Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 10 (6/10)

Using the same tactic that Finwe used, Grassus casted [Thunder Step] spell to increase his moving speed to a hundred times faster and appeared behind blonde-hair Kain in less than three seconds as he casted [Storm Sword] then struck the storm sword into Kain's back attempted to electrocute him to death.

[Storm Sword], a level 40 Thunder Magic spell. This spell will create a storm sword on the caster's hand. This storm sword can penetrate through all types of armor and stun, as well as cause damage on a single target within five feet radius. If the target enemy has weak Magical Resistance, the storm sword will be stuck in his/her body and continuously electrocuted until he/she dies. However, if the target enemy's Magical Resistance is too high, the storm sword will bounce off and cause no damage to the enemy.

The storm sword bounced off Kain’s back because his Magical Resistance is too strong. Kain smiled and activated the [Time Slow] spell as a counter technique against Grassus’s [Thunder Step] spell. Despite the time being slow, Grassus’s movement speed was still incredible. Kain saw Grassus was casting some other spell. Kain walked behind Grassus and deactivated [Time Slow] as he swung his icy greatsword into Grassus’s back. Grassus was surprised that Kain’s speed increased tremendously for like a second. Grassus dodged Kain’s sword attack and then ran away as far as he could.

Kain thought and shook his head, “If I can use my physical strength or magical power when [Time Slow] was activated…”

Grassus got back to Milvia’s location and advised her, “Be careful. He had some kind of magic spell that could increase his movement speed more than a hundred times faster in one second. That spell could counter my [Thunder Step] spell and prevent me from being able to surprise attack him.”

Incirion sprinted in front of black-hair Kain and swung both of his swords onto Kain’s head. Kain smirked and refused to move as he continued chanting for [Conjure Aerlix] spell. As Incirion’s swords were about to land on Kain’s head, Kain’s left Vampire Wing blocked it while his right Vampire Wing attacked him. Being a well-trained Eleventh Stage Saint Warrior, Incirion remained calm and kicked Kain’s right Vampire Wing away then repeatedly slashed his swords at Kain.

Both of Kain’s Vampire Wings continued to repeatedly block Incirion’s attacks for more than twenty seconds. Kain finally finished chanting for [Conjure Aerlix] spell and immediately casted it while his Vampire Wings still blocking Incirion’s swords attacks. A gray skin, white-hair woman wearing a white Magical Robe embedded with six Magical Ice Stones appeared. Her left hand was holding a Magical Staff embedded with a large Magical Mana Stone and a Magical Frost Dagger embedded with a small Magical Mana Stone holstered on her right hip. Aerlix isn’t a Saint-tier Ice Mage that was why she couldn’t create any Saint-tier Ice Magic spell. But because of Kain’s current level, Aerlix’s magical power, health pool, and mana pool were scaled to match with a level 100 Ice Mage as well. Despite that, Aerlix still can’t create and cast any Saint-tier Ice Magic spell.

Aerlix immediately casted [Ice Age], a level 40 Ice Magic spell to granted a strong frosty aura around her that would enhance her next magic spell up to six hundred percent (six times) stronger. Not stopping there, Aerlix immediately casted [Ice Ruins], a level 35 Ice Magic spell to placed five ice ruins around Incirion. Each ice ruin would explode upon being stepped on by any creature regardless of friendly or hostile. Because of [Ice Age] activated, five ice ruins turned into thirty ice ruins to completely sealed Incirion inside by leaving him nowhere to move.

Incirion smirked as he said, “This trick would work on warriors that couldn’t fly.”

Kain opened his eyes widely, smiled, and asked, “So, can you fly?”

“I can’t fly. But I can step on mid-air six times and that would be enough to get me out of here.” Incirion jumped up then started stepping on air to jumped up even higher as he intends to sprinted in mid-air out of the area of those thirty ice ruins.

Kain didn’t expect Incirion could do something like that, no wonder why he is the leader of that group despite being just a warrior. Kain grinned in happiness and flew toward Incirion in super fast speed and used his right knee to slammed into Incirion’s stomach. Incirion knew Kain would use this opportunity to attack since fighting in mid-air will be at his disadvantage. He used both swords to blocked Kain’s right knee attack while he continued stepping on mid-air to get even higher. As Kain’s right knee touched Incirion’s swords, Kain struck his Ice Spear into Incirion’s head. Incirion dodged his head to a side allowing Kain’s Ice Spear to hit him on the shoulder which could result in slowing down his movement due to the effect of Kain’s Ice Spear.

“My armor should be tough enough to protect my shoulder from being injured. But the effect of being slowed down causing by his Ice Spear is annoying.” Incirion thought to himself. Then a very bright light aura released from Kain and blinded Incirion for one second. After that second was over, Incirion noticed he was being choked in mid-air.

"How?" Incirion couldn't believe what was happening to him as Kain didn't touch him at all.

"[Vampiric Clench]." Kain had no problem letting Incirion know that he was using one of the Vampire Lord's spells.

"The bright flash, what was that?"

"Oh, that? That was [Sun Flash] ability. Enough talk, time for you to die."

Incirion was talking to Kain with the intent to buy more time and attempted to find a way of escaping from Kain's [Vampiric Clench]. Kain knew that but still decided to toy with his prey for a little while longer before crushing Incirion's neck using telekinesis power from [Vampiric Clench].

Kain learned a lesson from allowing Aber Hardy to get revived before, he promised himself to never allow anything like that from happening again. To prevent Incirion from having a chance of getting revived by Mellisan. Kain transformed from a Vampire Emperor into a Flesh Vampire Emperor Monster using [Abyssal Flesh] then ate Incirion’s from head to toe, leaving the empty armor fallen on the ground. Kain deactivated his [Abyssal Flesh] to return to his Vampire Emperor form. With blood dripping down on Kain’s mouth, he commanded, “Aerlix, help Finwe to take down their Light Mage.”

Aerlix casted [Summon Ice Guardian] then commanded her Ice Guardian to spam casting [Ice Spear] spells toward Ozmos forcing him to go on the defense mode allowing Finwe continued trying to break through Mellisan newly casted [Holy Aura] and [Circle of Protection] spells.

Kain raised both of his hands as he activated [Blood Extricate] and then casted [Convene Ancient Vampires], a magic spell reserved for only Vampire Emperors. Ancient Vampires have the strength of Seventh Stage Saint Warriors. Ten of them may not be strong enough to take down a single Eleventh Stage Saint Warrior. That was why Kain decided to convene precisely a thousand Ancient Vampires to secure his victory. Kain then activated [Darkness] to enhance the strength of all the Ancient Vampires he had convened.

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