Twin Demonlords | Elaria Chronicles

Chapter 3 – Leaving the Cave

I felt inspired and just let this chapter flow through me! I was originally gonna have another sex scene in this chapter, but felt like adding a bit more romantic stuff in instead. The fluffy stuff is nice too :3.

Our journey through the cave started with a single step. And ended with far too many more. Seriously, we’ve been walking for like an hour straight. How deep is this cave? It’s also strange that it’s in such a straight line, as well! I mean, we’ve been at a slight decline the entire time, but other than that it’s perfectly straight! I’m a little confused that we can see so clearly in such a dark place, but I imagine that has something to do with our race.

I get a little curious, we haven’t said anything about it yet, but I wanna know Lulu’s status. Oh yeah, I call Lulura Lulu now. She calls me Lilly, as well. 

I walk slightly faster to get ahead of her, and turn around walking backwards before asking,

“Hey, Lulu, can I see your status? I have a skill that might let me do it.”

She nods her head,

“Sure! I wanna see yours too!”

I nod back and use the SS rank skill, Universal Appraisal. The way to activate it is actually pretty simple, I just have to will it to work and it does!



[Appraisal complete!]

}~~~~{Appraised Status}~~~~{

[Name:] Lulura Fellgrim

[Race:] High Elf

[(Hidden) Race:] Demon (5x - Stat Gain | 3x - XP required per level)

[Tag: Fae]

[(Hidden) Tag:] Infernal

[Class: B Fae Lancer]

[(Hidden)Class: B Infernal Spearwoman]



[(Hidden) U Summoned Demon: Immunity to enslavement]

[(Hidden) U Sin of Lust: Gains experience through sexual encounters]

[(Hidden) SSS Demon Lord Seed: has the prerequisites to eventually become a Demon Lord]


[(Hidden) Taboos:] (Note: Taboos are tagged as infernal)

[Taboo of Corrupted Twins: Gain extra experience through sex with twin]


[Level: 2]



[STR: 210(630)]

[DEF: 330(990)]

[DEX: 170(510)]

[INT: 100(200)]

[WIS: 190(380)]


[Skills:] (Note: All tag:Infernal skills are hidden from sight)

[Active Skills: SS Universal Appraisal / S Phantom Spear / B Hellpiercer / B Hermes Boost / C Infernal Spearmaster / D Shield / E Basic Spearmanship / E Basic Tanking / (TABOO) Debilitating Strike]

[Passive Skills: U Twin Connection / L Demonic Growth / SS Demonic Royalty / S Curse Aura / A Fire Immunity / A Soul Drain / B Regeneration / B Lesser Infernal Element / E Lesser Fire Element / E Lesser Illusion Magic / (TABOO) Insanity Immunity]

}~~~~~{Status End}~~~~~{

We continue to view each other’s statuses while we walk, looking over every line. I can tell that we got some pretty different active skills, but the same exact passive ones. I guess the passive skills weren’t really exclusive to one class or the other. One thing I do notice is the new title, Demon Lord Seed. Sounds gross. Keep your seed away from me and my girl.

Jokes aside, this whole thing does remind me of an anime I watched in my past life. One where a not-so-bad slime kills a big number of humans and becomes a demon lord. I can’t for the life of me remember that name. It was probably way too long, so I blocked it out.

If what I’m thinking is true, when we find a way to awaken these seeds we should sky rocket in power.

Also, it makes me feel a little sad that there’s three physical stats, but only two magical ones. That means she’s pretty much always gonna have higher stats than me by technicality. At the same time, I’m grateful. I want Lulu to be as strong as possible.

When we do finally reach the exit, I can feel something blocking the entrance. I hold out my arm, blocking Lulu from walking any further, before playfully speaking in a knightly voice,

“Just a second, princess. I shall deal with this unpleasant feeling!”

I use appraisal on the weird feeling up ahead.


[SSS rank skill, Demonic Misdirection has been cast on the cave entrance. Beings with tag:Infernal are able to both sense and walk through the illusory wall, while others will see it as being no different to their surroundings. It also causes people to walk away from the entrance.]

Wow, surprisingly in-depth. I look over to Lulu and nod triumphantly.

“We can walk right through it!”

She jokes back at me,

“I thank you deeply, my gallant knight! Whatever would I do without you?”

We both chuckle a little bit before I take hold of her hand and walk through the barrier. As we step out to the other side, I smell the fresh air for the first time in this world.

