Twin Demonlords | Elaria Chronicles

Chapter 21 – An Archon Awakens

After an unknown amount of time, I find myself slowly awakening, cuddled up in a warm blanket and wrapped in the arms of two girls. Lulu and Alice lie at my sides, with Lulu cuddled up against my arm and Alice sprawled out with her leg lying on top of me.

I slowly shift myself, moving out from under the two girls carefully so as to not wake them. Almost immediately, I notice a difference. Magic flows through my body at a rapid pace, out-speeding my blood by many times over. I flick my finger, casting a Fireball above the tip of my finger with ease.

Its color is a deep, bright red, with bits of silver lining the very edge of the ball. It’s small as well, and compressed beyond belief. It’s almost similar to a star in shape. At least, a star in my home world.

There’s also some immediate physical changes as well. Atop my head is an array of five small horns, each placed in a shape similar to a star. Or, a pentagram. Looking over at the mirror on top of the dresser, my horns are slightly rounded, and are a brilliant silver color.

My eyes have slightly changed as well. They’re the same deep, ruby color as before, but with a glowing silver limbal ring wrapping around the outer edge of my iris.

My wings have grown a small amount, but the most striking difference is their color. Instead of the white they once were, they’re now a gradient of two colors, white and pink. Starting at the top, they’re a pastel pink color which fades into a stark white as they reach the bottom. 

My tail has gotten much more maneuverable, enabling me to control it as I would any other limb, just much more flexible.

When I’m finished examining my body, I get slammed with a bunch of notifications,



[Evolution Successful!]

[New Species Logged!]

[Demon Archon: A species of Greater Demon with a body purpose-built for magic. (7x - Stat gain | 2x - XP requirement)]

[Stats have been readjusted…]


[STR: 840(2000)]

[DEF: 1000(1680)]

[DEX: 880(1760)]

[INT: 2040(6120)]

[WIS: 1740(5220)]

[Stat Total: 7500(16780)]


[Several Skills have ranked up!]

[B | Infernal Shield] -> [A | Demonic Bastion]

[D | Infernal Fireball] - > [A | Hellfyre]

[B | Lesser Infernal Element] -> [A | Infernal Element]

[Several Skills gained!]

[E | Lesser Wind Element], [E | Lesser Lightning Element], [B | Lesser Flight]



I can’t help but crack a smile as I see the new stats come in. I wanna get as strong as possible as quickly as possible to make sure I can protect Lulu and Alice better.

Speaking of Lulu and Alice, they’ve had some changes as well. Lulu’s wings have changed similarly to mine, just replace the pink with blue. Her fingernails now have a naturally dark color as well, like her nails have a natural layer of nail polish. They don’t, however, appear to be sharp like claws. They’re flat and rounded like regular nails.

I reach over and feel her thigh, noticing that it feels just as soft and squishy as ever, but once I press down a bit, I feel the hard, toned muscle underneath.

Her tail moves to my hand and cutely wraps itself around my wrist before gently tugging my arm around her waist. I look at her face to see her looking over at me with a sleepy grin.

Her eyes are absolutely stunning. Her half open eyes glow with a golden limbal ring wrapped around her gem-like red eyes. They give off a regal feeling, shimmering in the light like rubies embedded in a crown. I smile at her and rub my thumb along her side,

“Good morning, princess. Did you get a good rest?”

She sleepily nods her head before saying,

“Mhmmm… I woke up to a nice view, as well.”

She winks at me while looking down at my bare chest. I smirk at her before reaching with my hand and patting her on the ass,

“I had quite the eyeful, too.”

At the same time, we both look over at Alice. To say there was a big change would be an understatement. Her skin, which once had a few barely noticeable blemishes, was now completely spotless. Her hair changed to a slightly lighter blonde which gradients down into a slightly more pinkish blonde color. Her body gained a more hourglass figure, and is currently draped with a limp, pink tail which ends in a spade, similar to Lulu and I, though hers is noticeably thinner and shorter.

Her mouth is currently open with a little bit of drool leaking out, revealing two small, sharp canines.

I reach down and put my hand on her face, gently trying to coax her awake with slight touches.


The sleeping girl leans into my hand instinctively, smiling slightly, but staying asleep. I lean down and plant a kiss on her cheek before whispering in her ear,

“Aliiiice, wake uuuuup!”

I see her eyes shift under her eyelids, before they slowly open and look up at me. Her eyes are a deep emerald color, while adopting the same silver limbal ring as my own eyes. As she looks up at me, her hand cups mine as we both smile at each other. 

She looks over at Lulu and smiles at her as well before slowly leaning up, revealing her stark naked body for all to see. This also reveals another change to her body, a hot pink tattoo of her womb right above her vagina.

Alice seems to notice Lulu and I staring at it, as she looks down with us, running her finger along the lines before saying,

“I’ve always wanted a tattoo… Though this isn’t the one I had in mind…”

Lulu and I ask her for permission to touch her tattoo, which she nods to and moves to make it more convenient for us to do so. We sit side by side and reach down to start tracing the area of the tattoo. I instantly feel Alice’s body tense up as our fingers begin to trace. I had a few tattoos in my previous life, so I know that they don’t really feel different to the touch. After all, the ink is below the skin. This, however, has a slightly raised texture, while also feeling tough and solid. Almost like those big freckles some people get. I’ll still call it a tattoo for convenience.



While lost in thought, my hand traced its way to the inside of the tattoo, inside of the womb. As it rubs against her skin, the tattoo glows suddenly, and her muscles tense up. Her legs twitch slightly, while she bites down on her own finger.

I decide to try to use appraisal on this tattoo:

[Stigmata of Carnal Desire: a stigmata given to demons and half-demons aligned with the Sin of Lust. Allows the user to gain a minor amount of experience through sexual encounters. When the inside of the stigmata is touched by a loved one, it creates an overwhelming sense of pleasure.]

Oh. I have my own stigmata? Isn’t that, like, a god’s thing? Given that it specifies the Sin of Lust part, I assume other sin carriers are capable of doing the same thing.

I look up at Alice’s face, seeing her flushed, aroused expression looking down at my hand. I lightly brush my finger across the inside of the tattoo, earning shivers and stifled moans that cut through her finger and bring up a heat in my crotch. I feel my dick start to stiffen, growing thick and hard within seconds.

I slide my fingers down the inside of her tattoo, going lower and lower until my finger brushes against her clit.

Just as my finger starts to slide inside of her,

*chik creaaaak*

The door to the hotel room opens, revealing Mina looking at Alice, Lulu, and I with an increasingly embarrassed expression.

“Uhm… I-uh… Good Morning?”

Sorry for taking so long with this chapter. I've been incredibly busy at work recently. I'll try to upload more frequently than once a month, hopefully!

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