Twin Flames: The Eastern Chronicles

Chapter 14

One evening, Thekkur is placed on guard duty, watching a doorway to the Golden Hall, his eyes scanning the room inside. He can see the crowd of guests and officials moving and talking among themselves, enjoying the entertainment provided by the court entertainers. As he stands there, he suddenly notices a familiar figure amongst the crowd - the court dancer, Amalthea, moving and twisting elegantly on the dance floor. Thekkur can't help but watch her, his eyes transfixed on her every movement. He takes in the way her long bell sleeves move and sway with each gesture, almost like the wings of an exotic bird doing a mating dance, and it’s definitely having its effect on him . He is once again captivated by her grace and agility, the way she moves across the hall with such ease and elegance, as if she's floating across the floor. As Amalthea dances, she suddenly looks up and notices Thekkur watching her from the doorway. Their eyes meet for a brief moment, and a flicker of recognition passes between them. Thekkur feels his heart skip a beat, but he tries to remain composed and professional, trying not to show the effect she has on him, the way he hasn't stopped thinking about her since he first saw her. He watches as the song ends and Amalthea leaves the dance floor and exits through another doorway, disappearing out of sight. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm the butterflies in his stomach. He knows he's supposed to remain focused on his duty, but his mind keeps wandering to the beautiful dancer, and her caramel-colored hair, the way their eyes met for a moment and time seemed to slow down.

Later that night, Thekkur is dismissed and walks down the hall to return to his barracks. As he walks, he passes the familiar tall woman in the hall. His heart skips a beat and he quickly straightens himself up as he politely nods to her as she passes. He pauses as she walks off and turns to watch her walk for a moment, before he follows after her, catching up quickly.

“Excuse me,” he says in a low voice. Amalthea stops and turns around, a perplexed look on her face as she recognizes Thekkur from earlier. She arches an eyebrow, intrigued by his sudden approach. “I saw you dancing... I had to say something.” Amalthea looks him over, a small, coy smile playing on her lips. She's used to attention from admirers, but there's something different about him. He seems genuine and sincere, unlike some of the noblemen who had tried to woo her with expensive gifts and empty compliments. “Why do you do it? Why do you dance like that?” Amalthea considers his question for a moment, before answering.

“It's hard to explain,” she says. “It's like the music takes me over, and I I don't think about it, I just feel it, and let my body move.” She pauses before asking, a curious look on her face. “You've been watching me, haven't you? Several times now.”

“Yes…” He takes off his helmet, running his hand through his pressed hair absent-mindedly. “I’ll admit, I was bewitched.” Amalthea smiles at Thekkur's honest answer, appreciating his directness. She can see the admiration and fascination in his eyes, and it makes her feel flattered and a little bit shy.

“Bewitched, hm? That's a strong word,” she teases, a hint of flirtation in her tone.

“Your dancing is captivating to me, my lady... I had to know more about you.” Thekkur responds with a grin. Amalthea blushes slightly at Thekkur's compliment. She can feel the sincerity in his words, and it makes her heart flutter a little.

“You're quite the charmer,” she says with a smile. “What do you want to know?”

“Everything... I was about to go to the garden, if you'd like to join me…” Amalthea looks at Thekkur for a moment, a small smile on her face. She can see the anticipation in his eyes, and she finds it endearing and flattering that he wants to get to know her better.

“The garden sounds lovely,” she nods. “Lead the way, sir.” Thekkur grins and leads her to the garden, his heart pounding in his chest. He can hardly believe he's walking alongside the beautiful court dancer he's been admiring from afar. As they walk, Thekkur tries to find the right words to continue the conversation. They arrive at the gardens and walk slowly, the moonlight illuminating their surroundings.

“What's your name?” He asks, gazing down at her, although already knowing the answer.

“Amalthea, and yours?” Thekkur stops, gently taking her hand, kissing it politely.

“Pleasure to meet you, miss Amalthea… I am Thekkur Sibir, member of the Varangian Guard... At your service.” She blushes a little at Thekkur's gentlemanly gesture, feeling a flutter in her chest at the warm touch of his lips on her skin. She smiles shyly, looking up at him through her eyelashes.

“The pleasure is all mine,” she replies, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Where are you from, Amalthea?”

“I was born here in Constantinople, but my family originally comes from the countryside. We are a family of dancers and artists.” She looks up at Thekkur. “What about you? If I remember correctly, the Varangian Guard is made up of foreigners, is that right?” Thekkur nods, his eyes roaming over her face.

“I am Rus from Siberia... A small village east of the Kara sea. Your uncle is a member of the court here, yes?”

“Mh-hm, my uncle is a courtier and advisor to the emperor. He's the one who got me into dancing.” She pauses, studying Thekkur's face in the moonlight. “You must have traveled a long way to end up in Constantinople, is that right?”

“My twin and I traveled far indeed... But it was worth it... I'm growing fond of this city and the jewels it contains.” He says with a small smile gesturing to her as he sits down under an olive tree. Amalthea settles down next to him, her skirts pooling around her. She can feel Thekkur's gaze on her, and it makes her feel both excited and a little flustered. She glances up at him, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

“Oh, you're quite the charmer, aren't you? Comparing me to a jewel?” She teases, cocking an eyebrow.

