiving hospitality within the Empire.”

Korodes was referring to the time Milena escaped the Empire during the brooding civil war, but she was forced to leave behind her followers and attendees. It has been half a year since then, and they have yet to be freed. They were basically hostages with benefits and one of the greatest weapons the Empire held against Zilgus in this meeting. The moment he brought up the existence of these hostages, Milena’s facial color changed.

“…I presume they are all doing well?”

“Naturally. We’ve made sure they won’t have any complaints. Someone even wishes to remain residual within the Empire.”

Zilgus had attempted to have discussions regarding those hostages, but the Empire has been rather roundabout about such. That said, they most likely wouldn’t dare to lie. Because the healthier they were, the more useful they remained.

“We’ve grown quite worried since they just wouldn’t return home…Is this really done by his Majesty Maizer’s orders? Or have you made the major decision, Korodes-sama?”

“…The intentions of the Empire are those of our Emperor. I have no right of action.”

“Well, it does look like you’ve been rather active despite that. And your left and right hand don’t seem to be on the best of terms,” Milena put the back of her hand against her mouth and laughed like a rich lady.

That said, her eyes were dead-serious.

“I understand that His Emperor Benedix could not make it here today, but not even his Majesty Maizer? If you were speaking the truth, then we wouldn’t be seeing so much rapid progress after all.”

“As I said, his Majesty is rather awfully busy at the moment, so I ask that you remain content with just my presence.”

In other words, he was more than enough to deal with the people here.

“I must press, I ask that you take great care of our dear citizens. If anything were to happen…misfortune would befall our country, as well as yours…”

Not even Kyle had heard Milena, the treasure of Zilgus, speak with such resentment and boiling rage.

“I myself wish…that such an event would never happen.”

Even Korodes was overwhelmed by her sheer pressure.

“M-Minister Korodes? You were doing such a grotesque thing as keeping hostages…?”

Out of all the other participants of the meeting who watched this exchange, Sharidan was the first to speak up, trying to earn points with Zilgus. But naturally, as Taihon carried plenty of blame for the origin of that situation, he immediately earned his piece.

“Oh, hearing you of all people say that, Prince Sharidan…Excuse my intervention, but I believe you from Taihon have no right to comment,” said Garadoff with a sharp warning.

As they were neighbors, Gilbohl naturally knew of the events back at the civil war, so they didn’t exactly carry much respect for the way Taihon handled things.

“I don’t think that is of any concern to you,” Sharidan knew he wasn’t minding his manners, but still came on strong toward Garadoff.

“But of course it is. After all, we are close allies of Zilgus.”

“You may be, but your country had played no role during the incident, so you can say what you want about being close allies…”

This time, the king of a country close to Taihon assisted Sharidan. Even as time passed on, the argument only grew more and more heated, as various other countries stated their opinions on the matter. When Garadoff spoke in a cynical manner, Sharidan took this at face-value, and when Korodes began yet again with semi-threatening statements, it was Milena who fought back against it. Even the countries not at all related to the matter began intervening, trying to earn themselves something in the long run. The situation escalated more and more, and the atmosphere seemed like it was one step away from exploding. The only reason that no such thing happened, no definitive rupture in their relationships, is because of the presence of Princess Sakira, as well as the dragons. Kyle realized that it was the best decision to leave them at the meeting for as long as possible. And like this, the day ended without much progress being made.

“It’s like a gambling den out here,” said Kyle after leaving the room since the time for the meeting to end had arrived.

He fell back into his seat, utterly exhausted even though he had been seated the whole day. It was his job to make sure that no unforeseen incidents could happen, so he had to listen carefully through every single point being made, but he didn’t think that a day like this would come when he was just like a walking corpse. Yet, the other participants returned to the meeting rooms to make plans for tomorrow’s continuation of the meeting. Witnessing this, Kyle’s respect for such born rulers grew even further.

“And the same thing tomorrow…”

If a genuine war between Zilgus and Galgan were to break out, humanfolk would be split in two. That was something Kyle had to avoid no matter what. He was thinking about what to do in the what-if scenario when a voice called out to him.

“G-Good work out there, Kyle-sama…”

The owner of the voice was Sakira. Her face was pale, presumably exhausted like Kyle was.

“Are you okay?”

Kyle at least had the necessary endurance to survive such a stressful day, but Sakira was just an average person, and not used to such events to boot.

“Yes…” She showed a smile as she responded, but her legs seemed wobbly.

Considering her position, it should be unthinkable, but she had no followers or aides by her side. So leaving her alone like this was not something Kyle could do.

