Twin Soul

Book 3: Chapter 1 (3/7)

Kain thought about activating [Second Soul] to let his Second Soul follow Ariana but then decided not to. Only several people knew about his [Second Soul] spell in Toria Continents, and Kain wanted to keep it that way.

Kain said, “Right. I didn’t know much about the Dryarian Empire. I will stop by Hearlen city first so you can escort me to Benil city then.”

“Sure! I will wait for you, Uncle Kain.”

Kain flexed his Vampire Emperor Wings and flew away at a super-fast speed, leaving Ariana speechless of what she had just witnessed.

Ariana thought to herself, “Vampire Wings? Uncle Kain is awesome. Much more awesome than how I remembered him. He must be a level 50 Legend-tier Blood Mage like Master Robert Weaver. That is how he can use the [Vampire Lord Transmutation] spell. It may take me at least six hundred more years to reach level 50. With my talent in magic training, reaching Saint-tier is a possibility. I hope Uncle Kain can also advance into Saint-tier so we can live together for eternity.”

Ariana remembered how Kain rescued and took her to the Blood Mages Guild. After learning Novice Blood and Wind Magics, Ariana was assigned as a pupil of Master Robert Weaver, Level 50 Blood Ice Mage. Ariana trained so much quicker compared to other Blood Mages of her age. Because the Blood Mages Guild's existence was exposed, Master Weaver didn't send her off to be a spy in fear of losing a great talent such as herself. Ariana quickly advanced into level 31 Legend-tier at the age of thirty-five. Just over three hundred years after that, Ariana achieved level 40 in Legend-tier of Blood and Wind Magics.

Kain landed in front of Fyre who was still guarding the portal waiting for Evienne and Finwe to come through. Kain asked, “Any Thunder Eagle accidentally flew through the portal?”

“Yes, sir. I have killed and thrown their corpses back into the portal.”

“Good. You can go back to your realm now. Thank you for your help.” Kain then banished Fyre back to her realm.

Approximately six minutes later, Evienne flew through the portal first, and then Finwe flew through right after her. Kain asked, "Evienne, how did you locate Finwe so fast? Are you sure he is the real Finwe? You didn't even ask me to verify him first."

Evienne angrily answered, "You can verify him now. If he wasn't the Finwe you were looking for, then I will chop him to pieces. I screamed out loud everywhere I flew to in the realm of Thunder Eagles that I was looking for someone named Finwe and this Eagle Man revealed himself to me."

Kain turned toward Finwe and asked, "If you are my Finwe, do you know who I am?"

Finwe said, "Kain Bersk. I have bound to you when you were just a Master Conjurer Mage."

"Okay. Was I just a Conjurer Mage?"

"Blood Conjurer Mage."

"Say one thing that I have done to wrong you."

"You betrayed my friendship, Kain. You agreed to let Iris kill me."

At this time, Kain knew this Eagle Man standing in front of him was the real Finwe. The first thing Kain wanted to do now was to explain his decision. Kain said, “Finwe, I-”

Finwe interrupted him and said, “Your new Soul-Bound Creature has told me everything. I was angry at first but after knowing you have sacrificed rewards for the next four tiers in exchange for Iris to revive me after she slew me, I forgave you for your betrayal of our friendship. Looking from your point of view, I understand you can’t let such an opportunity of having a powerful Devil be your companion to slip off. I'm no longer useful to you like I used to.”

“Man, don’t say that. You are always useful to me. Anyway, I asked Evienne to bring you here for two reasons. First, I have some gifts to give to you. Second, you can choose to stay in Toria Continents to avoid fighting with your brother about the throne if you wanted to. With my current power, no one in this realm dares to oppose that.”

“I have thought about that long enough. I may have to take the throne away from my little brother. Having such a cruel person as him to be King of all Evolved Thunder Eagles isn’t a good idea. My people needed a better leader.”

“That is up to you to decide. Here, drink this first and we will continue to talk.” Kain handed Finwe the High-tier Advancement Potion.

Without thinking or knowing what that potion was, Finwe immediately drank it as Kain asked him to. Two seconds later, a dark purple aura was released and repeatedly flashed from Finwe’s body. Twenty-four seconds passed, Finwe could feel the new magical power inside his body that he had never imagined he could achieve that early. Finwe was familiar with that magical power because he received it every time Kain using [Soul Mate] spell when he was still a creature bound to Kain's Conjurer Soul.

Finwe asked in surprise, “This power… How do I receive this power? Is it because I drank this potion? Is this magical power going to be granted to me permanently?”

“You just drank a High-tier Advancement Potion that can upgrade a magic caster having magical power of level 80 or higher to instantly become a level 100 magic caster with the success chance of one hundred percent. Your magical power is now equally strong compared to a level 100 Thunder Mage. Yes, it is permanent.”

“Kain, this… I…” Finwe was speechless that Kain willingly gave him such a precious gift. Kain told Finwe before that he would give him an Advancement Potion, but that was when Finwe and Kain were still bound together. Also, a High-tier Advancement Potion that has a success chance of one hundred percent was too valuable compared to other High-tier Advancement Potions having a twenty percent chance of success.

“We aren’t done yet. Take this.” Kain handed Finwe a Soul Advancement Stone.

“What is this?”

“This is a Soul Advancement Stone. You can...” Kain stopped for a moment before continuing to say, "Give me a few seconds."

Kain turned toward Evienne and said, “I couldn't believe you went screaming everywhere to look for Finwe actually worked. Anyway, you can go back to Hell Realm now. Thank you for your help.” Kain then banished Evienne back to the Hell Realm regardless if she wanted to or not.

After Evienne was banished, Kain turned back toward Finwe and said, “You can use it to upgrade your Thunder Soul to a higher Elemental Soul. I don’t know which Soul it is going to be but I’m sure it wouldn’t be weaker compared to my Devil Soul.”

Finwe said, “Kain, I can’t accept such a precious gift. This Soul Advancement Stone is too valuable for me to accept.”

“Stop talking shit. You are my friend, aren’t you? I don’t want some dick head Conjurer Mage to defeat you and create a [Conjure Finwe] spell in the future. I wanted you to be able to control your own destiny despite with or without my help. You have helped me in the past, now it is the time for me to help you out.”

“But I-”

“Use it!”

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