Tutoring the Spoiled

Home Care: Waa

If this was any other girl, Kouji might not have been so worried about the bags Waa was carrying. However, after the last time, when he was at her place, the boy was very much scared as to what she could be bringing over.

“Well, I’m here now.” She made her arrival very much clear. Also rather rudely at that, as she plunked down one of the bags onto his table. “So you can go now.” She told Yuma rather unceremoniously. In fact, it was more that she was looking forward to getting that girl to leave.

“…” All Yuma did at first, was to just look at her small friend. If only her time could’ve lasted longer. “...Okay.” That was all she said, and made her leave.

“Okay…” Kouji thought something about that interaction seemed a bit off. Odd, since he got to see them everyday during lunch, and they were fine then. “So what’s in the bag?” He asked, very much apprehensive about it.

“This?” She took the other bag that was still in her hand, inside it turned out to be that console of the game he really liked. “I figured that if you were going to be stuck in here, that you’d want something to have some fun.” When he mentioned the TV he was the proud, new owner was of, she knew it would work with her old gaming machines.

So he laid back, while she got to hooking things up. With little time passing, he was up and running with the game once more. While he was playing, she got into the other bag, which contained a large two-liter soda, and a copy of some unknown manga.

“I see you’ve got… Something to kept your interest.” He commented, remembering the images that scarred his mind.

“First off, I’m sorry about that.” She said in the most phony way possible. “But secondly, don’t worry. It’s not anything your normie mind can’t handle.” She turned the cover to reveal a more action-based manga. That was a relief for him.

“Cool…” He returned back to his game, something where he was already fairly deep into before they were interrupted the last time.

It didn’t take long for him to finish up the rest of the game. While it wasn’t easy to fight off the final army, Kouji showed himself capable of winning with no casualties.

“Wow.” As much as she didn’t want to admit it, his gaming skills impressed her to no end. “Nice job.” That was all she could muster up to tell him though.

“I guess that’s all the gaming for now.” He figured that she only wanted him to see the ending of the game. However, there was something else Waa had in mind.

“Not exactly.” She reached into the bag, and produced another game from the past.

“You just wanted an excuse to play video games, didn’t you?” He glared at her. Compared to the last two girls, Waa had yet to do any actual care for him. Not that he really minded, as Kouji felt in much better health by now. Maybe it was a good thing that the lazy Waa, and the rather mean Teru were going to be taking the latter half with him.

“Yeah, with you.” She chuckled, showing that this was a two player game. Nothing that he couldn’t handle, since it was one of the types where they competitive against each other. “Now let’s get started!” She cheered out in excitement, chugging onto her big bottle that had already been drunken halfway.

“You probably should pay attention about how much you’re drinking.” He warned her.

“Oh no.” She sarcastically mocked him in response. “And what, need to walk ten feet to the bathroom?” She made a good point, so he moved on and they got the game started.

This was one of those racing games, with a lot of items and powerups to go along with it. This seemed like it would be fun at a party, as he selected his character. The character that looked more like they belonged in an anime instead of a game. She made her own selection, and they got to playing.

Waa chose the mode that had multiple races in succession. There were going to be five courses they needed to race on to see who would be the total winner.

“You ready to eat my dust?” She talked smack to him. However, he had plenty of confidence as well.

“I don’t think you should underestimate me.” Kouji had never played this game, but it didn’t look too complex.

He used the first course as a way to learn about the game. Things like the items, and how to make proper turns in the fast way. Those were the type of stuff he needed to perform well with, if he wanted a chance to win. Because of his testing, he ended up finishing in the bottom half of the racers.

“Heh, if that’s how you’re going to play, this should be easy.” It also had the added benefit of getting her guard down. That should make surprising her for a comeback easier. However, that wasn’t all he had to contend with.

You see, his TV is rather small. So the two of them had to be bunched up together to both see the game. Waa was pushing herself up to him, it was surprisingly cozy sitting with her like this. Unfortunately, the shuffling about she was doing, was really getting on his nerves.

“You know, I’m right here.” He complained to her. Her legs kept rubbing up on him, and it was being a little distracting. “You can’t be that into the game.”

“It’s not the game that’s making me do that.” She informed him. “And don’t just tell me to stop, because that ain’t about to happen.”

