Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 10 (10/10)

Unlike the [Replica] spell of Wind Magic, Tim’s [Second Self] does not require mana to cast or maintenance to keep it working. Tim knew Kain wouldn’t be able to survive against his [Purification] spells, but it better to be safe than to be sorry. Tim decided to keep his [Second Self] active until he is announced as the winner of this match. After all the smoke of dust created by Tim’s [Puficication] spells went away, Tim saw the black-hair Kain and blonde-hair Kain were still alive. His mouth opened wide and couldn't close it due to disbelief that someone could survive his [Purification] spell casted five times in a roll.

After ten seconds of uncomfortable silence, Tim smiled and said, “My calculation was wrong. Your life force is much larger than I thought.”

Kain shook his head and said, “You weren’t wrong. Three of my health pools were depleted, my last health pool is also near depletion. If I didn’t have four health pools, even the [Second Life] spell of Conjuration Magic won’t be able to save me from that.”

“I comprehend now. Continuing to fight with you will result in my defeat. Because even if I manage to kill you momentarily, you will still be able to revive yourself using [Second Life]. That ten percent life force granted after using the [Second Life] spell is equal to forty percent of one health pool since you have four health pools total. I, on the other hand... My life force and mana pool weren't going to regenerate fast enough to win this battle. Kain Bersk, it has been a good match. I hereby declared surrender.”

“I don’t think that is an option. This is a fight to the death, remember? I'm so eager to cut every pair of your Angel Wings down before chopping your head off.”

The loud voice said, “Tim Vydia had surrendered, Kain Bersk is the winner for this match.”

Kain asked in a surprised tone, “What? I thought this is a fight to the death.”

The loud voice answered, “I have never said that. Kain Bersk, please retreat to your rest chamber for now. Three hours later, two Watcher’s Messengers will escort you to a manor temporarily granted to you to rest for a year. The next battle will require you to fight at full power.”

Kain nodded his head to acknowledge that he will be able to rest for a year. While walking back to the rest chamber waiting to be escorted to a manor, Kain thought, “Rest for a year instead of just two hours like the previous battle huh... Shit, I could have used my [Devil Anatomy] to kill that Angel Battlemage in one attack without afraid of the 24 hours cooldown. Anyway, a year here is like a day in Finwe's realm. It would upset him if he gets conjured back here that soon. I will conjure Finwe so he can rest with me in the manor as well.”

Kain planned to have Finwe rest for a year in the manor with him by that way he will be at full power when being conjured to fight together with Kain in the last match of this Tenth-tier. However, as soon as Kain got back to his rest chamber, Kain could feel that the abyss link chained between him and Finwe was getting weaker and weaker.

“What is going on?” Kain asked himself using a worrying tone. Whenever the link connected a Soul-Bound Creature and its Conjurer Mage get weaker, that means the Soul-Bound Creature was losing its life force which could result in permanent death. If the Soul-Bound Creature dies in its realm, the chain connected between it and its Conjurer Mage will be broken.

“Finwe…” Kain couldn’t do anything besides wishing Finwe would be able to survive whatever was happening to him in his realm.

A month later in the Timeless Dungeon, which was about two hours in Finwe’s realm. The link connected between Kain and Finwe was about to be broken. “No!” Kain yelled out loud because this meant Finwe’s life was in great danger and he could die at any moment. Tears started running down Kain’s eyes as he remembered all the times Finwe helped him out to defeat his enemies.

“I won't let you die, buddy. I will save you at all cost.” Kain immediately meditated for his astral form to travel to the realm of Thunder Eagles. This ability is only available for Saint-tier Conjurer Mages. There are two rules the Conjurer Mage must obey when traveling to other realms using the astral form. The first rule is not to interfere with other creatures' lives like helping, feeding, or hurting them. If encountered by a powerful hostile creature, the Conjurer Mage can immediately travel back to his/her realm without getting hurt. The second rule, the Conjurer Mage can challenge creatures to defeat them in order to create new Saint-tier Conjuration Magic spells. But the Conjurer Mage can not kill any creature at all while still in their astral form.

Kain's astral form arrived at the realm of the Thunder Eagles. He checked the abyss link and saw that it was too weak already.

"I don’t have much time left.” Kain told himself as he flew toward the direction Finwe was in through the abyss link chained between him and Finwe.

Because Kain was in his astral form, he can’t use any Magical Blood Equipment that he has. Even so, Kain was confident in himself that he could face any creature that was hurting Finwe. “I’m coming buddy, please hang on.” Kain increased his flying speed faster and faster hoping to get there as soon as possible.

Approximately twenty minutes later, Kain arrived and saw Finwe was fighting with over a hundred Eagle Men that looked just like him. If it wasn’t for the abyss link chained between Finwe and him, Kain wouldn’t know which Eagle Man is Finwe.

“Hmm? A black-hair human? Why is there a human here?” One of the Eagle Men asked out loud while pointing his finger in a direction. Because the abyss link is only visible to Kain and Finwe, no one else could know Kain bound Finwe to his Conjurer Soul. Other Eagle Men heard one of them mentioning a human. They looked toward the direction pointed by the other Eagle Man and were surprised to see Kain was flying toward them at a breakneck speed. Not because it has been too long since they last saw a human, but because that speed was too fast for them to catch up without using the [Thunder Step] spell.

“What is your interest here in our realm, human!?” An Eagle Man asked out loud.

Kain saw Finwe was in a very terrible shape. His head was bleeding. Both of his eyeballs were halfway falling out. His left arm was cut. Both of his legs seem to be broken. His right-wing was still bleeding caused by a sword that was penetrating through it. Needless to say, Finwe was fighting with those Eagle Men as they were still surrounding him in hostile manners.

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