Twin Demonlords | Elaria Chronicles

Chapter 12 – Skill Overview

After putting the two girls in bed, I hear that familiar dinging noise,

*Ding! Level Up!*

*Ding! Level Up!*

*Ding! Level Up!*

*Ding! Level Up!*

[Title Gained!]

[ SSS | Exhibitionist: Gain EXP when naked in public spaces. Gain extra EXP for having sex in public.]

[Passive Skill Gained!]

[ U | Stealthy Nudist: People are less likely to notice you when naked in public.]

Oh, wow. Those two skills definitely go together. Only issue is that Stealthy Nudist is a unique skill, so I have no way to know how powerful it is. I could be a literally silent naked assassin, or I could be noticed the second I step outside. Guess I’ll have to test it with Lulu soon.

Speaking of, I gotta wonder… Is she into teasing people? She seemed like she really liked teasing Alice back there. I mean, I know for a fact that I like teasing people. I’m surprised shy little Lulu is into it. Maybe it’s the exhibitionism thing? Who knows? I’ll have to ask Lulu one day.

Her smug face was adorable, though.

Alright, now let’s check my status.




(Note: All tag:Infernal instances are hidden)


[Name:] Lilith Fellgrim

[Race:] Demon (5x - Stat Gain | 3x - XP required per level)

[Tag:] Infernal

[Class: B Infernal Mage]



[ U | Summoned Demon: Immunity to enslavement]

[ U | Sin of Lust: Gains experience through sexual encounters]

[ SSS | Demon Lord Seed: has the prerequisites to eventually become a Demon Lord]

[ SSS | Exhibitionist: Gain EXP when naked in public spaces. Gain extra EXP for having sex in public.]

[(Taboo) | Corrupted Twins: Gain extra experience through sex with twin]



[Level: 7 -> 11]



[STR: 380(760) -> 600(1200)]

[DEF: 540(1080) -> 960(1920)]

[DEX: 600(1200) -> 800(1600)]

[INT: 1040(3120) -> 1700(5100)]

[WIS: 940(2820) -> 1440(4320)]

[Stat Total: 5500(14140)]


[Lulu’s Stats:]

[Level: 7 -> 10]

[STR: 1010(3030) -> 1400(4200)]

[DEF: 1350(4050) -> 1800(5400)]

[DEX: 640(1920) -> 800(2400)]

[INT: 200(400) -> 500(1000)]

[WIS: 300(600) -> 500(1000)]

[Stat Total: 5000(14000)]



[Active Skills: SS Universal Appraisal / S Brainwash / B Infernal Shield / D Infernal Fireball / D Charm / D Speed Burst / F Lesser Heal / (TABOO) Enfeeble / (TABOO) Affliction]


[Passive Skills: U Twin Connection / U Stealthy Nudist / L Demonic Growth / SS Demonic Royalty / S Curse Aura / A Fire Immunity / A Soul Drain / B Regeneration / B Lesser Infernal Element / E Lesser Fire Element / E Lesser Illusion Magic / (TABOO) Insanity Immunity]



[ L | Demon Princess Outfit (set)]

[ L | Demon Princess Wand]

}~~~~~{Status End}~~~~~{


Looking over my stats vs Lulu’s, I’m a bit confused. How did I get an extra level compared to her? Did I actually get the exhibitionist title before we finished? That’s the only thing I could think of. Other than that, maybe it’s because I kind of involved Alice? No, if that were it, Lulu would get it too. She’s the main reason Alice got so turned on.

Let’s go with the whole title explanation.

Now that I’ve got a second to just chill out for a bit, I think I’ll read over a few skills.

[ SS | Universal Appraisal: You are able to gaze at people’s statuses. Even beings of higher status than you. This cannot, however, gaze into godly beings statuses.]

[ S | Brainwash: Able to erase the last twenty four hours of a person’s memories and put them into a brief sleep. Does not work on beings of a higher status total.]

