Twin Flames: The Eastern Chronicles

Chapter 16

A few months later, the brothers sit around a bonfire in the olive grove outside of the training field. Thekkur and Amalthea sit close together, their bodies practically pressed up against each other. They’re officially a couple now, spending almost all of their down time together, and have grown to love and care for each other deeply. They're part of a larger group of their comrades, enjoying the evening together. Thekkur has his arm casually slung around Amalthea's shoulder, and they're engaged in lighthearted conversation with Oleksandr. The night is cooling with the first signs of winter in the air, but the warmth of the fire and their closeness keeps them comfortable. They chat and laugh with the others, enjoying the relaxed atmosphere of the gathering. Oleksandr and Thekkur hold a bottle of barracks-brewed mead between them, passing it back and forth as they banter with the men sitting around them. They're laughing and joking, the alcohol making their words and gestures more loose and animated, their rough accents thicker than usual. The other men in their little group, some Rus and a Celt, join in the banter, the conversation becoming more lively and colorful as the mead continues to flow. The atmosphere is friendly and comfortable, the men enjoying each other's company around the fire. They look over as some men start to hoot and holler, the cause being the comrades that are approaching with various instruments, signaling an impending song. Thekkur can feel a sense of anticipation building, and he turns to look at Oleksandr with a knowing smile. The fire's flames cast long, dancing shadows across the men's faces as they begin to warm up their instruments, tuning and testing the strings on the lyre, the jaw harp, and the drums. Thekkur leans back, his arm still around Amalthea's shoulders, eagerly awaiting the music to begin.

The men begin the song, their voices joining together in a chant-like pattern that fills the clearing with an intense energy. The words are foreign, the language harsh and guttural, but the energy and passion behind them is unmistakable. The men around the fire begin to stomp their feet in time with the music, the firelight casting an almost primal glow across their faces. They quickly catch on that the language being sung is Old Norse, based on the nationalities of the men singing. The brothers glance at each other, and they exchange a brief, knowing look. Thekkur can't help but grin, feeling a wave of pride and connection to his comrades, sharing this moment of music and culture with them.

Some of the men rise to their feet and begin to dance around the fire, their movements synchronized with the music and the chants. Their feet stomp against the ground, sending up a cloud of dust and adding to the intensity of the performance. Oleksandr and Thekkur watch, cheering on the dancing men and clapping in time with the music, the energy around the fire becoming almost contagious. Thekkur can feel his own feet itching to join in, the music and energy of the song calling to him. He looks at Oleksandr, who seems to be having the same thought, and they share a brief, almost wordless agreement to join the dancing men. Amalthea claps her hands and giggles as they spring up to join in. Thekkur grins, feeling a sense of exhilaration and excitement as he moves to the music, his body moving in time with the other dancers. They stomp their feet, clap their hands, and twist their bodies in a wild, almost feral dance around the fire, fueled by the energy of the music and the adrenaline coursing through their veins. The night passes in a blur of music, dance, and alcohol, the bonfire burning bright and hot as the men continue their performance. The men howl like animals and dance, their bodies moving with a wild abandon, lost in the moment and the thrill of the music. The air is thick with the scent of smoke and alcohol, and the sound of the instruments and the men's chanting rings out through the olive grove.

A couple of years pass. The brothers are thoroughly educated, excelling in their studies and training in the art of war. They are high ranking Varangians, often sent to lead squadrons of soldiers into various battles and campaigns. They thrive within the Guard, quickly developing a reputation for their exceptional skills and leadership abilities. They are known for their prowess on the battlefield, their strategic command skills, and their ability to inspire and motivate their fellow soldiers. The two of them work seamlessly together, their bond and coordination as strong as ever, making them a formidable force within the Guard. Word of their successes spreads throughout the Empire, and they become well-known and respected throughout Constantinople.

