Twin Demonlords | Elaria Chronicles


Before you read this, I wanna state something. Just because a skill is of a high rank doesn’t mean that it’ll be incredibly powerful. Skills gain or lose power based on the strength of the person using them. Like giving a kid a sword. Sure, it’s still dangerous, but an adult would be far more dangerous.

Starting from the weakest:

[Mundane / No Rank]

An item with no rank has no magical power at all. There are no skills with no rank. Only objects and creatures can be mundane.


This is the weakest rank. Objects of this rank have a minimal amount of magical power. Skills of F-rank are only really useful for household chores. Example: Gust for dusting, Ember for lighting fires.


This rank is where skills and objects start to have some real combat potential. An E-rank stick would be able to go toe to toe with a mundane steel sword, and win. Skills start to have a bit of power at this rank. Example: Casting a water ball around someone’s face and causing them to drown.


Skills of this rank are devastating to be hit by, and can kill low leveled people with ease. This is the average rank of skill for adventurers and soldiers alike. Most monsters will also only ever reach this rank. Example: Earth Gouge causes a spike to fly up with the speed of an arrow from below someone, skewering them.


Skills and items of this rank are uncommon, but not rare. Most C-rank items can go for a good amount of money at auctions. Skills of this rank are capable of destroying walls with ease. Example: using the skill Instant Slash to cut through a brick wall.


These are rare and hard to come by. Skills of this rank are capable of destroying buildings with ease. Example: Using the skill Everburn to create a fire that will melt a stone house into magma.


The people with A-rank skills are few and far between. Every person with an A-rank skills is considered a master in their own right. Skills of this level are capable of destroying multiple houses at once. Example: Dimension blade cutting every building fifty meters in front of it in half.


The general populace believes that S-rank skills and above only exist in legends. Skills of this rank are capable of destroying entire cities with a single attack. Example: 






There are no records of SSS-rank skills or items ever existing. They’ve been theorized to be unobtainable by mortals.


L-rank, or Legendary rank skills and items are known to exist. The Spear of Earth and Heaven used to kill 


was an L-rank item. It was crafted from the wood of the world tree (the earth) and divine iron from a fallen star (the heaven).


L-rank skills are the strongest skills that exist in this world. At least conventionally.

The following ranks are either unrankable, or have skills that vary in strength.


U-rank or Unique skills are skills that are unique to a person, race, gender, or any other grouping. While they may sound strong, they can be something like the skill Water Breathing, which allows mermaids to breathe underwater even without gills. Or they could be something like the skill Divine Smith, which allows the user to work with Divine Iron.


TABOO is not an actual rank of skill. A taboo is any skill, title, item, or being that simply should not exist or defies the most common ethics of the world. An example is the Taboo of Corrupted Twins. The connection twins share isn’t normally sexual in any way. However, twins that form a romantic or sexual relationship will find themselves with this taboo. This taboo can cause the twins immense suffering if they do not have the tag Infernal. It could be as mild as their connection being severed altogether, or as bad as one of the twins aging to dust in mere seconds. As you can see, if you aren’t tagged as infernal, you don’t want to have a TABOO. Having one TABOO is a requirement to become a demon lord.

For now, this is all of the ranks that appear in my story. This list may gain a few entries in the future, but for now this is it.

This next section is dedicated to showing how different species level up. Each species has their own modifiers for their stat gain and growth speed. Some races level extremely slowly, but each level makes them many times stronger, while some may level fast but see little growth. None of this is really spoilers, but if you'd rather find out the multipliers as you read, this part is skippable.

Humans | 1x Stat gain, 1x Xp requirement

High Humans | 1x Stat gain, 0.25x Xp Requirement (Restrictions Apply)

Elves | 1.5x Stat gain, 2x Xp requirement

High Elves | 4x Stat gain, 5x Xp requirement

Dwarves | 1.2x Stat gain, 1.4x Xp requirement

Orcs | 1x Stat gain, 0.8x Xp requirement

Fairies | 3x Stat gain, 2x Xp requirement

Angels | 5x Stat gain, 3x Xp requirement

Demons | 5x Stat Gain, 3x Xp requirement

Dragons | 10x Stat gain, 20x Xp requirement

Demon Lords | 10x Stat gain, 5x Xp requirement (Restrictions Apply)

That's all I have for this page for now. More stuff may be added on later, like the names of gods, the planet, and different cities. Let me know if you guys can think of anything that should go on this page!

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