“And why won’t you…” He turned to look at her near empty bottle. “Waa, just go to the bathroom.”

“Not right now.” She denied her need. He had no clue what she was on about, they could just pause the game. “Come on, let me finish beating you, and then I’ll go.”

“Fine…” He thought that this would give him the advantage of beating her. Surely a full bladder meant that she shouldn’t be able to stay focused. As it turned out, the inability to stay focused spilled over to him as well. Her shuffling about kept messing him up from hitting the turns as well as he’d like.

Still though, he was able to take a couple of wins as they headed to the last race out of five. Both him and Waa were tied on the leader board, so all that mattered was going to be this race right here.

He got off on the right track, as he took an early lead over her. However, this was the type of game where you get some benefits with being behind. Waa was able to get lucky with a few items to allow her to knock out some of the opponents. It also messed him up on a critical jump, allowing her to take the lead.

With her in first place, there was little time for him to stage a comeback. He needed to rely on the last item of the race for a chance here. Luck shined on him, as it gave him exactly what he needed in that moment. Now all he had to do, was make a skill shot at the right time. Right as they rounded the last corner to the finish line, he threw out the bomb to her.

It nicked her racer right as he wanted it, causing her to crash into the wall, and giving him the chance to overtake her. It was over, and Kouji was the victor of their little game here.

“Ha! I win.” He jumped up in joy. There was no way to he could even attempt to hide his smile. It seemed that being ill didn’t stop him from being able to do something like that. “Take that.” He bragged to her.

However, she wasn’t in the mood to listen, or more accurately, her body wasn’t letting her care about that. As soon as she lost, Waa dropped her controller and grabbed tightly on her crotch in desperation. That bottle of soda had really caught up to her.

“Well?” He looked at her, like a parent over their child. “Go ahead and use the bathroom, we’re done.”

“I… I-I might’ve… Well, hit my limit.” She didn’t dare move an inch.

“You didn’t.” He said, his eyes widened at that statement.

“Not yet.” Her sentences were short, she could hardly focus on anything else at the moment. Her voice was also rather strained with trying to hold herself. “But, I can’t move.” The way she was right here. Kouji saw something different from her. Unlike her usual smug and lackadaisical manner, Waa sounded much more, serious.

“Are you sure?” He bent down to her. This side of her was rather, well, not so bad to him. Odd to think of, considering he’s looking at a girl about to have a humiliating accident. It’s just something about her shy side that made him feel… Something.

“If I get up… Well let’s just say that your carpet’s about to meet a waterfall.” He certainly didn’t want to clean that up. “But, could you… Carry me there?” She asked him, not wanting to look him in the eye.

“Carry you?” He didn’t want to do it, because it sounded silly. But she had little time to be arguing with him, so he just went with the idea. “Sure.” Slowly, Kouji picked up Waa in a princess style. It was pretty much just like back in the arcade, good thing she’s very light.

With that, she’s able to fully focusing on not letting anything leak out. The two of them never thought they’d even be in this situation in their lives. Hopefully this is just an awkward one-off thing for the both of them.

The similarities between now and the arcade didn’t stop with just him holding her. Perhaps, he never really gave it much thought before. And perhaps this wasn’t the time to think about it now, but Kouji was just now realizing how attractive he saw her. Despite her rather unconventional look as a girl, he thought something about her was kind of cute. Her whimpers weren’t so bad on the ears either.

Once he reached the toilet, there wasn’t much more time for her. As soon as her feet touched the ground, she ripped off her shorts. It was too late for her to care about him seeing this, as she plopped down on the toilet.

Knowing what to expect, Kouji had already rushed out of the bathroom, and shut the door for her privacy. Even if she jokingly didn’t care about him seeing her in just underwear, surely watching her pee was too much.

Waiting for her, his heart was racing. No, not because he was into that type of stuff. It was because of getting a glimpse of her tearing down her shorts. While he had already seen her half-naked. There was something about her being forced to reveal her indecency to him, that was…

“Ah!” He shook the thought out of his mind. What was he thinking about? He already had Himawari, why is he thinking about another girl like this?

“Whew.” It took a little bit before Waa came out of the bathroom. She still had that embarrassed blush that he practically never saw before from her. “Can we… Not tell anyone else about that?”

Without saying a word, he made a zipping motion over his mouth.

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