We stepped out onto an outcropping overlooking a vast, verdant forest. Trees spread out for what seems like miles both straight ahead and in my periphery. I turn around and look behind us. Titanic mountains pierce the skies above, so unbelievably tall that I couldn’t even begin to fathom their height, snow caps their peaks, while trees desperately dig into the sides every now and then, unwilling to stop their spread even against such a gigantic foe.

Looking back where we came from reveals a completely normal mountain face. Had we not been demons, we never would have thought there might be a secret here.

Lulu lets go of my hand suddenly, walking towards the edge of the cliff without saying a word. She looks out over the horizon before holding out her hand, feeling the long, golden grass that reaches just above her waist. She stands at the edge, staring into the brilliant pinks, oranges, reds, and yellows of the morning sky.

I come up behind her and warp my arms around her waist, before resting my head on her shoulder. I can feel a slight tightness in her body, and instinctively know that something is wrong. I speak to her in a soothing tone,

“This is real, baby girl. I am real. You are real. You’re not dreaming.”

I hear her start sniffling and feel the stiffness in her body begin to dissipate. She suddenly turns around and wraps me in a tight hug. I hold her tight, wrapping one arm around her waist and holding the back of her head with the other. She speaks to me with a shaky voice,

“I… In the other world, I was confined to a hospital bed. I had some disease I couldn’t even begin to pronounce the name of. Ever since I was five, I could only remember doctors coming and going from my room. Students would come in and look at me as though I were an experiment. The doctors always told me I would never be able to see the outside world again. I had so many dreams after reading fantasy books and watching movies. I’d always got my hopes up with every dream, wanting so desperately for them to be true that I deluded myself… This one… I really don’t want this to be one.”

I hold her there for a few seconds, taking in everything she says. A few tears begin to fall from my own eyes as I imagine what she lived through. But I power through them. What she needs right now is someone to ground her. To show her that this world is real. I decide to just let the words flow through me,

“The fact that you’re having these thoughts should be proof enough that this isn’t a dream. Throughout all of those past dreams, did you ever once consider that they were dreams while they were happening?”

She thinks for a second before nodding her head. I smile and continue on,

“And what happened after you realized you were dreaming?”

She pauses for a second before looking up at me with wet, doe eyes,

“I… Started to fly… I left the planet and went to space… Because I knew I could… Because it was a dream…”

I look down at my beautiful twin and playfully boop her on the nose,

“Then fly. If this truly is a dream, and you’ve realized it is, you surely could do that, right? I mean, you’ve done it before haven’t you?”

She releases her hold on me and walks back before suddenly jumping into the air. She goes up much higher than I thought she would, a good twenty feet, but then comes straight back down. She lands on her feet with a light thud, instinctively landing as softly as possible. I walk up to her while she slowly begins to understand that this is real,

“This isn’t a dream, princess. I’m not a dream. You can smell the fresh air, feel the wind in your hair,”

I smirk at her and speak in a joking tone,

“And taste the cum from my dick!”

Her face goes beet red as I begin to laugh. 

“Hey! We were being serious! Pft! Hahahaha!”

She soon can no longer fight it and joins in on the laughter. As we start to calm down, I reach up with a finger and wipe the tears from her eyes,

“See, princess? I’m here with you. And I will be until the end of our lives. You’re my soulmate, baby. Even if this were a dream, that still wouldn’t change it. I’d just have to get married to my literal dream girl!”

I smile at her and bring her in for another hug. We stay silent for a few seconds, just enjoying the warmth of each other’s bodies before she speaks again,

“So… Does this mean we’re dating?”

I suddenly stiffen and pull back, giving her a ‘you serious?’ look before I sigh and shake my head.

“I thought that much was obvious. Well, we may as well make it official! Lulura Fellgrim, will you go out with me?”

She excitedly nods her head and says,

“I do!”

I can’t help but laugh at this as she realizes what exactly she said. I put a hand on her shoulder and say,

“You skipped a step entirely! Hahah! Well, I wouldn’t mind going straight to marriage! You are my soulmate, after all!”

She gets beet red again before pushing her face back into my chest. I feel a little stunned by this before her words play in my ears like a songbird,

“I-I wouldn’t mind either, mommy…”

I feel my face start to get hot before I reach up and gently grab her chin, pulling her up to where she’s looking me in the eye.

“If that’s what you want, baby girl. I love you.”

She melts in my hand as I wrap my other arm around her waist, pulling her body close to mine. Hearts begin to show in her eyes again as she speaks to me with a breathy voice,

“I love you too, mooooommy!~”

I’m gonna fuck my girl silly tonight.

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