Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 11 (3/11)

Kain thought about it again for ten seconds. He smirked and then made a bold statement, “Even Watcher Tykan and Watcher Zorim bet that I will lose huh. Alright, I choose to fight. I will defeat that Devil and make all the Watchers who bet against me regret it. You! The unknown Watcher who kept speaking to me using a vexatious loud voice, I will make you rich today! I highly recommended you to bet everything you have on me because I will not lose!”

“Watchers, did you hear that? Kain Bersk said that he will prove you wrong. Let's double our bet, what do you say?”

All Watchers agreed to double their bet on Evienne Lucifuge as the winner while the loud voice confirmed their bet.

Kain heard many Watchers spoke to each other guaranteeing that he would lose but he ignored their stupidity. After carefully observing Evienne again, Kain thought to himself while smiling, “I have more than two hundred Magical Blood Equipment. If I still lose this battle, then I no longer deserve to live.”

The loud voice asked Kain one last time, “Kain Bersk, are you ready to fight with Evienne Lucifuge? You may still choose to surrender now if you wish.”

Kain slammed his Magical Diamond Ice Spear on the ground very hard then started putting on ten Blood Rings on his fingers and two Blood Pendants on his neck. After activated [Infused Blood], Kain said, “I am ready to murder that bitch.”

“Good for you. Evienne Lucifuge, how about you? Are you ready to fight with Kain Bersk?”

“Yes, sir. I am ready.”

“Very well, I hereby announced this battle has officially started!”

Kain wasted no time and immediately casted [Second Soul] while activating [Soul Bridge] to conjure Finwe. Blonde-hair Kain appeared then immediately used the ultimate spell, [Devil Anatomy], to transform himself into a Devil and his choice of weapon was a giant fiery battle-ax. Evienne also didn’t look down on her opponents, she wasted no time in summoning Thirteen Gates of Hell Realm and opened them allowing millions and millions of powerful demons to walk through, as well as the Thirteen Demon Lords.

After Finwe flew through the portal opened by [Soul Bridge], Black-hair Kain casted the [Soul Mate] spell, enhanced Finwe's magical power to level 100, as well as enhanced his strength to Eleventh Stage Saint Warrior. Finwe nodded at Kain to let him know that he is ready to fight at any time. Kain said, “Finwe, just stay and protect me. I will conjure as many powerful creatures as I can.”

“No worry, no one can touch you while I'm still alive.” Finwe firmly stated.

[Summon Demon Lord] spell of Black Magic can only summon an avatar of a Demon Lord, not a real one. That was why the Demon Lord summoned by a Black Mage will have to scale level with the magic caster that summoned it. And of course, many Black Mages can summon the same Demon Lord at the same time since it's their avatars, not the real Demon Lord. Devils on the other hand have the power to open Hell Gates which allows Demon Lords to walk through the Hell Gates in their true forms and gain the potential to unleash their magical power, physical strength, skills, abilities, and aptitudes to the most comprehensive.

Silver-hair Kain (Devil Form) and Evienne flew up high to start fighting with each other. Unlike Kain who chose a giant fiery battle-ax, Evienne chooses two icy swords as her choice of weapons. Just like Kain had assumed, Evienne focused her training on agility speed instead of physical strength. The battle between Kain and Evienne will be a battle of strength versus speed. Kain believed his overwhelming strength in the Devil's form will not lose to Evienne's agility speed. Since Kain had the option of using Magical Blood Equipment, even a God-tier Warrior won’t be able to stand against him.

Sizouze, Demon Lord of the First Gate.

Tuchulcha, Demon Lord of the Second Gate.

Amdusias, Demon Lord of the Third Gate.

Chemosh, Demon Lord of the Fourth Gate.

Crocell, Demon Lord of the Fifth Gate. Unlike other Demon Lords who have horns and scary faces, Crocell is the only Demon Lord that has the appearance of a half-naked male Angel wearing white pants, white boots, and has a pair of wings that looks similar to Angel Wings but in black color instead of white color Angel Wings. Different compared to Amdusias who possessed an Angelic Soul, Crocell was born without an Elemental Soul and can’t use any type of magic. However, his swordsmanship skills are much stronger compared to Sizouze. Crocell is famous for fighting with a greatsword and no armor because his skin is tougher than the platinum armor that Sizouze is wearing.

Eligos, Demon Lord of the Sixth Gate. Similar to Crocell, Eligos is a warrior type and possessed no Elemental Soul. Different compared to Crocell who has the appearance of an Angel with a pair of Black Wings, Eligos has four horns on his head, no wings on his back, but has an immortal flying horse that can help him fly. Despite being immortal, his flying horse doesn’t have the ability to fight or cast any magic spells. Eligos carried a fiery lance that can enlarge or shrink at will. If compared to Crocell who is an expert of one versus one fight, Eligos is famous for his fighting style of one versus many.

Belial, Demon Lord of the Seventh Gate. He also has four horns on his head and no wings on his back. Belial is a level 100 Saint Wind Mage that has a mana pool three times larger compared to a regular level 100 human Saint-tier Wind Mage. Belial may be weaker compared to other Demon Lords, but his ability to cast many Wind Magic spells at the same time can be bothersome for foes.

Dialen, Demon Lord of the Eighth Gate. She looks just like a normal human being except for a tiny horn on her head. Different compared to other Demon Lords who wear boots or shoes, Dialen has a pair of goat feet that are tougher than steel. Dialen possessed a Demonic Soul that allows her to use Novice-tier to Legend-tier Black Magic spells, as well as create her own Saint-tier Black Magic spells.

Aarna, Demon Lord of the Ninth Gate. She is very ugly, has two horns, no wings on her back, and possesses an Ice Soul. Not only Aarna is a level 100 Ice Mage, but her Magical Resistance rate is also higher compared to a normal human level 100 Ice Mage.

Sarsio, Demon Lord of the Tenth Gate. She looks just like an innocent purple hair ten years old girl. Sarsio has no horn on her head but has two pairs of Demon Wings on her back. She possessed a Thunder Soul. Sarsio has a higher Magical Penetration rate compared to a regular level 100 Thunder Mage.

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