“You don’t seem to be feeling too well. Let me take you to your room.”

“Huh? T-To my room? Take me…to my room…? So…” She seemed to be thinking about something for a moment, and then apparently reached a conclusion as her face turned as red as a fresh apple. “But, um…well…that’s a bit sudden. I don’t even drink alcohol.”

“Alcohol? What are you talking about? Anyway, we should go. We can never know what might happen, and I have to take responsibility if anything were to happen to you.”

“R-Responsibility?! You will…take responsibility? …Okay, I understand. Then I will prepare myself.”

The misunderstanding only grew further, as she began fidgeting.

“Prepare yourself?”

“I understand that Mera-sama may have pushed us in this direction, but I’m aware that you are quite a formidable man. So hardworking and straightforward…If I were to not show gratitude for our encounter, I would be punished! That’s right…It was such a great encounter, it should normally be unthinkable…” It sounded like she tried to convince herself, but Kyle couldn’t make out half of it. “Th-Then, let us be off!”

By the very end, Sakira was so full of energy, Kyle realized he didn’t have to look after her in the end.

“I should have known, yes. I do read romantic books and works myself. And of course, there are bound to be girls who misunderstand and rush ahead without knowing…Hee hee.”

Having brought Sakira to her room, Kyle wanted to walk away, when Sakira suddenly mumbled something to herself with a voice unbefitting that of a holy maiden.


“It’s fine. I was a fool. But I just wanted to dream for once…Anyway, have a good rest.”

“Y-Yes…You too…?”

In the end, Kyle didn’t know what Sakira was on about, but he didn’t ponder on it too much as he made his way back to his room. Opening the door, he was greeted with the distinct scent of various spices. Looking over, rabbit meat that had been boiling for a day, and other grilled meat that had been placed in seasoning for that same time, were all placed in front of Irumera and Ghrud. The way they were eating couldn’t have been more different, either. Ghrud simply munched on anything that landed in front of him, but Irumera voiced her impressions at every bite. This was overseen by Lieze with a big smile. Of course, she could have used the kitchen for these shenanigans, but that would’ve drawn in the attention of the other people present, so she took the cooking utensils and ingredients back to their room.

“Ah, Kyle, welcome back. Food’s done, you want some?”

“I don’t…really have an appetite. What about the other two?”

“I’ve had them try all sorts of dishes, but it looks like they prefer the food with plenty of seasoning.”

Since they weren’t used to tasting food, they probably couldn’t tell much of the difference so far.

“Hmm…There’s so much filling my mouth,” Irumera’s face went blank each time she ate something new.

“And why are you carrying it all on singular plates? Can’t you just bring that whole pot our way?” Ghrud asked as Lieze filled one of his plates.

“Cooking isn’t just about taste. The looks of it matter just as much. I know it’s a bit too much to ask right now, but you gotta taste the food with your eyes.”

“Taste the food with my eyes…” Irumera looked like she was in shock as she chewed on Lieze’s words, so she stopped her hands and looked at the plate.

It seemed like tasting with both eyes and tongue would still be too difficult at that time.

“That comes from experience. Look at the food and imagine the taste based on what you’ve eaten before. And when it matches what you thought, or surpasses that, it creates an entirely new experience,” Shildonia explained like an expert.

“I see. I heard that you weren’t just eating to take in necessary nutrition, but also to enjoy the taste…and yet now it’s with the eyes, too? I can’t believe you would use so many different senses to enjoy your food,” Irumera said with a complicated expression.

Unlike Dragon King Zeurus, who was only willing to form a contract with Shildonia, these dragons were much more open to learning more.

“We dragons may stand at the top of the chain, so we never considered matching with the territory of those below us…But this is not half bad,” Irumera said with an appreciative tone.

“Who cares about that…Although, this fresh sensation is not half bad.” Ghrud had finished his plate and pushed toward Lieze to ask for more, which she happily accepted.

“It seems like our first attempt to conquer the dragons through their stomachs has been a success.” Shildonia flashed a devious smirk. “Way back in the past, I suggested that to Zeurus to broaden his horizons, but he never showed any particular reaction. But I think he was just obsessed with what he was used to. The real way to win over someone is to use the ingredients in the right way,” the Magic King showed another grin, but since her mouth was dirty with sauce from all sides, she didn’t exactly hold much force to drive home the point.

“…Well, good luck over here.”

Kyle was more than thankful if they’d managed to form an amicable relationship with the dragons, and it certainly wouldn’t hurt if they’d changed a bit.

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