Turned into a Woman, i become the best mom.

Afterparty Rivalry

[10 years ago, Sinclair Slums, flashback]

The Three kids Ran through th e streets. The Girl watched her two odd friends... Boys, but treated like Girls by the Matron, And horribly mistreated... one, who preferred to be called Julia, Actually Wanted this treatment... He insisted that he was born wrong. The other boy though... he was small, smaller than most girls, and so pale... his red hair and Amber eyes always Captivated her... Ein. He never complained, Even when the Matron, in a fit of cruelty, Forced him to wear a dress and serve Tea to her "gentlemen" guests. He never complained about Punishment, And frequently took the fall for something the others did. Once, when she skinned her knee, he held her in a tight hug whispering that Everything would be okay... and the pain disappeared. Ein was special, he cared about the others, even the three boys who mercilessly bullied him... the little Girl loved him. But then, A Rich man came and took her away... she was seven years old, and the old perv decided She'd make a good Fifth Wife... She remembered the Pain, but moreso the Soul crushing terror... The feeling that she'd betrayed her love. That old man, Viscount Blackburn, was dead now, His first four wives with him. Only his fifth wife ever gave him children... but they didn't survive childbirth because 11 was too young to give birth. The doctors never did find the poison she'd used. Since then, five years Ago, She'd been looking for her love... He and Julia had been kicked out at 14, And Julia was revealed as the saintess...  she latched on to every drop of news about them... One and a half years ago, she learned of a miracle. A wizard had made a potion that turned Julia into the woman she had always been inside... but also tragedy. Ein was declared legally dead, A victim of that same wizards Experiments.

She cursed Julia, for accepting the potion that had killed Ein... So imagine her surprise when She first laid eyes upon the Queens Guest of honor?

[Royal Ballroom. Vicountess ??? Blackburn POV]

Alive! My love is Alive! A woman, yes, Even a mother, but... ALIVE! I... I wonder if She remembers me? Oh my, I'm Dressed in such Drab Clothing! Why did I wear the Blue Gown, I look so much better in Red! Then the fox began to sing... and she turned the most Adorable Shade of pink... I felt A flutter in both heart and loins... My love... MINE... This fox... he must be my rival... I decided to make a move. 

I approached the Raised platform she was sitting at, next to the queen.

"Permission to Approach, your highness? I have some History with the Lady Sinclair."

"Oh? Widow Blackburn? Very well. But what history could the two of you have, I wonder?" She had a small smile... but her eyes looked Icy. The queen was warning me not to overstep. I heard Eina Gasp... then found myself Suddenly Tackled Into a hug!

[Eina POV]

I Looked at the woman approaching... And I knew her. She had been "Adopted" ten years ago, but in Sinclair we knew that... that meant she was probably sold to slavers or killed. I lost control of myself... the Crybaby I used to have to comfort over a skinned knee or scrape, Who was older by a year but a lot more Childish... A friend I had thought dead... I did something improper. 

As I Threw my arms around her in an embrace, The queen Chuckled...

"Lady Sinclair, I see you DO know Widow Blackburn, And are excited but... pease refrain from leaping Across Tables. How you did that without even ruffling your skirt is beyond me!"

I turned very red. "My deepest Apologies, Your highness."

"It is no matter. Go speak with your friend." I could see the Royal maid, the queens personal Servant, and my Etiquette instructor... she was behind the queen, and looked Like she wanted to kill me. I would definitely be lectured.

My old friend spoke then.

"So you remember me?"

"How could I forget! Kayt. We thought the Matron had killed you!"

"And I was told some crazy wizard killed You. Though I oft wished I had been killed. No. I was sold to Viscount Blackburn as his 'wife'. He took my Maidenhood Less than a day later. Those four years were hell."

"I understand. Better than you know."

"Your children?"

"Yes. But let's not speak of Bad things... Julia is over there, let's go get her! It'll be like old times, except now none of us has different Equipment!"

I spent the test of the evening ignoring the increasingly embarrassing songs Ronan was performing, and Speaking with an old friend... with the occasional required dance mixed in. One of which left me very short of breath, And Feeling Sensations I've never felt. What is it about that Bard that excites me so?

[Ronan POV, After the party]

It was a MAGICAL evening. After my first number, the royal band joined in... then switched to dance music, And I got to lead my lovely muse in a slow Waltz! She even Smiled At me!

I was still basking in the warm buzz of my Overwhelming Love, When the Sheep-kin Woman approached. Her horns had been removed, likely at a very young age, but that curly Hair was unmistakable, as was her scent. She came over to me,put a hand on my shoulder... quite a grip, she has... And leaned in close.

"Listen, Fox boy. Eina is MINE! Stay away from her! She's been Mine since childhood, and I wont give her up! Mine! Mine, do you understand! So back off!"

"Madame, I understand your words, but I must Refuse. Lady Eina is Neither Yours nor Mine. Yet. You Won't give up? Neither will I! I shall Fight for my love!"

"I see. A rivalry then? So be it."

The woman left... pausing only to sneer at me before exiting.

Hmm. I have a Rival. How exciting! Oh, my beloved muse, Your Beauty Truly Affects the masses... And now, I must Fight Twice As hard to win your love. But Fight I SHALL!

And that's Kayt. Ronans love rival. And Naturally,  Eina is clueless. She's starting to feel SOMETHING for Ronan, but what exactly? Next Time, A Ronan Flashback Chapter: Entwined Fate?

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