Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 11 (11/11)

Kain was thinking about whether he would travel to the realm of Thunder Eagles to apologize to Finwe, but Watcher Sivna’s punishment had prevented him from being able to do so. Iris then teleported Kain to the Eleventh-tier and gave him a quest before she disappeared again. The quest for the Eleventh-tier was pretty easy considering how strong Kain was now. All Kain had to do is hunt down the Thirty Head Hydra that has been creating terror in the Aciejan Kingdom.

After Iris vanished, Kain casted [Conjure Imreia], [Conjure Lazela], and [Conjure Aerlix] spells. Kain said, “Lazela, cast [Wind Walk] spells on Imreia, Aerlix, and yourself. I needed you guys to go find the Thirty Head Hydra in the Aciejan Kingdom and kill it. I will find some human towns to refill my Blood Equipment.”

Lazela and Aerlix nodded to show they have understood Kain's command while Imreia said, “Consider it done, human. Next time you don't have to conjure those useless creatures. I alone can kill that Thirty Head Hydra.”

Despite the evil looks Lazela and Aerlix gave her, Imreia held her head high without making any kind of eye contact with them. Kain thought Imreia, Lazela, and Aerlix can work better together since they are all females that was the reason why he conjured three of them for this quest. But it seems like either Imreia was too confident in herself or she just doesn't like teaming up with other female creatures.

Kain asked, "Perhaps you want me to conjure some male creatures instead of female creatures?"

Imreia stared at Kain and asked him back, "What do male creatures make different? I just don't need any weak creatures to weigh me down."

That just confirmed Kain's curiosity about if Imreia hates other female creatures. Kain said, "You can travel alone if needed. Lazela, you, and Aerlix teamed up to hunt the Hydra while Imreia will hunt alone. I just needed that Hydra to be killed, regardless of who is going to be the one to slay it."

Lazela said, "Agreed, Aerlix and I will travel together." She then casted [Wind Walk] spell on Aerlix and herself to fly away from here. Lazela afraid Aerlix may not be able to hold her anger and started fighting with Imreia that was why she rushed Aerlix to fly away as well.

Kain shook his head and said, "Imreia, why are you acting like that? Thirty Head Hydra isn't a weak mythical creature. Isn't it better if you work together with Lazela and Aerlix?"

Imreia said, "Next time don't conjure me together with those bitches, or I will beat you up."

"You know that you can't beat me. Anyway, I have to go refill my Blood Equipment now. Good luck with your hunt."

Imreia spirited away while Kain flew around looking for a human town for his massacre of collecting human blood. Just fifteen minutes after flying, Kain saw a big town that has humans reside. Kain thought it was going to be an easy piece of cake, but after Kain killed more than sixty percent of the population in that city, he encountered a powerful level 80 Thunder Mage who managed to temporarily stop his massacre using [Thunder Orb] spell.

[Thunder Orb], level 45 Thunder Magic spell. Thunder Orb follows and protects its caster for ten minutes by constantly casting [Thunder Strike] spells toward enemies that come within twenty feet radius. Thunder Orb’s magical power scales with its caster and has an unlimited mana pool but a very low health pool which can easily be killed if the enemies can come closer to attack it.

Kain laughed out loud and asked, “Really? Using that kind of weak magic spell against me? Alright, let’s see what that thunder orb can do.” Kain then walked closer to that level 80 Thunder Mage allowing his thunder orb to start casting [Thunder Strike] spells on him.

As Kain had predicted. Even casted by a level 80 Thunder Mage, that thunder orb couldn’t cause any real harm besides minor scratches on his body. Kain quickly activated [Magic Annulment] spell to prevent that Thunder Mage from being able to cast any other spell and killed him after one powerful right leg kick.

Twelve days later. Imreia successfully located and was fighting with the Thirty Head Hydra for more than two hours before Lazela and Aerlix arrived. It doesn't matter how much Imreia didn't want to, Lazela and Aerlix teamed up to defeat the Hydra as it was also the quest Kain had given to them. Three of them then returned to Kain's location together to report to him about the quest has completed.

Kain also finished refilling all of his Blood Equipment. Kain thought about summoning Amdusias, Demon Lord of the Third Gate who can use Light Magic to cast [Mass Resurrection] spells to revive all humans who were killed then erased their memories so they wouldn’t remember anything about it. After thorough thinking, Kain then decided not to do that since those human lives didn't mean anything to him anyway.

Iris appeared and teleported Kain to the Twelfth-tier where he was tasked with assisting a small Orc tribe to survive against all invasion from the High Orc Nation.

"It could take years and years to finish this quest. The best way to complete it sooner is to either eliminate the High Orc Nation from this world or reduce their population to the minimum so they can no longer launch any invasion toward that small Orc tribe." Kain thought to himself.

Kain didn’t even bother to fight those weak High Orcs. He created an army containing ten thousand Phantom Leeches by sacrificing his mana pol and eight blood pools. The Phantom Leech can recover its health by attacking enemies. High Orcs are strong, but not even ten percent of them reached Saint-tier Warrior. Those ten thousand Phantom Leeches defeated six major High Orc Armies and lay siege on the capital city of the High Orc Nation. After just two weeks of battle, the High Orc Nation population quickly reduced to just a small tribe.

Iris teleported Kain to the Thirteenth-tier where he was tasked to defeat ten Sixteen Wings Angel Warriors without using magic or Magical Blood Equipment. Needless to say, without even using his Diamond Ice Spear, Kain easily finished killing those Angel Warriors in less than thirty minutes using just his physical power.

Standing strong after slaying the last Sixteen Wings Angel Warrior, Kain thought to himself, “After the physical battle with Kimaris, those Sixteen Wings Angel Warriors are no longer considered strong in my perceptions. Such a shame. I once dreamed of having a Sixteen Wings Angel Warrior under my command because thinking it can help me fight back with any strong enemy that I can encounter in Toria Continents. But presently, even ten of them can’t defeat me when I don’t use magic or Blood Equipment.”

Iris appeared and teleported Kain to the Fourteenth-tier of this Timeless Dungeon. Kain opened his eyes and saw a long brown beard man standing ten feet tall looking at him in a hostile manner. Kain smirked and asked Iris, "Let me guess, you want me to kill him."

Iris nodded her head and said, "Correct. He is-"

"No need for the introduction. Iris, don't go anywhere. I will finish him in one attack."

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