Twilight Gamer

Chapter 1

The year was 2005, it was January of that year.

A Saturday night.

Inside a house at the center of the small town, a young high schooler was seated in front of his pc as he played the hit new game called World of Warcraft.

"FUCK!!" The teen yelled as he threw his mouse at the wall.


The regret didn't take long to take place as only a few seconds later, the teen was holding the remains of his plastic mouse.

'Shitty ass game, why the hell do people want to kill low levels those bitches are just too weak to go against someone their own level' The teen thought frustrated.


'Let's just go to sleep, I can't even play now without a mouse either way.' He thought as he pushed the chair and hopped into his bed, taking the mattress and covering himself.

It didn't take long for the teen to sleep.

The night slowly ended and soon the morning sun arrived.


Extending his hands as he flexed trying to get rid of the stiffness.

Eyes still closed, The teen rose up from his sleeping position.

After quickly rubbing his eyes, he opened them and was met with something unusual.

It was a blue screen.

'Huh, am I dreaming still?' He thought as he stared at the blue holographic panel in front of him.

[ Welcome Jack Sparrow ]

'How the hell does this thing know my name' Jack thought as he backed up to his bedframe behind him but the panel seemed to be at the same distance no matter how far away he tried to get from it.

[ You have been chosen as the gamer of this world ]

'The gamer?' Jack thought confused as he stared at the words slowly appearing before him as he read them, his heart was beating at unhealthy speeds as he continued to read.

[ Please choose your starting stats ]


[ Strength: 5 ] [ +/- ]

[ Perception: 5 ] [ +/- ]

[ Endurance: 5 ] [ +/- ]

[ Charisma: 5 ] [ +/- ]

[ Intelligence: 5 ] [ +/- ]

[ Agility: 5 ] [ +/- ]

[ Luck: 5 ] [ +/- ]

[ Stat points Available: 5 ]

[ You may choose to remove stat points from stats to add them to others. ]

[ Caution: Once Stats are finalized, you won't be able to change them ever again ]

'What the hell is this shit? Stats? Special Stats? Is this some kind of game? Am I fucking dreaming still?' Jack thought as he stared at the screen for a moment and then slapped his face. Hard.


'Fuck, I'm not dreaming' Jack thought as his cheek quickly changed color.

Looking over the screen, Jack quickly understood the gist of it.

'Thank god I play games or this would have appeared so damn confusing' Jack thought and then started thinking about the stats.

'Might as well go with it seeing as there really is no way to get rid of this' Jack thought as he bit his lip.

Silence overtook the room as Jack started thinking seriously about his decision.

About an hour later, he finally arrived at a decision.

'Ok let's do this' Jack thought and then started pressing on the screen in front of him.

[ Charisma: 1 ]

[ Intelligence: 10 ]

[ Luck: 9 ]

'This looks good enough, I don't care about charisma either way. I can just live alone and play games all my life.' Jack thought as he nodded to himself as if he had just made the greatest decision of his life.

At the end of the panel was a small button.

[ Apply ]

Pressing the button quickly without any second guessing, Jack saw the screen change once more.

[ Stats have been applied ]

'Huh? I didn't notice anything though?' Jack thought and then got up from the bed and headed towards his desk.

Taking out a copper coin he kept in his drawer, Jack threw it up and thought in his head.



The coin fell on the desk.

It was tails.

'All right let's see' Jack thought as he flipped the coin once, more.





Finally, Jack stopped, his eyes were open wide as he stared at the coin on the desk.

'Five times, the probability is one in thirty-two or 3.125%' Jack thought and then immediately froze.

'How the hell did I calculate that instantly' Jack thought as his closed mouth opened wide in shock.

' 18425 * 5677 ' Jack thought and a second later he came up with the answer.

'104598725' is the number Jack arrived at, quickly grabbing his small calculator and pressing the numbers.

'I did it correctly' Jack thought shocked at his own ability.

'Sometimes, sometimes my own genius frightens me' Jack thought as he went and sat on his bed once more.

The screen had disappeared from view after he had applied his stats and hadn't shown up again.

'Ok, let's just get out and go to a casino first thing' Jack thought as he got on his feet, only to stop a few steps after.

'There's no casinos in Forks. And I don't have a car' Jack thought as his newfound plans crashed as quickly as they were made.

' And I can't even do anything today because my mouse broke. The only thing I could do was start reading those school books.' Jack thought and then reluctantly went back to his desk and pulled out his backpack.

Pulling the books onto the desk, He opened Chemistry first and started reading.

'Huh? It's easy, it's so damn easy' Jack thought in confusion and then closed the book.

He said what he just read out loud word for word.

Opening the book he saw that he just read out loud from memory half a page of the book and he wasn't even trying to memorize it.

A large grin welled up on Jack's face.

'Let's see who will get the last laugh now' Jack thought as he remembered his professor's face.


My second Twilight fanfic, I'll most likely only post one chapter a day on this one but you can expect daily to bidaily uploads.

If you want to read five chapters ahead check out my Patreon at:

Lots of Love

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