Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 4 (5/8)

Later that day, Kain walked into the King’s Palace and spoke with King Ulvein Filifar about letting him marry the Princess. King Filifar said, “Sir Kain, I thanked you for saving my city and training our guards to be soldiers. I would have done anything including delivering my head to you if you wanted to. Nonetheless, I can’t force my daughter to marry someone without her approval. I suggest you propose to her directly.”

“Okay, where is the Princess now?”

“Phyrra is currently in the Royal Garden.”

Kain left the Palace and went into the Royal Garden to find Phyrra. Upon seeing Kain approaching, Phyrra rushed toward him and bowed down to show her respect. Kain said, “Princess Phyrra, I am here to officially propose to you. Will you marry me?”

Phyrra was a little surprised when Kain straightforwardly asked her that. She shook her head and humbly said, “Sir Kain, I sensed no love connection between you and me. More importantly, I have already fallen in love with someone else.”

“Ah, come on. Normally, girls fall in love with me, not the other way around. I can’t let her marry someone else or I will fail this quest.” Kain thought to himself.

Kain nodded his head and asked, “Who is this other man?”

“She is not a man. She is the third daughter of Mayor Reptor Ellarian. Her name is Rolanda Ellarian. We have been friends since we were kids and last year she proposed to me in secret which I have accepted. Even though you are a hero chosen by God, I won’t break the promise of marrying Rolanda. I’m sorry, Sir Kain.”

"What do you mean she is not a girl? Do you mean that… you fell in love with a girl?"


“A girl proposed to another girl? This realm is so different compared to Toria Continents. What should I do now? I can’t fail this quest. Should I kill that Rolanda girl? No, I can’t kill any human here or I will still lose the quest. This is so much harder than I thought. Ah, I got an idea.” Kain thought to himself.

“Princess Phyrra, I wanted to reveal to you something but please don’t tell anyone.” Kain softly whispered into Phyrra’s ear.

“Sir Kain, if it’s too important then you should tell my father.”

“No, give the signal for all of your guards to leave us alone. I want to reveal you a secret.”

“Are you trying to **** me by force?”

“I’m a hero. A hero! I won’t do things like that.”

After Phyrra gave the signal for her guards to leave this place. Kain casted [Shapeshifting] to turn himself into a very beautiful girl. Then he said, “This is my true form. I used the figure of a man to scare the demons away better. But in actuality, I am a woman. I have loved you since the first time I laid eyes on you, Princess Phyrra. The reason why I remained here instead of leaving was because of you. I could have left this place right after I drove off the ten million demons. But I decided to stay because I wanted to know you better and I found out today that I have fallen in love with you. I thought you liked men, that was also why I didn’t transform back into my true form.”

Princess Phyrra was speechless after seeing Kain transformed into a stunningly beautiful girl. Kain was now much more beautiful compared to Rolanda. If given a choice, Phyrra won’t marry Rolanda and choose to marry Kain instead. Still, she already accepted the marriage proposal from Rolanda and Princess Phyrra isn’t the type of betrayal.

Phyrra said, “I’m sorry, Sir Kain. But I can’t betray Rolanda.”

“How about I marry you both? Everyone thinks I’m a man anyway. A man in this world can marry more than one wife, am I right?”

“Yes. My father had signed a law into effect that a man can marry up to ten wives. Because we needed to reproduce more due to our population being very low."

“There you go. You and Rolanda can be the sister wives.”

“I... Please let me speak with Rolanda first. I wanted to hear her opinion.”

“Sure, I will go with you.” Kain then deactivated [Shapeshifting] to turn himself back into a man.

Rolanda immediately agreed to marry Kain the moment she saw him turned into a beautiful girl. Because of no objection, Princess Phyrra also agreed to marry Kain as well. Two weeks later, the wedding ceremony was completed and Kain was officially married to Phyrra Filifar and Rolanda Ellarian. On the first night of being together, Kain told Phyrra and Rolanda that they can enjoy each other while he walked out of the room leaving them confused about why Kain acted that way.

“The quest was to propose and marry Phyrra and I have done that. There is no need for me to actually have sex with her, am I correct?” Kain whispered into thin air knowing Iris was somewhere nearby.

Iris appeared and asked, "How do you know that I am here?"

"I'm sure you have always been nearby watching my performance, just like the Watchers."

“Well, congratulations, Kain Bersk. You have completed the third quest. The fourth quest is to impregnate both Phyrra and Rolanda.”

“You! You aren’t being serious, are you?”

“I'm being dead serious. The Watchers set up this quest, I’m just here to deliver.”

“Tell the Watchers that they are a bunch of sick perverts!”

“I will deliver your message to the Watchers. Now tell me, do you accept the fourth quest?”

“I accepted…” Kain had no other choice but to accept it.

Kain walked back into the bedroom and saw Phyrra was ‘playing’ with Rolanda. They saw Kain come back and were happy thinking he would join them. But then Kain delivered the shocking news to stunned them both, “I have always been a man. The female figure that I can transform into was fake. Both of you have married me now. I don’t care if you both want to have fun with each other while I'm not here. As your husband, I will make sure you both will carry and deliver my babies.”

Phyrra and Rolanda were mad that Kain had tricked them but there is nothing they can do to change it now. Because Kain said he allowed them to have fun with each other when he is not there, they agreed to be traditional wives who carry and deliver babies for him. Three months later, both Phyrra and Rolanda were announced as pregnant. Nine months after that, Phyrra delivered a son while Rolanda delivered a daughter for Kain. Iris appeared again to congratulate Kain as he had completed the fourth quest.

“Now for the fifth quest, the demons will attack this city again in two days. There are twenty million troops this time so you will have to fight harder.” Iris disappeared again after telling Kain his fifth quest.

Due to having the support from citizens of the city, Kain was once again driving back the twenty million demons using the human blood that was donated to him. Iris appeared to congratulate Kain again on his quest completion. Iris then told Kain that the sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth quest were mostly the same. It was defending this city from the demons' invasion but the time will be unknown so Kain will have to be alert at all times.

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