Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 9 (5/9)

Four days later. Lord Kath Donoghan arrived at Lastown city to meet up with other Lords, Members, and Executioners of their Colors. Upon seeing Kath, Lord Wrenn Fasketel and other Lords bowed their heads and thanked Kath for her help.

Seeing Kath returned empty-handed, Wrenn asked, “Lord Donoghan, What happened to Adrik Volsky?”

Kath sighed lightly and answered in a disappointed tone, “He got away.”

“Even you couldn’t capture him?”

Kath shook her head and said, “Despite being one of the strongest magic casters in Toria Continents, I still couldn’t capture him. Our fight went on for almost a day before he escaped. To be honest, I didn’t have much advantage against him. If his mana pool wasn’t reaching depletion sooner compared to mine...” Kath sighed lightly again instead of finishing what she was about to say.

Earth Magic is famous for defense advantage, not offense. It was no surprise that Kath couldn't capture Adrik unless he is much weaker than her. Wrenn and other Lords looked at each other then shook their heads as well. If Lord Donoghan couldn't defeat Adrik Volsky, there was no way they could survive against him. Together with Wrenn, other Lords bowed their heads again to thank her for saving their lives.

Wrenn asked, “The Guild Master of the Blood Mages Guild mentioned the King of Sungaria Kingdom betrayed the Mages Council, should we apprehend him when we get back to Emberun city?”

Kath shook her head and said, “Don’t be naive. Why would the enemy let you know such valuable information? He told you that because just in case if you can escape, he can still win by making the Mages Council wage war on a country based on a lie that he created.”

“Right. I was thinking the same thing. I’m glad you are here, or we would have made a terrible mistake. Oh right, how did you know we were in trouble?”

“David Bodwyn vanished without a trace when we tried to summon him back to Flumen city. Because of that, I had a very bad feeling that the Blood Mages Guild knew about our plan of attacking them. I asked the Holy Mage to let me go take a look just in case and I’m glad I made it there on time.”

After seeing sadness appear on Wrenn and other Lords’ faces, Kath sighed again and said, “I know that you guys have lost many Members and Executioners that you have brought. But look on the bright side, we have destroyed the secret hideout of the Blood Mages. It will be hard for them to rebuild another hidden secret hideout from now on since we are already aware of their existence.”

Lord Krasnaia said, “ Lord Donoghan is correct. At least we are still alive. We will take good care of the family members of the Members and Executioners that have fallen today. That is the least we can do.”

Back to the Timeless Dungeon. After traveling for over six months through countless cities, Kain finally reached Shorekeep city. “I needed to find Marc Jorudel.” Kain thought as he approached the city gate.

As usual, more than twenty guards at the gate observed travelers going in and out. Kain was stopped because the guards didn't recognize him. A female city guard asked, “Traveler, what is your business for visiting Shorekeep city?”

Kain smiled and answered, “My name is Kain Bersk. I”m from Toria Continents and am here to see Marc Jorudel so I can learn how to craft Magical Equipment.”

“Ah, you are here to see Master Jorudel. Toria Continents? Is it one of the faraway planets?”

“Yes, it is.”

“I see. You may enter the city now. If you run into any trouble, please let the patrol guards know.”

Kain was no longer surprised by Lycan's friendliness. In the first city, Kain thought he may have to murder them all but they quickly let him enter the city with a smile on their faces after hearing his name and that he came from another planet. “How can they easily trust me like that? What if I was lying to them? What are the points of having guards at the gate that can’t even do proper guards' duties?” All kinds of questions popped up in Kain’s head. Kain then learned the Lycan isn't afraid of humans or any other races that came from other planets. The only race they are afraid of is Vampire. It seems like there is an eternity-long war between the Lycan race and the Vampire race in this realm but Kain doesn’t care about it.

After several hours of walking, Kain found Marc Jorudel’s weapon blacksmith shop. Kain handed Marc the card that was given to him by Iris and told Marc that he wanted to learn how to craft Magical Equipment. After Marc received the card, he asked in a happy tone, “What Magical Equipment would you like to learn to craft first? Staff? Sword? Dagger? Blade? Armor? Ring? Pendant? Axe? Lance? Scythe?” Marc went on and on about different types of weapons and equipment that can be crafted which made Kain a little dizzy.

Kain said, “I want to learn to craft a Magical Ring first. Here is an example of what I want to learn to craft.” Kain handed Marc the LYAUR that was given to him when he first joined the Gray.

Marc examined the LYAUR carefully and said, “I could feel a strong magical creature is being locked inside. This Magical Ring is interesting, I will have to study more about it.”’

Kain thought an LYAUR would be an easy piece of cake for this Master Jorudel guy but seemed like he did not know anything about it. Even so, Kain smiled and said in a respectful tone while pointing toward a tavern, “Please take your time to learn more about it. I will be staying in the local tavern in the meantime. Please come see me when you ready to teach me how to craft that ring.” Kain quickly learned that there is no hotel in this realm but people can rent rooms at taverns and live temporarily there.

“Please wait. What if the creature inside the ring gets out and kills me?”

“Ah, let me release it first.” Kain released a Phantom Leech having the strength of a tenth-tier warrior he locked inside the LYAUR and banished it back to its realm before leaving the blacksmith shop.

Kain saved up some money by selling hides of the animals that his Skeleton Warriors hunted from all forests on the way to Shorekeep city. So far, he only sold about ten percent of all the hides saved inside his Storage Ring and there is still a lot of meat jerky stored in there as well. If Kain needed more money, all he had to do is send out his Second Soul to go hunt more animals. Kain doesn’t know how long he is going to be in this realm before finishing learning how to craft all Magical Equipment, but that wouldn’t be a matter anyway. It took Marc more than two months to finally give up on figuring out how to craft LYAUR. He sent one of his students to the tavern Kain was staying at to notify him about it. Kain was disappointed because he didn’t expect an LYAUR would be that hard to craft.

Kain looked at his LYAUR again and thought to himself, “Noe Clerico, how can you craft such an amazing item? If I can craft powerful LYAUR that can even lock a creature that possesses Eleventh Stage Saint Warrior or a creature that has the magical power of a level 100 magic caster, then who would be able to stand against me?”

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