Tutoring the Spoiled

Spoiled on the Streets

Kouji didn’t think too much of this little get together he was about to have with everyone. Well, there was one thing on his mind. That would be the issue with Himawari and Teru.

Never in his dreams did he ever think he’s be part of a love triangle, nor did he ever desire it. Worst of all, now he was stuck in the middle of it. The concern was less with who to choose, and more with how the rejected one would react. It certainly didn’t help that these two girls were known for being pretty mean.

His only advantage to surviving this, was that neither knew about the other. However, he cursed that he let Teru know that there was another girl with his attention. In his defense, her feelings were still yet to be revealed.

Actually, that girl had yet to be open to him about the way she felt about him. Huh… Maybe he should just pick Himawari and be done with this whole thing.

While thinking things over, all alone at his place. Kouji heard someone knocking at the door. When he went to go answer it, he was surprised to see that Isako decided to come drop by.

“What are you doing here?” He asked. This wasn’t part of the plan. Well, technically, there wasn’t any plan so to speak. He just assumed that she’d call up everyone and tell them where to meet up.

“Well, you see. I didn’t have a fancy place in mind.” She explained to him, that she saw a small little restaurant not too far from where he lived. It was one that she hadn’t been to in a long time ago, and she decided that maybe it was time to see what it was like now. “I hope you don’t mind, but I told everyone to meet up here.”

“You could’ve at least warned me!” He scolded his headmistress. This seemed to be the normality for his life now. Oh well, at least this wasn’t the worst thing to happen to him this week.

They didn’t have to wait long, for the rest of the girls to show up. Of course, Kouji didn’t want anyone getting back inside his house again. Not after everything that happened yesterday. So everyone met up with each other, just out in the front.

“So, where we heading to?” Waa was the first one to ask, the moment that the last guest arrived. That being Anastasia, despite being the one that lived here the closest. Everyone was in their more casual wear, as they were informed by Isako ahead of time to not overdress. Kouji, on the other hand, was wearing his best clothes. Though given the difference in social status between him and the girls, it still paled in comparison to their cute skirts, or designer blouses.

“Oh, it’s a nice little restaurant a couple of blocks away.” Their headmistress answered. “I’m sure it’s not up to your usual standards, but I’d like to take a trip back on memory lane.” She asked them to give her a chance to get some nostalgia, but it wasn’t like they had much of a choice.

“That sounds like it will be a lot of fun.” Obviously, Anastasia was excited for just about anything. The rest of the girls had no complaints. So they all walked there together in a group.


“Hello, hello.” The owner of the place greeted them. “Oh? I haven’t seen you in a while.” He commented upon seeing Isako’s arrival. Because of that, they were able to get themselves a nice table, while the woman chatted to catch up with the man.

“I’ll sit next to Kouji.” Himawari spared no time in getting into Kouji’s personal space. Of course, she wasn’t open about anything, but rather just wanted to make sure no one took her supposed rightful spot.

“Then I will-” Anastasia was about to take the other spot next to him, until Waa rudely took it from her.

“Too bad, I got here first.” She smugly smiled to the Russian girl, forcing the others to sit on the other side. Just as the other girl was going to take the consolation prize of sitting right in front of him, Teru took the spot forcibly. That girl wanted to keep an eye on him, so that she could figure out who was the one that he took an interest in.

Sadly, that left Anastasia to resign to sitting at the corner spot. Yuma also took the other corner spot, because she took no action of sitting until everyone else had their spot.

Once that was all taken care of, Isako joined everyone else at the table, while they waited for their orders to be taken.

“I have to say, I’m surprised you’ve ever eaten here before.” Kouji commented, while playing around with his napkin while they waited.

“Yes, forgive me if this sounds rude. But, a place like this hardly seems like an establishment that you’d frequent.” Himawari followed up.

“Of course you’d all be a little confused about my history here.” Isako responded. “But it’s actually a story that I’m sure you’d all love to hear. Especially you, Kouji.”

“Really? Why me?”

“Because…” She paused unnecessarily for dramatic effect. “This is where your parents first met.” That came as a bit of a surprise to all the girls. Kouji himself was also a bit shocked, mostly because he never got to learn of his parent’s first meeting. They tragically left this world, before they had the chance.

“Then… We’d all like to hear about it.” Yuma said. “At least… If you’re okay with talking about it.”

“Of course, I’d love to tell you all about it. It all started with…” And thus, they learned about his parent’s fated beginnings.

It all started with his father working a part time job there. It was so that he could help with having enough money to take care of himself, and his younger brother. In a very tragic sense to this family line, Kouji’s grandparents on his dad’s side had also passed away in an accident. So that left those two on their own, as Kouji’s father wanted to make sure that his brother was well taken care of.

But while that covered his dad’s side of the story, how did his mom get here? Well the answer to that was simple. It was all thanks to a runaway dog that escaped her grasp. The animal ran into the restaurant and caused quite the ruckus, and that’s how the two met for the first time. In fact, things weren’t so peachy keen, as his dad got mad at her for causing a mess. Because of that, he made sure that she helped clean.

“An animal got in here?” Kouji thought that sounded insane. This was apparently how the story went? There’s just no way.

“Oh trust me kid.” The owner spoke up. “Pets and other animals try to run in here all the time. I guess the food’s just that great.” He laughed, much to the teens’ disapproval.

“Uh, I don’t think I’ll be returning to this establishment.” Himawari commented.

Anyway, back to the story.

While they didn’t get off on the right foot, slowly she would learn more of his story. Somehow, during all that time, she started to fall for the boy, despite their difference. She didn’t know it then, because of his cold exterior, but even his dad was starting to get feelings for her.

“I-I… I love you.” Was the words she said to him, one day. It was shortly after they had graduated high school. It was also when she realized a bitter truth about this relationship. His mom knew that her family would never approve of it. Isako had been nothing but supportive, but having a friend’s support means nothing again the power her family had.

Now that school was no longer an excuse for her to get away from them. She knew they’d learn the truth eventually. And so, she confessed, and told him that this was the end of their friendship. To her, there was no hope between them.

The girl turned away, to take the first step of walking out of his life. That was when, without saying a word. He grabbed her arm, and stopped her in her tracks.

“I… I love you too.” He responded to her confession, with acceptance. There was no way he would ever let her just walk away from him.

It was on that day, when their love became true. His mom sacrificed a lot, when she came out with the truth. Her family disowned her, and while it was tough to live on their own. The two found a way.

“I can’t believe that.” Teru muttered. She was shocked to hear that his mom’s family was so cruel.

“It does seem… Rather extreme.” Yuma said.

“A real disgrace.” Himawari didn’t hold back.

“Yes. Kouji, I am so sorry about that.” Anastasia apologized.

“What’s there to be sorry about?” He stopped them from continuing to express their disapproval. Honestly, hearing that story made him feel very upset about his mother’s fate, but that was in the past. “I’ve said it before, I don’t want anyone’s pity. And my mom… And my mom, I know she made the choices she made knowing the consequences.” He paused to gather himself. “She loved my dad, and I don’t think she ever spent a moment, regretting what happened between her and her family.”

“Yeah.” Waa was the first one to speak up after that. “Seeing the way you turned out, I think you got a lot from her. Though I’m sure she was a lot less annoying about it.” Even during serious conversations, that girl always found a way to insult him. But honestly, Kouji would rather have that, then a bunch of people feeling sorry for him.

“After a story like that.” The owner walked up to them, ready to take their orders. “I’m sure that some food will lift up your spirits.”

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