The brothers become fluent in many languages from experience and education, and receive baptism. Oleksandr especially fosters a close relationship with God, often going to visit monks, seeking out wisdom and guidance, and engaging in deep discussions of faith and spirituality. The brothers consider Constantinople their home they never had, and they defend her with their iron will and impeccable might.

One late afternoon, the brothers sit together in a small cove on the beach, smoking their pipes, feeling the warm, Mediterranean sea lap at their bare feet as they bathe in the sun, keeping up a nice tan. The soft, rhythmic sound of the water provides a soothing backdrop for their conversation, a gentle breeze rustling through their hair and cooling the air. Thekkur takes a deep breath, savoring the moment of tranquility before breaking the comfortable silence.

"I'm going to ask her to marry me." Thekkur says softly, his eyes squinted as he looks out at the bright blue waters. Oleksandr's eyes widen in surprise, and he looks at Thekkur with a mixture of excitement and disbelief. He takes a moment to process this new information, and then a smile slowly spreads across his face. He reaches out and claps a hand on Thekkur's shoulder, his voice filled with pride and joy.

"Really? You're going to propose to her?" Thekkur smiles softly and nods.

"Yes... Our four year anniversary is soon. I got her a ring. I already asked her father." Oleksandr grins wider and squeezes Thekkur's shoulder affectionately. His voice is filled with excitement and admiration, his eyes dancing with happy surprise.

"That's wonderful! Four years is a significant milestone, and I can tell you've been thinking about this for a while." He pauses for a moment, his smile softening as he takes a puff from his pipe. "What kind of ring did you get for her?" Thekkur grins as he grabs his pack off the stone and digs through it, holding the pipe in his mouth. He takes out a small leather sachet and opens it up, pulling out a thick, gold ring with a large ruby embedded in it. The gold has intricate engravings in it. Oleksandr's jaw drops as he sees the ring, his eyes widening in disbelief and admiration. He reaches out to take the ring, his fingers tracing the engravings and the sparkling ruby

"God... This is beautiful. She's going to love it." He hands it back to Thekkur, his smile widening as he shakes his head in disbelief. "You really went all out for her. That must have cost a small fortune."

Thekkur nods. "Yeah. About six months pay. You think it's enough?" Oleksandr raises his eyebrows, impressed by the cost of the ring but also a bit concerned.

"Six months? That's a lot. I think it's a beautiful ring, and I know it'll mean a lot to her. But I hope you didn't have to go into debt or sacrifice other things you need to get it for her."

"It's not like we spend our money anyways." Thekkur laughs as he drops the ring back in the pouch. Oleksandr chuckles, shrugging with a nod.

"True. The Emperor pays well, and we have few expenses. You were able to save up for half a year, I'd say that's pretty good. I'm sure you have more than enough for the wedding."

"I really love her, Olek." Oleksandr smiles, a fond and knowing look in his eyes as he pats Thekkur's back affectionately.

"I know you do, brother. You've been happier these past few years than I've ever seen you. She's good for you, and you're good for her. I can't think of anyone better for you to spend the rest of your life with."

"I want to buy her a nice villa just outside of the city, near the ocean. Maybe with some lemon trees. And when you get married, you can build a house there too, on the property, and we can raise our children together, and our brides can keep eachother company while we're away." Oleksandr grins at Thekkur's suggestion, imagining the two of them building their lives together with their families nearby. It's a beautiful image, and he feels a strong bond of love and friendship between them.

"That sounds perfect, Theko. Building a home near the ocean with you, our wives just a short walk away, and our children playing together in the sunshine. That’s a beautiful dream to work towards."

"We can do it. You just have to find yourself a lady already." Oleksandr chuckles and playfully punches Thekkur's arm, rolling his eyes affectionately.

"Oh, don't worry about me. I'll find someone eventually. It won't take long before some beautiful young maiden captures my heart." He grins, a hint of sarcasm in his voice as he puffs on his pipe. Thekkur smirks and looks back out to the ocean, pondering the future. He speaks more softly this time.

