Tutoring the Spoiled

Moving in & out

Was this truly the end? That was what was running through Waa’s mind as she saw the vehicle that towered over her. Consider her not-so-well built body, a collision was not favorable for at all for the girl. It was at this moment, she bid farewell to the world.

But it’s a good thing that she had someone who cared enough to save her. In a flash of speed, Kouji dove at her. He tackled her hard enough to send the two of them clear into safety. It hurt, but it was better than getting run over.

She laid on the hard pavement, with him on top of her. The boy was much bigger than her, so it was a little suffocating. Still, it wasn’t anything that was going to kill her. Now that was a real sigh of relief for everyone watching. Aside from how close he was on Waa at the moment.

“Heh, I get I nearly got transported to another world.” She chuckled in relief from living, making a joke at the way isekai stories usually started for many.

“Don’t even joke about it!” He yelled at her in response, shocking her even more than the truck nearly hitting her did. “You… You could’ve died…” A tear dropped on her face, as he was getting up over the top of her. It was then that he caught himself, getting up and looking away from her. “I’m sorry. I’m not crying or anything.” He told her as he wiped his eyes.

“Oh my gosh, are you okay!?” The truck had brought itself to a stop. Out of it came Kouji’s uncle and Isako.

“Yeah, we’re fine.” Waa answered, since she was sure that the boy that saved her life wasn’t in a position to do so. “It’s a good thing that he was there to save me.”

“Well, I mean even if he wasn’t there you’d be fine.” Isako informed them, which caused the two to look at where Yokakura had stopped the car. It wasn’t even close to where the girl was standing before he made his intervention. After all, they were close to their destination. So he wasn’t driving fast at all.



“And that should be everything in the truck now.” Kouji commented as he placed the last box inside. Thanks to everyone’s help, this got done a lot sooner than he was planning. “Guess all that’s left to do is get it to the new place.”

“Great.” Yokakura took note that there were a lot more guests than they were expecting. “Well, I guess you all can ride in the back of this thing. There should be more than enough room, plus we should have someone to make sure nothing falls apart.” Meanwhile, he thought that the headmistress and Kouji could ride in the passenger seats of the truck. However, the young boy had other plans.

“Actually, I was thinking of just walking there. You know, gotta stretch my legs and everything.” He stretched out his arms to show it as proof. But it was clear that what his real reason was to most everyone.

“It’s a little out of the way.” His uncle reminded him. In fact, with this new location. He was going to have a train a short train ride to get to the school. That wasn’t that big of a deal, probably added about 10 minutes to his commute at best. “Also, didn’t you just carry a lot of that stuff? It’d be a good idea to take a rest you know.”

“Please Kouji.” Isako put a hand over his shoulder. “I understand you’re scared, but could you please just bare with us?”

“…Okay.” He wasn’t for this at all. In fact, just accepting it made his heart rate jump up by at least 80 bpm. However, his headmistress’s attempts to convince him did work.

“Great.” Yokakura got everyone else into the back of the moving truck. “You guys going to be fine in there?” He asked the group, which contained all the girls and Moku.

“You will be getting us out of this stuffy box in a timely manner, correct?” Himawari was a bit skeptical of this plan. “I’d hate to be stuck in here for longer than I need to be.”

“Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll be fine.” He said without much concern to her issues, then he shut the back door.

“Sheesh.” She crossed her arms, it was so dark that they all sat down where they could find a safe spot. “I swear the things we do sometimes.” Ever since becoming friends with Kouji, it was always one thing or another. Most of those things being stuff she never thought would ever be done in her life.

“What’s wrong? Don’t want to be stuck with us losers?” Waa sarcastically asked her. “I’m sure you think this stuff is beneath you and all.”

“I don’t dislike any of you.” She responded. “Though that’s a lot different than liking all of you.” Other than Yuma, she didn’t consider anyone as a close friend. And even with the first girl, it wasn’t like she cared all that much for her either.

“Speaking of liking…” Teru spoke up, as she knew of one person she certainly didn’t care for. “You better not be doing anything weird while I can’t see you.” She said so directing that statement to Moku. Of course, she had no idea where he was relative to to her. So that was kind of stated out to everywhere around her.

“Well, I’m sitting right next to you.” He replied to her, which caused her to recoiled back and fall off the box she was sitting on.

“All right, I bet you were planning something stupid, weren’t you.” She yelled at him, as she got back on her feet.

“Well, no.” He simply responded to her. “I mean, of course you’re all really cute. I can’t deny that. But I know I got no chance. Besides, aren’t you all in love with Kouji anyway?”

“As if I’d consider him as a potential suitor.”

