Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 1 (7/7)

It has come to this point, Kain doesn’t care about securing his true identity anymore. He will kill this stupid Black Panther first then kill Jaane right after that. Kain will wait for thirty minutes before bringing Jaane’s corpse back to Professor Lawson by that way she won’t be able to get revived. Killing Jaane to secure his true identity from being exposed is no big deal at all. If needed, Kain would be glad to kill the entire Mages’ Academy to better secure his true identity from being exposed. Kain took out the Blood Ring hidden under his tongue and put it in his right middle finger. He then casted [Infused Blood] to tap into its blood pool and activated [Abyssal Flesh] to transform himself into the Flesh Monster.

Witnessing Kain transformed into a Flesh Monster, Jaane opened her eyes widely in disbelief. Kain saw her reaction but he just doesn’t care anymore. “I will kill you after I’m done with this Black Panther. Don’t blame me, blame yourself for being too stupid. You could have escaped from here together with the other students, but you choose to go assist me when you are nothing but a burden on my shoulders.” Kain thought to himself but didn’t say it out loud.

Vedas also casted [Demon Anatomy I] to transform himself into a human-size demon and started fighting with Kain using his physical strength. Six minutes later. To his surprise, Kain wasn’t as weak as he thought. When Vedas was in his [Demon Anatomy V] form, he could easily overpower Kain but now in the [Demon Anatomy I] form, Vedas is struggling to land any successful attack on him.

Vedas asked, “Your physical strength isn’t weaker than a first stage Saint-tier warrior, how could it be? Are you a Legend Blood Mage?” There are eleven stages total in Saint-tier Warrior Arts. The first stage is the weakest, and the eleventh stage is the strongest.

Without using his [Abyssal Flesh] form, Kain’s physical strength was already on par with a ninth-tier warrior. But of course, Kain didn’t want to waste his time explaining this to Vedas, a magical beast that surely dies. Kain continued to fight strongly despite Vedas waiting for an answer. Vedas then deactivated his [Demon Anatomy I] and used the last ten percent out of the fifteen percent remaining mana pool he still had to cast [Demon Anatomy III] and transformed himself into a giant demon. Vedas then successfully landed some powerful gigantic punches on Kain but any injuries caused on him were quickly healed due to his active [Abyssal Flesh] form.

Kain deactivated [Second Soul] and his Second Soul who was staying inside the Blood Mages Guild faded away. Kain can now use Blood, Black, and Conjuration Magic at the same time while regaining his full health and mana that was being split with the Second Soul. “Ah… it’s good to have my real health and mana pools back.” Kain said out loud leaving Vedas confused about what he meant by that.

Kain then activated [Demon Anatomy III] to transform himself into a giant Flesh Demon combined with his [Abyssal Flesh]. This had put Kain’s physical strength on par with a third stage Saint-tier warrior. Vedas was speechless by this. “Black Magic? But you are a Conjurer Blood Mage. How can this be?” Vedas genuinely asked Kain because he hoped to hear an answer. Perhaps gaining this knowledge will help him obtain the ability to train in another Elemental Magic.

Instead of giving Vedas an answer he was looking for, Kain said, “You shouldn’t chase me here, stupid beast. It’s too late now… it’s too late!”

Kain lunged toward Vedas and their fight went on for another three minutes. Vedas’s mana pool was then finally depleted and he was forced to transform back into his true form. Vedas got even angrier but knowing there is nothing else he could do, he said in a cocky tone, “Blood Mage, I will let you live for now. Don’t let me see you again or I will definitely eat you next time.” Vedas attempted to leave after he said this.

“Too bad for you, stupid beast, because there will be no next time.” Kain smirked and confidently advised Vedas as he casted [Conjure Thunder Eagle] ten times and [Conjure Ice Gargoyle] three times.

Vedas couldn’t keep his cocky mode on any longer, he turned around and started running as fast as he could while Kain’s ten Thunder Eagles and three Ice Gargoyles flew to chase after him.

Kain deactivated [Abyssal Flesh] and [Demon Anatomy III] while asking out loud, “Do you think that you can outrun the flying speed of my Thunder Eagles? It won’t happen, stupid beast!”

Kain turned toward Jaane and saw she was still standing there instead of running away from him. Kain started chanting for another [Conjure Ice Gargoyle] spell while walking toward Jaane to kill her using his [Demon Anatomy I]. Jaane is just an Intermediate Earth Mage, and her defense won’t be enough to survive against Kain's Ice Gargoyle. However, Kain never looked down on his enemy that was why Kain planned to go all out in order to finish Jaane in an instant.

Jaane knew what Kain was planning, she smiled and said, “It’s okay. I won’t fight back.”

“You know that I was going to kill you?” Kain was about to activate his [Demon Anatomy I] but he stopped after hearing Jaane tell him that she won’t fight back.

“I know. I saw a swarm of bats was flying earlier and didn’t think much about it. But after finding out you are a Blood Mage, it seems to make sense now. You were the masked Blood Mage who saved another Blood Mage that was protecting a little girl five years ago in Flumen city. No wonder why you weren’t there at that time and that masked Blood Mage had the same body shape that you have.”

“I shouldn’t be telling you this although you are going to die anyway. But yes, that was me. The humans killed my parents, my savior, my kind all around Toria Continents. One day the humans will have to kneel in front of us Blood Mages once again!”

Jaane could see the anger in Kain’s eyes. She was neither mad nor scared but felt sympathy for Kain. “He must have been through too much.” Jaane thought to herself.

Kain casted [Conjure Ice Gargoyle] and was about to command it to kill Jaane. If Jaane dares to fight back, Kain will personally kill her using his Black Magic. But before Kain gave the command for his Ice Gargoyle, Jaane asked, “Kain, will you grant me a final wish before killing me?”

“I will give your parents a sum of gold coins so they can live the rest of their lives in peace. I guarantee you that no harm will ever come to them.” Kain thought Jaane was asking him to look after her parents or something like that.

“That is not the wish I'm asking for. Will you be my husband, just for a little while?”

“Be… be what? Your husband?”

“I have loved you for too long, Kain Almos. I know that I am dying and won’t be ashamed of admitting it to you anymore. I have loved you from the very first time when I saw you were dueling with Arthur Castillon at the dueling ground of our Mages' Academy. I couldn’t help myself but fell in love with you in a blind way notwithstanding knowing you will never love someone like me. When I saw you and Sofia were happy together, I only hope that one day you will care about me only half of what you have cared for her. My biggest dream wasn’t to become a Master Mage, but to become your wife, give birth to our kids, and live with you for the rest of my life. I love you, Kain Almos.”

Jaane then kissed Kain on the lips as she closed her eyes waiting for his Ice Gargoyle to cut her head off as it did to Chas Sandwise the other night.

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