Twilight Gamer

Chapter 3

Heading down a hallway inside the school, Jack was deep in his thoughts.

'I didn't notice myself looking any different when I looked in the mirror this morning' Jack thought as he thought back to James's words.

Heading into the male bathroom that was on the left side of the hallway. Jack looked at himself in the mirror.

Neck-length brown hair with brown almost amber-like eyes and a lean build.

'I look the same' Jack thought as he tried to smile into the mirror and saw that even his smile was normal.

'Weird, maybe it's just the system forcing it? If so then how can I reverse the effects?' Jack thought as he looked at himself.

'System? Uh, Interface? Stats?' Jack tried multiple methods but found out that he couldn't bring up the status screen he had seen yesterday.

'It did say that all stat points were irreversible once applied to the status'

Nodding his head at his mirror self, Jack headed outside the bathroom.

The smell was simply too much for him to endure it any longer.

'I'll have to do more experiments and see just how much my Charisma affects my social conversations' Jack thought as he headed towards his first class of the day.

Arriving before the classroom, Jack opened the door and headed in.

Looking around he quickly found his usual spot and headed there to sit down.

He was sitting in the middle of the classroom next to the windows.

A fleeting thought passed through Jack's mind as he sat down.

'The best place in the whole class, the teacher doesn't look much here and it has the best view'

Once he was seated on his wooden chair that was frankly uncomfortable and miserable to sit on for long hours.

Jack started looking around, using his only skill, Observing every person in the classroom.

Soon the class was starting to almost get full, Jack had now observed everyone in the class and was simply observing every person who came in.

'It's boring, it shows only some basic information about them like their name age and what they currently do. However, it does show some interesting stuff like if someone has a crush on someone else or if they have a sickness like that guy earlier. But only sometimes' Jack thought as he continued his observation activities.

A few minutes later, when the bell signaling the start of classes was about to go off, Jack saw a large teen heading inside.

His body was larger than anyone he had ever seen in real life and it wasn't skinny rather it was filled with muscles to the brim.

'Observe' Jack thought as he stared at the large teen.

[ Perception Check Failed ]

[ Observation Failed ]

[ User has been spotted ]

'What!' Jack thought almost jumping up to his feet but barely managed to stop himself.

Looking at the teen with the edge of his vision, Jack saw that he was looking directly at him.

'Why is he looking at me so intently, it's normal for someone to look at people heading into the class. It should be normal but why is my mind screaming at me that something is wrong here' Jack's thoughts ran wild as his mind worked on overdrive trying to come up with a solution.

Quickly however Jack's mind came to a rather disturbing realisation

'My IQ has increased because of my Intelligence stat but my EQ has been driven into the ground, I can't even find out why he's looking at me when I don't understand anything socially related anymore. I know that something isn't right but I don't have any idea why.' This was the conclusion Jack came to after thinking for a few minutes.


Soon the door of the classroom was closed as the English professor came into the classroom.

The students who were chattering among each other until now stopped and kept their silence as the professor took charge of the class.

The professor first started with a roll call, and he asked each student to respond when he mentioned their name.

A minute or so later, It was Jack's turn and he raised his hand and answered.


[ Charisma needed 1 ]

[ Charisma Check Success ]

Jack lowered his hand and stared at the panel.

'You're telling me that the only thing that's within my range of charisma is saying here on a roll call? Why does that even need to be a damned charisma check?' Jack thought as a vein pulsed in his forehead.


Sighing softly, Jack lay his head down on the desk and closed his eyes.

'I've already memorized everything there isn't any need for me to even listen' Jack thought as he waited for the seconds of the clock to tick and the bell to ring.

My first plan of business is to test out my Charisma more and find out just how much it has limited me. My second plan of action is to put my intelligence and luck to use and gradually increase my living conditions.' Jack thought as he counted the seconds in his head.

The hour quickly passed with Jack not even needing to go and do anything on the blackboard.

'Is this my luck? I got lucky enough or is it because my Charisma is so bad that the professor would rather just ignore me? It could even be a combination of both' Jack thought as he got up and slung his backpack onto his left shoulder.

He started walking towards the door, trying to get out of the classroom. Jack felt a hand stop him as it perched itself on his shoulder.

Turning around he saw who had stopped him.

It was the large almost bear-like teen who he had failed to Observe.

'I knew something was weird.' Jack thought as he gave an inward sigh.

"Hey!" The large teen said as he looked at Jack.

"Uh, Hey!" Jack said as he looked at the teen with a confused face.

"Wow, you must really hate me right now," Emmet said as he removed his hand from Jacks shoulder and scratched his head.

"Uh no I don't hate you?" Jack asked, his voice even more confused now.

At least to him, it felt like his voice was showing his confusion.

"Ah okay then, you were looking at me with that stare and voice I thought you wanted to kill me for a second," The large teen said as he laughed.

"Right, well I don't plan on doing that so you don't have to worry" Jack answered seriously.

"Ok, it's really reassuring when you say it with that face. Im Emmet by the way." The large teen now identified as Emmet said to Jack as he offered a handshake.

Taking him up on the offer, Jack shook his hand and nodded at Emmet.

"I'm Jack, what did you want from me?"

"Ah nothing really, I just noticed you staring at me earlier like you wanted to kill me and I thought to ask if I had wronged you somehow," Emmet said as he looked at Jack who looked to be almost half his size.

"No, you didn't do anything wrong. I'm sorry if it seemed like that" Jack answered and then turned to look at the door, noticing that they were the only two ones left in the classroom.

"If that's it then ill be going," Jack said as he turned to face Emmet once more.

"Right, that was all," Emmet replied as he nodded his head at Jack.

Jack gave the teen his own nod and turned around, Heading outside the classroom.

Emmet was left there standing as he looked at the boy's back with his dark amber eyes.

'You say that I did nothing wrong but it's not convincing when you say it with that voice' Emmet thought to himself.

Jack on the other hand had already gone outside the classroom and was walking down the hallway.

There were four blue screens in front of him right now.

[ Charisma Check Failed ]

[ Charisma Check Failed ]

[ Charisma Check Failed ]

[ Charisma Check Failed ]


'This is starting to get annoying very quickly'


I hope you liked the chapter, some interesting stuff coming up real soon.

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Lots of Love

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