Twin Demonlords | Elaria Chronicles

Chapter 18 – Free Stuff!

The whole fiasco with the cultist ended almost as quickly as it started. Despite the bystander effect thing, the people around us still told the guards that what I did was self defense. The guards were a little disappointed at how I used lethal force despite being so much more powerful than him, but decided to let it go because of how much trouble that cultist had caused. Currently, Mina, Lulu, and I are all sitting together in a sort of interrogation room, just far more friendly than you’d imagine. Sat across the table from us is an absolute giant of a woman.

She’s about seven and a half feet tall, has long white hair, white eyebrows and lashes, and two grey eyes. Her skin is a grey that looks more like a stone grey than sickly. She wears a set of loose pants, perfect for training, and a sleeveless black top that sticks close to her skin. Her abs visibly show through her shirt. Scars line her arms, with one on her shoulder precariously close to her neck. 

Despite her rough demeanor, she looks at the three of us with a warm smile that seemingly holds no malice. Her voice is low, booming, yet feminine, and has a distinctly classical southern accent,

“I do apologize for this incident with the cultist. We’d been lettin’ a few of ‘em in for the past week for trade, and to try and show ‘em that the other races ain’t any lessa than ‘em. I tried to tell the lord that this was wishful thinkin’. The past week alone, we’ve seen five assaults, three attempted murders, and a thoroughly uncountable amount o’ property damage. Rest assured, this was the straw that broke the donkey’s back. Their kind’ll never be allowed in the city o’ Rauterdale ever again.”

I nod my head to her, and speak firmly, without trying to be rude.

“That’s good and all, but my friend here had her entire business ruined because of him. Is there no form of compensation or something for her? Not to mention, my sister and I had to kill someone because the guards took so long to show up.”

The guard looks at me expressionlessly before smirking and saying,

“Indeed. It’s unfair that you three had to go through somethin’ like that because of the fault o’ the city lord. Therefore, it’s been decided that Miss Gramina over here will receive a brand new enchanted portable cookin’ station. By passin’ mana through it, yer able to shrink it down small enough to fit in yer pocket.”

She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a small cube, before placing it on the table. She gives a genuine smile as she sees Mina’s face light up before looking over at us.

“For you two, we’re a little upset that you resorted to killin’ that man when yer so much stronger than ‘em. However; killin’ in self defence is fully legal here in Rauterdale, and all the people who witnessed it said you two were attacked first. Therefore, as compensation, the both o’ you will be provided with ten thousand gold each.”

What the hell? Is ten thousand gold standard for compensating someone or something?

“Furthermore, Miss Gramina, you will also be provided with a further twenty thousand gold as compensation for your destroyed stand. I personally petitioned the lord to compensate you additionally. After all, your cookin’ was absolutely delicious!”

The large woman gives Mina the biggest smile I’ve seen yet, which surprisingly doesn’t look out of place on her. After hearing that she’s able to enjoy Mina’s food, I decide to check out her status;


}~~~~{Appraised Status}~~~~{

[Name:] Rochelle Steelfist

[Race:] Half-Titan (4x - Stat gain | 8x - XP req.)

[Tag:] Humanoid

[Class: Titanic Shield]



[ A | True Justiciar: Justice should always consider circumstance. Justice that is blind to context risks becoming an instrument of oppression. Gain extra XP for dishing out true justice.]


[Level: 89]



[STR: 10000]

[DEF: 15130]

[DEX: 5000]

[INT: 2320]

[WIS: 3150]



[Active Skills: [A | Shield the Innocent], [A | Sword of Justice], [C | Judgment], [C | Punishment] [E | Bola Throw]


[Passive Skills: [A | Mega Regeneration], [B | Armor Lightening], [C | Near Infinite Stamina] [C | Giant’s Strength]



[B: Amulet of the Justiciar]

[B: Armor of Order (set)]

[C: Sword of Law]

}~~~~~{Status End}~~~~~{


Holy shit she could squash us like bugs! Titans must be insanely strong!

Wait a damn minute… What’s the other half of her race? How the fuck did something survive having sex with a titan? That’s not important.

I look over at Mina and see her sitting there with a few tears building in the corners of her eyes, clearly shocked about everything that happened. I wrap my arm around her and pull her into a hug. I talk to her with a comforting tone,

“Don’t worry, when we get to Gulfhaven, there’ll be plenty of other races there that’ll enjoy your cooking. I know it! With this money, you’ll be able to start up a new stand in no time! Who knows, by the time we’re finished at the academy, you may have your own restaurant!”

She shakes her head,

“It-It’s not that. I’m upset with myself.”

I rub the top of her head lightly while asking,


I hear her sob slightly before she starts to pour her soul out to me,

“Because I froze! I was confronted about my cooking and I froze! I didn’t even try to stand up for myself, I saw the anger in his face and I froze! As he destroyed my stand, I just stood there and watched! I watched as my passion was torn down in front of me! Gods dammit, I’m so useless!”

I wrap her up in a tight hug while shaking my head. I pull her close to my heart while speaking to her sternly,

“No you are not! Don’t you ever say that about yourself! You’re incredible! Your cooking is the most incredible food I’ve ever eaten in my entire life! Those simple kebabs were better than any full course meal I’ve ever eaten! You have more talent with cooking than most professional chefs have in their entire lives! And you’re still young! One day, you’ll find a city with people who can actually enjoy your food, and you’ll become the most famous chef in the world! Don’t let some fool dressed in fancy rags be the one who kills your love of food!”

Mina looks up at me with teary eyes. The corners of her mouth twitch slightly as she starts to cry again. She holds me tightly to her body, squeezing me a little bit too tightly.

No, seriously… THIS HURTS!

We love coming out of work and finding our car has two flat tires, only to bring it to the mechanic who finds more shit wrong with it that'll cost me over 1000$ to fix.

Here's a pic of angy Lulu:

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