“Yeah, I’m not interested in guys that are losers like him.”

“A guy like him is too strict for fun sometimes.”

“W-what? I do not understand what you m-mean.”


They all went on their little bits of denial to him. Not that it did anything to convince Moku otherwise, as he was certain that if it wasn’t dark in here. That he’d see all the major blushes that were on their faces at the moment.

Meanwhile, in the front of the truck. There was someone with more than just a simple blush of embarrassment on his face. In fact, the fear on his face was that of stress and fear.

Kouji’s eyes darted back and forth constantly. Most definitely to the extent that it wasn’t going to be healthy for the muscles on his eyes. At the same time, he was breathing in quick short breaths to try and calm himself down.

“You want me to stop for a second?” His uncle asked him. “You’re not looking so hot right now.”

“No no. There’s no need to… No need to stop for me.” His stumbling of words made it painfully obvious to how much he was not enjoying this ride. Of all the things to happen this year, this was certainly at the top of it.

“It’s okay.” Isako held one of his hands. “We understand that you’re scared.”

“I’m… I’m not scared.” He ripped his hand from her, crossing his arms in response. “It’s… It’s, um, fine.” He tried to downplay it. “I’ll survive.” Of course, even his own mind had a hard time believing that statement.

“You know, it wasn’t easy for me.” Yokakura started to explain his own past problems to try and connect. “After the accident, I wasn’t even sure if I could ever drive a car.”

“Then, how’d you get over it?”

“It was because I had no choice. I needed to be able to drive to take care of some things at work.” He told him. “But, my point is… I should’ve been there to help you when you needed it. Maybe if I was forced to back then, things might’ve been different.”

“Co-come on, we already agreed that was the p-past. We still got the fu-future ahead of us.” Kouji reminded him.

“Right, sorry. It’ll just take some time to move on when you’re old like me.” He laughed a hearty laugh, as if he was even that old in the first place.

“T-that’s… Th-that’s g-great.”

“Oh, you’re still shaking.” Isako took an arm over his shoulder. Then, she pulled him in close to her. “Please just try and relax. I promise that you’ll be safe.” He was feeling something different when she did that. After all, he was so close to her, specifically towards her chest region as a result of this. While it might’ve helped with the scared of car ride problem. It just added something else for him to worry about.

“Um… I’ll try.” He said, trying not to pay attention to her breasts being mere centimeters from his face.

“That’s wonderful.” She smiled when he didn’t try to escape her grasp. “I remember doing this when you were much younger. Ah, it makes me feel so old now, since you’ve grown so much since.”


The drive to the new house didn’t too long. However, it felt like an eternity for pretty much most involved. Getting everything out of the truck and into the house took little time thanks to the fact that it was a group of nine people working together. It’s not like Kouji had that many things, since he mostly was on his own when moving to his old apartment.

“Great, all that’s left is to do some unpacking.” He said, which could be handled over the next week. It wasn’t something that everyone else needed to help him with, since he didn’t care to keep everyone around for that much longer.

“Excuse me.” A cute girl came up to the group once they were finished with all their work. “Are you Kouji Arisawa?” She said to him. Everyone looked at her, wondering as to why she was aware of his name.

“Yes, I am.” He answered her. “And you are?”

“Oh sorry.” She realized that she forgot to mention who she was, which was important information. “I’m Erina Hayama. I came early and was told that you still had the keys.” And so, she ended up tracking them all the way here. Which wasn’t all that hard to do considering what the landlord said.

“Ah right, sorry about that.” He apologized. “I forgot with all the moving to return the keys. Here it is.” The boy pulled it out of his pocket to give it to her.

“Thanks.” She smiled at him. “Actually, are we going to be going to the same school?” When she said that, all the girls sent her a death glare. It wasn’t lost on her, so she had an idea of what was going on here.

“I don’t think so.” He answered. Unless she was rich, she probably wasn’t going to Tenfumi academy. “But my friend Moku does, so you two can hang out if you want.”

“Eh, I think it’ll be fine.” To which, Moku hung his head down in disappointment upon hearing that. “Anyway, I hope you all have a nice day.” Erina left them all on their own, as she went to get herself moved in properly.

“I guess that’s everything.” Kouji said as she left. “You guys probably should get going home. I’m sure you’re tired from all that heavy lifting.”

“Are you forgetting what we agreed on before?” Anastasia wasn’t about to let him wiggle himself out of the one thing he didn’t want to do today.

“…” He sighed. There wasn’t going to be a way out of this, was there?

“Because, it is time to party!”

Before anyone asks, no the girl that showed up isn't going to become a character or anything. She's a reference to a character in a different story of mine that isn't currently published here on ScribbleHub.

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