Twin Demonlords | Elaria Chronicles

Chapter 23 – Waking the Beast R18

After waking up from our brief post-evolution nap, The four of us all chatted about the guy who attacked Alice. Alice looks rather down while we talk about it, clearly upset by the fact that she got so one-sidedly beat down. The fact she was able to get away was a miracle.

“Right after the manager of the commerce guild called for a break, I decided to go ahead and get some food. I was pretty hungry, and I had heard that the stall food in this city was absolutely delicious. Well, I noticed almost immediately that I was being followed. I mean, the dumbass was wearing the full white robes all those cultists wear.”

She goes through the encounter. Apparently the guy was known as Sanctity Orion, which is one of the higher ups of the church. At least, higher up than regular members. The church is having issues feeding its members because they refuse to trade with ‘lesser races’ and the other human kingdoms have pretty much cut them off because of their xenophobia. 

Without the help of elven farmers, their fields only produce about a quarter what the rest of the kingdoms do. That Orion guy thought that killing Alice would make the commerce guild renege on their deal and look elsewhere, where he would then swoop in and take the deal, earning valuable food for his country.

Dunno how he thought that would work.

As she goes into the details about the attack, I can’t help the flaming rage that builds inside of me. This dumb bastard tried to kill Alice. He tried to kill one of MY girls.

“He’s gonna die…”

I feel a chilly air coming from my right as I see Lulu’s eyes looking into the distance, cold, yet filled with anger. Seeing her like this makes me feel sad… I don’t wish for any of my girls to ever feel like this…

Alice, as well, seems to have an angry look on her face, though hers seems to be more aimed at herself. I reach out and hold her hand, running my fingers over her knuckles comfortingly before saying,

“Don’t worry, we’ll get him, okay? You’re much stronger now… That guy doesn’t stand a chance.”

She looks at me gratefully before I lean in and plant a gentle kiss on her lips. My hand rests on the back of her head, rubbing her scalp as we pull away.

“And we’ll be with you the entire time, okay?”

She starts to tear up and nods her head, leaning into a hug with me. I rub circles on her back and hum to her, causing her to nuzzle into me. It seems that after becoming half demon, she’s gotten much more physically affectionate.

I look over and see Lulu looking at me with jealousy clear on her face, so I hold open my arms and motion for her to join us. She settles into the hug with us before asking the question we were all wondering;

“So, when are we killing that guy?”

We all pause for a second before I answer,

“We could go now? I mean, better to get him while he’s still in the city, right? Only issue is where he could be…”

Mina speaks up after me,

“If he’s a member of the cult, there’s a building they have rented. He’ll likely be there with the other cultists. That guy you two killed to protect me lived there. When I’d see him at the bars, he was always complaining about how the nicest house they could have was right next to ‘that knife ear’s mansion.’ If that’s the case, it’s probably the mansion next to Armistead Graupin’s mansion.”

I nod my head, looking out of the window and seeing the sun beginning to set. It seems our post-evolution nap took quite a bit of our day time.

“Alright. After it turns night, we should head out to find this mansion. What do you guys wanna do while we wait?”

The second I ask the question, I realize that I probably already know the answer. Alice’s hand tracing my inner thigh tells me all I need to know. I then feel Lulu’s hand rest on my lower back, slowly lowering dangerously close to my ass. I chuckle to myself before saying,

“Alright… Stupid question.”

I’m about to lean into the girl’s touches before looking up at Mina. I expected her to look either uncomfortable or embarrassed, but instead I see her looking at us like she’s in heat. She speaks to us three in the most timid of voices,

“C-can… I join in?”

I smile at her before picking up Lulu and Alice in one arm each and motioning for Mina to follow us. I gently toss the two on the bed before picking up Mina and doing the same thing. Without hesitation, I store my clothing, revealing myself fully. Alice looks down at my dick, looking a bit nervous before asking,

“Gods damn… Did you somehow get bigger? Seems that evolution did more than just change your demonic features…”

Mina looks at me like a schoolgirl experiencing her first time, her eyes wide, cheeks flush, and a hand covering her mouth,

“Oh my…”

Lulu licks her lips before immediately moving to position her head on the side of the bed, opening her mouth and licking the tip of my dick. The warm, soft texture of her tongue sends a shiver down my spine. Alice is about to go down on Lulu before looking over at Mina and motioning for her to do it instead. She nods her head sheepishly and slowly walks over to the bed, crawling on top of it and positioning herself behind Lulu. Her tongue slowly traces between Lulu’s labia, earning a moan from her as I slowly push my dick down her throat.

Alice rubs Mina’s back and goes to help her strip. As her shirt comes up, it reveals two large scars on her lower back. Alice looks shocked at first, and Mina seems to freeze in fear of our reactions, but Alice merely begins to rub her back reassuringly. I make a mental note to ask her about those after. I have a feeling I know what they are from…

I feel Lulu moan around my cock as I bottom out in her throat. Mina’s ministrations begin to make Lulu rock her hips gently, seeking more friction. Alice slowly strips off her own clothes before positioning herself right behind Mina, slowly licking up the girls thighs and teasing her pussy.

Mina’s butt wiggles slowly involuntarily as Alice’s tongue prods her clit playfully. I see Alice looking at the back of Mina’s head with a playful smirk before she reaches up with her hands and gently massages the girl’s round ass cheeks.

I slowly start to speed up my thrusts as I feel Lulu’s throat getting used to my size again. Her tongue laps at my tip every time it can, sending shivers down my spine and warmth up my stomach. I feel pressure starting to build in my crotch as I watch Mina’s orgasm begin to build. Her body starts to convulse slightly before fully giving in,

“Ah!~ Alice!~”

She moans loudly, filling the room with the sounds of sex. My heart pounds as I watch her orgasm, the vibrations from her moans sends a jolt through Lulu, causing her own orgasm to build. Her throat tightens around my dick as she orgasms.

“Mmmk!~ Ghhhh!~”

The look of pure bliss on Lulu’s face brings me closer to orgasm as well, but doesn’t quite push my over the edge. I’m just about to pull out, as I feel her hands grab my hips and begin moving me again, sending me down her throat once more. Her tongue rubs my length and feels almost like it sends shocks through my cock.

“Ahn~ Lulu!~”

Alice comes over to my and rubs my breasts while whispering in my ear,

“Cum in her~ Fill her throat with your love~ It’s my turn next!~”

She lightly licks my neck, going up to lightly bite my chin. The gentle touches bring me over the edge, causing my dick tip to swell as I shoot ropes of cum into Lulu’s throat, feeling it tighten around me as I do.

“Mmmm! Fuck! Guh!~”

I hold my cock down Lulu’s throat, feeling her swallow around it as I come down from my orgasm. I slowly pull my dick out, looking down at the two girls lying on the bed completely exhausted. Before I have a chance to lie down with them, I feel a warm hand wrap around my saliva-covered dick.

“Not so fast, Lily!~ I still have to have my turn with this monster!”

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