Turned into a Woman, i become the best mom.

Six months later.

Ready? HERE WE GO!

[Six months later]

It still hurts... My girls do something cute, or The Flowers in the garden bloom, And I think how much Granny would enjoy it... Then remember... And Its like that day all over again... Twice, that Bastard has Changed my life... Erik... But he's gone now... i... I don't know Where that power I felt came from but... According to Julia, it was burning Me up... if they hadn't shown up to end the fight, I probably would have died... 

Hope and Faith are Amazing... only Seven months old, And already trying to speak... They both Said Mama yesterday, And I Am Ashamed of my reaction... i umm... I Squealed and clapped my hands...  according to Petra it was the most Feminine thing I've ever done, but i think Actually giving Birth is PROBABLY more Feminine... Still, I'm glad nobody Else saw... I... I feel myself becoming more and more Used to this body, not that I ever really noticed much difference... but my time as a Male seems like a distant dream... or nightmare... I still wake up screaming from time to time... only now its Miss Cheska that Comforts me, having full knowledge of what I went through... She Resigned from her position as high Priestess ofFate, And has become the New Orphanage Mother... It's What Granny Had Asked of her... The Will Reading was hard for me... but I did as asked. I officially Adopted Petra, And Am in the process of Adopting the Rest... The Orphanage Will be Empty of Orphans for a while... who could have guessed I'd become a mother of ten? Three boys, of differing races, Five Girls of differing races, And My Own Children... but honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Which brings me to the Most Annoying part. I've been Ennobled. Ostensibly for my 'Service to the country' and 'Aid in defeating An insurgent'... I've been Granted the title of Duchess. Along with the title? I've been given a large portion of land, A very large sum of Gold, And the Mansion Auron was under house Arrest in... it has Thirty Rooms, A large Dining hall, A ballroom, a massive Estate, And A full Compliment of Maids, A cook, Etc... moreover, I learned that Sylvio had installed himself as head Butler, as the Prior one Quit. PLUS he is still technically my employer, I REFUSE to quit working, Nobility be damned. No-one of MY blood will be a lazy, useless layabout... 

The local Lord took Exception to my appointment to the nobility... And was basically Stong-armed into Acceptance by The king, with threats of being Reduced to a commoner, among others.

So now, I'm moving into my new house... And I was asked, by Auron and Julia, who along with Seigfried and Ronan are officially my guests, What my thoughts about the place were... I had one thing to say... even with all my soon to be Adopted Children, And My Sis, and the rest of her party, plus Cheska while the damaged Orphanage was being repaired... and the live-in servants... Just one thing came to mind...

"It's too Frickin Huge!"

Then I caught A snippet of something Ronan was singing to the children outside...

"The foul enchantress left the hero party in a huff, As her advances were denied with great Zeal... And on that same day, I saw a beautiful Sight... My Lovely Muse Was called Mama by her Babies, And Squealed! Alas my unrequited love! Perhaps Someday She'll be mine! More lovely than Any God Above, With a personality Twice as Divine!"

I wasn't the only one who overheard... Julia covered her mouth, Auron started Trying to conceal a laugh, I Was Red in the face for MULTIPLE Reasons... And Sylvio Merely chuckled and said "Oh my! Such Declaration."

I wasn't sure how to respond... so my body did the same as my brain... It stopped working... I literally Fainted from Embarrassment. And now, Awake in my bed, I learn two things...

One: You can Actually Do That, it's not just a saying.

Two: Frankie is my personal Maid. And was laughing at my red face.

"Oh Shut it! I... Gods I'm Embarrassed... And I Don't know what to Do! How do you respond to That? I knew the guy had a crush, but... THAT? I... I'm so Confused!"

[Ronan POV]

She HEARD! Oh Gods and Goddesses, She overheard my Words of Affection! My ears haven't drooped this much since I Accidentally Fell into the Womens Bath in a Resort town, While Playing The Lute From the rooftop! I... I'm Embarrassed! I Never wanted her to know, not yet! I just want to hide in a barrel somewhere! "Whatever happens, My Cousin Cannot find out about this! Luckily she's not anywhere nearby, As far as I know..."