“I'd dare to say you are more fair than all the jewels contained on the Emperor's crown, my lady.” She blushes at his compliment, her heart fluttering a little. She hadn't expected such a sweet and poetic response from the stoic member of the Varangian Guard. She smiles shyly, fiddling with the hem of her dress.

“You certainly know how to flatter a lady, don't you?” She replies, her voice soft and amused. He smirks, looking down at her hands.

“I mean not to just flatter you... I think you're magical.”

Amalthea can feel her heart skip a beat at Thekkur's words. They aren't just empty flattery; there seems to be a hint of sincere admiration in them that touches her. She looks up at him, her eyes slightly widened.

“Magical? How so?” She can feel her cheeks burning slightly under his gaze. Nobody had ever described her like that before. Thekkur looks back at her, his gaze sincere and intense. He seems to struggle for a moment, trying to find the right words.

“Your dancing... It's like you become a different person when you dance. The way you move, the way you express yourself, it's like you become a part of the music, and it's mesmerizing to watch.” He pauses, a small smile playing on his lips. “And beyond that... There's just something about you that draws me in. I can't quite put my finger on it.” Amalthea feels her breath catch as Thekkur gently tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. It's such a small and intimate gesture that it makes her feel warm and tingly all over. She looks up at him, their faces just inches apart, and she can feel the electricity in the air between them.

“You're a strange one, you know that?” She murmurs, her voice soft and a little breathless.

“But you like strange, don't you?” Amalthea lets out a small laugh, her eyes sparkling with amusement. She can't deny that there's something about Thekkur's mysterious and rugged charm that she finds incredibly seductive.

“I suppose I do,” she admits, her voice tinged with a hint of coyness. "I've always had a fondness for the unusual and unpredictable.”

“I have a feeling we'll get along together quite well then…”

“I think you might be right,” she replies, her voice almost a whisper, as they lean in and kiss, under the olive tree above them bathed in cool moonlight.

That night, Oleksandr sits in the barracks at his desk, going over his writing lessons in the dim candle light, and he can't help but wonder where Thekkur is. It's not unusual for his twin to be out late, but he can't shake the feeling that something is different this time. He tries to focus on his work, but he finds his mind keeps wandering to his brother and his whereabouts. He can sense he's nearby, and he straightens up in his chair, his senses sharpening. He can feel his twin's presence getting closer, and he can almost sense the hum of his energy through the air. He turns his head towards the door, waiting for it to open and his brother to walk through. Thekkur arrives in the room with a small grin on his lips as he drops his helmet on its stand and unties the laces of his tunic. Oleksandr can't help but arch an eyebrow, a little curious about what his brother has been up to.

“You look pleased with yourself,” he remarks, a hint of suspicion in his voice.

“I am.”

“Care to reveal why?”

“I was with a girl…” He tosses aside his chainmail and crashes down on his bed with a sigh. Oleksandr's eyes widen at his twin's admission. He wasn't expecting that. He looks over at his brother's sprawled out form on the bed, a mixture of surprise and amusement flickering across his face.

“A girl, huh? And who exactly is this girl?” He asks, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest.

“That pretty blonde court dancer we saw a while ago. I had to talk to her. She likes me, I think..”

“The court dancer, huh? That explains a lot.” He looks at Thekkur, his gaze turning a little skeptical. “And you're not just saying that because she's pretty, are you?”

“No way. I was kissing her in the garden.” Oleksandr lets out a low whistle, his grin widening.

“You kissed her? Oh, you are one smooth talker, aren't you?” He teases.

“Yeah bro. I'm going to see her again. Maybe after my duties tomorrow…” Thekkur muses, flipping over in his bed.

Oleksandr can't resist the urge to tease his brother a little more.

“Oh, so now it's 'I'm going to see her again', is it? Are you getting serious about this girl, brother?”

“I don't know. I've only met her this once, but... Since the first time I saw her I couldn't stop thinking about her. I really like her. I want to keep her around.”

Oleksandr's expression softens at his brother's sincere and smitten words. He can sense the genuine affection and desire in Thekkur's voice. He leans back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest.

“You don't usually get attached so easily. I take it this girl has really gotten under your skin.”

“Mmm,” he grunts in agreement, burying his face in his pillow. “She smells like... roses and cloves.” Oleksandr chuckles at his brother's infatuated description of the girl. He can practically see the hearts in Thekkur's eyes.

“Roses and cloves, huh? You're whipped, aren't you?”

“Piss off…”

Oleksandr laughs. “Looks like I hit a nerve. Just admit it, you're completely smitten with this girl.”

“Maybe I am. I guess we'll see where this goes.” Thekkur sighs. Oleksandr leans back in his chair, his smirk transforming into a small, almost fond smile. He watches his brother for a moment, feeling a sense of brotherly affection.

“You have it bad, brother,” he muses, amusement gleaming in his eyes.

“Mmm.” He watches Thekkur bury his face in the pillow, hiding his expression. He can sense the mixture of vulnerability and excitement in his brother's energy.

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