"Don't worry, Oleks. Just because I'm getting married doesn't mean you'll see me any less..." Oleksandr looks over at his brother, his expression softening at his words. He leans back against the rock, feeling an ache of bittersweet emotion in his chest.

"I know, I know. I just... I worry about things changing too much between us. I've never lived without you in my life, little brother. I don't want to lose that."

"Twenty-three years, and we've never been apart for longer than a day. I think I'd go insane without you by my side." Oleksandr nods, a solemn and somber look in his eyes as he considers just how close the two of them are. The thought of being separated by a marriage is a scary and uncomfortable one.

"I know what you mean. I can't remember a time when you weren't by my side. We're more than brothers, we're practically the same person. We’re all the family and kin we have. And when you marry that girl, I’ll be there to help whenever you need, I’ll take care of your family as my own."

"I don’t doubt it, Olek. You're my soulmate, man. Through-and-through." Oleksandr smiles, a warm, affectionate look in his eyes as he looks over at Thekkur, clasping his forearm.

"And you're mine, little brother. We're two halves of a whole. No matter what happens, I'll always be there for you. And I know you'll always do the same for me." The twins finish smoking their pipes in silence. The brothers have a relaxing and enjoyable afternoon on the beach, swimming in the crystal clear waters and enjoying the sunny, warm weather. As the sun dips below the horizon, bathing the sky in shades of pink and orange, they gather their things and walk back to the palace, feeling content and refreshed from their day at the beach. As they walk to their barracks, Oleksandr speaks up.

"I've been thinking about taking a trip to Mount Athos." Thekkur looks over at him, his brow raised in curiosity at the unexpected mention of Mount Athos.

"Mount Athos? That's quite a trek. Why do you want to go there?"

"Since I learned about it I've been fascinated by the concept. This beautiful forested island, untouched by time and the outside world, a holy place dedicated to meditation and prayer. It's also a bit difficult to enter but Father Christanos could get us a letter of approval." Thekkur nods, his expression contemplative as he considers Oleksandr's words. The idea of a holy, secluded place of peace and solitude certainly seems appealing.

"I've heard a bit about it myself. It's supposedly quite a beautiful spot, with some ancient monasteries and breathtaking views."

"Yeah. Samorix visited when he first came here actually. When he first converted."

Thekkur's eyebrows raise in surprise. He looks at Oleksandr thoughtfully as they continue walking.

"Really? That's impressive. What did he say about it?"

"He said that it really changed his perspective on a lot of things, meeting those men who dedicate every moment of their lives to worship. He said it was almost like being in a different realm, among men where worldly problems weren't a concern. He said he was given formative advice by a few of the monks. He said he met one elderly monk who had never seen or met a woman before in his life." Thekkur looks at his brother, his expression incredulous.

"That's... That's just crazy. I mean, how does that even work? How can a person go their whole life without ever seeing a woman?"

"Apparently his mother died in childbirth and he was taken to the island as an orphan, and he never left. And, you know, women aren't allowed on the island, so he never met one." Thekkur whistles, shaking his head in disbelief at the story. It's almost surreal, the idea of living in such seclusion, so cut off from the world.

"That's wild, man. I can't imagine growing up in that kind of setting. No women, no distractions... Just endless worship and solitude. It's almost too extreme to comprehend."

“Yeah, I’m sure he was the most peaceful man on earth.” Oleksandr jokes, causing Thekkur to snicker.

"Man, a nagging woman is better than no woman."

“Debatable. But, yeah. I'm thinking about going out there next week. You want to tag along?" Thekkur considers the idea for a moment, a contemplative look on his face. The thought of a spiritual journey and the chance to explore a new, exotic location is intriguing. After a moment he grins and nods.

"Sure, why not. I've always wanted to go there too. Might as well go together, right?" Oleksandr grins.

"Silly question anyways. It's not like I'd go anywhere without you." Thekkur chuckles and punches his brother lightly on the arm.

"You're damn right about that. We're a package deal, always have been, always will be."

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