[ (TABOO) | Enfeeble: Drop a target’s stat total by 50%. Does not work on beings with a stat total higher than 150% of user’s. Does not work on beings of the tags Divine or Infernal.]

[ (TABOO) | Affliction: Curse a being with a rapidly multiplying illness that causes painful boils to burst inside their body.]

[ U | Twin Connection: A unique skill possessed by every twin. Makes the twins more likely to develop a friendly relationship, and sense the other’s emotions to an extent. Grows more potent over time. If two twins are separated at birth and find each other in adulthood, this connection may lead them to believe each other to be soulmates. Can be severed, but may cause irreparable damage to the twins psyche.]

Ah. So that’s why Lulu and I immediately clicked. And because we weren’t children when we had this connection, it turned into what it is. Well, hey, I don’t think it’s a bad thing. I was never this happy in my previous life. I had no motivation, and spent most of my time either watching YouTube videos, reading webnovels, or working. Not to mention, I get a hot body out of it too!

I can see that brainwashing spell being useful at some point. Same with enfeeble. I already used Affliction on those gnolls earlier. It was a pretty gnarly spell.

I continue looking through a few other skills that I could use some extra info on;

[ L | Demonic Growth: Demons grow with levels rather than age, as demons are functionally immortal. The levels are as follows: 5, 20, 50, 100, 500, and lastly, 1000.]

[ SS | Demonic Royalty: Demons of lower stat totals than you can not cause you harm, or disobey you. Your word is absolute.]

[ S | Curse Aura: You have a natural aura that curses enemies, lowering their stat totals by 1% for every enemy around you up to 50%.]

[ A | Soul Drain: Absorb more of a being's soul after their death. Increases EXP gained by 50%.]

[ (TABOO | Insanity Immunity: You cannot be driven insane.]

Ok, I admit, the last one was pretty obvious based on the name. That one aside, these are some pretty damn good abilities. I don’t see how Curse Aura is only an S-rank skill. I mean, it’s the only skill like that that says nothing about stat totals. Does that mean if I fight 49 weak guys and 1 strong one, the 49 weak ones will make the strong ones stats drop by 50%? That’s absolutely nuts.

Demonic Royalty seems like a pretty good skill, as well. Does that mean if I get stronger than Vorathia, I could command her? I doubt it. Someone strong enough to become a god is definitely someone who would have a defense against something like this.

Demonic Growth must be what caused Lulu and I to change so much. It seems like we’re gonna be getting more demonic as time goes on. I wonder if we’ll get, like pink skin, or demonic eyes or something.

Soul drain is obviously the best skill out of all of these, in my opinion. It means the 3x EXP gain penalty is demons have is reduced to… 2x? Fuck, math is hard. Numbers are my worst enemy.

But, still, reducing that EXP gain penalty is incredible. Maybe I could get it as low as a human’s? Maybe even lower? I mean, the skill is only A-rank after all.


Ugh. Damn, I just got hit by the exhaustion wave too. I made sure to leave enough space between the two girls for me to sleep between them. All naked, of course. I feel absolutely spent.

I look over to the bed, seeing the two sleeping cuties all snuggled up in the warm sheets. Their exposed shoulders and Lulu’s small amount of cleavage showing drawing me in. I lift up the blankets, seeing the beautiful sight hidden underneath, and crawl in, making sure not to disturb them. 

(Little bit of R18 description from here on)

As I get in, I lay down facing Alice. My dick rubs against her bare ass, which is a bit bigger than Lulu’s. Of course, I quickly turn around and start spooning with Lulu. I sneak my arm under her head, and put my other one on her hips as my dick reunites with her asscheeks. I pull up the covers with my free arm and then wrap it around her waist.

The warmth from the bodies of the two girls quickly begins to pull me into sleep. I ignore the subtle movements of Lulu’s hips threatening to make my dick grow hard again today, and eventually fall asleep.

I posted some new spoiler images in the glossary. They’re images of 3 out of 5 demon lords. The others were either too difficult to get pictures of, or they were dudes. I’ll probably get some pics of them later.

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