Twilight Gamer

Chapter 8

"Become one of us," Carlisle said finally after a split moment of silence.

This time, an emotion seemed to have appeared behind his amber eyes though Jack couldn't pinpoint what exactly it was.

'Become one of them? A vampire?' Jack thought as his mind whirred.

It wasn't thoughts, merely a split mess of ideas and thoughts jumbled all together, even Edward reacted as he turned to face Jack, his eyes clearly confused.

Jack's mind was switching thoughts so fast, stopping mid-sentence and changing what he was saying so often that it all turned into a complete mess that even he wasn't able to read.

No, he heard the thoughts clearly, the problem was understanding them.

Jack had discovered a way to bypass, Edward's telepathy, he had tried it in class before but it was only now that he had actually tried it and from the look on Edward's face, it was working pretty well.

He had created a different meaning for each word and managed to create an entirely new language using the same words as English in merely a few hours while in class.

While his charisma could be said to be inhumanely low, his intelligence stat was a ten, the max of what it could be.

'I don't think I have a choice here though, and I'm pretty sure each one of them could kill me if they wanted so there's no feasible escape from the situation either.' Jack thought.


"What is a vampire exactly? What will become of me if I turn into one?" Jack asked as he looked at Carlisle.

"You can't seriously be thinking of that?" Rosalie said from the side as she turned to face Carlisle.

"Stop, it's his choice," Edward said even though he hated himself, and hated monsters like he was, he also knew that the choice was Jack's.

'It's not much of a choice however' Edward thought to himself, he really didn't like what they were doing, no it could be said that he detested it.

But they couldn't break the rules, doing so could put his entire family in jeopardy and he wasn't willing to sacrifice them for Jack.

'I'm sorry' Edward thought as he closed his eyes.

"You will be able to do all the normal things besides eat human food and go in the sun. The sun doesn't kill you but makes your skin shine like a diamond and that could get you found out" Carlisle said as he started explaining what exactly vampires were.

A few minutes later, Jack nodded.

"So basically, I can't go to school for at least a month as I will be a newborn with red eyes which are clearly a dead giveaway, and what's worse my bloodlust will be through the roof so I can't be anywhere near humans or I would most likely go feral and attack them?" Jack asked as he looked at Carlisle.

Carlisle nodded slowly.

"That's basically it, the choice is yours Jack," Carlisle said, the emotions in his eyes once more intensifying.

'What the hell do you mean by saying it's my choice over and over, when the fuck was this even a choice?' Jack thought in irritation.


"I'll be a vampire" Jack finally said as he looked at the man.

"You can't seriously be thinking of that, you will become a monster. Do you even understand what that means? You can only live by leeching of others" Rosalie almost shouted at Jack, her frustration at his choice clearly showing.

Jack looked at Carlisle and asked.

"May I speak my thoughts?"

Carlisle nodded.

"You can, I promise we won't do anything no matter what you say since you have chosen to become one of us," Carlisle said as he looked at Jack.

Jack nodded and turned toward Rosalie.

"Since when did I have a choice, Rosalie?" Jack asked her as he looked at the seemingly enraged woman.

Rosalie was about to say something but she was interrupted when Jack continued.

"You took me here, against my own will just because I found out you weren't humans? I didn't even know about Vampires or about this fucked up rule that no humans are allowed to live if they know about them." Jack said as his voice grew increasingly tense, his rage bubbling in his gut, threatening to spill over.

"I found my entire life flipped upside down yesterday when this game took over and now I'm told to either die or become a vampire, is that a choice Rosalie, is it really?" Jack asked once more as he looked at her, his eyes were shaking from anger, anger that had built up from the anxiety, the fear, and the situation itself.

It had all been blocked behind a tight seal that his intelligence had built, but now that Carlisle had told him he could speak his thoughts out without worry, it all spilled over. The seal holding back his rage broken.

"So would you kindly shut the fuck up and understand that I don't really have a choice here, I don't want to die at fucking seventeen, if you were so disgusted by yourself I'm sure you would find a way to kill your immortal vampire self, wouldn't you? So why are you still alive Rosalie?" Jack said as he spelled Rosalie's name syllable by syllable.

Rosalie closed her mouth, she looked confused, even her usual strong front seemed to be broken by Jack's rant.

Jack nodded and then turned toward Carlisle.

This time he could clearly see the emotion in his eyes, it wasn't just Carlisle who had that emotion, it was all the vampires around him but it seemed most prominent in Carlisle and Esme.

'Just what the hell is it' Jack thought and the realization came barreling in through his mind, only a split second later.

'Ah, it's pity. These bastard do this shit and now show pity?' Jack thought but he didn't say it out loud, instead, he asked Carlisle.

"So how does this work? I'd rather we get this started sooner rather than later"

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Lots of Love

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