"Find out about What, Nya?"

"Find out about my accidental confession to the woman I love... Elizara Will never let me live it down... wait..." I turned to look at the person I was talking to... And my Guts churned with dread... "oh No... why... why are you here?"

"Too late, Nya! The Cats Out of the Bag Nyow! Nyahaha!"

"El, please don't say anything! I don't care how funny it is, please! If what I said gets back to Your mother, well... you know how the godess of beauty gets When Someone Calls a Mortal More Attractive..."

"Eh, Ma won't care if you're Right... And I've seen the Little Kitten that's Stolen your heart... Ma will be jealous as Hell, but she can't Argue... Fate has her claws in that one, And NOBODY messes with HER. Besides, I can't say anything to you, Nya... I'm here for a similar Reason, Nya. That Nyaked Priestess I kissed! I stole her lips, nya! But she took my heart! I cannyat stop thinking about her!"

"A Priestess? Surely not Miss Cheska?"

"Cheska Is her name? I Did Nyat Know it... But that's her, With your Beloved down there!"

"Ha... hahaha... hahahaha! We really are similar, El... Both Part Divine, Both Beastkin... both in love with Women that are Way out of our leauge... Grandmother must hate us..."

"I Dunno, Nya! She IS the godess of love, Surely She wouldn't make us love ones we have no chance with. So... I'm going for it, Nya! Time to steal me a Priestess from Fate herself! Nyahaha!"

Elizara was in town... Things were about to get Chaotic. 

"I suppose I'll have to face the results of my accidental confession as well... Grandmother have mercy on us both."

[The godly realm]


"Calm DOWN, Maya. Godess of beauty you may be, but Envy looks ugly even on you."

"But mother! How did this happen! How can a mortal be prettier than I?"

"You really MUST stop looking through Others Filters."

"Oh RIGHT! Oh... That's not so bad... Shes still really pretty though."

"As you see, it's just his perception"

A voice echoed through the realm.

<Grandmother have mercy on us both.>

"Oh my dear Ronan... You think your love was caused by me? Nay, child... Fate Did that. She's Always Borrowing my things."

"NOW who sounds jealous, Mother?"

"Haha! I suppose You Are correct. And the boy has no idea Eina Feels at least SOME attraction to him... Elizara however... the poor girl is doomed... She fell Right into Fates Trap..."

Another Voice appeared with its owner... this time looking like a tiny, green haired Girl.

"Of Course She did. She WILL be known as the Thief of Fate, who stole from Fate Herself... Never knowing Her success was Fates Will in the first place! Amora! I'm here to return your Love Rifle! Also, that Grandson of yours and Wars? I like him... didn't even need the gun. He took one look at Eina and Was head over heels..."

"Wait! Fate, you DIDN'T use the gun?"

"Not on him, no." The girl began to warp, becoming a golden haired Woman with large breasts.... "So I have zero idea what's going on. I assumed you did it."

"I assumed it was you!"

"So wait, Mother, Aunt Fate... Neither of you made him fall in love?"

"HUH! How odd."

"Ladies, We may be witnessing an Example of Actual True Love! How Exciting! Ronan my boy, Blessings unto you! You've shown this old love godess something Exceedingly Rare! Once in a Century! The last time was Between Dieties!"

"Yes... And I Do Recall how That ended. With a godess that's quick to jealousy, a god that loves to eat, And A god that's eternally Drunk. I guess that's what comes from love and war."

"Yes, but look at my grandchildren!"

"WOW! I've never been more insulted in my life! Not even when that farmer compared his pig to me!"

The three godesses, one Shapeshifting again, Shared a laugh...

So... Neither Fate Nor Love had anything to do with it... and for those wondering, the Love Rifle is a Large Caliber Sniper Rifle... After all, The godess dosen't want to miss, And have People falling in love with lampposts... as always, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, And if Anyone wants, and is able, to Help Support my work, I have a PayPal Account... Every Bit Helps.

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