Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 4 (3/8)

Kain turned around and saw a beautiful girl standing among the city guards. He asked, “You! Are you the Mayor of this city?”

“I am Princess Phyrra Filifar, daughter of-”

“I don’t care who your father is. Tell me, do you want to save this city?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Great! Find me two hundred buckets of human blood.”

“Human blood?”

“Yes! Make sure it’s human blood, not animal blood okay?”

“But for what?”

“I don’t have time to explain. Oh, wait! DO NOT KILL ANYONE! I repeat, do not kill anyone. Only gather blood from healthy adults. I don’t want blood from children, elders, or sick people. Got it?”

Princess Phyrra asked herself, “Should I trust this man who called himself a hero? Yes, I shouldn’t doubt him because there is no reason for him to lie. He had killed at least two million demons without killing a single citizen of my city.”

Thinking that way, Princess Phyrra gave the command for the Guards’ Captain, “Start gathering blood from healthy adult people as he said. Make sure it's real human blood and don't get more than five ounces per person. By that way, none of our citizens will die from this.”

“Yes, Princess Phyrra.” The Guards’ Captain immediately dispatched a group of a hundred thousand guards to go gather two hundred buckets of human blood.

About an hour later. Two hundred buckets of human blood were collected. Princess Phyrra gave the command to open the gate for the guards to bring the blood buckets out. Kain was so happy to see that two hundred human blood buckets have collected as he has requested. Kain immediately casted [Blood Extricate], a level 30 Blood spell that will actively extract blood inside the blood pools of all caster’s Blood equipment to form a big dark red energy ball that follows the caster everywhere he/she goes. The dark red energy ball will actively heal the caster and enhance all of his/her spells.

But in this case, the [Blood Extricate] used the human blood from the two hundred blood buckets instead.

After a gigantic blood ball was formed above Kain, he thought to himself, “This should be enough for me to use instead of tapping into the blood pool of my Blood Ring.”

Right after that, Kain deactivated [Second Soul] and casted [Demonic Hordes] once, twice, thrice, ten, twenty, thirty times. Due to the active buff from [Blood Extricate], thirty big portals connected to Hell Realm were opened. A total of four thousand five hundred thirty two (4532) High-tier demons, a hundred twenty six (126) Demon Generals, ten Elite Demons, and the Demon Lord, Tuchulcha, walked through the portals.

Tuchulcha, Demon Lord of the Second Gate. Tuchulcha had the appearance of a man having an eagle face and eagle wings on his back. He had four magical guardian snakes that can use Ice Magic to constantly guard him against all types of attacks whether magical or physical. Tuchulcha normally doesn’t involve in any fight because his conjured creatures will do all the fighting for him. That’s right, Tuchulcha possessed a Conjurer Soul allowing him to use Conjuration Magic.

Kain burst out laughing from being too happy, “Yes! Tuchulcha! This is the Demon Lord I exactly was looking for in a time like this to aid me.”

Tuchulca didn’t even need to conjure his Soul Bound creature to win this fight. He simply casted five thousand [Conjure Skeleton Warrior] and five hundred [Phantom Knight] spells. Using the same battle tactic that Kain had created, Tuchulca gave the commands for each Phantom Knight to be in charge of ten Skeletons and turned into a thousand groups. This army seems small compared to the remaining over seven million demons. However, because of combining with Kain’s current conjured creatures and Demon Hordes; they have quickly slain almost all ten million demons in under five hours forcing the enemies' Demon General to give the signal horn for withdrawal.

“The hero successfully drove back all ten million demons?” King Ulvein Filifar asked for confirmation after a royal guard delivered him this good news.

“Sire, he didn’t just drive them back but nearly slain them all.”

“Are you certain?”

“Yes, I have witnessed it with my own eyes. This hero was truly chosen by God to help us. I’m sure the Demon King won’t be able to stand against him.”

“Open the gate! I will personally go greet the hero!”

“Kain, congratulations on completing the first quest of the First-tier.” Iris appeared behind Kain to congratulate him.

"How did you know my name? I don't think I have told you my name yet."

"The Watchers told me. We know everything about you, Kain Bersk."

“Is that so? Anyway, defending this city was like eating a piece of cake. You can take me to the Second-tier now.”

“Second-tier? There are still nine more quests before you can gain access to the Second-tier.”

“Wait, what did you just say?”

“You heard me correct, Kain. Make sure you rest well to recover your mana and stamina. I will let you know when the second quest started.” Iris then disappeared again after advising Kain this.

"Nine more quests for this tier. Looks like it's gonna take a while to finish all fifteen tiers for this Timeless Dungeon." Kain thought to himself.

The gate opened. Kain prepared to walk in with confidence while being guarded by Finwe and the Ice Gargoyle. Kain had banished Tuchulcha, his Demon Hordes, and all other conjured creatures back to their realms right after the battle was over to show the idiots in this city that he is not a threat to them.

“Wow…” Kain surprisingly said when he saw all humans in the city kneel and bow down to him as he walked inside the gate. “This… this is exactly how you should treat a great hero such as myself!” Kain said as he pats the King on his head.

“Sir Hero. On the behalf of my people, I thank you for saving us from the brink of extinction.” King Ulvein Filifar humbly said while keeping his head bow down toward Kain.

“You have a crown on your head. Are you the King? What is your name?”

“I am King Ulvein Filifar, Sir Hero.”

“Just call me Kain, uh… Sir Kain is fine. I am not just a regular hero. I am the greatest hero you will ever meet in your pathetic life, do you understand?”

“The greatest hero? I have understood, Sir Kain.”

“Uhm. Now host a banquet to welcome me.”

“Yes, Sir Kain.”

“Oh, Princess something. You have done the right thing by getting me two hundred buckets of human blood or I won’t be able to drive them back this easy.”

Princess Phyrra bowed her head lower and submissively said, “I thank you for your kind words, Sir Kain.”

“Very good! Now guide me to your castle or palace or whatever it is that y’all live in and let’s party!”

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